YouTube Channel: "Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal" Video Title: "Lue Elizondo Reveals The Terrifying Truth Behind UFOs" Lue Elizondo Reveals The Terrifying Truth Behind UFOs 428,316 views Aug 31, 2023 The somber moment heard throughout the world, by Lue Elizondo regarding whistleblowers and UAPs / UFOs. Clips are from 2021 and 2022 respectively (correction*). From: Transcript: this first clip went viral on YouTube and is from 2020 if the general public knew or saw what you saw what would the next week look like how would the public react somber uh I think there would be this uh big exhale for about a day and then this uh turning in Inward and trying to reflect on what this means to us and our species and ourselves uh I think uh somber sorry like a sigh of relief somber meaning serious not not like Hollywood portrays people partying in the streets and and silliness like that um I think you would have uh some people perhaps turning to religion more so uh you might have some people turning away from um I think you're going to have um at that point the the philosophical and Theological uh questions will be raised and and people will have some serious soul searching to do no punen intended and I don't think that's bad by the way um I think uh a lot of folks that have spent their times in this community being charlatans will have been exposed and uh they will be probably unemployed and probably have to change their names because you know the rest of society will look at them in an unfavorable light um I think um there are some unsung heroes that will probably come to light and uh the world will appreciate their contributions to this topic I think the scientific academic communities no I can't get those names I know what I was gonna say is names that have been announced before when you say the unsung heroes or new names names haven't been announced before okay uh I think the scientific and academic Community is going to have to take a real hard look at itself uh and and see why it repeated the same mistakes it did when Galileo first proposed that the Earth was not the center of the solar system uh you know hubris is is is is a big part of that um and then I think you know maybe we start the international conversation say okay we realize that this there's there's some things out there that are probably well beyond our our petty discrepancies we have with each other um maybe we really need to start working together on this realize that we are really a global family doesn't matter where you're from or it doesn't matter what your religion is or culture or your color anything else uh we are We Are all uh we are all brothers and sisters on this tiny little rock called Earth you know this pale blue dot that's hurling through space um they may unify us well I I would certainly hope so uh unless we allow our our our our poor nature to to interfere and we look at this as as as opportunities to subjugate each other I would hope I would hope that's not the case this second clip gives context to the first and was asked in 2021 well last time we spoke there were two comments that you said that stood out to me one was the somber the somber her around the world in a sense and then you clarified that or you added to that by saying sobering oh I was wondering we can get to that and then also you mentioned that the charlatan of the world will be shown to be charlatans and I again don't know much about this UFO Community but people in the comments were saying did he mean Steven Greer so why don't you comment on that you can be as diplomatic as you like I know that you're you're a relatively diplomatic person yeah let me um let me start with by by somber or sobering um imagine imagine everything you've been taught um whether it's through Sunday school or through regular formal education in school or what our political leaders have told us and yes even maybe our mothers and fathers around the dinner table have told us or maybe at bedtime um about about who we are right and our background and our past um what if all of that turned out to be not entirely accurate in fact the very history of of of our species um the meaning what it means to be a human being and our place in this universe what if all that is now in question what if it turns out that a lot of the things that we thought were one way aren't are are we prepared to have that honest question with ourselves are we prepared [Music] to to recognize that we're not at the top of the food chain potentially that we're not the alpha predator that we are um maybe somewhere in the middle um you know it's it's interesting because I was having discussion with a friend um not too long ago a really really we call them gray beards in in in the government really really smart guy I'm not going to mention his name but but I was talking to him probably a couple months ago and this is a guy who was always paid to solve the hard problems for the US government Cold War how do we solve that right how do we do these big big things how do we go in and and uh and and beat the Russians at their own game um so this guy I respect tremendously and and we had a conversation he said you know Lou um Mankind's been around for a little while and for most of that time Mankind's been around we've been smack in the middle of the food chain we've been um you know we we we ate a lot of things a lot of things ate us and that's just the bottom line and about 70,000 years ago something fundamentally changed something changed and and our species was instantly catapulted to the very top of of our planet as far as predatory animals and um and now all of a sudden we became the most feared um we we we were the most lethal um and the most successful in fact uh most of the large species that that that existed on this planet went extinct because of us believe it or not because we we eating all of it um there were a couple species that did very very well with our Ascension our immediate Ascension and we brought a couple species with us the dog is an example where theg dog species benefited greatly with Mankind's Ascension as the alpha predator and and W up succeeding as well very doing very well off of that that changed the the entire Global landscape of our planet um almost overnight large animals went extinct um because of us what if it turns out that there's another species that um is is even even even higher on on the on that on that ladder than we are um do we need the social institutions that we have today will we need governmental and and religious organizations that we have today if it turns out that um there is something else or someone else um that is that is uh technologically more advanced and and perhaps from an evolutionary perspective more advanced um have we been wasting our time all this time or are we doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing um are we are we does it turn out that mankind is is in fact just another animal in the zoo or because we thought ourselves as a zookeeper before but maybe we're just another exhibit inside the zoo what would that mean to us so so when I say somber Ing and sobering uh I mean that it's it you know there's going come a point in this conversation where we're going to have to do a lot of reconciling with ourselves whatever that means from whatever philosophical background you you have um this is going to impact every single one of us the same and yet equally and yet differently um and I think that's important um you know do we find ourselves in a situation where history may have to be Rewritten um so that's what I meant now as far as the charlatans I'm not going to give any attention to individual charlott because they already have enough attention they know exactly who I'm referring to these are individuals who have have have made a a cottage industry a career of taking people's hard-earned money and deceiving them and not only deceiving them but having them sign non-disclosure agreements to make sure they don't tell the world they've been deceived and praying upon people who who for whatever reason believe in them um uh people who say my narrative is the only narrative and anybody else who tells you otherwise um you know is trying to hurt you I have all the answers I have the solution anybody who says that I think um I think it's a charlatan and and I think we need to be very very mindful of that they're very dangerous uh and they're dangerous for several reasons because if they're lying to you about that they're probably lying to about other things in their life their past life and their current life uh which may or may not come to light at some point um these are people who who have taken advantage of people for a very long time and uh you know you you have to be careful you know what else are the motivations of some of these charlatans or potentially could be their motivation other than financial well look at any religious charlan it's the same thing a cult it's a cult of personality it's somebody who for whatever reason thinks it's all about them and and they manage the narrative it's it's it goes to the to the basic core of Pride and ego in human beings um and narcissistic behavior you know real true deep psychological issues um some sociopathic to be honest with you um is there any gold in that Rubble I'm sorry is there any gold in that Rubble as in is all of what they're saying some of these charlatans we don't have to name names I no I think I think I think there's always there's always fibers of Truth in in in a in a blanket of Lies um because that's that's what holds it together there are some there are some aspects of Truth the problem is um when you take that truth and and you distort it you know there's people in history that that were very good at convincing large amounts of people that they have the answer right um I don't need to go back into into history to say which ones those are but you have characters like Jim Jones um Heaven's Gate is an example um you know even Hitler to some degree where where they were very charismatic people who who got people in in this this web um and they didn't realize it until it was too late and um you know I I just think when you're when you're creating all these shell organizations and passrs and and paying people off to do things for you to deceive other people I think is problematic again I'm not going to say I'm not going to mention names I I I I I think most people are smart enough to see through it my concern are those people who who are already already sucked into it it becomes a cult and becomes brainwashing and and manipulation and that's my concern because it gives a ter terrible name to the to the to the effort and and making false accusations um you know I I think is is there's an old saying let see if I can remember it that um ye be careful of the knife ye uses to stabbath the back of others for surely that knife will be used against you in the future or at some point so you know um anyway being just you know right karma karma is a be careful you know Mother Nature has a vote she's got a way of always uh squaring things up at the end and um you know that's that's what I've seen anyways remember earlier I was asking you what can we do as a culture I think based on some of your statements what we can do is something like we've already been doing which is keep talking about it so that we can destigmatize it I know that I don't particularly like the word destigmatization I think it's been taken by certain people but essentially to destigmatize however there does seem to be the tendency from those who are believers in or who are part of the UFO Community who deride people like see Neil degrass Tyson and other Skeptics deride the UFO community and I don't think they should do that but then I also don't think that they should be met with condescension as well because I think that that comes back at you I think that love and extending an arm in an olive branch is what will Kurt you're right you're absolutely right let me let me if I may that's that's a good point let me talk a little bit about uh Mr Neil degrass Tyson first of all I I he's one of the few shows that I used to watch a lot um I loved his perspective and let's talk about his background you know this is a person who was a bit of a Maverick he he he cut his teeth and became really made his bones by by by supporting and defending a theory that really was a hypothesis at the time an outlandish hypothesis and that was there were these super massive objects in our universe that were so dense that they created a gravity well they created a black hole in SpaceTime where light itself couldn't even escape and although we can't see it uh directly we can't prove its existence we think they're there right now a lot of in the scientific Community said it's hogwash you know it's it's just it's a theoretic IAL anomaly that that isn't real and yet Neil Degrassi Tyson did exactly that he he he supported the hypothesis and theory that there are these things you'll never be able to see with a naked eye but they fundamentally uh they're there and they're hundreds of millions of light years away well it's funny because that same Spirit used to to to prove something you can never see that is there for some Reon he seems to have forgotten that in this topic because we're talking about the same thing we're talking about something that is hard to see directly sometimes um but we can we can see its impact on on on the environment around it uh and to some degree maybe you know warping space time and but it's not hundreds of millions of miles away it's right here and and I don't understand how you can support in one hand the the the scien study and Research into something called a black hole and not be open-minded to to something like UAP if you enjoyed that clip then the full podcast is out right now you can click around here enjoy I also have a conversation with Neil degrass Tyson recorded just a few weeks ago on the very topic of UFO whistleblowers links are in the description to both podcasts with Lou alzando actually there are three that have been recorded with theories of everything as well as the Neil degrass Tyson podcast subscribe to theories of everything to get notified of upcoming podcasts as there are new fulllength podcasts every week on the topics of mathematics physics Consciousness Free Will and AI