YouTube Channel: "The World Of Big Ideas" Video Title: "TWOBI EP 21 ~ Luis Elizondo Part 1: Breaking the silence on UAP and recovered biologics" TWOBI EP 21 ~ Luis Elizondo Part 1: Breaking the silence on UAP and recovered biologics 56,841 views Premiered Aug 29, 2024 Mark Kovic sits down with former US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent Luis Elizondo, the man who once directed the controversial Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme AATIP. From: Transcript: I have a very special show today I feel very lucky to be in your presence how are you doing Lou good actually I feel equally lucky thank you for having me yeah I mean what there's a lot of people in the world that want to speak to you and here we are we're going to have a chat I'm not sure necessarily all them want to want to say nice things but I appreciate it the honor PR we find out aren't we one one way or the other yeah the honor and privilege is mine thank you thank you Mark it's great to be here it's honestly surreal to have you sat here because for those of you who listen to my podcast I had become aware of this kind of whole UAP thing from my brother and he's one of the most kind of critically thinking logically minded people and as we discussed today I found myself reaching a point where I thought oh damn I'm really going to have to look into this now and as fate would have it I'm walking down the street in London and there you are just on the corner of the street yeah it was uh that's that actually was my stunt double believe it or not no I'm kidding it's uh you know little known fact my one of my wife and my most favorite cities in the whole wide world uh has been has always been London my my wife's family on her father's side is all from the UK and um I distinctly remember the the first time um I took her to to to London um you know it was it was kind of like uh going back home to to the father Lane and in fact if you to this day if you go to London Heathrow Airport in the B terminal and look at the floor you'll see some what appear to be scratch marks and that's those are the claw marks my wife made as I had to drag her back onto the plane back to the United States come move over you know we're trying we're trying well I I found it as as a genuine kind of strange turn of Fate I found that whole thing so peculiar and it obviously explains a little bit why we're here I was fascinated by this subject and for a lot of people I would assume who will be watching this they be thinking you know everyone in the world wants to seemingly talk to Lou atondo and then here he is speaking to mark hovic on a on a small podcast and and I feel like the one thing I can try and get out of this conversation is the ability to just have a really honest Frank conversation with you maybe ask you questions that the typical media wouldn't maybe try and press you a little bit and see what's going underneath because as you know I've been fascinated by this whole subject for a while my first question to you is can you define why you're doing what you're doing in this space what is it that seems to be driving Lando wow uh good question um you're right I don't think I've ever been asked a question like that it's usually what do I know and you know what do I think but not really what motivates me um some people may know some people may not know I'm a father of two children um been married for for almost 30 years now and uh what drives me to have this conversation is the same thing that drove me to join the military to serve my country um go to war in fact um it's it's loyalty it's loyalty and patriotism um to an ideal my my family came here as immigrants my father was a political prisoner in Cuba um after the Bay of Pigs invasion he went to prison uh for several years and endured some horrible atrocities as a result came to the United States where he had um opportunities that uh that Cuba did not provide us and he he he thrived and I remember as a young child him always telling me look the United States is one of the best countries in the world not because it gives you things but it gives you the opportunity to achieve what you want to achieve if you're willing to put in the work right it's not automatic you don't just come to the United States and all of a sudden Presto you you get what you want you have to earn it and it's not guaranteed but what you are guaranteed is the opportunity and that's something that Cuba did not all allow us to do and so from a very young age um that was instilled in me and it was a driving force to serve my country and and that led later on for me to to get into the programs I did um I excelled in the intelligence community and I did pretty well I guess by their standard and um eventually was promoted into a position that uh well that I think probably now is why from a public perspective people know who I am um but it was because of that opportunity that the United States gave me and that's really what still drives me to this day is that that sense of loyalty to my nation to my country the sense of loyalty to your country is what is driving you to expose information yeah yeah I know it sounds a little weird maybe people say well isn't that kind of counterproductive no I don't think so I I think sometimes you know loyalty is is one of those things that's very hard to measure um and it's it's one of those things there's a an old saying sometimes to be a patriot you have to do things at the time that don't seem very patriotic um it's something that that that to me you know I I left the Department of Defense because I wanted to to fix what was wrong in the government not not to destroy it not to tear it down not to break it down um that was never my intention to basically use the system the mechanisms that were in the system already in order to have a very difficult conversation a conversation that I knew would probably impact me professionally and and personally most certainly and uh and and in every every aspect of my life it it has not been an easy Road and do you feel that what you're doing now is a means to rectify that and and regain some control in that aspect is well I I I don't I'm not seeking control I'm I'm seeking I'm seeking our government to work the way it was intended which is controlled by the people not controlled by Lou Alando right it's not I don't have a private agenda here to get gain anything out of it my agenda is to fix what is broke and hopefully not break more of it in the process of trying to fix it you know it's kind of like like trying to fix your car you've got a a a water pump that's broken the engine's overheating maybe a sticky valve and a blown out cylinder but you have to fix it while you're driving down the highway and and that's that's not really easy right that that's it's a little bit more complicated than just taking to a shop I want to get into a lot of those cogs that you want to replace in this conversation because I can understand a little bit more about what you mean you don't just throw the car out because you don't like those certain parts yeah I don't think we can afford to do that in fact it's not a matter of wanting to throw the car out or not the car works the car was designed great it's been driving great for for couple centuries now but like any car there are things that need to be repaired that need to be address and ignoring that problem is not the solution burying your head in the sand doesn't make the problem go away just makes a problem worse well for my listeners who aren't aware of Lou's history because obviously most people listening are Lou was involved in I guess we can call it whistleblowing for lack of a better way you you came out and exposed a concern that things were happening in our skies that there were potentially um things that the government had come across that they weren't telling people and and you were directly read into these programs and like I said we're going to dive into that in a in a in a minute but just before we start I want to pretext this in a little bit of a different way and I want to ask you a question about what you think your worst critics would say about you so before we go into this debate a little bit what what is it that you think people say about you that's that's critical well that depends uh are we talking about the funny goatee that I that I sometimes sport or my my terrible sense of fashion I'm talking about what you're doing here what your Mo your movement what you're trying to get through um you know it depends on on where you're sitting I I get a lot of I have a lot of critics out there um some are inside the government some are outside the government some would say um for example inside the government that I'm not patriotic um I Heard a conversation I'll share this with you several of the attorneys from an organization called arrow and can go into a little bit more about what that is later on but long story short that's the organization that was uh basically replaced my the program that I ran atip um eventually um some of the attorneys were having a Frank conversation with some of the scientists that I work with and worked with in the past while at atip and they said that I was unpatriotic and that I was hurting the Department of Defense and that that I was considered a traitor um that cut very deep um from the outside of the government why do you think that cut you so deep well because I I like to think I'm the most patriotic person out there I I'm doing what I'm doing in essence I'm finishing the very job that I was given to begin with you know the irony here is that the Department of Defense entrusted me to do a job and in order to finish that mission I had to leave the very Department that I loved so much I lefted to fix it um and that's so you essentially quit in rebellion in a way you you quit that position I resigned and that's not unusual here in the US government you know for some of your listeners I I I don't know how how common this is in other countries but here in the United States especially in our military apparatus if you can't fix a problem you don't stay there and you don't make the problem worse um you resign and so in 2017 in uh October October early October I submitted my resignation to the Secretary of Defense and by the way you know it I think it's important to note that the Secretary of Defense a year later did exactly the same thing he resigned in protest because he was not getting the support he needed to do his job from the administration at the time um so it's it's not uncommon people resign in protest um as a military person what you don't want to do is make a problem worse by staying there and creating internal issues understand so um that's it's so one of your one of your biggest critics you would say would be someone that says you're not loyal to your country what else is there is there any other argument that you saw yeah there's a lot the from the outside um a lot of times I've been been accused of being a it's a term we use here in the US called grifter or grifting it's someone who is trying to profit or a profit profiting off of a particular topic and that's their primary motivation they don't really have any expertise in anything but they find an opportunity to exploit and they they try to to G gain financially from that exploit that situation well I mean I can have some respect for that argument I mean in the sense that you are someone with a growing following I'm I've been very interested in your insights and the information that you Expose and I can understand that a lot of people would look at that and say well hold on a second what if this guy is loyal to his country and he's going out and he's doing all of these things for the betterment of us as a functioning law-abiding Society why would he feel the need to charge money for say releasing a book or releasing films or documentaries and and I can understand that argument so it's fascinating that that's one of the first things that you you come into because it is it is a good question I'm H happy to address it now and if it comes up again we can continue to address it if you want but the long story short is I've been engaging this now for almost seven years at Great personal cost and and and almost Financial ruin um if if I if I was a businessman this is probably the worst business decision anybody could ever make um money has never been my motivation um there were times where my wife and I and literally uh uh had to sell one of our kids cars and um leave our house and and and live in a in an RV a trailer for a couple years uh simply because um I am I I was trying and still continue try to do the right thing now the question is what's the right thing well it's trying to bring attention to I don't want to say malfeasance because I think malfeasance is probably a harsh word but um dysfunction there is dysfunction within the US government involving a particular topic which I'm sure we're going to get into that is um in my opinion a topic that that every American and frankly the world probably should be made aware of a topic that is real a topic that affects every single one of us equally although differently and um it's it's something I have dedicated my my life to and now so back to your question you know about grifting and and making money I haven't really made any money off this the only time I any but I guess but you're about to and this is kind of like the F the friendliest way of obviously we' spoken about this me and you in general anyway because I've been fascinated by your journey but I want to put myself in the position of so many people that would just want to look you in the eyes and ask you these direct questions because it's like I want to kind of be as mean as I can because it's not in my nature but I'm so desperate genuinely so desperate for as much solidly grounded concreted truth and honest honesty on this matter just because I've been so confused by it and I know that there's going to be people out there just a bit confused why a book why is he now monetizing it so like just on the specific element how do you feel about the fact that you will now be monetizing this thing this be putting dollars in your pocket sure sure well um first of all I I don't have any issues with making a profit I I think that is here in the United States anyways we are a capitalist country and it's very very common for people to leave the government and then talk about their experiences in a book but that's not my motivation and let me be clear about that you know one thing is to make money tangentially off of something another thing is to make money and that's your only motivation that is not my motivation here my motivation here I mean don't get me wrong I'm not going to complain that I'm going to actually pay some bills with this finally but in reality writing a book gives somebody an ability to put your thoughts down in a way that no one can take and and manipulate or make a a clever sound bite off most people know I do a lot of interviews and have done a lot of interviews in the past but these are interviews especially with major media Outlets that are usually 5 minutes or less and you have a little bit of a sound bite and most of the time they already have a question they want to ask you the book is an ability for me to address the things that I find important the things that I think need to be addressed involving this big particular topic and in a way that is in my voice right no one's putting words into my mouth it's uncensored unfiltered what you see is what you get and that's very important because it's authentic you're hearing it directly from me from from my brain down onto paper and it's also indelible please don't get me wrong podcasts are wonderful and interviews are wonderful but books are forever books are tangible books are something that can sit on a bookshelf and generation after generation can read it and there's nothing no unless you're going to burn every book In America which you know good luck with that it becomes indelible it becomes a permanent record for the time and it is something that allows me to address all the issues that I think need to be addressed that I wouldn't normally have an opportunity in the time to do for example this podcast no matter how long we sit here unless you're prepared to sit here for the next month and a half 24 hours a day I'll never be able to get that I'm ready I'll never be able to if IU can get to the bottom of this I'm ready but can this this book is it as simple as just your word on paper cuz can someone like you just release a book is there not a process behind how that has to work surely you can't just well sure you can I can I can release a book on Amazon but there's a couple issues with that first of all let's talk about the legal implication because I have a national security clearance still I have a top secret clearance and I am still it's a lifelong obligation to what we call a non-disclosure agreement or in this case secrecy oath right you you swear an allegiance to the country and a promise to maintain those secrets so there are certain things I I am not allowed to say and those things involve classified information so my book first and foremost has to go through a review process if I were to just put out on Amazon and I fail to go through the Pentagon for that legal review I can find myself very quickly in a lot of trouble I.E I could go to jail because they have not had a chance to review that information for classified information I didn't know that there's another piece to this though too okay because you're asking me something that that I think has two parts to it the other question question is why don't I just self-publish by now people know I I'm going through Harper Colin as a ma major publisher if you self-publish most people don't have the resources certainly I don't to get the word out to a huge audience the only people that are going to read a story like that on Amazon are people that are already following the topic right so right now on Twitter I have maybe I don't 100 200,000 followers right that's a drop in the bucket when you're talking about a global audience when you go with a major publisher they have the capability and resources to get the word out and really get the book out to a global audience so rather than maybe 1 or 200,000 people that are going to read the book it could be 10 15 20 million people that are going to read the book in different languages right so now that now that word spreads Beyond just the English language Beyond just the shores of the United States and Beyond the if you will the The Horizon of those who are interested in the UFO UAP topic to a to a other mainstream audience that would otherwise remain untapped if I were to just go ahead and self-publish and say Here's my Memoir and put it out um I don't have that type of infrastructure I don't have that capability I don't have those resources to reach the larger audience which is really my intended audience the people in that small UFO UAP Enclave they are not my target audience they already have their opinions either they believe it or they don't and there's really little anything can anybody can do to change that my focus is the 99.9% of other individuals who may have never even really considered this topic before as being a a serious topic to discuss okay firstly I didn't know that about the review process and then that kind of brings another question in my mind because on the one hand you've said this is my words this is my process this is my stuff going down on paper but I can only assume that there's been a lot of redactions if that's how to go through a process to be vetted by the security services essentially of the United States government there's going to be things that are you can't just openly say whatever you want correct and your so how does so so I'm sorry for jumping in but will we as readers just see like blanked out lines of redution in the book or yeah but isn't that interesting right if if you have a government that has historically said there's nothing to see here the topic isn't legitimate and there's no UFO program and all of a sudden you read a manuscript where the government has redacted paragraph you'll print the redaction elements that where you can see you've written stuff but it's absolutely anybody can look at those lines and see for themselves I did not doctor those those are the lines that the US government has says it's is this is too sensitive you cannot publish it and that will be there for everybody to see okay well that then brings me on to one of the main key points I've always wanted to discuss with you in person and and look in your eyes whil we do it because it it just it bothers me genuinely that whenever I watch interviews whoever we talk about um you know gr or David grush I can't think how you pronounce it exactly because I know that's been floated around a couple of different ways but I see people like him um going in front of Congress and making certain claims and then the second that it gets to the point of saying okay well have you seen have you touched have you been involved with directly non-human intelligence CFT uaps there's this consistent like almost get out of jail free card that's played all the time which is I can't talk about that I can't talk about that oh I can't confirm or deny and I and I know that if that irritates me as much as it does there's going to be a million people out there being like exactly so I can I can understand from your point of view you say well I can't just release information I have to think about it I have to put it in a manuscript I then have to go and get this sent off to the Department of Defense is it correct the D yeah correct I have to have that cleared and really I want this to go as far as and wide as possible because what my actual Mission here is to get as many people aware so we can actually change elements in the government so we kind of don't have this problem in a way and one of the question my next question that I'd pose to you is you open this podcast saying that one of the the worst critiques you could have is say that you're not loyal loyalty is obviously something that is a nerve Touch of you means a lot to you now what would you say to people who would suggest who are you loyal to here because why are you listening to these redactions and you you're having your word your freedom of speech redacted and taken away by fundamentally the government and you have this information that you're not telling the people when your loyalty is of course with the people like do you do you do you have kind of some I guess what's the best way of putting it a little bit of contradiction there do you feel do you do you battle with that yourself I I don't uh and here's simply put you can't separate in this country the people from the government the government is the people the people are the government this is a government for the people and by the people and as long as we one saying Lou you can't say that and the other's saying Lou tell us so you have to pick a side no no I I don't think so I think I think that's a I think that's a a misnomer I I don't think you have it's not an either or solution in fact the third option is to do exactly what I'm doing now have the conversation without having to break my promise to the American people that I was going to safeguard their secrets National Secrets um and that's precisely what we're doing um you know there's been other attempts in the past um I I do not believe in leaking classified information I think that only hurts our country I've never been one to just I've had a lot of people say well L just tell us the truth well I am telling you the truth without having to break my National Security oath because it's it is important for people to realize at least from my perspective where I come from this government is all we have here in the US and it's a government that we all agree should be there it does wonderful things and most of the time it works fantastic I don't believe in Breaking the system down or violating laws in order to provide information or to fix the very system that I'm trying to fix I don't think you have to do that and in fact if the last six years have been EV any evidence of that I think it it shows that we can do that look let's in the last six years since seven years since I first come out first reaction was oh that's crazy talk now you have members of Congress saying it's real former directors of the CIA saying it's real former directors of National Intelligence saying it's real former secretaries of defense saying it's real and you have former presidents of the United States saying it's real now that has all happened lightning fast now I know people have this natural burning desire this curiosity that they want to know and say look you have all this information in your head just tell us but that's not why I'm doing what I'm doing I'm not out here to satisfy people's just idle curiosity I'm out here so we can fix the very system so you don't have to ask me The Government Can you can ask the government and the government will tell you well let me give a maybe an example that strikes to the core of this I know a lot of people just want to shake your hand and be like the fact that you are willing to stick your head above the parit go there and say it a lot of the things that have been released they in the public domain now thanks to you there's a lot of people that want to tip their hat to you so I want to make that clear there's a I appreciate there's a lot of people too that probably want want to punch me in the nose too but in my bones and in my soul transparency and honesty is about my only Guiding Light and factor that is really important to me and as soon as I met you I looked at you as someone that I thought in my bones this guy doesn't seem to be um disingenuous well I appreciate it but let me interrupt you for a moment if I can this is part of the problem because it should not be up to one person okay that people look to and say that guy has the truth there in life is a problem because people make mistakes all the time I make mistakes you make make mistakes everybody makes mistakes this is indicative of a much bigger problem this system is broken in this particular aspect and must be fixed because we cannot allow one human being myself or someone like Dave grou to be the torch Bearer here we're doing it now just till the problem's fixed but I promise you once that problem is fixed I plan to set off into the sunset I I this is this is a mission for me because I believe in our country I believe in our government I believe in our people but I also understand too this is not and never has been the L show and it shouldn't be the L show this is what this is what I've been trying to communicate all these years and the more voices we have to have this conversation the more that the government gets involved the less it becomes the L show and I really do appreciate when people come up and they want to shake my hand in the airport and say Lou thank you for all you're doing I appreciate that well the thing is I Conor setting you up for a curve for right because I I I want to show my respect and my genuine kind of admiration for for what you're doing and then what I was going to move on to was grush and it's funny that you mention him because let's take for example the situation where he's in front of Congress and he's outright saying to everyone on broadcast that we have non-human intelligent craft that have crashed on Earth and we have recovered bodies so that's not necessarily just the Lu show anymore these are other people that are coming out and saying this you know David I do know David very well so you what you know you can surely confirm or deny that what I can say is he's an outstanding human being but I will never speak on behalf of Dave grush if you want to know what Dave grush thinks I think you should have him probably here on your podcast and ask him directly because he is his own man and he's had his own experiences but you must have had similar experiences well I must have had what does that mean similar experiences if you can because I'm not your your definition of similar may be a little bit different than mine what do you mean maybe we can cut to the Chase and I can ask you are you aware yourself forget David gr minute of nonhuman Intelligence on this planet rather than tell you a yes or no answer because here's and I'm going to explain to you why okay I'd rather tell you what I do know for a fact okay what I do know for a fact is that there are things that are operating in our in controlled us airspace and globally that are performing in ways that we simply can't match today and when I say we not only the United States but as far as we know any other adversarial Nation out there so what does that lead to well it leads to a whole bunch of different possibilities now there are certain aspects of this conversation I cannot discuss and the reason is because I have signed a a security agreement with the United States government which is basically a contract that says if I reveal anything about X Y or Z I can and I will go to jail and of course the next part of the conversation that people always say well if this is such an important topic Lou aren't you willing to go to jail and my response is I don't have to go to jail if we do this the right way I don't want to go to jail I it sounds to me like that was a long way of saying yes there are non-human intelligences and yes what Dave gush said is correct I just can't talk about it well you can interpret it any way you want I what I can say interpreting it correctly or what what I can say is I cannot conform nor deny that question that you're asking me and so that is a very common parlance in US Government speak if there is a topic that of of certain sensitivity that we are not allowed to discuss whether yes or no right or wrong MH that is the statement that we are that we have to provide and as by the way let me say this too I completely understand and sympathize you chomping at the bit and your listeners wanting to know the answer I wanted I want to give you the answer a hundred times more than you want to get the answer I promise you it is very frustrating for me to sit here and look at you in the eye and have this conversation knowing that listeners are listening and and I I have to provide answers that may appear to be evasive but it is not intentional but I have taken an oath to my country and that oath is sacred to the point where I've been willing to go to war several times for it it is something I'm willing to die for it's a matter of principle and I am not going to break that oath it's no different than being married when you look at someone in the eye and you say I do till death do us part that is a lifelong contract you can't just once in a while break that promise say well except for Sundays on you know at 6 o'clock at night when I'm with the boys at the bar doesn't work that way it's either a promise that you take serious or you don't and I happen to take that promise very very serious well it goes back to what you said at the start and I actually maybe a penny Dropped In My Mind cuz I've always looked at you rightly or wrongly as a little bit kind of anti-establishment anti-government which is kind of wrong really because you're not necessarily against the government systems you might be a whistleblower but if I've understood you correctly what you're saying is you want to abide by the legislation and the law that we have in this country because obviously we're in the US now not in London but we you you want to abide by the infrastructure that this country has you don't want to break laws and you're trying to do this in a potentially a slower way and that leads me on to say the question I just asked you that you cannot answer do you think you will soon and if so how soon do you think you could confirm or deny that W so let's unpack that a little bit because you actually asked me a few things in that um first of all you're asking me to anticipate when I'll be able to tell you and answer to the question you're asking me I have no idea that's not my decision that's of the US government and if we do this properly you won't have to ask me because the government will tell you so that that's first thing secondly as far as being anti-establishment what I am is anti-corruption um I'll share with you a very simple anecdote I had my father recently passed away he passed away on Father's day of this this year my father and I were very close and my father was very very smart um and I asked him and and I feel a little guilty about this because I asked him actually flippant we were driving in a long long car drive down from my home in Wyoming down to Florida so I had several days with him and I knew he was sick he was he was he was dying and he didn't he didn't want to to me and didn't want to worry me about my background in in medicine I I knew he was he was on his last few last few weeks of his life and I said dad what is the greatest threat to any society and I asked him that because you know I spent my life in counterterrorism and counternarcotics and all the these things and what what what is it and he looked at me and without hesitation he said corruption and I thought for a moment I said dad what do you mean corruption like like monetary corruption he said no corruption whether it's governmental corruption political corruption religious corruption moral corruption the moment one is willing to bend their own personal values in exchange for something else whether it's money or drugs or sex or whatever popularity and and whatnot that that erodes the very Foundation till eventually there's nothing left and so corruption in government and I don't mean necessarily monetarily monetary corruption I mean corruption where the system is supposed to do one thing but decides to do something else because the truth is either inconvenient or it is embarrassing or or for whatever reason that is a form of corruption and that that keeping truth ultimately truth away from people is I think I think it is egregious I think it is it is a it is one of the worst sins a government could ever do to its people because let's not forget at least here anyways this is a government for the people and by the people you cannot separate government from people people like to do that say oh that's the government well don't look now but that's actually a reflection of you those people are there in office because either you put them there or because you didn't vote and let someone else put them there but either way ultimately we are responsible that's not just Congress okay because with presidents and they they appoint cabinet members and whatnot so there's a huge cascading effect here and so ultimately if you want to know why we don't have truth we have only but to look in the mirror and blame ourselves because we have not put the right people up there to tell us the truth and I know that seems a little bit some people say oh well you know that's oh I'm supp to pick the president I'm responsible for that well in a very kind of indirect way yeah because we have rights in this country that allow us to choose our elected officials and that is that is sacred very few countries really allow that to happen and so when we allow it to be hijacked by people who have different uh intentions right that are not in consistent with with the values of the people then you have corruption and what happens is we have the issue that we have now and not by the way not just with UAP there are a whole slew of issues we have in our own government right now that need to be fixed they need to be addressed and need to be fixed and need to be fixed now well it sounds to me if I'm going to try my best to read between the lines because there's a lot to unpack in that but it sounds as if you're saying you do know about crash retriev and nonhuman intelligences you can't confirm or deny that but to me the fact that you instantly jump into this pillar if you will of your ideology which makes sense to me is that you're you're seriously concerned about corruption there's not a very long line that needs to be drawn between those two points it sounds to me like you're saying our government absolutely does have these craft does have these retrieved bodies and your worry is that that is just simply being shrouded up and covered up and hidden and like you said through embarrassment through not wanting to admit certain things they're just keeping that from the people does that sound about well I got a hand it you you're very tenacious no that I did not say that you can interpret what you want but I did not say that the US government is in possession of Crash retrievals and and biologics and bodies that's your interpretation and the lack of information that I'm providing you're filling in that blank now you're you're more than welcome to do that because again I understand that my response uh wasn't wasn't very it was rather ambiguous right so I can neither confirm nor deny um and that's going to be up to you to interpret and your listeners until at which point other people provide that information in a legal way or I will the moment I will tell you the very moment the government can say Lou tell them what you know I will be the very first person to get on the highest mount with the biggest loudest speaker and you're going to know everything that I know um well that's what I find quite cool about uh the conversations we've had because the three videos you know the three videos that came out recently that were put in the public domain that was you that pushed for that and got that across well uh yes or no um I was part of the review process I requested the review process uh these were unclassified videos at least those sections were unclassified and so even though it was unclassified it still didn't have the ability to pull them out of DOD so I had to go ahead and facilitate the process through what we call the 1910 process have them reviewed and then when they came back to me said yes these are approved for release you're good to go the intent was then for us to go out into industry when I say industry the military industrial complex where there is a huge resource pool of scientists and experts that could look at these videos and tell us what we're looking at because the scientists that we had at the time gave us their best shot their very best estimate at to still at the end of the day we came up with a big goose egg we had no idea despite all the different signatures we had of all the different aircraft of the world that missiles and Rockets and helicopters drones and satellites and you name it um none of them matched and so the question is okay what are we looking at and so the idea was then to take that information find some people out there maybe in the north of grummans of the world in the loids and say look we've got this problem what the hell are we looking at right and um that's was the original intent however the videos wound up later being provided to the media I did for the record I did not do that I did not provide them to the media I did not know they were going to go to the media um but they wound up in the media and and honestly probably for the better because now people have tangible evidence that the US government has things in our airspace we don't know what they are pilots are seeing them we're picking up on radar and we had a UAP or in a vernacular a UFO program in the Pentagon that was studying these things well this is where we get to talk about some more kind of factual um things which I'm excited to to go into and it's it's of course there's an irrit for people like me and there is there's a niche that needs to be scratched right to get the answers that you that you clearly know that you clearly can't confirm or or deny but I have to say one thing that's good about this conversation is probably for me and people like me to at least understand a little bit more about the framework of this stuff and that leads me on to a couple of questions now I want to talk about things like the nimic nimic case and some of these videos that you've you've helped push forward but there are a couple of typ IAL things that I've had in terms of question when I said hey look if you had the chance to speak to Lou elando what would you what would you ask him one of them is to try and understand a skiff a little bit more because it when you when you ask these questions or when it comes to recovered craft and biologic crash retrieval there's often something that is said where where people go well look I can talk to you about this in a skiff so how does this function what's it what's it do sure the question I asked you are you allowed to speak about that in a skiff for example how does it work yeah so uh let me give you a little lesson on the US classification system okay there are three tiers of classified information the lowest tier but it's still classified is confidential information which is if you look at the definition basically can cause this information gets out it can cause damage to US National Security the next level of classified information in the US classification system is secret information and that is if this information gets out it will cause great damage to US National Security then you have the third tier the highest tier the most sensitive which is called top secret information which would cause gra according to the definition grave damage to the US National Security apparatus if this information was released right so those are the three now these three if you will kingdoms of classification have actually these little sub kingdoms that live inside of them so for example you can have secret you can have secret collateral you can have Secret releaseable information to certain countries that have the same security clearance the same thing with top secret and then within top secret you have these if you will families of caveats you can have a top secret clearance but not have what we call seci clearance sensitive compartmented information so a lot of people like to think of it as Above Top Secret it's really not it's just a subcategory of top secret information and then you have this whole if you will ecosystem or something we call sap and caps which are special access programs and controlled access programs such as atip that would be a special Access program so we'll get to it so great question so we're going to get to it but first let me explain if I can to you the macro level of how the security system works so and what you're asking me now is a little bit of a history and a tip which I can get to but I think what you're asking me it's a little bit of what a skiff is so let me answer the question for you and then we can go into a tip if you like so if you want to have information talk have a conversation or you want to do work on a computer let's say about information that is top secret you obviously can't just do it in the halls of the Pentagon because there's people there that are having tours and a lot of it's unclassified and not everybody has access to top secret information right so you have to do it in a facility or a location that is cleared to have that conversation meaning there's no J there's no windows uh you might have some shielding uh in the building as well uh the doors are insulated so sound doesn't travel Beyond uh certain electronic emissions don't penetrate and can be picked up elsewhere right so they're special just like a recording studio think of a skiff just like a recording studio if you want to make a soundtrack in a recording studio you don't do it in someone's garage right you go into a place that is specifically designed to have the best quality sound and the best recordings and whatever video that you want to do and the best Engineers that's kind of like a skiff a skiff is like a recording studio but for top secret or classified information so you have these designated areas so if I wanted to have a conversation with somebody about this topic first of all I'd have to do it in a skiff second of all I'd have to make sure that the person I'm talking to even though they might have the commensurate level security clearance like top secret seci you know lement op for example that's not a real caveat I'm just give you an example um they would have to have a need to know and I'd have to verify that too so it's not just making sure you have a top secret clearance it's not just making sure we're in a skiff it's also making sure that you have a demonstrated need to know to have access to this information so that is what a skiff is that is when you hear the word skiff it's it means special compartmented information facility I'm sorry sensitive compartmented information facility now back to what you asking me about a tip specifically if you want to ask me the question I'll see if I can answer that for you so you said something about a tip well I think a tip confuses me a little bit in the sense that this was a government funded operation for the main mission of understanding uaps MH because it was acknowledged that there were things zipping around in AA space and then they decided to get a whole bunch of money together and go right let's get a department essentially to go and figure out what this stuff is actually let's get a few people in the department to do this people that have the requisite qualification in Aerospace technology and whatnot to to look at this and you led this I did I was I I initially came in in 2008 uh in 2010 um I was the became the director of it uh because of my my seniority and my rank and my position and for the following seven years I ran it as the Director or chief what call whatever you want how does it feel when people within the government deny that or when people in general deny that that program even existed because at this point it's not even a argument right you were there you did it you ran that yeah I mean it's it's it's anyone who says it now is a bit misinformed unfortunately um I think there was some confusion from the Department because the department initially was very clear when I first came out for two years they said yeah ATP was real it studied UFOs and Lou was in charge and then uh something very interesting happened after secretary Mattis left the Department of Defense and resigned um a way I can describe it is that a a a new uh a new mindset took over the department because they had been inundated with so many requests and fouryear requests for the program my boss at the time I'm not going to mention his name here but it is publicly known who he is um was very mad at me and he was mad at me for several reasons one because I never read him into the program um and there's a reason for that I don't want to say here on the radio but the bottom line is there were reasons that I felt I could not not read in my current boss there were some things going on in the department that I could not take a chance doing that so instead of reading him in his boss and his boss's boss were all read in so I was briefing the the Secretary of defense's senior staff on a weekly basis um but I could not read in my my supervisor and when I left my supervisor was very mad because initially he took it um took it very personal MH um he was later removed from that position and uh it became evident why and um he had started the campaign to tell people that atip wasn't real and I had nothing to do with it and that I was crazy fortunately the program's sponsor Senator Harry Reid who happens to be the former Senate Majority Leader and the actual owner of AIP the person who started the program wound up writing a letter for the record and I believe it's dated 2021 I've seen that yeah where he confirms it in yeah he confirms it in writing saying look you know hate to tell you this guys I ran the program and it's real we studied UFOs and Lou was running it for me and he did a great job right um I could have much earlier on F that if I wanted to with the Department of Defense there were people in the Department of Defense that knew exactly what I was doing and why I was doing it and who I was doing it for but I could not at my own to save my own skin at the time in my own reputation I would have had to expose them and I wasn't willing to do that so I took a lot of arrows for a long time but yes now I think I think the general consensus is unless you look at you know social media and Wikipedia and crap like that um but that's a whole another story but the reality is yes it is is a real Pro and now the government admits it in fact there was a a sworn statement that uh I'm sorry a sworn testimony by the under Secretary of Defense recently who told Congress officially and formally when they was asked a question by I think by uh Congressman Gallagher I believe at the time out ofid ask you about this cuz I've seen this too yeah yeah they asked him Point Blank have you looked at any other UFO programs in the Department of Defense and he said well we looked at Project Blue Book and we looked at atip right so that must have been a Vindication for you well you know it's never been about vindication for me um I've taken I guess in some ways it's just part of the problem that you're exporing it is exactly right because in one hand the government says nothing to see her folks then the other hand says yeah we looked at to program and it was a UFO program I mean so again it just highlights and it's actually not a Vindication for me it's sad it's embarrassing it's this is my my my government and you can't even get your own facts straight what the hell is wrong I mean I the moment I left the Department of Defense within now I I'll share this with you this is not public knowledge um I think few people are aware of it though there is because of one of the other portfolios I have there is a standing order from a court of law it's called a preservation order because of the work I was doing on another portfolio all of my emails all of the work I've ever done on certain computer systems while I was at ATP are to be preserved by law because they are considered considered evidence evidence for a particular court case that the government's involved in I'm not going to talk about that now it doesn't deal with me but the bottom line is I was involved that in direct violation of that court order every single one of my emails and files were deleted from the Department of Defense servers poof like they never existed that is troubling because that means someone this this this topic is is so sensitive to someone in the department that they're willing to violate US law to erase all of my files now think about that for a minute you are willing to sacrifice a national level court case on a national security issue willing to to completely compromise that because you don't want this guy Lou alzando revealing the information he has right you're going to do whatever you can to cover it up and say nothing to see here folks so now you're getting into the area of real conspiracy not conspiracy theories like hey someone made a decision to do that so nobody else would find the truth so it's compounding the problem and so this is my my one of my greatest fears that we continue to see here there are elements within the US government that I don't think are serving the best interests of of the the people here in the United States the citizens of the US and they are making unilateral decisions and violating law breaking the law the very law that that they expect us to follow in order to cover up their their their misdeeds does that touch a nerve with you because of your loyalty and your willingness to follow the LA law in these difficult positions does that annoy you that well yeah I mean look if if it feels like it touches if the government look I mean we left the same crap in Cuba this why we came to the US right when the government says you know for thee but not for me these laws apply to you but not us well guess what that's not a democracy anymore you know that that's that's a but you still you still have hope that they're just shaky cogs that can be replaced and fixed or do you think that the whole system really needs a bit of a revamp well I I think it needs to tune up I don't think we need to I don't think we need to to sell the car or throw it in the junkyard the car still works it does a lot of good things I think it just needs to be repaired one thing that is really hard to wrap my head around is let's assume that your your spot on here and we have this kind of corruption issue and then we have these very worrying things about deleting files and you know keeping everything hashash this stuff is not small anymore I don't want to dive into the limits too much because so many people out there are aware of the limits um if you haven't been aware of that story look it up uh to do a 10-second summary this is F-18 Pilots had eyes on on a on a UAP Tic Tac as we call it um multiple radar systems all following it's one of the most fascinating pieces of kind of relatively conclusive evidence if you will that there's a real thing seen by people trained observers and that's just like one grain of sand in in a in a complete Beach of these pieces of evidence that's correct there's three videos that people are aware of it's the Tic Tac the Gimbal and go fast and go fast how many of them are there roughly like do you think as if you were guessing let's just say a lot um I cannot provide an exact number um lot of these for all of us listen loads so this is hundreds hundreds hundreds and this is just in recent so you're referring to the Tic Tac as you say story it was actually a full-field investigation it was a full-blown investigation that was conducted by the Department of Defense in fact by one of my colleagues who was part of atip and as you go into this the reason why I wanted to frame it like this is there's so many now the idea that people would be still trying to delete emails and cover things up to me seems almost hard to believe that anyone would be that yeah I I don't I I don't think they'd be as foolish now to to do what Tred what they tried to get away with last time with me I think the cat is out of the proverbial bag I think there's enough people now that recognize the reality of this um and realiz I mean look they they've already informed Arrow the organization that was set up to investigate this after atip and after the UAP task force said for the record that these things are real that they are things in our in our theaters of combat that Prov that are that are affecting our aircraft in a way that we can't detect them and they they are they are threatening our airspace and air safety right so that's that's already been stated not by Lou Alonzo not by me by by by Arrow the organization that's that's been tasked to investigate this um plus there's been a lot of whistleblowers that have come out and testify directly to Congress I am not at Liberty to discuss who those people are where they work or what they've seen but let's just say there are a plethora of individuals that have already come forward also with top secret clearance with firsthand accounts of some of these incredible experiences when you said when you said already come forward is that to suggest there's more I think there's going to be a lot more I think we're just this is the wave Toops what the public knows right now is that Congress has been speaking to a few whistleblowers what the public doesn't know right now is that it's a lot of whistleblowers and these folks have had Direct contact in some cases with this topic and the investigation of this topic for the government going back decades so you can fill in the blank what that means well as I try to follow the topic and as I fill the blanks there's still questions that come to my mind and I have to rely on Theory as you know my background is science I'm a physicist is in my first life my background science too which is why we've always got along on looking at this critically and it's it's the same with my brother when we first started talking about it we're both looking at this being like well let's explore realistic options because tons of people will be googling now and having a look at the um Commander fravor interviews and they'll learn all that and they're going to see for themselves and make their own minds up that we now have so much conclusive evidence that something is zipping around in our airspace doing things that we can't control and and I did for all of the little uh kind of physics and science nerds just like myself out there there was a lovely little description actually which I believe may have came from atip I'm sure you can't confirm or deny it but it was bunch of scientists that looked at the Telemetry data off these moving objects and they made kind of conservative estimates of what the kind of masses would be and they looked at the acceleration and the velocities and for those who haven't seen it these things are zipping up into 80,000 foot zipping back down right yeah let me emphasize that the videos that are publicly available are certainly not the most compelling um there are videos that we have that are extremely high definition but so this I'm loving that we're getting there because the first thing I was going to say on on this scientific observation is that they can not they anyone uh anyone with a scientific background and an understanding can calculate the energy that would be needed to make an object move like this yeah especially with and not just visual let's not forget that we have radar data right very sensitive very capable sophisticated radar systems that can detect a baseball a baseball at 880,000 FT now put that into context when you see a an Airbus 380 at 33,000 feet it still looks like a little speck in the sky now imagine virtually three times that altitude and something the size of a baseball and we can track it with with extreme Precision right so this is the level of fidelity of data that we have on some of these things so please continue as you're I just want to put that in context as you're talking about the energy levels required to do some of this performance this will make sense also I hope to my next question but the when you do the maths we're talking about orders of magnitudes more power than our planet can generate in certain periods of time like if you took all of the nukes and kind of detonated them all at the same time that's the sort of power that we're talking about to to to move even a much more insignificant mass in in in these in these ways it seems to me that if the maths is correct and as a scientist you got to look at this stuff and go well it's kind of hard to imagine that being Incorrect and obviously our understanding of physics could be needing an update or someone could be really far ahead of the time but we don't have the ability to produce this insane amount of power to to do anything like this it's nowhere near our human capabilities right so let's put this to somebody who may be sitting in their automobile right now and on their way to work or coming home from work and it's rainy and you know right now we're just kind of speaking generalities let's put this into specifics imagine taking a small bus a micro bus that you take to the airport right when you're going from to the terminal or something like that take something approximately that heavy as well and take that object and go from 8,000 ft and don't just drop it but force it within less than a second to 50 feet above the ocean right from 80,000 ft to roughly 79,90 ft right distance-wise several miles and miles and now imagine that type of now do the calculation backwards not only were these objects coming down they were also seen going from 50 ft over the water up and Beyond 880,000 ft in less than a second now the power output required to do that is more than the entire power generation of the entire continental United States for three years and oh by the way whatever power they're using it's internal to the craft it's not an external power source so these are almost almost unimaginable levels of energy required to do it and we are not only picking these objects up doing this on electro magnetic devices and and these things like radar spy one Radars we're also seeing them our our Pilots are seeing them with their own eyes naked bare eyes seeing these things doing and Performing these incredible Maneuvers that there is no way in heck our country has anything near that technology the inertial forces alone would crush anything biological inside would be turned to the consistency of pudding right so this is well well well beyond anything that we are really used to to dealing with technologically one of the questions that's common when it comes to these things zipping down from 80,000 ft hanging around for hours so to speak on out in the ocean there's so many of them at this point why has someone not just gone train a high defition camera and just looked at the thing as it's hovering around for quote unquote hours why how do you know they haven't why are you saying they they no one has just because we haven't seen that yet but that doesn't mean no one has that just means do we have that that just means if that's been done it's probably been remaining it's probably remained very classified probably remained classified so let me let me let me uh hint hint nudge nudge it's probably classified right so to say that it hasn't been cap before Al people are seeing it that's not accurate so let's say that hypothetically there were highdefinition videos of these things as they were hanging around and let's also say that you clearly cannot confirm or or deny that I would assume that hypothetically this would be next on your list in terms of applying to have these videos released out to the public domain like you've already had your successes with with the first three I mean yeah I mean it'll scratch the idle curiosity of people out there that want to see something you know ah well for me strangely it's not so much about idle curiosity it's knowing that from from my background teams of scientists they like to compare they like to try and run similar um simulations they want to try and peer review they they want to see a community that comes to a consensus not to just be necessarily told or or shown something so for me the interest is and maybe this is a good question to to twist into but why why are we not exploring having the public domain scientific resource to to look at this critically why why are we not saying like in the Manhattan Project when we've got to figure something out we go and we bring our best Minds in guys we got to fix this problem this seems serious enough if we've got invasions of our airspace we've got these things zipping around and we don't know what they are I would have thought this is just as important to to lean on our Resort and I think we are doing that now that's exactly why one of the reasons why it came out because we needed the best and brightest to look at this and and the original intent of Congress to create Arrow was for that purpose Unfortunately they haven't gotten there yet they're only about a year old they got a new director it takes time to stand up Manhattan Project didn't happen a month right it took some time uh but that's exactly why we need to have this conversation because a video here too is neat and great but wouldn't it be more meaningful to create let's say I don't know a National Laboratory construct where now we have the National Laboratory created to study this with the best and the brightest that seems to me a lot more valuable than video hitting the internet yeah the internet the video is neat and people look at and see G whiz for a week and then they go back to you know eating popcorn and watching Netflix that's not the solution the solution is as you say get the best and the brightest to put their minds onto this thing and really try to figure out what the heck is actually going on why do you say that you think we would need Laboratories do you think there's stuff that people would want to look at in terms of materials or well I I think look proof is in the pudding right tangible evidence is always very very valuable because then you can do a whole another type of study right now you're looking at videos you look at Telemetry and speed velocity accelerations whatnot when you have material you can do Material Science right you can do you can do physical analysis you can do chemical or molecular analysis and then you can do atomic analysis and really get to the heart looking at at at isotopic ratios for example spectroscopy to find out what absolutely and why does certain materials behave the way they do because we don't have any material right now that can withstand those forces so when you if you have something in your hand you can look and say whoa that is really unique that can do stuff that our material can't do have you had stuff in your hand unfortunately I am not at Liberty to discuss anything as it relates to potential physical material okay and then we're back to the yeah yeah okay okay fine um but hypothetically if there were that might be a good reason to invest into Laboratories because it would allow us to test and and maybe confirm or deny whether or not those materials physical simulations you know there's one thing to do mathematical modeling on a computer that's great another thing is to actually be able to replicate it in a laboratory I understand and because clearly at least from my very small experience with Material Science we understand how our elements group we understand how you can change them with temperature so in the assumption that we had let's say exotic materials do you believe we would be able to run spectroscopy and see uh kind of non-human origin creations of of certain structures atomic structures and lates that we we just wouldn't know how to make might let's say hypothetically um let let's go down that rabbit hole for a second so your your readers can kind of get an appreciation of just some of the challenges here there are only so many elements in the universe okay there aren't any new elements right and most of these elements are created at the very last stages the last microseconds of of a supernova going Supernova right um and you have this incredible amount of energy where all these these these smaller elements combined to create heavier elements all the way up to uranium um that's Universal but how the atoms are arranged is a whole different story because it takes a level of precision and Technology to arrange atoms so precisely that mother nature can only there's only a certain if you will deviation of isotopic ratios within a certain particular ular type of material or element right when you see things where atoms are being arranged so specifically and in a manner which we cannot to this day replicate we don't not we do not have the technology to put this atom precisely like that within a matrix and on top of that if you had that technology be able to do it at a mass scale would be would bankrupt Any Nation right we we that that that cap ability does not exist at least not with our own existing current technology as human beings so then one must ask the next logical question well we can see it we know what it's made out of and we know how it's arranged who made it who has the technology to create material with that level of specificity what country has that technology and then one must ask well let's say it's a foreign adversary maybe Russia or China was able to figure it out well okay but that means despite the billions and I'm going to emphasize this again billions not millions billions of dollars each year our government invests to keep a Competitive Edge over our adversaries despite what all the money we give to CIA and all the money we give to NSA and Dia and NGA and nro and all the other Intel agencies somehow some country has managed to come up with this technology and build something and something that we we had no idea went completely under the radar right and on top of that we're able to now field this technology completely unimpeded in our controlled us airspace and there's not a damn thing we can do about it this would be an intelligence fair and I am a product of the intelligence community so I can tell you this this would be an intelligence failure eclipsing that of 911 this would be the worst intelligence failure this country has ever had because despite our best efforts some country managed to develop some technology completely under the radar we had no idea about spend trillions of dollars developing this technology and now able to field it into our controlled airspace and oh by the way not just last year but going back decades now think about that for a minute think about that scary scenario for a moment it is a scary scenario but when you when you start to weigh it up against uh the probability spectrum of having non human intelligent aliens interdimensional beings spacecraft crashing here um there's a fair number of people that would say well look if I'm going to try and roll a dice and figure out what one's more likely they might steer away from the idea that we have some non-human intelligence that actually what's happening is unfortunately exactly what you say and I mean I think it was not that long ago that uh Elon Musk had come out and said we we have this neuralink now our first product is you know telepathy which is you know the the fusion of computer chips with the brain and then you start to think okay well what if there was a foreign adversary that was way ahead of that maybe even in our own government and our own uh operations we're ahead of that and then what's to say my God what happens with a human mind an intelligent human mind you what happens when you take an Einstein and you stick a chip in the mind and then all the for this is Einstein times a billion how far in such an extremely short space of time you think you throw AI in there you know you throw multi-dimensional mathematics in there you throw quantum mechanics in there and you start to go is it actually more likely that we have uh I'm going to sound like a real conspiracy theorist here I appreciate that but is it actually much more likely that we have a foreign adversary that has just managed to uh Leap Frog a little bit and and get uh human brain brain power massively Amplified by AI massively Amplified by um machine interference and actually has cracked a few codes and the the reality of the matter is yes these are from Earth it's just these are extremely um Cutting Edge developments so your proposal is that AI was actually developed in before 2004 right is that's what you're you're you're you're if you will postulating and and all these other Technologies so let me give you another example here maybe it might be helpful using aam's razor principle I hear it thrown around all the time right so let me let me give you a little from my background which was microbiology immunology and and the study of parasites you may be surprised to know that it was the Greeks many Millennia ago who really looked at all life forms on Earth and made the observation that there's really only two forms of life you are either a plant or you are an animal right both are alive but really structurally and in every other way really really different and then Along Comes somebody about 300 years ago and says actually there's another life form that's been on this planet all along with us that is neither plant nor animal in fact it's called fungus and people said oh that's interesting wow now homo sapien sapien as a species is is estimated to be roughly 100,000 years old so if you look at a 24-hour clock roughly it's only been the last 4 seconds of our existence that mankind realize we've been sharing this planet with another life form that is neither plant nor animal and as mindboggling as that is it's only been in the last second and a half of our existence that we realize there is another life form on this planet that we've been sharing along in fact if you take all the biomass of every animal and all the biomass of every plant and all the biomass of every fungus and add it all up together it still will not add up to this invisible biomass that is the true dominant life form on this planet and what is it that is that that is the the an the kingdom of microorganisms not until we had the technology could say little beasties little beasties did we realize the true dominant life form on this planet the last 100,000 years as species we have been living completely oblivious to that fact right so I ask you what's more what's more realistic using that analogy right as a microbiologist every time we think we have an understanding of Mother Nature can put her a nice little box she always finds a way out every time there was a time when I was in school they said all life forms are derived and get their energy ultimately from photosynthesis and we took that as a scientific fact man papers and documents and you name it all that crap came out and every was oh this is great we are so smart poat ourselves on the back great job humans then it turns out well you know what there's this other life form at the bottom of the ocean that live by the black smokers and the Heat and they survive off of something called chemosynthesis not photosynthesis and they do quite well well there goes that theory about photosynthesis right and then while all life forms need to survive and they must have oxygen well not true anerobic bacteria do not things like botulism claustrum botulinum does not in fact it will die in the presence of oxygen right and we have these other things called extremophiles that live live thousands of feet under the crushing pressure of the Antarctic ice right we have life forms we have found on the outside of the ISS bacteria that are doing just fine in a in a zero gravity environment High radiation environment no atmosphere environment right so we are constantly learning we are constantly realizing every time we put a limitation on Mother Nature we are wrong every time when are we going to learn in the course of our planet being four and a half roughly estimated to be by scientist four and a half billion years old right 4 and a half billion years old and we've been looking for life we're spending millions of dollars with NASA trying to find microbial Life on Mars we're spending millions of dollars through through Endeavors like seti looking for techno signatures within our own Milky Way galaxy of intelligent life 4 and a half billion years is a long time what if intelligent life has found us first is it possible it seems like a emotional response in those moments is it is it something that makes you feel irritated at your government your team there's because it's a great way of putting it and I understand fully what you mean and I I'm with you and the animation and the elevation of your emotion there is is really real it's hubris we haven't learned our lesson yet every time we think we have the answer we put on blinders and we refuse to look at what's around us look at poor Galileo the guy almost burned him at the Stak for simply observing the solar system and declaring that the Earth was not the center of the solar system and he had the recant they refused to even look through his telescope now we look back and say that's silly do you feel that there's some similarities because there is there are people that will try and ostracize you and take you down for for this stuff does it feel like an attack sometimes of course it does but it but I try to remember it's not about me and they're just doing what we do as a species we've always behaved this way anytime someone comes up with a disruptive idea or disruptive evidence to our current Paradigm anything that we that is introduced to us that change forces us to change our existing Paradigm whether real or not there is always a violent reaction we have a lot in common in that sense with my background I was very used to being taught one thing as fact we run the experiments we understand something five years later you go to university and they go ah everything you learn at school kind of got a out because we now have new information that's right and there's two times in my life that I have been left awake at night and one of them was um the double slit experiment something that will will uh if you follow that and understand that the universe will have different outcomes depending on whether you look at it or not that's right uh if you want to think about that long enough that'll that'll keep you up a night the other one was learning about you and your work and I I feel I apologize I feel I'm so sorry I feel like that now honestly because I feel like you have answers that what I would have wanted more than anything in this world was to break that hard exterior shell that you have about not being able to tell but I've got to admit I'm glad to hear the explanation because you must understand from my position the frustration and it and it is a gratification we're after we do just want to know we just want to know We're alone it's difficult to know that you have this information that you you can't tell us but in that I have to tap my hat because I do understand what what was it you said before you said you would rather do things yeah there's a saying that I that I have there's a difference between doing things right and doing things right now and I think I would prefer to do things right and in fact if anything the last six seven years should be an indicator that whatever method we're doing to figure this out is actually working we're getting people now engaged we have our government engaged we have Executive Branch the legislative branch everybody's now engaged we have resources going to scientists and organizations in the government to actually study these things collect the data so so I do believe we are getting to the destination that everybody wants to get to I understand and appreciate people's impatience believe me if there's anybody impatient it's me I I am dying to just come out and say blah blah blah blah and tell everybody what I know um but I know that's not the best way to get to where we want to go I think those answers the questions you were asking will be answered how do you think people hypothetically if you were allowed to tell everybody everything you know what do you think the emotional response would be how do you think people would react let me share with you a very short anecdote um my wife and I raised our children on the Chesapeake Bay even know I was a Fed in DC um we wanted to raise our children with some sense of normaly um so they could ride their bikes in a normal neighborhood don't have to lock your doors so we live in a little island called Kent Island in the Chesapeake Bay and on weekends we'd go for these family walks by the by the seaside and my daughter at the time Taylor my oldest daughter sitting down she was probably 7even years old and she says daddy um how come that blue crab Marilyn blue crab were famous for blue crabs why is had blue crab so big and that one down there so small how does a small one become the big one and I said well Taylor um that big crab was once a small crab and it has this shell around it and the shell protects it and it's kind of like armor and keeps the other fish from from nipping at it um but there comes a point in time once a year maybe twice a year where that crab has to break out of its shell and I'm sure if you were asking the crab at the time is it uncomfortable the crab would probably say yeah I don't really like this process very much but it is a necessary process that nature requires in order to grow otherwise if that little crab doesn't fails to break out of its crab shell it will be stunted that that crabshell becomes a prison it's no longer working to the benefit of the crab so so these moments of these Paradigm moments where we must be willing to break open our shell and grow a new one based upon new information I think is very much in the spirit of of of the scientific method and I think it's normal as a species these Paradigm moments don't have happen very often in one's Lifetime and that's why it's uncomfortable to have these types of conversations but as a species in the lifespan of the entire species these Paradigm moments happen all the time and in fact is a natural part of our human evolution every time when we for for example the first time we decid to sail over the ocean blue that was a paradigm moment when we first went into space now of course we take it for granted we have satellites there and we're doing space tourism right these Paradigm moments don't happen very often like I said in one's lifetime but they are a necessity as a species if you want to continue to grow and expand and evolve these are just normal occurrences you know there was a time people looked at the Moon they said oh Witchcraft and look at the moon it's going to make you sick now we realize no that's not the case you're just catching a cold because you're outside late at night and you probably should be sleeping um it's just expanding our understanding of the natural world and how willing do you think people will be to let go of their shells do you think that the information that that you're aware of is going to be something that like ah cast off a shell brand new crab or do you think that for many they're going to stay in their prison I think the Next Generation once the information is out people will will those who are born to the new paradigm will look at this and say how silly we were how dumb how how could we possibly think we were the only ones right the problem is it's the generation that's going through the process that's where that's where you have the friction that's where the rub comes in right and you have all this this anxiety and people say oh I got to go talk to my therapist because I don't know what to think go about your living life nothing should change should change your religion don't change your government keep paying your taxes keep raising your family why would you change any of that just because your understanding has now been increased doesn't mean you necessarily have to change the way you're living your life they're not they're not mutually exclusive and I think that's part of the problem we think that you know every time we we come into to contact with some sort of new understanding it's going to revolutionize the way we do things well in some cases it will but it's not going to change us as a species you know I wanted to explore a few final questions about these actual uaps and again I understand you have to be careful about what what you what you confirm or deny but one of the things that might worry some myself probably included here is that plenty of people uh have noted a pattern of these craft uaps interacting with our nuclear systems missile silos being activated deactivated folling around nuclear powered craft what how does that make you feel though you don't seem face doesn't seem something bothered but as as someone who is a military man loyalty is important the defense of your country is important to know that there is something coming in turning on nukes disarming nuclear capabilities that must freak you out well at the risk of having an uncomfortable conversation with some of your your listeners there's two parts of Lou alzando there is Lou the former National Security guy an intelligence officer then there's Lou the disclosure Advocate and transparency Advocate they're not the same person okay people say well how can that be well from a military perspective there's only three options intention right how do we how do we judge what a threat is well there's only it's a very simple equation it's capabilities versus intent we have seen some of the capabilities we have no idea the intent so we don't know if it's a threat so if it's it or is not a threat there's only three possibilities it's either good it's bad or it's neutral right can do both good or bad um a lot of people say Well they're here to good and they're for good reasons they're here to help us and and take matches out of a you know kid's hand right with nuclear weapons the sad reality is we haven't seen any evidence of that in fact if you look at all the development from the atomic age up to the nuclear age to the thermonuclear age look at the things like Chernobyl look at the things like Fukushima and Three Mile Island uaps were never there to disable these things uaps never stopped these horrible things from happening uaps did not stop us dropping bombs in Hiroshima or Nagasaki they did not stop us testing these things in the 1950s in the deserts of Nevada they didn't stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons between Russia and China the US Israel UK now France every everybody else right Iran Pakistan they haven't stopped that what we have seen however is what some might describe as ISR intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance because what we do know is that these UAP are interested in our military equities and our nuclear capabilities so and when you say you know that you know that definitively or it seems that way based on no we have the data of that we know that you know that and I'm not going to go into detail what they're specifically interested in but but military stuff and also our nuclear capabilities and power generation and whatnot and Weapons Systems so with that said some some might in the National Security environment if I was wearing my National Security hat right Lou alzando the intelligence officer I would say that's ipb initial preparation of the battle space someone is doing reconnaissance on us and they want to know our capabilities why right that's a big problem now that's Lou the National Security guy then there's Lou the disclosure and transparency guy that says okay I can understand that from a national security perspective that's the lens you're looking at and that's the lens we pay you to look at right we want you to think that way want you to keep us safe but could it be something else right I mean we fly all the time over over not to make a a funny story here but case in point you know you watch an e nature show and you you watch over the African Savannah the scattering of the wilderbeast right and there's some dude in a helicopter flying and filming and one guy takes a dark gun and shoots one in the butt and and the thing Falls over they go down they withdraw blood they make sure they look at migratory dietary uh health of the animal right now take a couple blood samples put a tag in the ear and they leave right now imagine from that Buffalo's perspective waking up and all sudden going to the water Hall and saying hey Bill you're not going to believe this man but I just had the craziest thing happen to me and man my butt hurts right so they're like what are you talking about Bill stop drinking from that pond don't you know that pond is got something there you know go drink from the clean water will you um and uh you know it there's all sorts of of of possibilities and so I'm not one to I don't think fear is the right lens lens I think I think curiosity and maybe some concern as to why but fear I don't think is a proper response but what about when we have certain claims coming out that instead of getting shot in the ass with a dark gun that there may have been um much more severe injuries or even death involved in this well the question is what is it intentional or not look if I go out to any airport right now and I happen to fly out of here and grab a plane I'm there's no danger right but now if I go to that same airplane I get out of the plane go on the tarmac and put my head behind the jet engine while it's throttling up well yeah there's a big danger I'm going to to sucked into the engine I'm going to get burned right probably not very good for me physically so you know the question is is it it in is there an intention right people say well there's a threat well of course there's a threat but threat doesn't necessarily mean harmful intent right they're two different things yes there is a Potential Threat if you come up to a technology a microwave oven that doesn't have the front screen on you're going to get irradiated that's just a product of the technology and is it something you can talk about whether or not people have have lost their lives have been injured in we have what I can say because it's already been put out at the unclassified level through several of the research documents that have been released through intelligence agencies there are a handful well unfortunately more than a handful there are a group of individuals US service members that have been affected by UAP technology in and having negative medical consequences and that's as far as we can go on that topic negative medical consequences yeah I want to be careful remember threat is not necessarily hostile hostile intent you know you can have a you can have the threat of a of of getting run over by a truck if you cross a freeway without looking right but there's no hostile intent behind it and the two have to be segregated you we can't we can't throw those two in the same same bucket I think my last question would be with everything that you know and trying to avoid putting you in a position you ask my wife she'll tell you I don't know a I know nothing okay so and my daughter you ask my daughter I'll tell even I know even less than than that so let's just make that clear of what I do know okay of what you of what you do know in a in a very specific field um you're one a few few humans walking this Earth that has information in this certain field and with that information that you have this top secret information you have can you tell us what you think the intent is first of all I really appreciate you asking me that question secondly I have to apologize because I can't tell you and not because I I I can't because of clearance security clearance because morally I can't I don't have enough information to make an educated opinion on I simply don't because it can be all sorts of things and the one thing I learned in intelligence is you can be absolutely sure of something you be absolutely wrong so I prefer to stick with the facts what is the data what does the data suggest what are we looking at what's the mathematical models I'm happy to comment on that but what you're asking me to do now is go beyond that and the absence of information and data and speculate and I think it's it would be I think it would be very irresponsible for someone like me to do it I could do it and there's a lot of people that do there's this whole topic if you go on Twitter God bless don't do it but it's it's a Cess pool of people there who have their own ideas and they are sure it's you know reptilians or plees and this and that and this and that and they're here here to you know suck your blood or here to make peace who who knows right I think that's very dangerous and there's a lot of people making money through a cottage industry of telling people they have the answer when they don't have the answer and that's the one thing I've always told people look I will tell you when I don't have an answer it's two the two reasons only two either it's classified or I don't know and I will always be honest I will tell you I don't know when I don't know and I'm telling you now I don't know well as as we round this up I can appreciate it because every time I ask you about uh many other figures in this space I appreciate that you always defer to them that we should listen to them and and you've always spoken from as far as I can tell and I'm sure everyone listening spoken honestly and with loyalty and um I look forward to hopefully doing this again in maybe a couple of years when there's a bit more information out there well may have to be that long you know if we're lucky if we if we're successful you're having this conversation next year well it is it has been an honor thank you for doing this honor and privilege is mine thank you love that