YouTube Channel: "vimanaboy" Video Title: "AATIP Luis Elizondo Speaking at AAPC (uncut video with guests and Q&A)" AATIP Luis Elizondo Speaking at AAPC (uncut video with guests and Q&A) 1,755 views Aug 22, 2021 Keynote - Mr. Luis Elizondo - To The Stars Academy Board Member, Former Program Manager (AATIP), Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Pentagon - "AATIP - Looking Back and Forward" ​ Presentation Title: AATIP – Looking Back and Forward Presentation Abstract: As the former Program Manager for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), this presentation presents a unique perspective about this only recently known program that looked into the military related cases of unknown phenomena and their potential threat to our National Security interests and Aerospace Defense. While the program had its funding lasting until 2012, the program continues at the Pentagon. Announcements about its future role will provide insights that are not commonly known and these directions will help us get to answers that we have all been seeking. Bio: To The Stars Academy Director of Global Security & Special Programs Luis Elizondo is a career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East. Most recently, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff. For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. Luis’ academic background includes Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases. Luis is also an inventor who holds several patents. From: Transcript: whatever questions you have I will be happy to answer any question that I can answer if I don't have the answer I'll tell you I don't have the answer and I don't know if it requires an answer that's sensitive or that would cause me to violate my NDA I'll tell you that and I won't be able to answer at least you'll hear from me and I will tell you that it can't answer the question and you'll know why [Music] blugh you're up buddy I can't wait to hear everything you have to say probably this be a discussion as possible and kind of make it interactive and then at the end any questions you have let me know a couple ground rules there are no ground rules whatever questions you have I will be happy to answer any question that I can answer if I don't have the answer I'll tell you I don't have the answer and I don't know if it requires an answer that's sensitive or that would cause me to violate my NDA I'll tell you that and I won't be able to answer at least you'll hear it from me and I will tell you that it can't answer the question and you'll know why I want to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible also before I begin I would like to also extend a few thank-yous to a couple folks here first of all mr. rich Hoffman I thank you for inviting us I won't let everybody know here that this is important to to folks like how tonight we we do not get a speaking engagement fee to do this we do this free because we believe in what we're doing because we know you believe in what you're doing so I want to make sure that's clear I also want to thank mr. Robert Powell thank you very much sir for the coordination and everything all your help so far it's been fantastic thank you also also mr. Morgan Bell so thank you very much mr. Joan Donato and by the way please give change in my regard she was a fantastic agent and I'm sure she's a she's a fantastic officer now and then I would also like to thank mr. Alejandro Rojas and is a very lovely wife over here these folks are kind of the Mavericks in their field and despite until recently a lot of the stigma that you all know surround this portfolio they continue to do their jobs day in and day out and that says a lot I would also like to very quick just a quick show of hands if you're comfortable those who have ever served either in the military our work with the US government or are working with the US government in any capacity at all anybody at all quite a few people I want to thank you sincerely for your service it is truly humbling thank you so very much and then of course last but not least an individual who I did not know I only heard about her today I apologize for my ignorance but it is the passing of Miss Karen King that is that is very certainly very unfortunate and sad news to hear and especially for somebody who had contributed much to this field so I would like to would like to also offer my condolences sincerely to her family unfortunately this is so before I change any slides here I would also like to thank you all last but not least certainly but not least you're really the reason why we're here folks I Cal myself others because you all have been pursuing something that I only did for the last decade somebody you have invested 30 40 even 15 years of your life and that is one hell of a commitment that is our marriage so I want to I want to tell you sincerely from from from myself and from Howell and others thank you very much for for your commitment and I'm very hopeful that forums like this are going to continue to bring this conversation to light so with no further review let me go ahead and see if I figured this out it I have to preface this Hooked on Phonics did not work for me too well kind of limited from an automation perspective so let's see if it works afterwards okay a lot of people ask me so do you think disclosure has occurred and I think it has occurred and I think it is still occurring as I said before I believe this is a process it's not an event I'm also asked well is this confirmation well what does that mean because if you look at the word confirmation that kind of gives the impression that there's some sort of underlying narrative to begin with that you're confirming and I'm not sure we have that narrative yet I think we need more data I think we're in the process of building that narrative and we do that using the scientific method and collecting evidence and materials and doing the proper analysis on this in a way that is is can be peer-reviewed and of course repeatable right that's what science is all about so is this confirmation in my opinion I'm gonna caveat that mind it's only my opinion and I don't like to dip it very often I don't think this is confirmation because I don't think we have a narrative yet and a very wary of going down any avenue where we have some preconceived notion of what something might or might not be already and so we have enough evidence to establish the facts so December 16th you all know better than I do what happened the news got out and and everybody everybody was talking about it I would like to share with you some personal insight I received a call from a very dear colleague of mine who's still at the Pentagon who works this effort very very closely and so yes read between the lines when I say it's working this I don't mean in the past actively working distance so that means that that continues so congratulations it's still going and and that too will come out hopefully in a very official way sometime soon but I received a call from him very very recently and actually it was this week and he said you know Lou it's funny because a conversation that I had to have with you just a year and a half ago in a vault within a skin in a TSS CIA facility that stopped clear and we had the whisper to have his car sation I can now have this conversation in the open halls of the Pentagon imagine that how far we've come good and so as we sit here today I encourage you look around look at all these pictures around you you're right now and at the epicenter of where mankind as a species left this planet and went somewhere else went to the moon I was looking at some of these pictures that profound in one picture you have a dirt road with a few Model T's and people walking along in dusty roads just 40 years later forty years later you have someone also walking on a dusty road but it's not on this planet it's on the moon and he's in a spacesuit so things happen and and because of people like you and the scientific community science fiction becomes science fact and so anybody who would look at you with some sort of maybe tilt the smile or something like that and so you talk about UFOs what does that mean well we don't know what it means but you should probably pay attention because it is real now what it is and how what's intentions all these other things well that's for smarter people than me to figure out that's beyond me but we have established the fact that they're real and we have also established the fact that from a national security perspective and we'll talk about this and there some people are a little bit leery of the fact that I I've always historically tied this to it to a a national security threat and we'll get to that but you now have people at the highest levels of the United States government and international communities of their governments finally taking this serious upon real resources real talents real expertise to look at this and finally figure out what this means so congratulations I think this is a historic event for everybody to have a forum like this where everybody can sit down and have an honest conversation about a topic that has been so fraud before with with skepticism and taboo you have achieved a lot keep in mind just ten years ago scientists still couldn't agree whether or not the giant squid of the Pacific really even existed because the on saw one on camera and so finally enough washed up on a beach and enough showed up on deep-sea cameras where now we realize oh you know what there really are sea monsters in the ocean but they're actually a species it's actually part of nature it's not suicide it's is just science and so my time at the Pentagon working with some fantastic human beings like how food off and others we approach this very much the same way we approach this from a scientific perspective we wanted to know what we could capture empirical with empirical data qualify and quantify it so that we can go ahead and take that data and try to figure out what it is we're dealing with and so that's really it in a nutshell this this occurred and my intention for for leaving the Department of Defense I would also like to clarify it was not a matter of disloyalty was in fact loyalty why I left the Department of Defense in the first place I am very very loyal to the Department of Defense if you look at my resignation memo one of the very last things I told secretary mattis you can always count on me to carry the water for DoD I love my country I love the Department of Defense I believe in what we're trying to accomplish but in order for me to accomplish and finish the very mission I was given by the way which I did not ask for I actually had to leave my beloved department to finish that mission so if anybody has any speculation out there why I left I did not leave in bad blood I left because I had to because it was the only way I was going to be able to get the boss when I was wanted to who I serve in combat with to be able to pay attention because certain people that were minding him were not providing him information and in my opinion the only thing more dangerous to a country keep in mind that Department of Defense mission is to protect its national borders the only thing more dangerous than our ability not to protect our national borders and our people is not to be able to have a conversation that that threat exists and that was my that is what I did to you we couldn't even have a conversation about it because of social stigma and that is wrong so that is why I chose to leave and of course a lot of speculation came out as a result of that and by a spy for the CIA trying to fool people and do soft disclosure as I've said before look at the end of the day I'll tell you no but it is really matter because people gonna believe what they believe I didn't they don't care because we're getting what we wanted you're getting the information that was so squirreled away in these little secret hidden compartments it's now coming to light you're now realizing we're looking at aircraft forty years in the future because if you look at forty years ago in the past what do we have we have f-16s we have f-14 Tomcats we had F Wars what do we have today we have at Fayette teams we have f-16 we have F twenty-twos we have about 117 but they're still Jets when you look at the DIA studies I think it's very evident what we were looking at when we're looking at an aircraft forty years in the future we're going to get them to a little bit right now so this was the a-10 contract focus and I also want to go a little bit into what H it means and you have you seen up here aerospace we're not talking about aviation we're not talking about airplanes we're talking about things that have the ability to operate both in an atmosphere environment and no atmosphere environment and you know what probably underwater - why is that important because these things are being able to move to perform in a way that we still don't quite yet understand we certainly cannot replicate more importantly they can do it in all virtual mediums so let me digress for just one moment here and do a very brief and I don't want to something anybody's intelligence I know pretty much everybody who knows more about physics than I do but as it was explained to me let's say this pen here is a aircraft and aircraft looks like an aircraft because it has to perform in our atmosphere so it hasn't notice it's got a tail it's got wings it's got control surfaces it's got an engine in the back so playing pretty much looks like a planing yeah I might me of me too versus an f-16 but it still is a plane whereas a rocket doesn't have to fly really for very much time in our atmosphere it's in no atmosphere so it has thrusters doesn't have wings some time control services as thrusters has chemical rocket motors instead of a jet engine because there's no atmosphere and yet a submarine looks completely different it actually uses buoyancy and a propeller to move underwater and that's why submarine looks like a submarine a plane would send a plane and a rocket looks like a rocket for the most part yet these things were seen can operate in all these environments without changing their physical attributes and still continue to perform the same way now for those of you who are scientists you know the track coefficients we're talking about when you're in water you look at a torpedo and I can't go into details here but anything above a moderate speed underwater the drag becomes so significant that it's almost impossible to overcome unless you use other technologies to reduce that friction and yet these things can perform just as easily we pick them up on radar we take them up on sonar and we pick them up with everything in between this was a contract focus I've talked about this before but this came out back more than a year ago before the list of dia studies was ever released and this is actual from the contract why is that important because a word phenomena is used does it say aircraft folks it says phenomena it's in black and white you can read it yourself in the Contra black-and-white every word that we use is deliberate in the US government you know that from a contract vehicle perspective if you've ever been a core contract officers representative you know what I'm talking about words have meaning they have legal meaning so when you see that investigate legitimacy of currently observed phenomena investigate that doesn't mean just do studies folks that doesn't mean sit back with a stubby pencil and just collect data it's investigating it's doing it's an action so and then ask the question are they achievable by current understanding of physics and engineering what if there are craft than the answer is yes unless they're not and then it says at the bottom if not look research is required to achieve it well those are the studies that mr. Pugh talked helped get done for us and several other very very very renowned scientists some of the best in the world in their fields binding so that's why you have those studies I came out and again it says in black and white phenomenon does not say aircraft so anybody who tries to twist that narrative I would encourage you to do a little reading or encourage them to do a little reading because it's in black and white so this is a slide to put out before but I can probably talk a little bit more now about it because all these studies came out so let me briefly go over what are the five observables work okay you're talking about an object here's our little airplane again the first observable is sudden and instantaneous acceleration what we're talking about are the inertial forces that are that are exhibited by something when it changes direction from point A to point B and possibly back to a again at C or whatever there are internal inertial forces that we can look at and we can actually measure to determine is it something that we know so to put this in context the human body can withstand for a very short period of time about nine G's wearing a G suit otherwise very unpleasant things start to happen blackouts rathaus et cetera and f-16 I'll be it a little bit older aircraft anybody here from General Dynamics well anyways great aircraft little older still one of the most highly maneuverable aircraft we've ever built except a few experimental ones but they were unmanned so and that aircraft can go anywhere between 16 to 18 G's before the material science aspect of the aircraft begins to break down meaning when we snap off okay there are other things missiles that can experience much greater g-forces for a very short period of time again a very short period but what we're seeing is a consistent and a persistent ability to perform g-forces well in excess of 400 genes and that's on the conservative side well beyond the healthy limitations of anything biological is certain to withstand and by the way this is not world according to them this is this is actually documented it's been recorded it's real you can see it yourself and the Nimitz is just one of many many examples that I'm fairly certain are going to come to light really soon the next one is hypersonic velocity so here's our little airplane again flying in the atmosphere and everybody knows that supersonic speeds are blurry you're talking hypersonic velocity you're talking about Mach 5 Plus that's really fast but now do we have aircraft that can do it sure Hank the Space Shuttle did that I was going and changing orbital velocity but not the way we're seeing it and certainly not without the Associated signatures when you seen the shuttle launch baby you know it's a shuttle I mean it's loud you see a smoke plume for miles and miles and miles earth shakes when an aircraft is doing that kind of speed or a missile you have heat ablation and friction you have atmospheric organization you have contrails at the back you have acoustic signatures such as sonic booms that are very hard to get around an engineer around it okay that's why you have something like the b2 it's really stealthy but it's not really fast if you want to be really fast you're probably not going to be really stealthy so it's a trade-off that these things are performing hypersonic velocity in some cases have to be careful icing what I will tell you is that they have been officially clocked at over 13,000 miles an hour unofficially much much faster and by the way these are through through military capabilities okay not grandma saw some lights in the backyard the third observable is a little bit of an oxymoron low observability right believe it or not the fact that you can't see it sometimes is something that you can record sometimes the absence of data itself is just as important as having data if you see a hole in the picture that means something to creating that hole and very much the same way here you'll have the reports of the pilots eye witnesses by the way highly trained observers all with top-secret security clearances by the way trusted to fly live munitions over US cities go and fight way these these people are trained to know the silhouette between the mid 25 and mig-29 and f-16 in the European tour not they know it they know they different between a drone a quadcopter and a kite and they're telling you what they're seeing is unlike anything they've ever seen before but oh wait there's more because what they're reporting and saying you know it's this weird kind of silvery object that's hard to see is also being backed up under lector optical data the cameras are seeing that same fuzzy weird object - with this weird glowing aura this halo around him and oh by the way it happens to be the same thing and that the radar is picking up two simultaneously and not just one radar many radars at the same time from different positions okay so they have spatial and temporal data coming in oh I think that probably told you guys don't ever do this same spatial and temporal information all now coming together telling you that you've got something there may I know what it is it's hard to see it but maybe that the fact that it's hard to see in itself as an observable thing is telling you something there's some physics there right when you look at the desert a hot desert on a hot day you see that mirages effect it's kind of hard to seize through are we looking at something similar and of course that you can see on the right these are some of the reasons why it's important for us from them from a DoD perspective a military perspective a national security perspective because if I can do instantaneous acceleration and hypersonic velocity of low observability that gives me the ability to understand thrust-vectoring capabilities g-force neutralization rapid deployment of a capability first-strike capability right so if I can go ahead and hit my enemy before they hit mean and that's probably better and then of course stealth low observability the other two observables multi-medium travel positive look we'll talk very briefly about that - I apologize on the right if it's hard to to seeing those I didn't get a chance when I was going between PC and Mac back and forth on this it dropped the color but though they're supposed to be young multi-medium travel we talked briefly about that an object that can perform just as easily in atmosphere low-earth orbit possibly beyond and even under water now why would that be important for us well strategic surprise military flexibility battle space dominance I can fly I can swim and I can do everything in between that's huge but that again goes to a world of compromises when we're talking from an engineering perspective for exist when you look at a sea plane right that's a plane that can fly but it can also kind of be like a boat but a seaplane isn't real it's you know it's it's an amalgamation of compromises it's not really a great airplane and it's not really a great boat it's just kind of in the middle there because it's got a satisfying boat so there are these compromises we don't see those compromises when we're looking at the UAP why is that and then of course positive lift the ability to define the natural effects of Earth's gravitational force that by the way universally applies to us all and we have technology sure I mean we have hot air balloons that's positive lift we have lift wings right like an aircraft you have the four the four coefficient you have to pay attention to thrust lift drag weight you have a jet engine that can provide that thrust you have a propeller engine that's kind of a mechanical way of pushing the air if you will and then you have rocket engines chemical engines but really those are only the four real ways we know how to how to defy for any real good kind Earth's natural gravitational force other than ballistic right like a mortar or just popping this a lot of it out of a silo yeah these things can fly these credible speeds and yet hover like a helicopter sometimes for a minute sometimes for hours sometimes for days they can drop in from 80,000 feet down to 50 feet right over the water within less a couple seconds you tell me and I mean I I was part of a lot of government programs I have a good healthy background in aerospace and protecting technologies advanced technologies when I was a young special agent we still don't have that capability so you can see from a national security perspective there are national security implications to this now if you ask me as a human being is a national security threat I think my answer to you would be could be if it wanted to be and as it potential to be I'm not saying they're a threat what I'm saying is that they could mean if they wanted to be or it could be if it wanted to be so as a result you pay in your department of defense to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic that's what it says so you you want a Department of Defense to consider this a potential national security threat until it can prove its not so that's why in my job look if this was a humanitarian thing and everybody was here for peace and sing Kumbaya give it to the State Department give it to an NGO unit in USAID that's not DoD's job you don't whose job is to go fight and win wars quickly that is what you paid us to do and so that is why there was a national security Nexus because if there's anything other than national security the DoD would not be involved the Air Force wouldn't be involved maybe wouldn't be involved most likely the CIA wouldn't be involved dia and everybody else it is a national security issue is that a threat I don't know but it is an issue in my opinion but you know what this effort didn't start with agent and I know that and you know that a tip was just one piece of a long legacy of efforts that some people in this room were actually part of how incredible is that right so here we are today and we're going all the way back some some folks in this room we're actually part of the project Bluebook and that's something else these are documents that were actually released by these organizations that talk about the same five observables in fact going back to the 1950s early fifties 1952 to be precise officers described seeing a flying white butane tank about 40 feet a flying lozenge what is that someone to you somebody take that to me and these observables go all the way back to 1947 and they're written in some cases by four-star officers they're written to and from J Edgar Hoover as high as it gets so don't look at a tip and say well a tip frontal it's out actually we didn't we just continued the legacy of a lot of hard work it goes well before that we have known about these things for a long time the only thing they did with the help of folks like Al was be able to understand that these things fell into a category of observables and then allowed us to try to figure out the physics that is an accomplishment of ancient unfortunate I can't take credit for it the credit goes to that guy but that is something that this this office was able to achieve but I do think that's significant because once you understand the physics you understand how it works if you understand how it works then maybe you can replicate it so I encourage you at some time to take a look at some of these documents very very interesting again a lot of these are the recent FOIA there's a lot of them I don't expect everybody to digest all of it but there's enough there where anybody can look at or even take these slides and blow up and see to see some of these examples they're pretty incredible I'm sure some of you will do this anyway so everyone always take to the briefing they go through a fine-tooth comb so I try to put a couple Easter eggs in there once I should have said that for this so there's a long history but you know what it's not only the us folks it's foreign governments they've got an interest too and some of these countries have actually admitted it for some reason they're a little more forthcoming than we are I don't know why I imagine why but these are some of the organizations that are actually within their governments that are actually charter specifically to look at you a piece from a scientific perspective minded so you're talking about money resources and budgets and personnel it could be diverted to like things like war on terrorism but they're not been converted to the UAP phenomena because they think it's important enough that they understand what they're dealing with and Frank they don't blame you but guess what it's not just that here's some more countries so I think when we have this conversation we're beginning to realize that this is not a u.s. phenomenon this is not even a phenomena for this hemisphere it is truly a global phenomenon there's a gentleman I met me here from Peru and you know what they had one hell of an effort a lot of interesting things about what happens in and in the South America how and I have had a briefing with one individual in particular from a country down south a very senior first I still remember that that debriefing very very compelling and it was an official US government deviation by the way so yeah there's a history here and this is a this is a global phenomenon so why why why would we look at it I mean our friends are looking at it somewhere before that the series are looking sure you should look no there's two things I might before go to the next slide talk about just briefly national security threat I heard someone else say this a far more eloquently but let me see why can we catch here very quickly hypothetically sir senator so-and-so Lou do you think this is really I mean really at the end of it just really it's just really a threat well sir mr. senator we have we have two options and we have something coming into our airspace that we have no idea what it is how it works and there's not a damn thing we can do about it and oh by the way has a capability to bring potentially nuclear capabilities over the White House in two minutes or it's a mass delusion everybody is absolutely crazy thousands of DoD people who have top-secret clearances trained observers whom you trust to go fight and win the worth with languages over your head since they're crazy by the way some of these people have their finger on the nuclear button is that not also an issue so either way it's a national security issue doesn't matter what some gal you're on doesn't matter how you feel about it hey this message transmission those are the only two options it's real or it's not neither one is a national security issue so I think I think it's important we we look at it that way and so then the next options well you know it's okay who the deal of these crashes are into someone you know actually we think it's Russia okay fine you know what great so how long have you known DoD and this was a Russian capability if you failed to inform Congress which by the way is wall what's your answer now because uptake rates Russians why would you told me it's been how many years and they've had this cake really the entire time so you see my pointer when you go down the logic train it's really not that bit illogical to have this conversation from a national security perspective because either way you look at it it is a national security issue but with come challenges also come opportunities we are in a room now where we have some of the greatest minds in this country working together to put human beings on the moon coming in today this morning I was stunned to see a life-sized version of the Saturn 5 rocket amazing amazing one of the most powerful fastest machines mankind has ever built ever is standing right over there right in your backyard and let's look at it what happened during the last space race a lot of things happen a lot of industries came out of the last space race that we couldn't even imagine so my humble company along with Hal and several other people like Chris melon Steve justice we have a company that a lot of people kind of say well are you ready to but now you're doing this thing with GSA and okay you're trying to build something you're trying to study something you're also selling books and t-shirts I'm confused okay well it's okay you can be but it actually makes sense that's a whole nother breathing but what I'm gonna tell you these are kind of a three divisions we have field operations science and aerospace and education entertainment now what the hell does entertainment and a rock star have to do with this you've got a platform folks same reason you're here today you're all coming here to have a discussion and have a conversation in order to do that you got to get the word out having a rock star in a musician and understands how to push a message and there's a little bit of a vanguard in maverick and doesn't really care and some of the rules that you guys like need to worry about sometimes you got to break a little China and he knows how to break a lot of China he was also an individual who got to the highest levels of government whether you're one admit it or not you got to Podesta so we have to give credit where credit is due and part of this is like when spielberg came out with his Close Encounters of the Third Kind that was I think we can look back and say wow that was actually a very monumental movie it was done for entertainment but it was a monument to living and so you there are examples where science fiction has actually conformed science fact in science fact has informed science fiction and that's done in entertainment let's put an example Gene Roddenberry Star Trek right remember they had a little track water the little flip phone and all of a sudden Motorola 30 years later folks they talk about the trial or kind of this thing that we're gonna look inside your body now we've got cat scans so those are some examples where site fiction help inform science fact let's look at some examples where science fact inform science fiction in the entertainment industry and then I won't paint this too much Apollo 13 a mission that almost became a national tragedy and disaster but it wasn't it was a miracle and 30 years later yup Hollywood doing a movie with Ron Howard its director on Apollo 13 right to get that message out so no different than anybody else trying to get their message out no different than this organization here we're trying to get the conversation started and what you saw in History Channel that is a start you're talking about a global audience of millions and millions of people we can finally have the conversation and by the way what people say on camera you can't take it back once it's said once it's recorded is there for posterity for and burn so this is a way that we can have that conversation and we can get people to have the conversation people with access people with expertise people in the government this is not a show by the way if anybody wants to know how well you do financially doing a show after seven months like this travel in the world internationally working your butt off I've made enough just put on the table I've made enough to buy a decent lawnmower so I can now move my lawn and a self-propelled one more so if you think this is some get-rich-quick scheme it's not folks it is I gotta go play the lottery that that changes I'm making more money doing that you do this because you believe in it and once you see it you can't forget it so this is our humble company we talked about some of the innovations that came out profound innovations resulted from the last space race well let's take a look at a few portable life support systems micro scanners remote medical monitoring and sensors memory foam for beds here's just a small few examples let's look at a few more cosmic ray shielding we now use them on our satellites freeze-dried food unless sure that was such a great invasion portable soil vacuum reflective foils we use now for thermal insulation this goes on and on right human prosthetics and thank NASA actually there were over 6,300 innovations any of you have athletic shoes and good work out or do go Paolo any of you had a cat scan in the last year all LED lights anybody who has ever seen an LED light or uses LED lights to try to save money in your house Oh each one of these in some cases trying to a multi-billion dollar industries and they had no idea NASA had no idea what was going to come out of the space race and here's just a small example so guess what my opinion I think we're at that paradigm again I think we are at this paradigm where now we are faced with a new reality and the sky's the limit folks if you think that's exciting wait to see what comes out of this you can manipulate space-time metric can you imagine what type of what type of things we can do for mankind and humanity and that's just one so our company is is focused to a great deal on the science piece in the aerospace on looking at this as I as a business case model that might work all right so just find everybody wants to talk about the sea so look all those products that came out of the last base range required material science scientists in some cases like you that are sitting in this room we need your help you know how the material you know how the analysis you know how the data you got nothing so this is why forms like yours are so important you've gotta have scientists at the end of the day to figure out just what the hell it is we're looking at what what makes this material so special now in some cases this material was told it's special through analysis guess what yeah not so special but some of it is absolutely special I will point out which ones on that slide but there are some that are absolutely special and have been briefed to some very very senior levels of this government and they do remarkable and extraordinary things and they're built in such a way that to this day we still can't replicate can this day so that should be that should be very telling material science is a critical piece to this we can't just sit there and say aha I told you so that's not what this is about this is not this effort is not about satisfying the natural curiosity of people who want to know right now as I've said before there's a difference in giving information right and giving it right now I am not in the business of giving information right now I'd rather give it to you right so you have to do to diligence you have to understand what it takes to do the analysis and to respect the scientific amendments and to respect the people you're working with in government whether it be the legislative branch or the executive branch you've got to give people time you have been steeping of you in this for decades some of these people are learning about this for the very first time no kidding there's scratching so wait a minute that's real that's real can you imagine that so you got to give them time and then they have to make decisions because you can imagine with something like this there's all sorts of agencies and organizations that have an interest in this I can't tell you which ones unfortunately but you can use your imagination and it's not just propulsion there's other organizations I can look at this you know and say let's say from let's say from Ramel perspective right I put X amount of pounds of armor on a vehicle that slow me down and weigh me down what if I didn't have to have armor at all what if I had a way a certain material where bullets didn't matter and what it didn't do anything to me so we're taking this step by step I know people are hungry for information data I do believe it's forthcoming but it has to be done the right way and by the way let me caveat that too because people say what is the right way you're away no it's not my way it's not my way at all but we have to respect the people that are involved we have to give them the flexibility and latitude to take this in and start making the right decisions and you want to always make sure that your executive branch and your legend legislative branch are duly informed you don't want one being informed and not the other politics aside I want every Republican Democrat independent you know Tea Party don't I don't care the bottom line is when you serve as a government servant like I did it is our duty responsibility to inform leadership and the executive branch doesn't matter who's in charge and in turn you also have to make sure that the legislative branch is also informed and you know what one being more informed than the other does then they get mad so it takes time it takes time but now let's recap very quickly the last year and four months okay just very quickly humor me for one moment the New York Times came out and published a story that the program was real it was real they said they spent 22 million dollars on three billions for the first time in US government history were released by the US government through the actual review process on objects that they still say to this day they have no idea what they are and by the way they were already analyzed so please don't show me some sort of video game that some food pulled off their PC and say look that's IR flare it's not even a real picture they're looking at a video game okay give me real data we had the best of the best from the intelligence community looking at this that briefed me and they said Lou we haven't a clue this is some weird stuff and by the way you will say that we even had people from NTSB on camera analyze it on camera same thing bingo not a clue 50 years of doing investigations for the NTSB I've never seen anything like that in my career for the record on camera so I think it's important as we build a compelling case that we can tell keeping in mind that even the brief I'm giving you today there are going to be people maybe even in this audience but they're gonna be people it just goes out that are gonna scrutinize every single word I say and they're waiting for me to mess up one wrong word that violates my NDA and I go to jail you won't see Luke for a very long time so I have to be careful I will not violate my NDA not because I'm afraid of jail just because I'm a patriot I want to tell you I love my country so I'm not gonna violate but I am gonna try to have a conversation in a way that gets everybody involved and that information comes to in the right way because it shouldn't be coming from the way settings on though shouldn't be coming world according to Lou and this is this is everything just but it should be coming through the government channels the right channels because ultimately that's why I really left the Department of Defense I wanted to fix it I didn't want to ruin it these are good people most of those people that are my friends or foxhole ones in combat with they're good they're loyal they're Patriots yeah there's dysfunction in the government I got it we all know they're in bits there but there's also a lot of goodness and so I wanted to compel those in leadership positions to fix the system it's not any one individuals fault now are there little cobol's in there that made my life very difficult yeah absolutely their work and that's another conversation but they were not they did not represent the government writ large and I think it's important that I make that distinction and I want the government to work to our benefit now I'm a private citizen before I was a serving other people now the government serves me and I want to make sure work I want to make sure it's fixed and so that's what we're doing so that's really what my what my effort has been the last year it happened so if we've been a little bit radio silence I apologize for that it's not intentional but there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes just because you don't see what's on top of the water there's a whole lot going on underneath so I asked for a little bit of patience and understanding what you've open very patient and understanding I think good things are coming I think good things are coming this wedding you have a good meal is scary for some people and maybe this is a conversation that that is not only involving scientists like you and the curious but also maybe religious scholars and philosophers and government people and academics right why not bring them into the mix because at the end of the day I don't care if your doctor you're a lawyer you're a cop you're a fireman you're a schoolteacher you're a student this phenomenon affects every single one of us equally and how we interpret this information they differ depending where you come from and one of your few one is a lovely review on is in life but at the end of the day we're all affected equally so we should probably all have a conversation together in my opinion anyways so with that said let me go here and before we go to questions real quick I would like to just point out one last thing I was a government bureaucrat I did some stuff before in the intelligence community I spent some time in some really bad situations overseas but when I came to this program I didn't ask to it it was someone asked me because of my background in counterintelligence to take the job and so I did it this is not something that I went just now but I want to do it when they came to me and they finally had a serious conversation he asked me said Lou I want to know what do you think about UFOs it's all dumb I don't don't think about it no no I don't care I don't got time to page them just I'm worried about the enemy tell me where the enemy isn't and so that's probably why I was brought on in the beginning and then later the the director who preceded me unfortunately was run out of the US government because of this very caustic portfolio a lot of stigma and so people like Hal and others who we had to rely upon after that director and I took it over they're really the they're the real heroes of this internet I was just kind of the guy that could kind of keep everybody protected and keep it running but at the end of the day they were the ones doing the hard work so if there's anybody to thank in this scenario there's a handful of people that my former director I I can't say his name because I promised I would never he has to make that decision if he wants to come out but he's certainly one of those heroes how could office certainly one of those heroes another guy that kid green is one of those heroes another guy that I can't mention his name is one of those heroes because he's still fighting the fight in Washington right now today to David this moment running parts of this program so that's encouraging it's alive and well now is it called a tip I don't know I'd probably change the name frankly but other than that it's the same thing it's say it's exactly the same thing you can call it a Lincoln or a Ford it's made the same plan at the same car different bench so anyways with that what I'd like to do if it's okay turn it over to some questions cuz I know you can probably have more specific questions and I can't it just being with those or so I'm gonna shut up and see if anything has any any questions so have a seat sir oh my god I'm getting a lot of questions so okay let's just go right through this I have the questions for him and let this poor gentleman sit down he's he's he he has just been through the middle in terms of flights and everything else so I've been looking at a lot of these questions never carry some of them are very excellent oh yeah we tell you and they're keep coming in and this one's a book so so how do you explain sir that senior journalists have not followed up on the information released to the New York Times I think it's the same reason why scientists haven't stigma it's a career killer now it's changing but I think it was curriculum and I think people like Alejandro Rojas can tell you firsthand some of the challenges he had to endure I will tell you I know from personal experience using very very respectable investigative journalists it just so happens that what he's interested in happens to be Aero phenomena and for that reason people will look at it as oh no I'll stand up that's a pair of money can you can you push me in the back Laur okay how about that all right I don't want to blast the eardrums here in the front but there you so did you hear the question initially why why certain journalists aren't taking this maybe more seriously or not reporting it okay so my answer to that question is the same reason why scientists haven't followed up with this because of the social stigma that is usually associated with this this portfolio of this phenomena and I used the example of mr. Alejandro Rojas here who I have had the privilege to actually talk with and I can tell you as a matter of fact he is a true-blue investigative reporter he's very very good at what he does but because he decides to focus his efforts on this phenomena obviously there's a lot of sting with involved with that so that is a question I think that probably who could answer that better than me more qualified would be someone like him but I might guess is because of the stigma it's a career killer the moment someone starts reporting on on you a page all of a sudden you think of tinfoil hat and little read people and Elvis on the mothership and that that that's a career killer right even if you want to pursue it from a scientific perspective there's a mountain of stigma so part of defeating that stigma is first getting the government which had already dipped to acknowledge yeah you know what we're looking at these things and by the way we don't want to admit either because there's a stigma yeah so it's it's totally understandable they're trying to see if the cake get louder alright can you hear me back to the back ok so it's about my illustrious voice versus yeah try that maybe I ll see ya ok when we have known about a tip without you are you a whistleblower no a whistleblower is somebody who looks at malfeasance from the government and then comes out and wants protection I'm not looking for protection and in see any malfeasance I simply saw a problem systematically with the government involving silos that needed to be broken down I am NOT a leaker nor am i a whistleblower leakers are somebody who provides classified information in an unauthorized manner and a leak and a whistleblower somebody like I said who is trying to point out malfeasance that's not me none of those I'm just just a government guy who wanted to have a conversation and got very very frustrated because I I couldn't afford my chain of command and it was purely because of stigma that's it how do you have four reports did you receive from the military in a year which year [Laughter] okay so which group has been most skeptical of TTS a government science or UFO enthusiast yes all of them since a tip was sanctioned to collect info on aerial threats why wouldn't they have the radar data from the 2004 event I didn't know we didn't scuttlebutt reports say that many different species visit here mostly friendly or indifferent does this suggest we are in a neutral zone in interstellar space or unclaimed space I am absolutely not qualified to answer that I have no idea I would be completely disingenuous of me to tell you what I think because frankly I don't have enough data so I respect a question I think it's a great question but that's a question I think that we need to have philosophers and theologians and the general public have I'm not qualified respectfully I'm not I'm not qualified to answer that question where did a tip fit into the DIA reporting structure and how much time did a to spend on UFOs a tip itself spent its entire time on UFOs but it wasn't always at DIA it was later moved up to OSD so dia in the early days was very much in a rural part of a tip and the results were reported up to chain of command to the highest levels by the way we'll see you but at the highest levels but then later it was determined that the organ the organization called a tip and the effort would be able to do more at the office of a secretary defense level and so it was actually taken out of it dia and I'm not sure fact has come out yet but that's that's what happened in your personal experience in the threat assessment program has there been any evidence that that could be assessed as a threat by the Phenom so let's for just a moment to find threat if you go to an airport and you stand too close to a jet engine you're probably gonna go deaf very loud so as a result you can't get too close to the jet engines that's a threat it's a threat to your hearing there's a threat to your safety right if you if you go and you put your head in a microwave I think you're gonna have it right I mean probably not a very smart thing to do there's a biological threat there whether it's intentional or not I think is is the question maybe you'd be asked you might be asking because we tend to ascribe threats as intentional threats someone who's out to try to harm you on purpose we're in we were looking at this not necessarily from an intentional threat but any kind of threat environmental threat biological threat you know if you have a pilot that is getting has getting a barrel rolls over him with a UAV and all of a sudden now there's associated hearing loss is that a threat even if it's not intentional or if somebody says look I came close to one of these things and all of a sudden when they come back and you see them they look like they've got radiation burn is that a threat well sure this amenable threat so I'm careful not to say something it's definitively a threat because I think we need to define first what a threat needs because threatening something different to different people and whether you talk to a doctor you talk to a police officer you know threats come in all different shapes and sizes do you believe that there is a government agency not a tip that has real-time access to military UFO reports we've already had Blue Book doing that okay but now now I mean I I think I explained to the audience that the effort is alive and well between Alliance how do you do scientific analysis on something inherently not reproducible like UFOs how do you do scientific analysis of something that's inherently not reproducible like Joe Carson meaning I think that more like you know the UFO event happens in the sky and then it doesn't happen to get into the same space you know I mean that type of thing sometimes there are patterns and I'll leave it at that so so to say that they're not repeatable I not sure I subscribe to that but let's just say they're not reasonable for argument's sake I'll suspend I think let's just say they're not repeatable well let's go back to the analogy I said before about the giant squid in the Pacific right that's not a repeatable thing these things are very elusive they very very deep in the ocean and to actually capture one on camera was almost impossible until we did it and then we start to understanding its of migration patterns we started understanding its feeding patterns we start understanding its mating patterns and then we can start drawing patterns that weren't there before so you ap is no different we have to collect the data and then once you have the day begins to speak for itself then you can serpentine patterns together and that's exactly what ancient was doing we were putting the patterns together and we were using that under the construct of the five observables to do it is all of this disclosure confirmation happening now because the u.s. is behind and are our adversaries in developing this technology that is a great question I can't answer on behalf of the US government what I can what I can say is that if we are aware of another nation who is looking into this and let's look at the 1970s as an example when when help it off dr. Halperin we'd off had was was working the remote viewing program for several of our members in the intelligence community we knew that the Russians were doing you to speak up more okay still folks in the back can you hear me now okay so the question was regarding UAP specifically and if any foreign adversaries may be looking at these things my response to that is no different than in the 1970s during the remote viewing program that how a boot off my colleague here was running we knew definitively that the Russians weren't looking at this too so as a result we need to look at it because what may be pseudoscience today could be a breakthrough advantage tomorrow and so looking at you ApS sure yeah there's other countries that are just show you a slide there that show you countries that are interested so it shouldn't be a surprise to anybody that the United States would want to keep a strategic edge over its its potential adversaries and especially especially look if one if one of those observables was mastered by a foreign country whether it was hypersonic velocity you we hear now about the new hypersonic cruise missile that butis Yeah right and it's got everybody terrified well that's just one of those observables imagine a craft that can do all five of those think how terrifying that would be right so yeah it's incumbent upon us to make sure that we avoid strategic surprise by our potential adversaries so not sure if that answered the question for you but I think it's safe to assume that you know there's adversaries doing the same thing that the eighth tip program and all look at any of the extra like the the abduction phenomena or does it have any knowledge or evidence of extraterrestrial beings in physical form I'm not qualified to answer that I think you would be best after this or sometimes as we can talking to my colleague how not to 300 buzz but he's far better and answering that question than I am have you or T TSA found any exploitable technologies or theoretical concepts from you AP data that are exploiter exploitable and if so how public will the speed yeah absolutely we did and I think it's already in some cases already going public let's look at the warping of space-time so this is something that people kinda get excited about really don't understand what what that means when we talk about warping space-time what we're talking about is there's there's there's two fundamental ways in which mankind is aware that you can work space-time and that is with a lot of mass or matter like Earth or the Sun or anything other celestial body that warp space-time or a heck of a lot of energy because as we know energy and matter are really inextricably entwined it's almost like Steam compared to I they look you feel fundamentally different but they're really kind of the same thing so when you when you hear that the CERN and the Large Hadron Collider is now at the point energy levels where we are creating micro black holes and of course everybody gets scared that they're going to suck the earth in that's not gonna happen all they're simply saying is that we're approaching the energy levels now we're real warping space-time in the laboratory and we're doing it with energy that's all they're saying and so what we've already accomplished that we have already crossed that bridge weight is not a matter of theoretical possibility to rework space-time we're doing it right now so the question is now become it becomes a technological question when does a technology and the science catch up so we can scale it to a usable size that now we can actually take advantage of but yes a lot of those studies at UC are real studies the drakes equation now that people are aware of I mean that was a very real study and the math is real warp drive that's not pseudoscience that what you see in those papers are now being substantiated at the certain that Large Hadron Collider those very same principles we talked about quantum entanglement we talked about teleportation these things that we thought were or science fiction but now doing it on an auto routine basis in fact the Air Force has done some of this stuff and with DARPA so so so yeah I mean I guess to answer your question succinctly absolutely do you see the UAP issue as being potentially politically unifying meaning the Dems and Republicans working together on this issue it has already demonstrated to be a bipartisan issue in the past we know that between anyway Stevens Reed and and John Glenn and there was others as well and now we've seen in this last request from from the late senator from ona john mccain that there were Democrats on that that request that for your request that went up to wasn't really a FOIA request is just request I went up to dia that was bipartisan so so now you're seeing it you're seeing an action it's it's it's it's in it's in writing so I think that's also very good because it shows that that Washington can cooperate with itself when it needs to during the Nimitz encounter period NASA was testing the x-43a HyperX in the same theater of operation do you know of any NASA confirmation of any anomalous activity in the air that they monitor that's one thing that we address is very very diligently and you know you'll see that they're all being that in the coming weeks coming months there was a test hypersonic test but you have to understand how those tests work and they use a Pegasus rocket and basically it's a very linear trajectory and there's a specific Apogee which I can't go into but but there's a very specific signature and and there's no way to confuse a testing of a hypersonic scaled-down rocket using scramjet with what we're saying hypersonic cruise missiles don't do barrel rolls they don't hover they don't do a lot of the things that we're seeing so we know it wasn't a hypersonic cruise missile NASA knows it wasn't to because we know where they shot at we know they floated [Music] given that scientists are analyzing the materials that elements composition of a space material like things like stars planets nebulae and more what is being done to analyze the material composition of a ap and might the same tools to be used identifies substance materials again great question and I'm going to give that that is definitely a he'll question has anyone ever received a measurable dose of radiation from exposure to an aap you heard him just saying I can't say it but the answer from hell was yes well we ever hear anything from TTS a-about the squares inside of a spear Navy's that David freighter spoke up yep you're doing very well with this by the way how much how much of the keep it quiet be a hold over from the panic created by the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Welles that we've been invaded fundamentally is it not a matter of who controls the information if you control the information you effectively control the people great question that's why I think we need to engage our academics our political leaders our philosophers are our theologians because this conversation involves them as well those are the ones that have to figure out what type of impact this has to society but but let's look at history as as a brief measure let's just go back even a year ago there was some fear by a lot of people that if you acknowledge this and all of a sudden religions would go crazy and meltdown and government don't go haywire and but all Society would just kind of kind of go into mass pandemonium well that didn't happen did it you just had the New York Times run an article you had the new the Pentagon admit that the program was real even release videos and no religion to fellow no governments crumbled so I have a little bit more faith in mankind I don't think that we're as fragile as some people think I mean we we trust the American people with the knowledge that that there could be an Ebola outbreak at any time or that there could be a super flu or that there is a rogue nation that is trying to to build nuclear capabilities against against our interests so I have faith in the American people that they're they're probably okay to handle handle the truth that's my perspective releasing some information promising to release more and frustrating people when nothing significant happens for months can be a counterproductive why does t TSA follow that pattern well what I would say is remember the analogy I use about the wave tops there's a whole lot going below the surface and well we don't want to do is jeopardize those efforts just to satisfy idle curiosity no no no disrespect intended I understand people are very passionate about this but we do not want to prematurely go down that path and wind up cutting the very avenues that we have worked so hard to establish to push this over the finish line this is not a sprint folks this is a marathon this is this is not the this is not the beginning of the end this is not even the end of the beginning this is this is going to be a long haul and this is going to take patience a lot of patience and the last thing you want to do is just rush through this and kind of say I don't so that's not what this is about we only have one chance to do this the right way and we've got a lot of chances to do it the wrong way so we're trying our approach is to try to be very deliberate about this we understand people are hungry for information that's why you have people like Hal and I coming out here to do these conferences we want to give you the information with one by that itch that you have but at the same time you tend we don't want to jeopardize the things that we have going on right now that I promise you in the end will be worth it you're going to look back and say oh man right that makes sense I can see what I mean well you couldn't have that conversation right then so I do understand it's frustrating and I know it comes across a disingenuous all I can say is have a little patience I mean look what you've done in the last last year I mean if any other personal organization even then one of those things they'd be hailed as all those guys are great but you know I feel like we can't catch a break I mean you've got to have the cover eight admitting that the program was real and you have Congress admitting that they established it and that there was money to it and that there were results and that that were finding and there were studies and there were videos and by the way the car still running so I mean it's like saying hey well and I wouldn't know anything the CIA knows well you're not going to know all that because some of that stuff is still going on so if it's going on you're not going to know now those of you who work here in the Redstone Arsenal can appreciate that you know you're not going to jeopardize ongoing mission just to satisfy curiosity I know it's frustrating but that is the environment we're in and we have to respect that so when you're going to continue to see are these bits of information coming out that allow you to put the puzzle together and allow everybody else to understand what's going on again it's not our job to just come out and be full disclosure people tell me all the time that you don't meet demand the truth we know we deserve the truth why I don't doubt that but ain't no offense but I don't work for you you know I'm trying to I'm trying to do something here that's that's for the collective good and and if I had to go out and and address each and every single time somebody wanted to know something we wouldn't be where we are today so so I I understand it I respect it we have we mentioned anything about that coming out in me I don't I didn't mention actually so just to let you know there's a show that's going to be coming on the History Channel about the phenomenons I think it's called the but the phenomena rate the unidentified yes the unidentified is in a book on the History Channel and I think this gentleman and a lot of the you know probably howls in it and variety of other people are in it and it's gonna be experiencing show we're looking for were doing it think it it's like a six-part show or something it's a docu-series and so what you're gonna which you can expect is a six-part aki series by investigative journalists who are with us and we have on camera some really remarkable stuff and i think you're gonna you're going to look back and say wow I didn't know that and hopefully that that point you'll begin to understand why why you know we it's been a little bit of a slow dribble lately it's important that we help you frame the conversation in a way that is universally understood I can't just we can't just paint a message that only scientists will understand or only Millennials will understand or only you know service sector it's got to be universally applicable so everybody has a chance to to absorb the information and process the information then make the determination for themselves what it means to them it's not we're not going to tell you what to think about it you need to do that job you need to think about what this information is gonna mean to you and we have a lot of exclusive stuff I mean it's I think it's gonna gonna be changing the conversation whether it's this is of damage done by UFOs or a a piece that you're aware of and and then also has there been any damage to countries or any threats of the national security simply yes but that narrative is still being constructed so so you can actually see yourself so patience I don't think it's gonna be other thing we're gonna you know go crazy about it we'll get exact that's not that's not we're talking about but I think there's been some very interesting provocations and I think those provocations will be something that we will explore as the government program builds software to find patterns and be able to predict sightings predictive behavior and capabilities yeah so the gist of it let me share something I work at the base over here right now it's a great question and one of the challenges that we've had all along and ufology is being able to predict after you get through the all the UFO reports right realizing that you could explain probably like you know 90% of them rings then you get down to the residual 10% where you can't really do it and then how many of those things are classified projects you know flights that you don't even know about right so some of those might fall off so you're not talking about 5% what I'm trying to tell you is that UFO sightings that are typically like the unknowns are extremely rare and if I may add real quick look if you have analytic data that allows you to identify unidentified aerial vehicle in your airspace that's the same type of technology you can use to identify a foreign adversarial aircraft or one of your own mental aircraft right so this applies more than to just you AP so I'm not being cagey with you on purpose or trying to be cute I'm just letting you know that there's things that I'm not at liberty to discuss because they apply to more than just one thing and so because of that for certain reasons I I'm not a little bitty to have a conversation about that so just so you understand my my perspective I'm not trying to be cagey as a tip a partner in any way with solar warden not to my knowledge I've never heard of that company probably my ignorance but conspiracy thing about here's a little break of a code question what can people do to support the efforts of TTS a be patient that's what you can do be patient try to be a little more understanding I know it's I know it's tough but we are working very very hard to bring this forward and it's not easy and this is not a get-rich-quick get-rich-quick scheme most of us have suffered severe financial duress doing this you you leave a lucrative government job you're at the top of your game you're parking in the same parking lot that the secretary defense bar said you've got 401ks you've got pensions you've got retirement you've got life insurance you've got health insurance you leave that all behind to do this so be patient please this is what I would ask and check in from time to time for approachable I mean talk to us talk to he'll talk to me just call us write an email to do the stars we enter them believe it not there's people out there that will tell you hey actually you know what I wrote a blog and they responded we're not Hollywood superstars were just deporting them we're just trying to do the mission that you all expect us to do that's all I mean we're held accountable we have we have investors and we have to protect their investment as well so it's even if I wanted to do what I wanted to do I can't I have to make sure that what we're doing is for the good for the collective good of what our mission statement says we are B corporation so if for a public benefit but at the same time we also have investors so and I'm not a business guy so I can't really talk much about that I just know that we have that sometimes we walk a bit of a tightrope so please be patient at a gathering in Italy last year you acknowledge briefly a pattern of UFO interest in nuclear weapons sites the research of Robert Hastings has shown that this association is persistent for 70 years he's done a great job with information some think the UFO interest in nukes is protective of the human race but this could be wishful thinking why do you think UFOs show a persistent interest in nooks and did it ever get looking heavy event I have a personal position on it but I am loath to provide my personal position because at the end of the day as a flow people before I can be absolutely sure of something and I can still be absolutely wrong so I'd rather let the facts and data speak for themselves yes there's some synergies there there's some currencies absolutely we do know for a fact that there is some interest strategic interests in our nuclear capabilities I'll be it whether it's a nuclear energy nuclear weapons development nuclear develop the delivery capabilities but that's about all I can say because we get it really if I didn't have a security clearance I could probably talk a lot more about this but I can't I can't even speculate because the if you will the crown jewel to u.s. defense is its nuclear capability and then the US government is very very protective of that information so and I don't want to speculate I again if you're really interested come talk to me afterwards about I'll share with you my my view but I'm gonna caveat now very publicly that I could wrong and so just take it with a grain of salt I don't want anybody taking what I think as being gospel and and and now thinking okay this is the way it is because I'm going to be I'm giving my opinion in an unqualified situation considering the world in the land of NASA what was or is NASA's role in any study or investigating of this phenomenon huge NASA's role you know I look at this as kind of a three pillar capability forgive me this is the first time I firstly spoke about this one of my colleagues kind of feels this way too you have SETI which is out there looking for radio signals and looking for life potentially intelligent life from from well beyond the Milky Way then you have NASA looking for microbial life right here within our solar system then you have T TSA looking at maybe the adoption that it's already here and it's here now and it's impacting our national security equities so I think we need to work together collectively I don't think this is a either/or situation I think I think we have to work together nASA has the capabilities and resources to look at this from their perspective justice SETI has their mission just as we have ours so I'm not sure if that answers a question but I think I think NASA's role is it is huge did you at any time find any kind of indications that that we have a very strong relationship that exists between the UFO phenomena and oceans the planet is definitely surrounded by three-quarters water in fact my question why we call it earth that might be better named water okay so that being said are we talking about a phenomena that has a relationship to the oceans especially like when you consider those Nimitz cases and stuff like that right that's a very fair question and I think that would be a very safe assumption yeah I mean and outlook the Navy has a global president so everybody knows about the about the Nimitz incident and will soon learn about some other ones so it could just be a fact that they are everywhere everybody else isn't but we believe that there is there is some some yeah that's a relationship of water now what does that mean is it because there's you know their hunger there under the under the ocean or is it good because maybe there's the hydrogen is being mined as a fuel source or I mean you could run wild with speculation right so this is again why we need more data I could sit here and tell you all the theories that that some of the folks in a tip have had but that's not going to do any good at the end of the day we really we just need more data and we we need the data in order to help paint that picture and then maybe we can start making some some some assessment as to why this affinity to to h2o we talked a little bit about this at the table this evening but was the Vatican or the Catholic Church ever involved in a tip in any way please explain this is this consistent with the work of dr. Diane basalt I can't speak on behalf of the Vatican and that's a question that you'd have to ask the Vatican right so I was like a kid when it says hey mom can I can I go to the mall well you need to ask your father right I don't want to say yes or no I'd rather if you're asking me a question that involves a third party you need to first ask that third party out of respect for them I don't want to answer in any way shape or form I don't have that authority and I don't want to assume to have that authority I think it's safe to say that they have an interest and they should I think all churches should I think that any any religion should because it's applies to them just as much as it does to you and me so what was the role of the u.s. Navy and/or the NRO in the 8th did a tip ever investigating abductions and can you explain were there any patterns between abductees like Rh negative blood consciousness and cetera can I buy a vowel that's a health question all right for mr. Elizondo okay where the following people read on to the a tip like mr. Brennan general copper general mattis general Kelly general Flynn or general Ashley I absolutely cannot answer the question through the a tip MUFON star teams or Bigelow Aerospace ever collect retrieve or procure any biological evidence DNA or genetic material if so can you explain that is a question I had two really good insightful questions that's a question that I would leave to do an individual who I who I've always looked up to mister Bob Bigelow tantor you're asking about what he did for his company under Bigelow you didn't say a - he said Bigelow so I have to defer to mr. Robert Bigelow to change of those questions which installations did the a tip reside at I'm not asking for any cloud of classified specifics it was a Confederated effort it was over several locations I can't say specifically where but it was throughout the National Capital Region and and beyond this is a pertinent to a lot of people that after the announcement about you came out everybody was going to crazy ly FOIA requests as you were very well imagine which military service agency within the IC would be the best focal point for FOIA requests related to the phenomena a tip and/or this technology if I was a betting man I would I would probably stick to knocking on the doors of DIA they have already admitted that they after some time that they actually we're running part of the program I keep knocking on those doors in reference to this is for me a previous presentation it says in reference to the group of a US government leaders who felt the phenomena was demonic with this some same group being known under the moniker of Collins elite I am not gonna sign labels they were absolutely a core group of individuals that were adamantly against what we're doing not because the empirical data wasn't there but because it was philosophically in contradiction to to their their philosophical belief system I reasoned that I don't agree with it but I respect it and one of these individuals it was actually a very close colleague and mentor of mine so so imagine that imagine having somebody who you look up to so for so long and who's a very senior person in the intelligence community telling you not to pursue this because it went against is ideological belief system to your knowledge has anyone ever estimated the number of anomalous craft present on earth at any given time is it tens hundreds or thousands and that is a great question I honestly have no idea but I just something that that if it's ok whoever asked that question I'd like to add it to my requisite that's that would be a phenomenally fascinating point of research so if it's ok whoever wrote that thank you I'm gonna steal it and I'm gonna start to see if we can find out you guys write great questions by the way these are very very intent okay and I just want to applaud this gentleman next to me because he is trying to carefully tell it's a sweat dance up here can you explain how the DoD space fence is related to the study or surveillance of this phenomena ok so so let's look it this way if you're looking at signatures of an incoming ICBM missile and that signature is coming in from orbit at tens of thousands of miles an hour or they'll say and it's very small and you can do certain things and server ability hypersonic velocities right already we got two of those observables there then maybe some of those same capabilities can be leveraged to look at the UAP right so what you want to use some of those same assets and capabilities that you do to identify more conventional type threats if you can dual use it to serve the purpose of also looking at UAVs and then if you can go ahead and and and and overlay it in a way where you're using you know high orbit mid orbit low orbit atmospheric altogether right and you stitch that together now you have a really good common operating picture of of the batteries so yeah I can't answer that question specifically but I can tell you from a common sense perspective yeah of course that makes sense yeah you want to leverage the hell out of those things which services and/or agencies do not want disclosure confirmation or would not support it in your opinion all of them I am sure they want me to go away you do not see the man behind that curtain over there or in that SUV other the the accelerations of these crafts are on the order of one thousands of G's what information or data exists to indicate how these crafts work and what is known about how they work follow-up oh why does it often assumed that they are warping space with the like allegory to drive or what evidence is there for this we have no theory of quantum gravity could quantum gravity be more relevant so let's start with an instantaneous acceleration yes there are there are scientific models and how can give you better explanation of it but if you reduce the mass of something you reduce the inertial forces okay that's that simple that's that's that's physics you fit so if you have the technology to reduce the mass of something then you have the ability to maneuver in ways that conventional technology currently doesn't have that ability to do but furthermore if you can warp space-time all sorts of interesting things can happen but let me let me put this out there warping space-time is is you know forgive the pun is relative it's not really relative let's say hypothetically anywhere we're all sitting on the surface of this earth right now we're all affected by gravity equally but what if you had some special material that under certain circumstances created a field around you and that field actually insulated yourself from the natural effects of Earth's gravity now two things would have it people talk about the first observable which is oh well all of a sudden how you float the sky you don't you don't need an engine but something else happens because remember what makes things set space and time are together so if you insulate yourself from the effects of Earth's gravity by definition you have to insulate yourself from all the effects of Earth's gravity include time and remember folks time goes by differently for us here on this planet than it does even for some of our gps satellites up there because they're there they're fundamentally further away from the mass of Earth so the cesium atomic clocks go by at a different rate time is relative so if you were to have the ability to insulate yourself conclude yourself from the effects of Earth's gravity well time itself ago by tearing wouldn't it and all sorts of things would happen and if you had this let's say bubble or this event horizon was around this glass here well it would appear to be kind of weird-looking to it made kind of like this weird low observable thing and also it would have this ability to travel at speeds that would just not be possible for us and would also be able to maneuver in ways that would seem magic instantaneous acceleration when in reality if you were inside that bubble would be a walk in the park we would all be going in slow motion but but to us this thing is maneuvering in ways that seem like magic and well positive lives will of gravity's not pulling you down now you don't have to worry about actually having some sort of engine source because gravity doesn't exist for you and so all sorts of things become possible so so maybe instead of there being the five exotic technologies to explain the five different observables maybe all what we're seeing all those observables are really a manifestation of a single technology and the ability to insulate yourself from whatever gravitational forces is in the environment so something to think about why don't we put together the brightest minds from every University or lab in the country or even the world especially since physicists and engineers are to recover any capture to advanced technology healing or otherwise whatever the source why are we listing all that wonderful brain matter I thought that's what this was no no but you guys do that's exactly what we need to do that's what we're trying to do takes time you got to break down stigmas you got to have conversations like this with rational minded people and then they have to converse have to have conversations with other rational minded people and convince scientists that it's okay to have a conversation about things that we don't quite yet understand but that takes time you have to have yet to convince investigative reporters like mr. Alejandro Rojas was willing to go out on a limb and cover this kind of stuff but he does it because he believes what he's feeling so we need more people like that there's a couple other people here in the audience that I recognize too that have put their credibility on the line to to pursue this that's what I mean so the conversations began last year and is is continuing to move forward you have momentum that like you've never had before you have kept congress listening you have the administration listening and they're not turning their backs and not giggling they're not laughing they're taking this with a dead seriousness so I don't know how much more profound accomplishment you want you did it now let's not screw it up we have to got this far because people know we're serious and we're not into the into the into the world of trying to play gotcha or i-told-you-so or anything like that we're trying to push the conversation forward where it belongs so humanity can try to finally figure out what this all needs um this is a code interesting question sister for alleged abduction cases especially for individuals claiming repeated visitations why are we doing the best to be able to clip their bedrooms with cameras they're young and bodies with subcutaneous GPS chips in order to record scientific evidence to point at something other how many of you wear a Fitbit okay just let point out to you that the interesting thing that this is actually recording my heart rate the fact that I'm sleeping all night long recording every minute and and you know it's got the whole thing talking about the number steps that I take would be interesting experiment to be able to take this and put this on people who are claiming abductions to actually have this remotely the data gathered or something like that and looking at that these these are kinds of things that you know that we can approach it in a different way if we have those findings and look for data we don't know what the effects of this would be on those individuals but again it gives you some sort of metrics to be able to understand what they might be going through so I just want to share that with you that's a really good question I think what's important to know that you know I was a creature of the intelligence community and and I always I always preferred the shadows this is this whole spotlight thing is new to me and it they don't particularly like it man it's very uncomfortable but intelligence which is where a tip was it fell under follow certain rules and what a lot of people don't realize especially the Department of Defense and the intelligence community we have something called intelligence oversight and anytime you deal with Joe public there are very specific procedures and circumstances that either allow us or don't allow us prohibit us from dealing with the public and when you talk about actually medical stuff we start getting into the world what we call human experimentation that is what they call the procedure 13in do you need to write 250 200 series a 250 240 if I'm not mistaken and so it's to that or that one and so we have to be very careful because in the past the government and the military was was unfortunately at times guilty of doing things on human beings that probably shouldn't have and that goes back even to World War two and we were doing the atomic testing so that procedure 13 is a very serious violation for me to go out and and and do anything regarding biological as an intelligence officer of the United States government another human being would very very quickly raise eyebrows it and and very likely lay me in jail when you say that we will learn more about the limits and other cases do you mean that this is going to be on that History Channel program I didn't what better way to get the conversation going than let everybody see it themselves right one thing for me do you sit here in a suit and tell you something another thing is for you to sit there and actually watch and talk to the people who are there so yes that's our hope that you will in May begin to appreciate why we've been quiet for the last 7 months I don't want to speak specifically about certain things but hopefully you can be the judge of that yourself these are two kind of related questions related to relative to the skinwalker ranch do you know what I think about the relationship between UFOs and the paranormal at the skinwalker ranch I find extremely puzzling and then the other one was like what is your position on the kind of phenomena witness at skinwalker ranch and is it related to UFOs or some kind of otherworldly entities I'm going to speak to you from Lou right now this is my it might be by deliberately not going to address this from an ancient perspective I think we live in a really big universe most people realize now that that there are several hundred billion stars in our galaxy and there are several hundred billion stars in the observable universe in the last time we looked at the assessment was that there were more stars in the observable universe and there are grains of sand in the all the beaches in the entire world okay that is a phenomenally almost impossibly large number to wrap your head around and in fact if I look to my left and I go thirteen point five billion no thirteen point five billion light years in that direction and I looked at my right and go thirteen point five billion light years in that direction that's a distance of 37 billion light years in between and that's just what we can see so there's a lot of stuff out there that we don't wouldn't understand half of what's in our ocean or even in our neighborhood right how many of you know who your kids is next to and hmm now Betty right so there's a lot that we don't know so for us to speculate that there that everything we see is that's it I think I think is is short-sighted I think when you look at the electromagnetic spectrum I'm literally right now there's a very small sliver well that we call a visible light okay very small sliver but we know there's infrared ultraviolet x-ray everything from all the way to gamma radiation cosmic radiation all the way down the microwave and all everything down below and we look at the universe that way how many times do we look through a Hubble telescope and the optical field when we see nothing but black space with no Meah but it's infrared bang the whole universe like so right it was a visible to our naked eye and yet it's very real no fairy there we see quasars that way that's how we see quasars from billions of light-years away before this planet was even here that light laugh death quasar so first to assume that this is it everything you see is that's it I mean I would submit to you that if that's the case then I do believe in love yes yeah you can't hear it you can't really even measure with your five senses and yet most people this one would most people this room would agree that's real yeah we can't even explain it so we can't explain that who's to say these other things are real you know there's cultures out there Native American cultures that that consider this very much a reality this this alternate universe so to speak who are we to say that they're wrong we're not so so again I think we need a lot more data and those people who are pioneering and and and visionary enough to explore that I salute them why wouldn't you want to explore that why not well you don't because of state law and that's what we need to overcome because statement at the end of the day will paralyze everybody from everything you will never move forward Batman would never have gotten on the moon right there because by the way the picture below that that I was referring to about that dusty road with a bunch of Maltese on it the scientists just 45 years before that picture of the male on the moon was taken they were actual serious scientists who believe that moon was made out of cheese cheese I'm not kidding you now we laughing we think that's ridiculous now but that's that was real old there was a time when the Patent Office said we're gonna close down because in ten years everything that needs to be available have been invented how short-sighted right there was a time where the Air Force was absolutely sure that we would never be able to break the sound barrier you got a sign or five rocket out there that did it just ten years after that so I think we need to change our own paradigm a little bit as human beings and what it means to be a human being I have a lot of related questions here like what's going on in Antarctica somebody asked about that what are your thoughts on Antarctica Dulce it's very cold yeah that's that's very true you have everything from Richard Doty to a lot of people ask you about Richard W who seems to work you know he was working for OSI as a government agency and helping to play it in somebody's mind some fake material like using kind of like a strategy to be able to we would use the military efforts within the country where we're trying to influence something more but I guess what I'm pretty good at and what there here is what are your thoughts about all these things is there a secret space program I don't know mr. Dooley so I'm not gonna comment he's not relevant to the discussion that my colleagues and I have I respect people's opinions hopefully they respect mine but I can't comment on to about somebody that I've never met and I deliberately choose not to do that there's a lot of people out there that do that with me and I don't really appreciate it there's a lot of people out there that assume I have some sort of ulterior motive or that I'm trying to do something underhanded and they've never met me they've ever talked to me so I'm gonna Alchemist politely sidestep that question because I don't know the individual as far as the secret space forces oh he said I love such a secret anymore I mean I think they kind of made an announcement right they want to make a space force as far as you know a historical space force and this is what I've heard about you know discussions about going to different planets there's a group of people these like Richard Doty in Everett your daddy but passagio and a whole variety of people who have claimed that they were been out there and they basically I think they saw Obama when he was out there too and there were blue people and very something maybe that's that's what they're talking about I know your thought about the new space force we're going to get maybe a denounce be put under the Air Force I think is that's what this is a whole different matter and this is on that whole conspiracy kind of thing that's going on not the world do you play dancer thankfully let's see who made the decision to release the information in the Pentagon was it a group committee decision or how did that happen it was a group decision that then went up to the her final approval through the official duty 1910 process and it was the Doppler official tops for office that respond to our turd for making that decision and ultimately the decision was up to them and they approved it is the government consulting is the government consulting a tip or anyone else on how to release information without disrupting the status quo in other words is the government afraid people are going to freak out I don't want to have I don't want to answer anything involving right now what the government may or may not be asking us to do because I I think would require the government to answer part of that question and I certainly don't want to speak on behalf of the government is there a connection to the current phenomena and Operation Paperclip and if you're with paperclip in the von Braun to the to the razzle regards to eight no historically I can't answer that I that would be another how question in the era of iPhones and YouTube including the horrific videos of 9/11 for example why do we not have more incontrovertible incontrovertible evidence of a a PS and us sees does the government intercept and confiscate at all why don't we have high-res photos from the general public smart using smartphones so let's go back to the great split it's real how many of you have a really close picture of a blue whale reaching that you took I mean the money and yet we all know they're real we know they're there right there are pictures that have been taken about blue whales giant squid and these are the elusive creatures but most of Joe public never really gets to see them because they are elusive that's why they for so long were their point of conjecture so to say that pictures like that don't exist they do exist why hasn't Joe public taken any of those well I'm not sure they haven't I don't know I think there's a lot of stuff that's coming out on social media on a semi-regular basis I haven't been able to do the research and analysis on it but maybe we should I don't know you mentioned these a a P you ApS have the capabilities to hover for days when was this observed and I and what was the response stay tuned yes that we have actual data with the things making able to do that from very reliable highly trained sources and the data is there what was done about it well you saw them image we scrambled something out to go look at it is the current political and social landscape having a positive or negative impact on research and disclosure neither really I think people think this is a political issue but I don't really think it is I think most politicians want to stay far away from it until they have to be involved probably a politically smart thing to do I don't blame them necessarily but we're past that and it's been my experience before in my experience now that is absolutely a bipartisan issue and no one seems to be making this a political issue think thankfully the individuals that I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to and in our level of the higher levels of government every single one of them has taken this stone-cold serious and for me that's that's that's encouraging I mean that means that our government is tarnation's trying to work it's listening and it's not scuffing and and it's not one or two it's started off with four or five became seven nine and now you've got a lot of people involved so that's great English given how we have identified numerous earth-like planets exoplanets nearby has anyone ever attempted to track graphed trajectories to exoplanets which we then can point our telescopes and city towards agent did not we were too focused on the here and now it was more as to what are these things doing in our operational environments and are they a threat to our military capabilities and what are their capabilities that's that was our focus why in your opinion has the public lost interest in Cheddar in general with the space race why have we not been back to the moon for years your conjecture on my part I think for the last decade and a half we've been a society that's been been already distracted we've been distracted with global issues whether it be terrorism whether it be Wars and conflict whether it be climate change whether it be whatever issue - or we've been dealing with but these issues require a lot of money and they are they don't they don't lend themselves to being distracted by outside things and so when you talk about the UAB quote/unquote threat well at the end of the day you have to determine to yourself what's more of a threat North Korea with nuclear capabilities and Isis or UAVs and there's only so much money so much resources to go around so so until you tell me a UAP has just blown up one of my aircraft carriers you know what that's not McCrory that's a minority and so I understand if a military perspective that makes sense I don't necessarily agree with it I don't think this is like a conversation about fine wine that gets better you leave a cork in it I think I think we have the conversation now I think yesterday but but I do understand from from that corporate perspective why maybe this is not why we haven't been to another space race so to speak it's just not a national priority but at the end of the day if it's not a natural priorities because you didn't make it a national priority and yes I'm putting them in your shoulders squarely because you are the people you are the ones that will let officials you are the ones that set what the priority should be and so if you're not doing it that somebody else will do it for you so if you want this to be a national priority then you have to engage your elected officials that's what they're there for and tell them you want this to be recorded and give them briefings to give them data and then it becomes a national priority and I'll go out on a limb here I think it's becoming one again I think we're getting there convincing scientists that these crafts are real is a paramount importance to progress what information can be disclosed what type of data that will convince and enlist the scientific community you know it's funny when you when you talk to a scientist when you when you get a couple of whiskey's in him or her and have a serious conversation and a lot of times oh they'll tell you you know it's a funny like my mom told me a story growing up that that she saw a UFO you know when I saw something once I was on a desert road and you know I just can't explain it so you know I I can do scientists or people like everybody else I think they are subject to peer pressure I think they're subject to ridicule I think they're subject to budgets nobody wants to lose your funding nobody wants to we all got mortgage to pay so so I get it and so unfortunately a lot of the scientists are involved this they do it on they do it on the down-low because it's considered French stem ooh right so the question is how do we break that taboo how do we break that stigma so scientists can I mean look the kid you're sitting here with a guy who ran as the the the psychic program for the US government I mean a lot more timely than cats and yet it was real and he got it off the ground and it was running and it was successful and then you call up something fancy like remote appealing but at the end of the day it's a pretty interesting stuff you you're using human cognitive capabilities to collect espionage on a foreign country separated by space and time I mean if that's not wild science I don't know what it is right and yet he succeeded and he is a real scientist he the boy the best of the best so so if you want to know how you cracked that code that's the guy you talk to because I'm not a scientist I'm just sort of an old gumshoe investigator he's the guy who did it and he did it again and again and again he's got a track record after that of breaking taboos breaking barriers and making programs by the way I've kept this country safe for a very long time so my suggestion is you be out you should ask him can you speak about the NORAD intercept data that happens on a regular basis I cannot have the preliminary results of your recent materials analyses supported or challenged your theories on the physics behind the phenomenon supported on the physics but some of the material you said has turned out it looks like to be fairly ordinary so that it's really we're talking about the the the minority of material that is truly extraordinary and that has reinforced the opinion of the conclusion so far that we have is any of your focus on the occupants of the euro fees when you say you me or you TTS a or you ate it if you're focused on the occupants of the UAP who asked that question can you tell me if that related to what a tip TTS a or what agent to a limited degree you have to know them in a degree early on TSA yep sure absolutely but why cast a wide net don't want to catch as many fish as we can so you cast a really really wide net now you get a reel and a lot of minnows we got it but you also may make it some some sizable fish there that you want to keep them so that's available that's been our strategy have we attempted to shoot down in the AAP have we succeeded have we recovered any tech or beings dead or alive out of curiosity did did a tip program look at or consider any of the stuff that like maybe lens Springville did with the crash retrievals or look into any of those crashes okay okay notionally or explicitly did has anybody studied the physical or psychological effects on observers yep there's actually some very qualified individuals in the medical field I can't comment on what they're doing and what they have done but these are extremely professional individuals of other qualifications expertise and the the vitae to to answer that question so is anything known about the pilots biological or autonomous of these craft is there anything known about the pilots themselves I guess of these craft at this point I wouldn't want to assume anything I don't want to say the pilots are the UAVs are they may and or anything combination of at me I've certainly not prepared to go there at this point I think it's too premature I think we need more data we're couldn't know there huh I was invited to the first NASA tech no signatures workshop in Houston in October 2018 the SETI folks are not on board with looking for UFOs despite efforts to locate alien artifacts on the moon and asteroids how can we get SETI and NASA on board so let me respectfully agree to disagree on one note to say that there's alien artifacts on the moon in Mars I'm not convinced of that I understand people feel that way and I respect their feelings but I haven't seen any empirical data to substantiate that other than a couple of folks you know a couple of sites in each other say that so I don't see anything from government government channels to substantiate that bunch of the bigger note as far as what SETI is doing you know said he has a mission and they're using the tools that they have to do their mission I don't I don't you know I guess I think it's a three three prong approach you know if you if you're going to try to if you want to try to catch a butterfly with with or rely with chopsticks that might be kind of tough right but then again you know if you're you're trying to catch something else a mouse maybe maybe it works so I think I think there is use for SETI it's a great mission i I'm a little disappointed that when we came out they were they were viscerally opposed to what we're trying to do because at the end of the day we're doing these acts I think they are we're using the scientific approach with the mean to capabilities that we have look at something that we don't understand with by the way a hell of a lot more evidence there's no speculation on this this is real it's there we've got so the question is what it is we don't know but it is there I mean that's we're beyond that Morse's we left the game it's gone so why would people be opposed to trying to figure that out I don't know other than maybe we're getting into their rice bowls but I think there's a thing I think cities mission is there's a real mission I think it's important I think we should spend money on it if you haven't personally I think I think it's a good mission these are like okay so can you can you talk about the directed-energy weapon capabilities of us governed whether they're being used on US citizens oh I can't address that but I can tell you most certainly they're not being used on US citizens I don't I hate to at this point they're not using directed-energy weapons at you are you aware of any geoengineering programs has anyone been able to translate simples that maybe an extraterrestrial language and I think sweetie seems to that that wasn't our focus what in your opinion is the best way to sift and sort through mountains of hoaxes in the States to find truly inexplicable aap data data data data but everything and even jump if you make the Machine a sausage machine good enough all the junk will get thrown out that's why you have AI that's what we're building our vault or virtual analytic UAB learning tool that's what we have the atom project it is a very very expensive effort it is not cheap but if you do it right the analytics will sift through everything and hopefully separate the chaff from the wheat and so that is why we are endeavoring on that ever because we believe it's support enough so how do you do that well you hire the best of the best from places like Google and Sony to come out and help you with the AI and that AI will be able to identify patterns that causes human beings aren't able to do and that's gonna be fielded that's going to be something you're gonna be able to access from your computer your iPhone so this is gonna be dated you're gonna be able to pull up any time to do whatever the hell you want to do with it which I think it's fascinating I think that's great so that's something that we're trying to do and again to answer your questions NSYNC lien up in kind of yammering but it's all about the algorithms that go on behind the scenes and you have to teach the system how to recognize what is legitimate and what not and it's not gonna be done on the sink of a basis it has to be a basic look at all the data and then come up with the the necessary AI protocol to say actually that is something very significant or that is not and you're not going to be able to do that till you have a complete picture so again Dana data data give it to me give it to this junk I don't care I want real I want junk and everything between because we will sort it out um where did the material come from that you're talking about and you showed and when can you discuss this it will be discussed very soon again stay tuned and by the way this is not a cheap plug for the show if you don't watch it that's fine it's just let you know that all these questions that you're asking we tried to anticipate seven months ago so that's what we built into this thing we didn't we're not doing this show just to go out and you know have a bunch of pyrotechnics and say well here is a cool show this is not a UFO hunting show that's not what this is this is a docu-series these are real people in uniform active duty tell me what's going on and we address those questions so you want to know watch it and by the way I'm not an actor I told you I got a facebook a cement truck nobody wants to see my camera okay I get it but it just so happens that we're working with the right people that can give you the information you're looking for so when you look at the show look at it from the perspective that that what I'm telling you here this is your show this is not our show is it your show this is the show that all those questions you've been asking from day one since that article articles came out that's in the show and stuff you've never heard about never seen before you're gonna say wow oh you smoke no idea and that's the purpose and then that's gonna get you to force Congress and ask questions more questions and so that's that's how this works we're getting down there sir I'm gonna let you go here have them has the government program that created the software to track UAVs track the Puerto Rico 2013 UAP to a destination inside the island okay answer okay has it been easier to get government to listen than the scientific community yes or no the government look at the end of the day if the government doesn't want to do anything with this is because we've made it a statement we've made it such a pain in their ass she's my language but they don't want to deal with it do you tell them it's okay to deal with it once they knew you know you Joe public tell them we want you to look at this then they will and so that's what we're devices are doing and it's kind of a push-pull ever so if you want them to look at it you gotta let them know it's okay to look at it because every time they look at it what happens people ridicule the government wasting money on a tip and they spent three two million dollars on 37 studies that didn't mean anything well that's absolutely not true but that's what happens and so the wondered of a government bureaucrat GS 13 14 or 15 wants to even address this because it's radioactive its kryptonite it's a career ender so once Congress says you will look at this and once you tell Congress this is your priority then that's stigmas gone so it's not an easy question because you're saying this government or scientific community which one is more repulsed by by the topic in some cases it's both and in some cases it's neither I mean look at you all here we've got a lot of sites is here a lot I mean folks have active jobs right now with DoD so so it's happening at the same time could TTS a patent the processes are the processes observed in the UAAP material then in that case it might not be best to reveal the analysis results sure you're right but the material that's not ours that that we are stewards of is again not ours so we're not going to pass something that doesn't belong to us some of these individuals have been very generous and patient with us and have allowed us to analyze their material allowed us to serve as storage that material provided we find that information back to them but it is at the end of the day they are material so if you come up to me after the end of the show to take hey Lou I got something here want you guys to look at it's really interesting that's your material that's not ours I can't go on that thing and in order for me to do touch this thing I need your permission every step of the way and then when you say Lou I want it back there you go all yours so that's kind of our approach with TTS a it's important that that people can trust us it's important that people know that we we are honest brokers and we're not just out there to try to exploit a situation what percent of a tips work was ufo-related what percent was roughly the program paperwork and the Pentagon says it was looking for it for in aerospace advancements in the years to 30 50 years from now many people are claiming that a tip was a hundred percent a UFO program a tip wasn't one how to present us on the program period not looking at ellington so I don't they you know I think it started to come out now when you start looking at at the list of studies that came out but it was a UFO program you go you EP you a yes whatever you want to call it tomatoes Tomatoes Ford Mercury was UFO but I couldn't be the one to say that had to be dia and so it had to be Senator Reid or some of these people that that can say that again it just can't be world according to Lou it's not it's not hopeful so so as far as our time spent on it when you were working a tip it was a tip it wasn't anything else but a tip but a lot of us also had other jobs too so I mean in all fairness it wasn't that it was a tip 100% of time but when it was a tip it was 100% of the time if that makes sense what is your greatest fear in your current pursuit my grades here I have two two kids two daughters they are the absolute greatest accomplishment of my life I have got those kids around the world through some of the most horrific situations notes of any kind they were without their fathers or many many years all in the name of national security my greatest fear is that by me doing this there are negative repercussions that are going to affect my daughter's I know that I'm walking a very fine line every single day I know if I'm one side if I say one thing the wrong way I go to jail if I say something wrong the other way I lose credibility and all sorts of other alligators I want to eat me every moment of every day and now that I think I'm more public keeping in mind I am I am very much a creature the shadows I've avoided the spotlight as much as possible to the point where for us at safety I was informed not too long ago some years ago that that I was attitude to an Isis al Qaeda killed list because of the work you know last time I did something like this I had to wear body armor I mean that's that's a shame I should shouldn't have to live that way but you know I don't feel sorry for my own choices I made the deliberate decision to do what I did my concern is not by me coming out the way I am this is gonna have a negative impact and I'm also very that if I do something wrong it's going to set everything you're doing backwards all this momentum that we're gaining there there could very quickly be a campaign to discredit people and that happens when the system really starts getting pressed you start seeing the system push back and it can get very ugly and so far Ivan had to really experience that very much I've crossed some wires some people got a little upset with me the way I came out but I haven't invoked the ire of anybody yet and I hope they don't but I am but make no mistake I ain't prepared for it if it happens I understand full well why what I did and why I'm doing what I'm doing so I'm very careful not to violate a trust with the US government and at the same time I have a conversation view nonetheless five things my questions realistically what is the first major technological advancement that we can expect to see providing no obstacles getting away provided no obstacles I'd say themed energy propulsion and quantum communication what can you tell us about met vegies statement to Sky News in 2012 that he was given the folder on relations with aliens when he took office not a clue you're doing well given the fact that this earth appears to be the only inhabitable planet in the solar system with the et spacecraft visitation the evidence that interstellar travel or warp drive things like that can be made practical well let's look at the definition of a habitable from our perspective shirt but I will tell you from other perspectives maybe not okay we talked about the Goldilocks zone but we know there are already on this planet extremophiles we know there is bacteria that grow mile below the Arctic ice and extreme pressures and darkness we know that there's animals that live in the deepest parts of the Mariana Trench and Challenger team living off the chemo chemotherapy was a nemesis chemosynthesis basically surviving off the chemicals from from the black smokers down below and environments that we could never survive it so for us we and say well nothing could ever survive on those bandits those are extreme environments well not if they're designed for it not if they're for adapted for it you know you take a good team sea fishing and you you catch some of these fish that live to 3,000 feet below the above the surface you bring them up and they don't survive more than a couple minutes because there's not enough pressure for them this is an extreme environment so I think it's important that we keep that in mind what we consider habitable and not habitable that's relative because quite frankly if I jump in a pond and I go more than two inches below the water I'm not going to be in a habitable zone for very long so unless absolutely here so I think that's relative as far as any possibility that something from the outside would be coming in here I don't want to speculate because I've said before I don't know if it's from outer space interspace or the space in-between it could be anything it might it might be from here it might just be a completely different paradigm than we're used to or every was aware of where where the experience of space-time itself is fundamentally different or we look we live in a three-dimensional world we have a function of time as a fourth dimension is it conceivable that maybe there's a species that can live in that construct of four dimensions all the time so what I mean like in practical sense instead of a me being here right now with you I could be here right now five minutes from now or five minutes ago and I had that flexibility where time itself is a movable convention so I think I think there's lots of things that could be and I don't want to speculate what could be because all we know is what is and that is the data that we're collective's and that's why I stay focused to the data I really don't want to speculate say because they don't really know can you provide any information on which government agencies or departments to FOIA for data relating to a tip including any reports produced and did you have any responsibility for allocating financial resources in regard to a tip or a SAP assuming financial resources were available let me focus on the one question as far as only get this tricky can you provide any information on which agencies on which agency for the FOIA um if you look at Senator Reed's letter a very last page look at the very bottom page and you're gonna see for you exempted language okay that's real now you can say oh that's sneaky they should put it there but we do for a reason some of that stuff is a FOIA exemption and you're not going to see it I don't know the time and it's voice up for a reason and there's exceptions by law there are there are when you look at those exemptions they actually go back to very very specific things loopholes if you will or circumstances that something is not voidable because of sensitivities because of sources and methods because all sorts of reasons and so from that perspective some of the frustration people first of all they photos advanced aviation so you're not gonna get anything so I mean for the six months I was telling people write n row space that's one person you have to be very very specific when you do a four you also need to know which offices so dia DoD's a big organization so you might not get everything you want it's not a magic bullet you have to you have to continue to keep pushing keep pushing and taking in finding out what offices were around what offices or not and then maybe apply those specifically those magic will that void is to those specific offices awesome was indeed the predecessor to a tip we made that very clear from day one unfortunately I can't talk much about it out of respect for my former colleagues I won't do it it's if you want to know more about us app and what they were doing you're gonna have to talk to the former director until unless or until he gives me permission to mention it I can't do it it's just out of respect for him it's a promise I made him long long ago and just like you know we want any what is speaking on my behalf which apparently people do all the time but that's asked me and I'll tell you so about the respect it really can't answer too much about the offset that's a piece perhaps the most critical question of the entire evening who is your favorite NFL football team I was gonna say Detroit Tigers I don't know anything about the sports guys I know their baseball I was never very coordinated I was I was a boxer you'll have to be very coordinated be box and just go sit during it I was always the last kid picked on a football team or a baseball team in fact I was more of a liability than anything else I wasn't particularly good at anything other than boxing and wrestling and stuff like that so I wasn't much of a much of a team player so I kind of got in trouble for it so I don't have a favorite team but I say thank you to you for going through a lot of questions I mean there's a little quite a few there and you're persistent it's time for a drink but anyway it is 9:30 folks I need to get you and sleep and we're gonna be up early but let's all give a huge round [Music] [Applause] and you