YouTube Channel: "To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo Presents the History of AATIP" Luis Elizondo Presents the History of AATIP 106,610 views Aug 30, 2018 TTS Academy Special Programs Director, Luis Elizondo, gives an official presentation on the history of the Department of Defense's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program that he ran up until 2017. You'll learn what AATIP is, what it isn't, as well as receive a status update on the current state of affairs for the future of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena research. From: Transcript: Lue Elizondo would you come to the sale but I think the same time next year we're gonna have a fundamentally different conversation I think I think disclosure already occurred I don't think necessarily disclosure as an event I think it's a process and I think that process began with that said I'd like to go ahead and start with the presentation I think when this first came out everybody was kind of asking some questions about what this program is what I'd like to do tonight is just briefly go over a little bit about the program a little bit of the history what it is what it isn't and then maybe where do we go next so as you see here advanced aerospace threat identification program it is indeed aerospace I know some folks that said aviation some folks at the Pentagon said aviation I can assure you here tonight it is indeed advanced aerospace threat identification program a tip and some of the documentation that has come out not for me that was authored by members of Congress you will see quite clearly back in 2009 it is indeed called a chip advanced aerospace now this is the contract focus for a tip pretty heavy stuff no we weren't looking at balloons no we weren't looking at drones we weren't looking at aircraft this is real this is what your twenty two million dollars worth of tax money was spent on and there's a lot of it so I'll give you a minute to take a look at it some of the highlights they're human effects what does that mean signature reduction I mean a lot of this stuff you would look and say yeah this is definitely DoD centric this is something that the Department of Defense national security apparatus would definitely be interested in some of these other stuff you got to kind of scratch your head and say well there's that a DoD mission I would submit to you yes absolutely this especially when you're trying to protect Airmen and when you try to protect sailors and soldiers my focus before I go to the next slide was to focus on title 10 which means DoD's cific when they asked you did you talk to civilians did you talk to these people no we didn't we focused on military there was a significant amount of volume just focusing on that I'd like to go back to that slide for just a second let's look at the very bottom where we say investigate legitimacy of currently observed phenomena this is briefed to the senior levels of the Department of Defense we choose our words very carefully so when you're saying investigate the legitimacy of currently not in the past currently observed phenomena that's what we were doing of course at the bottom are they achievable by current understanding of physics and engineering and if not what research studies is required in order to achieve that okay so what does all those studies really distilled down to and a lot of you have heard about the five observables well if you look at the top left you're talking about instantaneous acceleration you've heard that a lot but why from a DoD perspective would that be something important well as you see here thrust vectoring g-force protection right for our pilots maneuverability enhanced maneuverability the ability to to to take an aircraft from point A to point B and then Pat back to point a again very quickly without having any ill effects on on the human inside the next one is hypersonic velocity again from a DoD perspective you can imagine why that would be important so that means I can get my people and equipment very quickly anywhere in the world enemy invasion they can't go as fast as me and then first strike capability in a strategic type environment better to know that if you're gonna go to war with an enemy that you can strike first okay so the other one is low observability is kind of falling off the slide there but you'll have to trust me it says low observability a bit of an oxymoron when we say it's an observable but it was reduce cross section okay so if you if you lower your your observability you're lowering your cross section survivability if they can't see you they can't hit you and then anonymity maybe you don't necessarily want to advertise that you're coming in somewhere or that you're gonna do something right these new stealth aircraft and a new stealth helicopter that everybody talked about on the bin Laden raid you know whoa who's is that multi medium travel why would that be important again here you see here there's some strategic surprise meaning you now have an object that can operate in air water space hmm probably gives you some target flexibility and a lattice but last but not least battle space dominance meaning you can operate in virtually all environments anytime anywhere and then the last one is positive lift and of course why would that be important as we see here we're looking at flight precision I do not have to be moving like an aircraft to generate lift under my wings that would be tremendous benefit loiter capability I can stay on time on target for longer and then last but not least decreased signature so you can see these these focus areas are really DoD centric they are part of the core DoD mission both from a defensive and offensive perspective so this is how those five observables that we we saw the commonalities if you will how they fit within the DoD mission because some people will ask you you know why why was DoD looking at this should NASA be looking at it shouldn't so we was sure NASA could look at it but so should we the next few slides are a little bit of a tip history here I'm not going to read word for word but what I'm going to do is just kind of paraphrase there were three senators senator Reed senator anyway sitter Stevens bipartisan Republican and Democrat okay they all agreed that there was sufficient information to warrant increased study into the phenomena they along with Senator John Glenn former astronaut got together and they began to scratch their heads and figure out what is the best way to do it well in Congress you give money to an organization that's capable of doing something with it in this case the money was provided to an organization called the Defense Intelligence Agency it's kind of like the CIA equivalent for DoD it went to this small little office and the initial contract vehicle was called all SAP advanced aerospace weapons special application programs in system application program a lot of folks will say well Lou when you first came out why didn't you just tell us that well the reason is because I wasn't really part of that and that's really not my place to discuss a mission and an organization that I was really walking into the tail end I was brought into to conduct Counter Intelligence and Security for an organization that was in the process of evolving into something else there was another director running that program so it would be disingenuous for me to simply say well a tip is really all SAP well it evolved from all SAP but it is not a SAP and I think the documentation that's beginning to come out into the public forum people are beginning to realize that it wasn't a purpose attempt to try to subdue or to to hide or conceal the relationship I just wasn't really qualified to talk about it and what I don't want to do is hopefully you're beginning to learn here is provide information that I'm not qualified to discuss with you there's two ground rules as far as I'm concerned involving this program I'll answer any question you have but there's only that something I well I can't discuss which is classified information don't ask me I'm not going to tell you and if it requires a classified answer I am NOT going to violate my oath nor my mind out my non-disclosure agreement with the US government but short of that I'll answer it and if I don't have an answer I'm gonna tell you I don't have an answer and I don't know I'll be completely as forthcoming as I can because there are things I don't know in fact there's a lot more I don't know then I do know but that's okay that's why we have to continue seek to find the answers and collect the data because ultimately the data will speak for itself the truth she you know she's funny she always speaks sometimes she whispers so you have to listen real carefully but but if you listen hard enough you you can you can hear her speak so that's a little bit of the the history on this slide here so as you see here towards the end in 2008 the program was already beginning to evolve the original off sap portfolio was much broader than the a tip the decision was made early on that we would go ahead and focus the effort more to the phenomena specific looking at the observables and the identifiable what can we look at what can we collect on what can we report on back to senior DoD leadership because that's what they're concerned with and try to remove as much speculation supposition and innuendos as possible out of the calculus so more history so as you see here the 2008 through 2009 there's a there's there's a lot of collection going on a lot to the point where we're we're we're almost becoming overloaded with the results in the data it's becoming quite clear to us that there is much more to this portfolio than we envisioned and I suspect when you look at this 2009 congressional letter sent to DoD leadership Congress was aware of that too to the point where we were worried there may be a potential counterintelligence threat maybe there were foreign adversaries that were interested in what we were collecting that's how much we were collecting you see down here 2009 specific elements and DoD resists the effort this is a detail I really haven't talked about much you know everybody handles this information differently and in the department is no different than in out here in the public forum people have their ideas that have their preconceived notions there have their bias and they have their belief systems and by no means do I have the right or the qualifications to tell anybody what they should or shouldn't believe in but there are some people who have a great deal of conviction just as you have conviction right now in the UAP UFO phenomena they have equal conviction from a theological perspective in their own and by the way that contradicts with what we were trying to do for better for worse and I'm not saying that's good I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying it's a fact that there were elements within the department that rigorously oppose what we were trying to do not because the results were not real but because it contradicted their view that's all I got to say about that 2003 13th through 2014 you see where they say some folks have said in the past by the way the Department of Defense is a fantastic organization true patriots these are folks that give they're there they're there they sacrifice our family's livelihood and their life to to defend us so so this is not necessarily a hit on the department but sometimes the department it's a big organization sometimes they don't necessarily have all the data in front of them all the time and so when they said the program ended in 2012 well the funding was actually to 2013 and after 2013 there was some other funding vehicles that were done to get it through 2013 and 2014 okay now I won't go into detail what happened with those fundings the funding actually came through it actually wound up getting rerouted to another organization because the language is vague and so therefore we were reversed to continue the program on minimal funds now people say well the funding dries up so does your organization and the program that's not true when you are given a mission you're given in order to guard your post you guard your posts until you are relieved of that responsibility well that order never came for us and in the Department of Defense there's always a paper trail when you establish an organization there's a paper trail when you disestablish an organization there's a paper trail you won't find one for this program so I think that's I think that's very important that people understand that the program never really 'we sure funding for the 2013 went away but the program never went away we were never told you no longer have to guard your post so 2017 some guy makes a dumb decision to - I guess leave the Department of Defense you know and have some conversations and in 2000 Alto BER for 2017 the rest is history so let's go into a little bit about what a tip is a tip evolved from all SAP that is absolutely true all SAP existed for a short period of time under another director to focus on the UAP specific capabilities and concentrated on the what and how interrogatives not the who not the when but what is it and how does it work that's it and if we could accomplish that hopefully smarter people in the department could figure out who's behind the wheel what are their intentions were they from etc a tip was comprised of US government contractor and military personnel that's a fact everybody hears about Bigelow Aerospace that is a true statement we worked with academics we worked with the services we worked with certain elements in the intelligence community we worked with anybody in everybody with a military Nexus that we could talk to that could provide some information cast a wide net eight commissioned large volumes of related research data academic studies and collected data even from the field true statement volumes and volumes of information I cannot go into detail specifically and what some of that is because it remains classified I believe two days ago a laundry list of some of our studies had come out I'll be at one of them was classified I can tell you that that is a correct list that is a that is a true list of academic studies if you get a chance to review them I think you'll that once again we're not really talking about balloons much of a tip information remains FOIA exempt for you exempt what do you mean everything's FOIA bull no it's not exceptions one in five why would you mark information for you exempt well for one so the adversary never gets a chance to see it people say well if a tip existed I should be able to FOIA it not necessarily and some of the documents that were recently realists released as a result if you take a look at a recent letter that I supposedly came from Senator Reid on the very last page at the very bottom you're gonna see a really interesting little word words actually says for you exempt that's right we use that sometimes now we don't use it to keep a secret from the American people in fact that's illegal what we do is we use it to keep it out of the hands of foreign adversaries and it is an effective tool so keep in mind a lot of the counter-argument as well you're keeping this secret from the American people that is not the case if we had a mechanism where we could inform every American citizen and ensure it didn't get out into enemy hands we would do it the government doesn't try to keep secrets from you it tries to keep secrets from the enemy and there's no way to tell 500 million people in one geographic region and not let that get out somewhere else so so that is why a lot of this information you see is FOIA exempt now is that the right thing to do is that the wrong thing to do I don't know and and I I don't know is it an effective mechanism absolutely it is what a tip isn't this is just a small sample of things that we have heard over time that people have speculated upon so let me see if I can just address it head-on a tip ended in 2012 well I think it's pretty clear that didn't a tip found nothing of significance not true in fact I think the mayor of fact that we even have the five observables and and we can have an honest conversation about the physics shows that we did achieve something and when I say we folks I'm not saying me not Lewis Elizondo I'm talking about the fantastic human beings I left behind at the Department of Defense those are the true heroes those are the folks that still remain back there anonymous working day in day out making this happen so a tip did find a lot of things of significance a tip was a political favor let's get this straight by the way for the record I'm a political I don't care if you're Republican Democrat independent don't know don't care my job is to serve whoever is in charge at the time my job is also to serve you the American people the taxpayer you employ me so therefore my loyalty is to you as a result people will say well this was something that Senator Reid did as a favor to his one of his constituents Bob Bigelow I saw this process work by the way Bigelow Aerospace was chosen by none other than dia and by the way a formal contract selection committee the senator had nothing to do with it in fact he could not get involved with it so I think that's important distinction because people in the absence of information in that void we as human beings have a tendency to fill that void with either what we know what we think and even sometimes what we don't know so I want to make sure it's very clear that it was not a political fair was a bipartisan effort by both Democrats and Republicans all of them served their country honorably all of them had served in the military Senator in a way literally gave his right arm for his country senator Stevens what is now coming to light actually witnessed one of these things when he was a pie so I think I think we're going to have a conversation about political favors we at least need to speak truth to power when we have that conversation a tip was only academic yeah we produce a lot of academic studies and we commissioned a hell of a lot of reports but that's not all a tip was involved with actually speaking with individuals collecting electro-optical data collecting radar data talking to the eyewitnesses and these eyewitnesses are people keep in mind to have security clearances they are trained observers in some cases we have spent millions of dollars into their training whether special operations whether their pilots were their intelligence officers they have been paid to be critical thinkers and they have been trained to look at a silhouette and determine if that's a mig-25 a mig-29 it's in a ninety degree roll and it's at 200 kilometers in front of me traveling at 200 knots these are some of the data points that we used when collecting the data and and analyzing this information a tip leaked the videos okay first of all let's go into a quick legal definition of quote-unquote leaking leaking means you take classified information and you provide it in an unauthorized manner it goes out to the public that's a leak that is not the case first of all these videos went through a proper classification review process the documentation at some point will probably come out I'm not going to provide it that's not my job you want to get it from the government they released it they released they authorized I mean let me get this written it may authorize the release of those videos and they did it in writing now why they did it you have to bring it up to them I know the purposes that we wanted for them to come out and that was to establish an unclassified community of interests that everybody could be part of and look at and say hey I saw something like that too but no one leet these videos if that was a case I would be in a orange jumpsuit right now and I do not look good in orange so believe me okay a tip is a ploy for the administration's new space force I don't know where to begin with that No now could it be used to bolster that argument sure okay in the end if it helps us go ahead use it I don't care I think that's great you want to say that that the UAP studies is now helping us create a space force so we can go ahead and look at this problem seriously sign me up sure again here we go into the to the to the habit of filling in information voids with things that we don't know I don't know why the administration is creating a space force maybe it's a good idea maybe it's not such a good idea I don't know I think ultimately it's up to voters to decide you make the decision if it is or not but I will tell you if our humble little program a tip helped inform that decision and they are going to come back and fund this program in a robust manner what we're gonna look at it logically we're going to look at it with the best scientists and intelligence officers and critically really look at this I mean alternative analysis healthy skepticism but but of course alternative analysis if it's going to help that let's do it sure so so what's happening now why are we here well why are we all here the conversation has finally moved folks from the fringe so congratulations you succeeded if you were to ask me eight months ago that I'd be standing up here and having this conversation and briefing you this no way I'd say were five years away from even getting close to this so my how things have moved so quickly now I understand people are impatient my daughter will tell you if she's right here in the audience I'm impatient I don't like to wait I want my information now but as I've told people before there is a difference beginning between giving you information right versus giving you information right now they're not always necessarily the same I'd rather give you information right versus right now so it is important that we do our due diligence it's important that when we are looking at the data that we analyze it we quantify it we qualify and do all the things necessary so by the time we presented take a court of law right you don't want a chief prosecutor talking to the jury with a half-baked case that's a dereliction of duty it is incumbent as their professional responsibility to make sure they get it right and here is the data as best as we know it to be as of now so don't look now people are now having a conversation over the dinner table mainstream media has talked about this several times they're getting it takes a little while but they're having a conversation and now all the people's hey we thought you guys were crazy oh maybe you're right so we've come a long way a tip focus areas remain relevant still to both national security and to humanity that's why we're here right I'd like to talk about that for a minute national security well if you have something that can fly in and out of your airspace undetected you can't stop it you don't know how it works is that a threat I don't know is it a threat the fact that we can't answer that we have to presume there's a possibility it could be a threat and I would submit to you you want us to think that way that is national security you don't want us assuming that something is not a threat without all the data points that is not what we pay the Department of Defense to do humanity relevant to humanity I don't know the impact this has to humanity and what we should do about it that's a decision you all need to make my job simple collect the truth tell the truth that's it the heavy lifting here is you all because you're the ones that have to tell national leadership what you want you're the ones that vote you're the ones that that sit there and call congressmen and Senators and say I want action right so I think I think the effects on humanity is is it does have effect but but ultimately that story is still being written and how that story ends is really dependent on you TTS a and others are creating the environment for elements within the executive and legislative branch to have the discussion people have asked what are you doing well we're doing what we can does T TSA have contacts and connections probably but I also understand the need for privacy I also understand and respect a need to give people an operational safe space to collect information and make an informed decision without necessarily unnecessary political pressure we have to give people trade space time will be necessary to allow leadership proper awareness and assessment you cannot digest a seven-course meal in ten minutes folks it takes time you've had some of you had decades involved in this so what you know to be a fact people are just now hearing it for the very first time as crazy as that may seem it's true for some folks the the article that came out in the New York Times is the very first time they've ever actually even considered this topic let alone our leadership let alone our lawmakers so I think I think you are well on the way of getting what you're seeking I think we have tremendous momentum like never before now is not the time to throttle back now is the time to push the throttle all the way for that's what I think if you are looking for government to give you acknowledgement and just give you full disclosure I'll tell you right here and now the government's job is not to satisfy idle curiosity that's not the function of the government I know we want it to be but that's not the case the purpose of the government is to defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic now if there's information out there that could be helpful in doing so they're going to be involved and if there's information out there that doesn't really relate to this to that mission but could be helpful to us well that's what we get involved that's that's that's how we can help organizations like T TSA are developing initiatives like the community of interest data repositories and information sharing information sharing don't think of it as just being here information sharing is international it is global as we have seen before there's many nations here represented that is exactly what we need to continue to do both as a society and as a government so in my opinion anyways I think getting over the finish line if there's really such thing as a finish line there might not be this might be an enduring effort and if you're looking for the satisfaction that I can say I made it that day may never come maybe it does but that may never come maybe the satisfaction of knowing that people can finally have the conversation at the dinner table that you can turn on CNN or Fox News or BBC or what else and people are having conversations with reputable experts and they're funding programs to look into it maybe that's success I mean we all have our different definition of what success is right my my purpose here was simply to give you a broad overview I am confident and I am cautiously optimistic that in the next year we are going to have a fundamentally different conversation that we're having today I think there's going to be additional fidelity to to a lot of the things that have come out recently that are going to help us have a better understanding of what it is we're actually seeing here you