YouTube Channel: "UFOBrad" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo - UAPs & our New Paradigm - Dallas, TX 20NOV24" Luis Elizondo - UAPs & our New Paradigm - Dallas, TX 20NOV24 69 views Nov 21, 2024 From: Transcript: driven pretty far away to to attend this uh and it is most sincerely heartfelt two um can everybody in the back hear me okay okay want to make sure I I also don't want to blow anybody's ears out um look we are here today because of you and and that is not an under statement Congress the executive branch uh new administrations politics aside they're listening to you they're listening to every word you have to say when you call up Congress you send a letter or you talk to somebody and it winds up making in the news that this topic is being being followed seriously it's because of you not because of me I'm I'm one voice you have created truly a movement and um it is it is my profound privilege to be with you here this evening so before we get going I want to thank first of all the Texas theater and the staff for having us in this beautiful historic venue second L um if you are or were a teacher raise your hand fantastic keep your hands up keep your hands up if you are or were either a nurse or a first responder or paramedic raise your hand keep them up if you were either in the military or were or now or law enforcement raise your hand please thank you thank you thank you each and every one of you for your service it is profoundly appreciated thank you you are true heroes and I want to thank each and every one of you last but not least um I'm honored this evening not only because of you all being here but I'm going to share a personal story with you because there's somebody in the audience right now who has been um we'll say a colleague of mine um about 22 years ago actually like now uh 22 years ago I was on a plane coming from a secret base called kashuk kabad in usbekistan K2 and this is right on the heels of 9/11 and we were going into war and America just didn't know it yet but we were uh heading off on a C130 into a place called Kandahar in Afghanistan and uh this individual deployed with me and um it was a profound moment because I learned talking to him over and over again I learned a lot about myself and when the troops you know keep in mind this is combat you got rockets and mortars going all around you and and combat operations during the day and detainees coming in at night um pretty stressful environment he would take out his guitar and he would play music that we all remembered reminded us of H he play Bon Joi and and other other songs that for that very brief moment in time we were no longer in combat we were no longer in Afghanistan or kahar we were home we were home with our friends and our families and we had a chance to just just be normal and so that individual later wound up to continue to serve his country and his citizens and became a police officer and he's here with us this evening so what i' like i' like to do is uh a round of applause for for officer Brian Kelly who's with us here this evening you know what Brian can you please stand up he's on res um we owe you a great deal my friend thank you so all right are we ready to go all right good times guys we got a lot of stuff to cover um and we're going to take some questions afterwards all right so here we go and by the way this is interactive there will be a quiz on some of this um so pay attention so I'm going to show you a picture here what I want you to do is think about what maybe these folks have in common take a look these are folks that are separated uh by geography continents in some cases they're separated by sex religion culture race what do these folks have in common other other than what someone told me the last show that they're all dead yes I know yes they they are all deceased I know okay Engineers not bad Vision Visionaries there there you go in fact they challenged the status quo at a time when everybody whether it was sence or religion or governments said that they were wrong they challenged the status quo and you know what they were right so with that said uh for some of my friends and colleagues that are in the academic and scientific Community I like to remind him of this right trust the science what does that mean no actually challenge the science that's how you do science um so just as a little reminder [Applause] so uaps and artificial intelligence I was having a conversation with some folks earlier this evening um over dinner and uh one of the individuals who's here with us this evening uh I won't say who he is I won't call him out and embarrass him but uh he is very interested in artificial intelligence and he's also a former attorney uh very logic minded you know poens to be what we call a healthy skeptic um and we were talking a about artificial intelligence so what I wanted do is demonstrate for you the power of artificial intelligence we have now for uaps in this topic never never in the history of our species have we ever been at a place and time where we have the technology that we have today when I was in school if I wanted to learn something I'd go to the high school library pull out an old you know encyclopedia that's probably 20 years old and I would have to try to learn from that now in the palm of your hands you have access to the world all the history all the stories everything right so we can now leverage this technology this this this wonderful blessing in automation we call artificial intelligence so what does that look like with regard to UAP well uh colleagues of mine have developed something and I'm going to show you an example of what artificial intelligence can do and it's important because let me preface when you go to Congress or you go to to a new executive leader or a Cabinet member and you're going to talk about a topic like UFOs you got to have your information correct and by the way this is a lesson for me too for everybody so we're going to go down this rabbit hole for just a little bit and show you the limitations and capabilities of artificial intelligence now I'm going to talk about a case study um this is a video that was taken uh probably shouldn't have been because it was it was in restricted us uh territory it was on a military installation Somewhere Out West I won't say where and an officer an army 04 uh major um officer was uh coming out of an appointment and noticed out on the horizon what he described as being a black disc a black saucer hovering in the distance and so he took out his cell phone and he actually recorded it again he probably shouldn't have so I'm going to you know try to protect his identity here um but on the left or I'm sorry on on your left is the facts behind the video and so I'm going to play the video very shortly because of the compression of the video it comes across kind of blurry but you'll notice when he Zooms in you'll kind of see what looks like some sort of black object out there so when you freeze the camera see if we can do that let's see if we can get out of this there we go whoa right whoa um however however imagine if this got loose in the Wild on social media and for the next 30 Years people will be talking about the secret black flying sofware that's on the military base so we decided to use artificial intelligence and the first thing artificial intelligence recogniz is that there are some sort of anomalies pixelation anomalies in the background now these pixelation anomalies um are they're not bad or they're not fake it's just these are objects in the background that don't match the geometry of the natural environment in front furthermore uh let's see this there we go it also noticed something that the human eye can't pick up what looked like some sort of support or landing gear or struts uh coming from the sides of this black disc so then we ask the artificial intelligence to tell us all right what's your best guess of what's in the background okay pretty impressive a c17 globe master in the background an F35 and two other aircraft whose taals are passing so what we're probably looking at is a flight line on a military base active air operations okay so then uh we asked artificial intelligence what do you see here yep there's definitely something coming from the edge of this this Flying Saucer looking thing so then we asked AI to tell us what the object was that's it that's right it's us Army tent with the sides rolled up olive green not most definitely a UFO um so I show this because this is important uh we have to be our own worst critics let me give you another example about three weeks ago I presented a picture that was provided to me from somebody in the intelligence Community about two years ago and I decided I would show it because I talk to him hey man we really we got to figure this out it's like well we've tried we can't figure it out two days two days you did right so we're going to show that real quick this was a photo that I was given and supposedly it was taken in Romania supposedly it was taken by the US Embassy and supposedly it shows a UFO wow okay looks impressive guess what wrong it's not in fact it's probably the reflection of a chandelier inside of a hotel that's right that's right and so the question is asked how could we get it wrong well this is what I've always been saying let's take this conversation to the people okay you folks are smart there are some really Savvy people out there let's get you involved in that conversation let's releas some of these photos and videos that we know are there because I've personally seen them and let's take it to the people this is something that that I think should be used and should be leveraged and let's face it again in 2 days you were able to figure out what our folks couldn't do in two years that's true so I wanted to just highlight that before we go into the rest of the of the talk here um the real question is why was I provided that photograph well first and foremost I should have vetted it better uh but why and um well it's either one of two things in my opinion either incompetence or deliberate effort to misinform and to Sidetrack I haven't figured out yet which one it is hopefully well they're both bad scaras aren't they right both incompetence and uh deliberate misinformation anyways take you to the streets folks this is what I've been telling Congress what I've been telling Arrow if you can't figure it out let the public have it let them have at it all right so here's your first quiz thinking outside the box right something we always here sounds kind of cliche really um what I want you to do for just a moment is go ahead and in your head name a type of ship think of a ship okay so how many of you no don't put your hands up how many of you were thinking to yourself a sailing ship or a cruise ship right so if you were give your yourself a [Music] d how about an Airship a durable a blimp right again you don't have to put your hands up but how many of you thought of that and if you were thinking of that give yourself a c and of course a spaceship Starship right Star Trek space shuttle how many of you thought about that I know probably a lot of you were thinking about that give yourself a b now how many of you thought of censorship and friendship right I didn't tell you what type of ship did I you just naturally went there and so the point of this is that when we're talking about the topic of UAP we really have to force ourselves to think about a topic in ways that we're not used to thinking about okay and it's it's hard because we're human beings we're we're kind of pre-wired to think and patterns and whatnot and when it comes to this topic we really really really have to try to do a better job and not go down that road we have to remain objective and open-minded we really we really need to try to avoid that temptation of of preconceived notions ideas and narratives so uaps and stigma we always talk about stigma and taboo as being one of the primary and by the way Congress said the same thing it's one of the primary and even believe it or not two days ago one of the things they actually said that was right that stigma and taboo is probably one of the greatest challenges we have when talking about this topic because we have spent so many decades artificially placing and in some case state sponsored stigma on this topic it almost made it impossible to talk about the moment you say UFOs people think of tin foil hats and Elvis on the mother ship and things like that right um and it's not helpful to the conversation it's not so let's talk about stigma and taboo par perah is a prefix we use it in the English language it's actually D derived from the Latin language it means above or beside here's the definition maram Webster uh and we use it all the time to describe things so let's go through a real quick exercise here parachute right if you're a military guy like me or maybe Brian uh you think think of something that helps you hit the ground with a thump and not a thud and it's something that's usually um positive that's what a parachute is right that's what we think of and if I say to you the word paramedic what do you think of well a medical professional sitting above or beside you trying to help you and we think of that something that is generally positive just a word par now if I say paranormal ah exactly you just proved my point exactly I will submit to you that there is absolutely no difference between the word parachute and paramedic and paranormal other than the stigma that we have ascribed to it most people when you say paranormal they look at you they maybe their head sideways and maybe smile like what do you mean [Music] paranormal everything in science by definition is Paranormal until it becomes normal folks cell phone my laptop Wi-Fi all those were Concepts that were once previously considered paranormal and now they're just normal remember today's technology is yesterday's Miracle right so let's go through some examples right when we say paranormal that's what we think of Ouija boards and things like that things that are out of the norm things that don't don't really comport to our general understanding of how life and reality should be so let's go through some Concepts once considered paranormal so things like solar eclipse comets other type of celestial events certainly considered paranormal by many of the cultures here for many many years in fact to some degree in some societies it's still uh an omen a Harbinger if you will of something bad to happen perhaps in reality it's just a natural event photography yamami tribe in Brazil Head Hunters um took their picture they thought you were stealing your soul um of course you can see our friend in the background with a bow and arrow doesn't look very happy does he um so yeah paranormal certainly to these folks acupuncture you know I went through the medical program at University of Miami primarily to to become a microbiologist and immunologist uh I am a disciple of science I consider myself a follower of the scientific methodologies and principles uh I am not a conspiracy theorist uh when I finished College I became a special agent in Counter Intelligence focusing on National Security crimes so terrorism and Espionage and insurgencies and whatnot um so I've always been very fact-based just just the facts man kind of guy to be honest with you um I remember in college teachers telling me professors telling me that acupuncture was some sort of Eastern type medicine that really didn't do anything it was just just a bunch of speculation and it was all all in your head turns out that now the Department of Veterans Affairs actually prescribes acupuncture to some of our Wounded Warriors right it's not paranormal it's just science tonic immobility hypnotizing chickens right um yeah I know we heard it all far that's why I put this picture up here it's a little humorous in reality it's no different than when a shark is in its natural environment you flip it over it kind of goes to sleep kind of goes into the catatonic State same thing with alligators um it's biology isn't it it's not paranormal it's biology it's just reality it's just the way we're wired so this part of the conversation I'd like to before we get into the nuts and bolts of of UAP have you consider a few things we live in an [Music] incomprehensibly large universe and I mean incomprehensible we're going to get into a little bit of that that now but also the way we perceive and the way we interact with the very universe that we live in is limited we have five fundamental senses for for us to gauge and navigate within our environment and if you can't touch it taste it here it smell it Etc we have no idea it's there we can't interact with it in fact so let's talk about some of that the visible light spectrum is a very very very narrow sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum we call it visible light for which we see the universe this is important because look at that number on the bottom 0.35% of the magnetic spectrum is within the visible light spectrum what does that mean we can only perceive less than less than 1% of 1% meaning most of reality lies beyond our ability to perceive it if you have the ability to look at the world through cell phone vision and look at the world through WiFi and G5 and GPS you would see an entirely different reality all around you where I live in Wyoming we have these beautiful unoccluded Skies 300 days out of the year you can sit there look at all the stars in the heavens and and as beautiful as that is if you look at that same part of the sky through a radio telescope you will see something different you will see nebula you will see things that we cannot normally perceive and that's important important this is a photograph in the visible light spectrum versus infrared just one sliver down on the uh on the electromagnetic spectrum look at the difference right that's where the universe really Lies We Can't perceive it because we're so limited in our ability to perceive nature and our reality it's just the way we're built then you have the other issue size and scale remember I said we live in an incredibly incomprehensibly complex and large Universe this is important because most of the universe we will never have the ability to interact with so what do I mean that little dot there anybody know what that is anybody that's right Earth sorry the words got cut up cut off up there that's Earth from the Cassini probe that little blue dot you want to really get humbled Google pale blue dot it is a picture taken by the Voyager as it was leaving our solar system and what you see is in the vastest inky Blackness this tiny little maybe two pixels of wide little blue dot what that is is every person that ever lived every moment in history every fear every love every war anybody who has ever lived in the history of the world lived and died on that little Dot that's it everything and everyone so think about that because even in the vastness of space when we turn our telescopes our space telescopes to look at a particularly dark part of the sky where there are no stars there are no galaxies it's just Inky Blackness and so when we turn our telescopes to those parts of the sky what do we see you see that and by the way those aren't Stars folks those are Galaxy with with hundreds of billions of stars in each one I put this slide up here to illustrate for you our visible universe and I'm emphasizing visible Universe versus the rest of the universe that's right there's a bigger Universe out there than our visible universe so our visible Universe we can count 200 seon Stars what number is that that's like trying to imagine Google what do but how do you rationalize that so let me put this in simpler terms there are more stars in the observable universe observable universe than there are grains of sand in all the beaches in all the world think about that and that's just our visible universe that's just 10% maybe less of what scientists believe is the actual size of the universe so what does that mean so what how big is the actual Universe well at a minimum it's that now what's a lightyear I have the thing up the the words Lightyear Lightyear is the time it takes a photon of light to travel in a year so how fast does light travel 186,000 m per second 7 and 1 half times around this planet in a second now imagine how far it can go in a year now imagine how far it can go in 13.9 billion years right that's just our observable universe for roughly 40 billion Lighty years across when the reality is that the universe is much much bigger so what does that mean well believe it or not we're going to get to something even more fascinating because as big as a universe is it's also very very small so how many you took high school chemistry remember avagadro's number look at that order of magnitude 1 * 10 -23 the other one was 1 * 4 something time 10 to the to the 26 roughly the same order of magnitude this is this is a hydrogen molecule proton neutron and electron compared to the human body it's roughly the same order of magnitude folks meaning inside every single human being is in scale an equal amount of space that adom is to us as we are to the universe and we sit right in the middle roughly of this scale of proportions and we as human beings can only interact one order of magnitude up or down for the most part otherwise the universe is simply too big or too small for us to interact with and yet that's where most of reality actually lies it's not here with us it's out there all right so a tip now that um the quizzing is over let's talk a little bit about the program I was part of the advanced Aerospace threat identification program and this is important because I want to I want to preface here a lot of the findings that atip was able to to develop and and eventually came forward with are the results of many many hours of some very very smart people some of the world's Premier rocket scientist physicists theoretical physicists astrophysicists surgeons and doctors okay so this is not world according to Lou alzando I just want to preface that so what do we look at this is the actual contract focus of assap and ATP ASAP was the beginning of ATP what you see in the background is a little bit of an Easter egg for you it's the actual contract that your taxpayer dollars paid for now let me highlight a couple things here people say oh ATP was looking at aircraft 40 years in the future wrong look at this bullet here investigate legitimacy of currently observed phenomenon does that sound like aircraft 40 years in the future to you no it's always been about UAP so don't let anybody fool you say well they really weren't looking at UFOs yes we were and we're we were using your money to do it yep why was it so important for the intelligence Community the CIA NSA the Department of Defense the Pentagon the services like the Navy to be involved in the topic of UFOs especially if they're not real right why why would we care well because we do care and there are some very significant attributes that UAP display that from a national security perspective are extremely extremely important so let's talk about the four observables I'm sorry the bottom of the slide here is getting a little cut off but the first one is instantaneous acceleration what is that the ability to change your velocity quickly so to put that into contrast a human being can withstand about 9 G forces for a very short period of time while wearing a git before we start experiencing negative biological consequences things like blackouts red outs and ultimately death in comparison the General Dynamics F16 Fighting Falcon older aircraft but still one of the most highly maneuverable Mann aircraft we have in our inventory can pull about 17 18 G's at the unclassified level before you start having structural issues mean meaning Wings begin to snap off and the plane literally the airframe begins to disintegrate while you're flying it now in contrast what are we seeing with UAP we're seeing objects that can pull not tens of G's but 1,000 2,000 3,000 G forces think about that for a minute think about that type of capability maneuverability do you think US government would be interested in being able to replicate That You're darn right right next one is Hypersonic velocity what is hypersonics we hear those words in supersonic Hypersonic is defined as five times the speed of sound so roughly 768 mph at sea level multiplied by five that is the speed of sound Mach One we're talking five times that at least mach five now do we have Technologies in our inventory that can fly at Hypersonic sure let's take the locked yf12a SR71 otherwise known as the Blackbird at the unclassified level it can fly around 3,200 mph but when the SR71 the Blackbird wants to take a right-and turn it takes roughly half the state of Ohio to do that that's not what we're seeing we're seeing objects not doing 3,000 4,000 but doing 10,000 13,000 M hour and able to execute an immediate right-and turn or a 180° turn we don't have that then you have low observability uh low observability actually you know what let's go to uh trans medium travel real quick lows low observability trans medium travel is the ability operate in multiple what we call the military domains it's just environment right um think of a c plane a c plane can fly and a c plane can float but let's face it a c plane is neither a really good airplane or a really good boat why well because it's a design and performance compromise the more environments you want to work in the more you have to sacrifice performance and Design designs to do it that's why the space shuttle was never a really good airplane it went to space but it kind of came down like a brick and you better hope you were able to get it to the runway the first time um it's a design compromise and yet that's what we're seeing we're seeing these objects have the ability to fly and go underwater and even encounter them in low earth orbit without the associated performance compromise or the design compromise right so how are they doing that is that an interest of the US government absolutely it is low observability we spend tens of millions and billions of dollars in some cases on a single platform take the B2 bom or take the valkyrie right um we spend lots of money just trying to lower the radar cross-section even a little bit just so we are less observable and yet what we hear from the pilots over and over again it's like Lou it's it's hard I got this weird nonsensical return on the radar uh it looked like it was trying to jam me and then when I looked at it it's hard to describe um you know I know the difference difference between an su2 22 and a M25 and an F18 um but I've never seen anything like this in fact it's hard to describe because it didn't have wings didn't have a tail Rudder aerons elevators control surfaces Leading Edge trailing Edge I never seen anything like that in my life I don't know how to describe it right so low observability is very important and last but not least biological effects which we'll talk about but not yet in this particular slide we're going to go a few slides more and we're going to hold that for the for the rest for the remainder and then anti-gravity the ability to defy the natural effects of Earth's gravitational pull so what is gravity we often think that gravity is like apple falling from the tree that's not gravity that is an effect of gravity as we know with Einstein that was a Newtonian model of gravity as we now know with Einstein gravity is actually the warping of SpaceTime the warping of SpaceTime based upon one of two things things either lots of mass or lots of energy so for example we're all on Earth and we all experience gravity because the mass of Earth is pulling us down as warping SpaceTime so we're going to get into a little bit of that there's a reason why this is important because what we see anti-gravity there's only three ways we know how to how to defy Earth's gravity let me just put this out there real quick the first is through the fundamentals of flight there's four forces thrust lift drag and weight and if you understand those you can build wings and you can fly for as long as you got fuel uh the other way we know how to defy Earth's gravity is through something called buoyancy right think of a hot air balloon think of a uh helium balloon a kids myar balloon you have a cavity where inside that cavity the density is less than outside and therefore that object will rise to a state of equilibrium the last way we know how to defy Earth's gravity is through something called ballistics Force equals mass time acceleration if you put enough energy behind something you can make it defy Earth's gravity so think of it icbs intercontinental ballistic M missile right or think about me throwing I don't know a baseball that's ballistics right goes up with enough energy and then eventually comes down but that's not what we're seeing these things don't have any obvious signs of propulsion they don't have any the associated Technologies like wings that we need to fly or even heat signatures so how are they doing it is that important from a military perspective and an intelligence perspective absolutely it is so let's talk about that why are they important so for example if you know how to do instantaneous acceleration you can create military capabilities that can outperform your adversaries using things like thrust vectoring right GeForce prot protection and and high maneuverability they can't hit you if you get out of the way how about hypersonics there's some of the reasons right you can get in you can get out faster you can do your J job and uh and chances are the enemy is not going to get a chance to see you you have the element of surprise low observability well anonymity if you want to go do something and you don't want to be caught you want to be able to have stealth survivability you want to be able to go there and survive the mission in the first place right these are just some of the examples you can see from a from a national security perspective why these performance characteristics are so important trans medium travel here's some more advantages right you have the ability to do something nobody else can do you can fly underwater and then pop out into the atmosphere and continue to fly so there's some very specific advantages to being able to replicate this and of course anti-gravity Right Flight Precision loiter ability all sorts of wonderful things that we have the opportunity to do hopefully ahead of our our adversaries so this is a national security issue and don't be fooled your government is very interested in this and so what a did and ASAP was commissioned some academic studies uh through some of the best and brightest and most renowned organizations and institutions in the world and so we did 37 academic studies trying to figure out the Exotic Technologies responsible for UAP flight performance here's some of them now if you think these look like aircraft type studies they're not just take a look at some of these these types here uh positron Aerospace propulsion um biom materials metallic spintronics here's a good one number 18 traversible worm holes Stargates and negative energy that's right you paid for it here's a few others um 25 an introduction to the statistical Drake Equation who knows what the Drake equation is raise your hands good so the Drake equation is an equation a mathematical formula that attempts to try to identify the statistical likelihood of Life intelligent life in other planets we're not talking about airplanes which is not and here's the last of the list of the 37 studies that we did what we were trying to do was identify the different exotic Technologies necessary to replicate the five observables that's what those were and it wasn't until 2015 that we in ATP had the proverbial aha moment and we're going to talk about that by the way again this wasn't my Revelation these were our scientists and our physicists who barge into my office uh by the way in the middle of a meeting kind of got me in trouble and said we need to talk to you now I'm a little busy no you got to come now and so he did so for three hours he went into a ski and they began to write down this this monstrosity of a mathematical formula for the record I got up to Cal 3 and I thought I was going to die so I'm not a math is a is only a minor of mine and I wasn't very good at it these guys were talking about mathematics well beyond my comprehension but the bottom line is that they had the aha moment and all the scientists realized that every single one of the observables may be a manifestation of a single technology one one not 37 one and it has to do with gravity it has to do with gravity what is gravity well gravity like I said Newton versus Einstein it's the warping of SpaceTime and in fact here on Earth we all experience it equally gravity on Earth affects us all 9.8 m/s squared 9.8 m/s per second which means because of the mass of Earth that is how we feel gravity in fact if you on the moon it'd be less and if you're on Jupiter it'd be more and ultimately if you're like near a black hole it'd be a lot more and and and SpaceTime is funny because it's stretchable and compressible it's not the way we think SpaceTime is so the aha moment was hey look if you had the ability to put a bubble around you to insulate yourself from the effects of Earth's gravity all sorts of stuff would magically happen first of all you wouldn't need wings to fly you would need propulsion because gravity doesn't affect you the same way but it also does some other very interesting things and it turns out that all the observables wind up being possible let's talk about them a little bit before we get into the shapes and whatnot because it turns out that it may even explain the shapes of craft who knew um gravity is one of the things that if you want proof it's compressible and it's relative and it's stretchable one only has to look at a GPS satellite so in the early days of GPS we had a ground station with with an atomic cesium clock and we had a satellite with an atomic GPS satellite with an atomic cesium clock identical to each other so they should run at the same rate but after a week we were getting frustrated because we noticed the clocks were running at a different rate how is that possible to they the exact same clock with the exact same amount of atomic Decay it doesn't make sense it turns out that the saddle that the ground station with that clock was running at a different rate because it was close to Earth's mass it was being perturbed clocks were running at a different different rate than the than the than the spacecraft's atomic cesium clock because of what we call Atomic drift that is a result of the warping of space time the closer you get to a massive object the more you experience that warping of space time all right so what about uaps and the shapes well let me get to this next slide here if I can see there we go okay it turns out that this theory that they had at a tip and this this unifying theory that is really all about anti-gravity explains a whole lot of the observations out there and may even explain why UFOs are shaped the way the way they're shaped now this is actually kind of a big breakthrough I think for a tip um you notice that people describe things as lenticular craft or saucer shape they describe them as cigar shape they describe them as triangles and even boomerangs right well why why are they these shapes well let's take a notional idea here you see a little person on the on the far left side of the screen typically 6 feet if you had the ability to create that bubble to insulate you from Earth's gravity there's two ways to do it lot of mass or really a lot of energy and we know that because of Einstein's equation eal mc² energy equals mass times the speed of light Square what does that actually translate to well you can think of mass and energy as being coefficients or being the same thing but in fundamentally different states they're coefficients of each other think of mass as ice a block of ice it's hard it's tangible you can touch it think of energy as Steam they're both water but they're in fundamentally different states if you take matter and you annihilate it what do you get you get pure energy if you take energy you condense it slow it down you start getting into subatomic particles so they have a very intimate relationship and this is important because to create that bubble you can either do it with a lot of mass which we know they're not doing because it would perturb Earth's gravity so they're probably doing it with a lot of energy and special material which we can certainly get into and so let's say hypothetically you have the ability to create this bubble around you 360° all around that insulates you from the effects of Earth's gravity what is the only shape in Geometry think of a diving bell if I wanted to protect myself inside of a car or a vehicle or a craft and make sure I was surrounded equally on all sides well it'd be a sphere wouldn't it but let's face it if you put a sphere on the ground what happens it kind of rolls around it's not overly efficient so what you could do is do a two-dimensional representation of a sphere which is what well it turns out it is a dis and it may explain why the discs tend to be smaller they have a single propulsion unit in the middle midle it interacts with the skin that energy and creates this bubble that insulates yourself from the effects of Earth's warping of space time um the problem is to generate this type of energy uh could be problematic in fact it might even be downright dangerous if you go to the Navy and you ask a Navy Commander how many nuclear propulsion units do you put on a on a ship their answer is simple they say as few as possible because when something goes wrong it goes really wrong right so you want to keep these down to a minimum so let's say this bubble is uh oh I don't know 43 ft um but you need you know like like a growing family you could put maybe three people in in a little sports car but but the family's growing I've got a problem I I've outgrown the sport model I need something a little bigger Well turns out using this model I could put two of these together kind of in a in a chain think of think of the top top right picture there of two bubbles coming together right these two bubble makers uh and uh and put two these discs together but what is that well it's kind of like a cigar isn't it it's Rod so if you put two of these propulsion units at the end of each side of the rod one on each side you can still do the same thing and have the same type of protection that you do with a smaller saucer in the middle right so and that's a much bigger bigger thing usually their their reporters being much larger ler than the discs about 120 ft think of a school bus a big school bus but you know what get I got the inws for a minute now I got I got a but I got I got have a bigger vehicle okay so what do I do then well it turns out that there's a solution for that while keeping the number of power units to a minimum there is only one shape in Geometry that allows me economy of scale to maximize my real estate my Surface area while maintaining a minimum number of propulsion units so if I go out 90° from the middle of that think of a three-legged stool now I've got three bubbles what is that triangle that's right it's a triangle and if you notice the reports are from these triangles that there're these luminous lights from the apex of the triangles they're lights though they're not lights chances are they're actually propulsion units and what you are witnessing is what we call a dopper red shift blue shift energy that is coming out the electromagnetic spectrum maybe in soft X-Ray when it leaves that bubble is actually being Doppler shifted up blue shifted up into the visible light spectrum and that is what we see now how does that explain those some things like low observability well let's look at this bubble for a second if light is coming from the Sun at a certain frequency and hits this bubble think of a koi fish pond you ever look at a koish or maybe goldfish at the bottom of a pond they they appear kind of wavy and distorted well they're not wavy and dist distorted that's our perception because light once it hits the water surface is being reflected and refracted in a way that when it comes back to us it appears distorted and that may explain the same thing with with with radar coming from some of our Pilots they say you know weird thing Lou I'm hitting it with banging it with radar but it's coming back like it's being spoofed like it's like if it's being um somehow uh being being messed with it's being jammed in reality that's probably not the case what's happening is that the frequency of radar emission coming from the radar system when it gets into that bubble what goes in is not the same frequency that gets bounced back to the radar system because you're looking at inside that bubble a different space time and it turns out if I need a really really really really big craft right um I can always do a triangle and put one more bubble in the middle and that's why some of the really big triangles you might hear is being described as having a fourth light in the middle and it's probably part of the propulsion unit it's probably part of the actual science on how these things are flying it is probably not light and there's another shape very rare but think of Phoenix Lights right after this triangle you lose economy of scale there are no more shapes in Geometry that allow you to minimize the number of propulsion units while maximizing your space in essence you just got to put them in a daisy chain and what ises that look like looks like a boomerang and all the little lights they see string there they're probably propulsion units so it turns out that what atip had managed to figure out are scientists and that all this is related somehow to Bubble makers anti-gravity actually checks the blocks and answers every single one of the observables now remember we talked a little bit about biological effects I tell you I was going to wait for a little bit right there it is how does this explain biological effects well think of a microwave oven right lot of energy coming out but now think about a microwave oven without a door okay that's probably what we're dealing with the energy required to juice up a craft and create this bubble is enormous so if I get too close to it what happens well some people come back to say you know I got this red looks looks long looks like a sunburn well it is it's probably UV radiation burn that's what it is and then if they get even closer than that by the way we've got a lot of patients military and Intelligence Officers that have been injured by these by the way that story is going to come out wait till that comes out um yeah um they start reporting these other things they get they start getting diagnosed with internal organ damage consistent with some sort of directed energy type weapon so um issues like theu paman uh they having organ failure heart failure there are two people right now I don't know if maybe you know this maybe you don't there are two individuals right now former military that are 100% disability from the US government and it is in writing why they are it's because of rental ship because it got too close to a UAP and your government put them on 100% medical disability with the help of by the way uh former senator from Arizona John McCain because the Air Force didn't want to release the records to the victims the individuals and it wasn't until the senator got involved and forced them to declassify the medical records did they admit the Air Force yes these guys were cops they were working for us they got too close to something and now they are on 100% disability because of it I have seen the paperwork myself so wait till that comes out and of course zone three um you get too close to this thing when it's really really Juiced up and you hear these stories where the pilot might say Lou is crazy I'm flying and and and it felt like 5 minutes went by but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by but I only used 5 minutes of fuel how is that possible well the theory is is that this event horizon around the bubble isn't a hard Terminus it's actually a soft Terminus meaning um the closer you get to the craft the more you might start to begin to experience space time Rel to inside the bubble than outside the bubble um so very very very fascinating and a lot of people will claim it was deliberate it's probably not you if I go to an airport and I jump on a 737 to Honolulu probably nothing's bad's going to happen to me but if now I go on the tarmac of that same airport and I put my head behind the jet