YouTube Channel: "That UFO Podcast" Video Title: "That UFO Podcast - Episode 27 - Luis Elizondo (Video)" That UFO Podcast - Episode 27 - Luis Elizondo (Video) 14,106 views Premiered Feb 4, 2021 Episode 27 of the podcast has arrived for your listening pleasure and it's THE big one as Lue Elizondo, formerly of AATIP & TTSA joins me for 60 minutes of conversation, i genuinely feel, much of this you have NOT heard before. The subjects discussed include: What Lue's security clearance means for him still Commenting on Tucker Carlson that the US Govt has debris His time with AATIP, how he felt resigning The UAPTF, is it being set up to fail? Mankind or Mankinds? Lue elaborates!!! What could we be dealing with Listener questions From: Transcript: [Music] there's a whole fleet of them look on the assay oh my gosh they're all going against the wind it was basically a cube with inside of sphere where the points of the cube were touching outside the sphere [Music] [Applause] so this isn't anything that just is limited to the united states it's a worldwide phenomenon hi everyone and welcome to a very special that ufo podcast i'm not going to waste too much time and get straight into the interview for this one because you are here for one reason and one reason only uh for a long time i've made no secret the top of my wish list for guests on this podcast would be one mr louise elizondo and i'm delighted to see i have lou on the podcast with me now welcome to the podcast thank you very much it's uh certainly my honor and privilege um i sincerely appreciate your time and of course your audience's time as well listen uh it's no secret people seek out your interviews and they troll through them with a fine tooth comb to get any little nuggets of information they can so hopefully we can get through as much on this interview as possible the response from the listeners has been incredible um i would just like to preface it by saying that i've watched your interviews recently with john greenwald on black vault and ryan sprague somewhere in the skies i have tried to stay away from anything they talked about because they've done a good job with their interviews and i would highly suggest and recommend people go and seek out those interviews for anything that i potentially don't cover and i'd like to get straight into the first question lou um regarding your security clearance this is something a lot of people bring up as a source of frustration when you can't answer the question in the way that they might not like you to can you start off just by talking a little bit about your clearance that you have why you still have it and what exactly that means yeah sure so security clearance is i think a lot of times over complicated uh if if people on the outside haven't spent any time in the government there's this giant mystery behind you know a security clearance what it means and and the type of access of information you have here in the united states we have three classifications of of if you will information um besides unclassified unclassified isn't really a classification it's just unclassified information um the three classifications are confidential which is the first tier of information secret which is a second tier and ultimately top secret information now there's actually legal guidelines of what this this information means from a from a top secret perspective that means if information were to get compromised uh and put out uh into the public sphere if an enemy were to gain access to that information it would cause quote unquote grave or exceptional damage to the united states national security so that's in essence why we classify information particularly to protect sources and methods that's very important because a lot of times information in itself might be unclassified but how you collect that information um can be very very sensitive and so that's why we classify information the way we do in my case because i was in the intelligence community for so long in order to have the job that i have the government insisted all of us with that particular if you will expertise in counterintelligence intelligence human intelligence you have to have a top secret security clearance meaning that you have to go through an extensive background investigation psychological uh evaluations and polygraphs to get access to certain information within within that caveat of top secret and then within the top secret layer think of a a layer cake maybe a wedding cake that's got many different layers of frosting uh throughout the cake at the top secret level people think well it's top secret information that's it well there's actually some sub layers or strata if you will even within the top secret and you have sci which is sensitive compartmented information you have sap information and you've got these little little cutouts that are within the top secret realm but they are extremely nuanced very very sensitive um again because of the line of work that i was in i was required to have that type of security clearance when it comes to the uap topic when i am talking uh about information a lot of it is unclassified the problem is how that unclassified information was obtained it was obtained through some very sensitive sources and methods obviously we don't want as a nation to compromise those sources and methods otherwise you can't use them ever again because you get compromised especially in the world of human intelligence you're talking about people's lives when you're collecting information from another human being that probably shouldn't be telling you that information there's a level of trust there that has to be exercised and really to some degree that person's life is now in your hands because if the country that they're from finds out that they're sharing information with you it could be well that's that's considered spying technically uh by by a lot of other countries uh rules and and laws um so you know in that shadowy world of intelligence and espionage you have to have that level of of security clearance and there is a a requirement there's a a if you will an nda right non-disclosure agreement that you sign and it's not like a company's non-disclosure agreement it's far more comprehensive it basically subjugates me to jail time uh there are several acts like the s u.s espionage act for example that if i violate my tr the trust and confidence that the us government has bestowed into me and let's not forget that that trust and confidence is really a derivative of the people's trust and confidence right i represent the the people the united states uh they have trusted me with that level of security clearance knowing that i would not share certain information and if i violate that i can go to jail i can be prosecuted i can i can have a lot of things happening to me now i think it's also important to say that when i tell people i can't discuss that uh because of my security clearance i'm not saying that because i'm necessarily afraid to go to jail um i mean obviously i don't want to go to jail but but it's because it's it's for me it's a sacred it's a sacred oath that i took and that oath wasn't just to the us government it was to the american people it's a bit like a marriage when you when you make that oath till death do us part it's an oath till death do us part and it's not just to the partner you're making that commitment to it's actually an oath you're making to yourself so if i were to make an exception to that and violate that that that oath that i have sworn many many years ago everything else i've ever done is is up for grabs too i mean if something that simple my oath to the american people can be violated that's simply by saying well i'm going to let you know something then everything that i've ever stood for before whether it's you know going to war or or conducting the operations i have on behalf of the american people that is also up in question too and i open up to i'm sorry that is also open up for questioning two and so um you know i i take my oath seriously uh ultimately it's an oath i've made to the american people it's the same oath that that i've made to my daughters and my family that that when i say i i take this responsibility seriously i mean i take a responsib i take that responsibility seriously you know i'm gonna digress you just for a moment because three years ago when i first came out there's a lot of stuff i could have said up front that probably would have saved me a lot of grief a lot of sharp shooting by a lot of people but i'm not going to sell out individuals and sources that i've worked with in the government just to save my ass i'm not that kind of guy i never have been i never will be so you know i know as as more information comes to life people are kind of frustrated saying you know lou why why didn't you just say this three years ago or two years ago you know and all this guesswork that we had to do well because i'm not that kind of guy i'm not just going to go ahead and say something and compromise somebody else in the program just to save my credibility that's not what this endeavor is about it's not about satisfying satisfying the idle curiosity of people and it's not about vindicating myself it never has been this is a much more profound journey about about telling the american people the truth and if that truth the cost of telling the truth is at my own expense as i've said before then that's that's that's a that's an easy solution for me i'll i'll do whatever i have to do to have that conversation so i'd like to follow on from that with that in mind when you appeared on fox news with tucker carlson he asked if you believe the us government has debris from crashed uap and its possession your response was and i'll quote hopefully correctly here simply put yes that's a big answer how can you give that as an answer with that clearance in mind well because i'm not saying the specifics i'm not saying where it is where it's from uh who collected it uh remember what he said he said do you believe that the u.s government has material in its possession well he's asking me my my personal opinion uh and and i can i can provide my personal opinion in that regard i'm allowed to based upon the information i saw i i can say that because he's not asking me to say something to the effect of um for example who collected the material where is it being stored under whose authorities and auspices what are its capabilities what is it specifically made out of that's not what the question was he just simply asked me do you believe there is recovered material anything beyond that other than what i believe now becomes stated fact and now i have to be careful because that stated fact is based upon knowledge that i had as as as a employee of the us government and that's why i was very specific when i said you know i have to be careful what i say here i i i take a minute and i have to pause and have to think about it because you know it's a it's a very fine line there's there's a there's a ledge there and i'm tiptoeing pretty close to that ledge and i you know one word just one wrong word and i'm i'm gonna be over the edge and uh you know it things can get very complicated for me i would presume a background in counterintelligence helps you tip to that edge pretty well um and it seems to have worked for you so far um it's been well documented since you're parting of ways with ttsa that it's been amicable and you've got a lot of friends there and you enjoyed your time there since then have you been able to hold on to any projects you were involved with at the time with ttsa that you can continue to work on what a good question very very insightful thank you for asking that question the answer is a wholehearted yes uh there are efforts within ttsa that i'm still very much engaged with that ttsa now that it's refocusing uh to the entertainment piece um i have the ability to run with some of these other efforts uh in a way that doesn't interfere uh or or complicate what ttsa is trying to achieve and at the same time allows me the flexibility to as i've said before shift into second gear basically uh move this effort now into phase two any specifics around those that you can talk about um not at this moment i think very very soon it'll be clear um the reason why i don't want to talk about it is because they're in a delicate state of um of development and what i don't want to do is say something right now prematurely and you know let's say there's an organization out there that's very interested in partnering with us to bring this capability to full maturity right i don't want to do anything to spook the herd um this is still i mean it's still a very it's still very controversial topic that we're dealing with we're talking about uaps and frankly we're just now getting to the point where i think it's becoming more accepted but but we haven't achieved that that state of normalcy yet that we're all looking for so i have to be careful stigma and taboo is still a very significant part of this conversation and i have to tread very lightly and delicately sometimes when you talk about stigma and taboo normally with most people talking about that with me in this subject i would say that you know that you can't tell me anything better but given who i'm talking with you probably can and given what your line of work's been in the past as well as part of those changes at ttsa steve justice and chris melon also left what is your relationship with those gentlemen today and do you still plan to collaborate on projects with them oh yeah daily uh we should be no surprise that we are in very uh close collaboration proximity from a perspective of collaboration uh there's very little daylight in fact uh i speak to to chris um on uh on a on a daily basis uh we are working very hard together this has been a really and forgive me for saying this because people i think are going to look into this and they're going to misconstrue what i'm saying um they're going to say i see you i told you he was manipulating um chris and i chris is is absolutely the epitome of a strategist he's probably one of the most intelligent human beings i have ever met and i've met a lot of smart people um we have been running this for the last three years very much like you would a military or an intelligence campaign there's five pillars of emphasis that we have been focusing on and none of these pillars can ever become taller than the other think of putting a roof on on a house right you can't have one side of the house taller than the other sides because the roof gets cockeyed so the five pillars are the first one has been legislative engagement and that's in making sure that our our senior elected officials in this country the committees are properly briefed into the phenomenon the next pillar has been senior executive uh engagement on the executive branch senior leadership so um that would be engaging those individuals in the executive branch that need to be briefed so for example um everybody knows that in the last administration the president had been briefed a few times the secretary of defense secretary of defense was briefed um you know the former director of the cia so it's now coming to light that these people were briefed so that was the second pillar executive engagement executive level of engagement the third pillar has been international engagement engaging those friends and allies in other countries are counterparts that are interested in having this conversation they're seeing something too they never really wanted to say anything but now that the u.s has stepped forward they can reach forward and say hey you know we'd like to talk to you about this topic because we've we've got some questions like you saw with japan recently and they've come out and established a relationship with the united states for the explicit purposes of sharing uap information i mean that's a big deal right and then the fourth pillar is media engagement making sure that mainstream media has enough information um so they know they can have a a a an elevated conversation about the topic we're no longer talking about tin foil hats and elvis on the mothership we're talking about science we're talking about quantum physics we're talking about about a real issue that we have right now something that is in our skies we don't know what it is we don't know where it's from we don't really know how it works and there's not much we can do about it um that's that's that's that's a tough discussion to have and media is finally taking it seriously um despite this you know 70 some odd years of of ridicule and and bad hollywood movies about the topic and then the fifth pillar is is is engaging the masses engaging people and that is critically important and so let me dissect a little bit about the five pillars you don't ever want your legislative branch to get ahead of the ball uh beyond your executive branch because it takes both of them you have people making laws and then people executing laws so so you never want to make sure that either the conservatives or liberals or anybody else has more information the other side this is a nonpartisan issue it's everybody gets the same amount of information if you have the security clearance and you're in a position of authority then at the same time when we talk about the media engagement and public engagement that's critically important because both the executive branch and legislative branch are responsive to the people period full stop meaning ultimately we serve the people not the other way around the the people do not serve the government the government serves the people that is in our constitution and anybody who's forgotten that shouldn't be in government so it is important that the people have as much information as they can to then enable their leadership as we've been seeing right now this tremendous effort within ufo twitter to engage members of congress to engage the media it's working it's working it's it's people say well you're not sharing classified information no but i don't have to we're we are achieving more with this grassroots effort um than ever by me just going and briefing congress at the classified level all of this has to happen simultaneously it has to be deliberate it has to be strategic uh and it has to be purposeful and and i think um you know it's if people were to realize just spend a day in our shoes they'd realize it's not that easy i mean it's it's tough and you know a lot of the playbook where we're writing as as as we're doing it's kind of like building an airplane while you're flying it um it's it's kind of tough and i don't want to take credit for it because i really can't there's a there's a lot of smart people that are working this effort behind the scenes both inside the government and outside the government oh we'll give it a second sorry man you know that so that's okay that's dan's going to note that one down for us just roughly okay sorry i had someone trying to call me through so i apologize that's okay uh it's it's you know we make mistakes all the time um but this is why once again ufo twitter so important because you guys have a lot of great ideas a lot of things that we don't think about and on a daily basis as i'm reading through the twitter sphere i'm not reading comments while people think about me quite frankly i don't give a what people think about me what i care is how people are taking the topic and if they have any new ideas and insights and it's valuable it's paying off we're able to then take some of those ideas formulate them into a strategy and then execute those strategies in a very meaningful meaningful purposeful way whether we're dealing with congress or the u.s government or foreign governments or the media and that's great to hear and i would encourage people in the uk particularly which the the conversations poor to non-existent to check out a uap media uk which is something we are trying to help with from a media perspective in the uk as well now shifting attack slightly low i want to ask you about your trip to pick up materials from the bledsoes now the bledsoes are a family with an immense interest particularly in the ufo uap community are you still in contact with krishna's family and what's the status of the project there you know chris is a wonderful gentleman i've had the the pleasure of meeting him twice uh in person um that meeting was really facilitated through one of my former colleagues at the time tom delonge and jim semivam um i you know i i cannot substantiate publicly uh the claims i have i believe uh in my heart of hearts that they truly believe what they're experiencing and at the same time it actually may be correct i don't know the problem is it's it's very subjective uh which a lot of stuff is in this field is subjective so so i'm not saying that it's it's true or it's not true what i'm simply saying is that at the end of the day we have to use methodologies that can that that conform to the scientific principles of of science and that means you know peer review and this has to be repeatable and and things like that otherwise it's just anecdotal again i'm not i'm not diminishing the value or the reality of what they are experiencing i'm pretty certain there's a lot a lot of strange things happening there very similar to skinwalker ranch but the problem is i have to remain focused i have to remain focused on on the uap issue that we're dealing with right now and people just say well it is related well okay fine but again i've got no data to prove that you know i don't know what's going on over there regarding the blood cells other than what's been reported and so for me um you know i'm not saying it's it's not valid or relevant i just don't have enough data yet to to make any type of conclusive uh decision if it fits into the calculus of the effort we're on because i can't go to kang a member of congress or a senior member of the executive department and say oh by the way these people are having these these paranormal experiences over there we should listen to them that that's not going to get me very far i have to you know what what's what's so i think compelling about the uap issue is that you have human beings which are trained observers right think of a human being as no no different than any other intelligence collection system so you have human beings that are that are that are identifying something occurring which is backed up then and collected on electro optical data like gun camera footage which is also backed up by by electromagnetic information like radar right and all of a sudden you know you have three different separate collection capabilities all looking at the same thing at the same time in the same place under the same circumstances that's data that i can i can then present in a meaningful way to decision makers that that is is a much um easier approach at least for me and my colleagues to to achieve mission success and again i don't want to disparage in any way uh the blood cells or anybody else who has their own personal experiences because that's why they're called personal experiences they're personal um but but right now i can't include that in my calculus it's a lovely family very wonderful family and i have no reason to believe that that mr bledsoe or his family are lying or deceiving in any way um but again that data just i can't incorporate it into the current calculus that i'm using if that makes sense absolutely and you mentioned skin walker ranch now i've spoken with brandon fugal and he'll be on the podcast soon hopefully um himself bob bigelow both former and president owner of skinwalker ranch have had their own scientific experiments going on and some data released you know a good tv show has come out as part of that as well which the second season is juicing but they are still ongoing scientific experience experiences and experiments sorry they have both said and others around skinwalker ranch that it comes with somewhat of a sticky portfolio and this topic and subject if you want to put the phenomena under an umbrella have you ever had any experiences like that yourself uh wow again great question uh and one unfortunately i'm gonna politely sidestep at this time um uh you know that was a that was um that was many years ago and uh a lot of uh effort and talent was put into that um i am aware of of what they were doing but i think that's i think probably i think i'll sidestep this question because um i really am not the right guy to answer that question you just asked me have i had any personal experiences if i did or i did not i'm not sure if that impacts um the ongoing effort right now that we're engaged with and i don't you know i don't want to prejudice the jury it's important as an investigator i try to remain as as fair and impartial and objective as possible and introducing uh my own personal feelings or beliefs or observations about that um you know i i i'm not sure is is overly helpful um i'd probably rely on individuals that were more involved with that effort to to answer that question that's what i'll say for part three or part four with zondo and years to come potentially and ask that again there you go can you talk on the work you are doing with uh are you going to be doing with the lakota tribe uh there seems to be a strong connection between native american tribes and the phenomena itself well damn once again you're asking great questions and i'll answer that one um yes i we are absolutely engaged in that effort let's not forget that the the first nations of saskatchewan and all frankly most indigenous peoples um have oral traditions that go back in some cases thousands and thousands of years pre-history from our perspective and to very much the same that an f-18 pilot is a trained observer uh when flying a combat mission um indigenous people are trained observers when it comes to their land and um although it might come from a slightly different paradigm than we're used to in the western world uh indigenous people have a profound sense of history and uh that that it is it is that history that we are very curious to see if we can see some of the same patterns that we see in um in the current effort regarding ayton but even more importantly than that i think i think all indigenous people have have lessons that we can learn from i think we in it we live in a very materialistic world uh that is heavily dependent upon technology and um you know indigenous people for for millennia have gotten along just fine without it and uh their their sense of government and their sense of organization their sense of fairness uh is is truly profound and i think if we can show the world just a little bit of that beauty uh we we might be better off we might be better off as a civilization we might be better off as a race as a species um i'm not going to go into detail but when i when i had the the the distinct uh honor of going up and meeting the the chief and the elders of of the bands um with the lakota dakota bands that they'd prefer to be called bands it was a it was a profound experience for me it was it was um it was an epiphany i learned so much in that brief time i had with them and again i i don't want to share the specific instances because i would like to eventually provide that in a much more professional manner uh for everybody to see but um it was it was not nothing less than soul shaking and i mean that sincerely uh i i realize there's a whole another aspect to humanity that we have seen to forget and indigenous people have despite the challenges they have faced over the years whether it's disease or or being moved against their will to reservations and the hardships and the discrimination that they have faced over and over again somehow they were able to maintain their dignity and and their humanity and um for me it was a it was an understanding of resilience and that the that there is an indelible part of the human being whether you call it the soul or the id or the chi or whatever whatever non-du jour you want to give it there's an element beyond the the biomass of a human body and beyond the electrical synapses of the human brain and the intellect that makes each and every one of us distinct and and i learned that um there's there's there's great beauty in that and um you know coming from up from a hard investigator who has been always just a fax ma'am kind of guy you know there's another aspect to being human here that um not just me but maybe maybe other people have forgotten as well and so i want to be able to to tell that that story in a very elevated way and share that with other people and see if they have the same you know same reaction that that i did i would look forward to that coming to fruition and i think people would be screaming at their podcast devices just now on a lot of different questions we could go off in a tangent with their button we'll see if they'll save those for another day i've made no secret for a long time on this podcast lou uh i i'm a huge fan of unidentified um the tournament struck was perfect it was something i was very much looking forward to um given it seems now there'll be no season three um can you speak about what you would have liked that to look like and i would also like you to comment i interviewed antelipe producer of the show and he mentioned on my interview with him that there had been contact with people from nasa who just weren't quite ready to go on the record uh could you comment on that as well yeah so the two questions um what would i like to see in episode three nothing um but the answer is simply put nothing we we made a decision chris mellon and i early on that we only wanted to do two seasons um that was it was a short relationship with history channel they agreed this was never intended to be a long protracted show where we just artificially generate material for the sake of having a show we it was a target of opportunity uh that was never meant to be enduring uh we are now working on some of these those enduring capabilities but as we shift from from you know phase one to phase two or first gear to second gear history had its role and it was very impactful and it did exactly what we intended it to do but make no mistake the history channel uh effort was not ever it was never intended to be a long-term uh effort for us it was always a short term it was to get the conversation going and then depending how that went move on to something else um so that's that's the first part the second part you asked me about anthony lepay and people from nasa look i get emails every day it's not just nasa it's nasa it's faa it's department of energy very very senior people now are finally coming forward and wanting to have this conversation i think it's uh and i think it's a good thing um anthony lepay is absolutely right but we also have people from other countries and senior officials in their intelligence community and their government apparatus coming forward and that's i think i think it's indicative of the sign of the times the conversation is shifting and again i want to go back to the ufo twitter world because that's in large part because of you of what you're doing i'm only one voice but you guys are many and i i think the beauty about this uh is that we are no longer uh a a if you will an enclave i think what you're seeing with ufo twitter it's is very quickly becoming an army uh and that's that's that's a lot different it's not a it's becoming a i don't know if i want to say the word movement because it's used too much and movements can sometimes use to be to do bad things just like they can to be used to do good things but in my case i think i think the ufo twitter universe has has helped tremendously in this effort and it's getting people to come out and talk when you look on twitter i know for an absolute fact there are several pseudo handles on there that are very senior government officials that i personally know and they create these fake accounts just so they can get a pulse so they can so they can monitor what's going on and that's that's remarkable you are helping influence right now the conversation here in the united states that's amazing so by the way let me for uh um also if i can apologize real quick you hear me kind of inhaling a lot um i recently got over covet so i i still have a little bit of a short breath the shortness of breath i apologize if it comes across that i just finished running a marathon actually feels like i just did uh so i i apologize i i promise you uh i'm i'm not uh working out secretly you know the table here and trying to get my exercise in i just unfortunately it's it's part of the um you know the covet no absolutely glad you're glad you've recovered from that as well and you've made no secret you have a petrol head you talk about gear one to gear to um would it be fair if unidentified was part of the first gear that the untitled uap project sean cahill jeremy mcgivern and you've been involved in with some of the other guys and producers would be part of second gear yes absolutely and there's other other efforts as well that's just one uh we have multiple verticals that we're looking at to continue the conversation in a much more impactful broad way now that the topic has finally been taken seriously uh i think uh throughout many parts of the world the time is to put this into into a higher gear and really as i've always said push the pedal to the metal i know you don't normally speak for other people but i'm going to quote someone here and just ask for your thoughts at the end of unidentified season two chris melin had a rather lovely monologue to finish off um he said that the tech is not ours not russia's and not china's does this for you definitively put to bed the notion that uep um they're not made by human hands look in order to have a conversation with people you don't need the elephant in one bite you have to you have to eat it in bite-size consumable pieces that you can then digest otherwise you're gonna choke um i've said it for the record before we are we are absolutely sure it's not ours we're pretty damn sure it's not foreign um you know i i don't know how more clear to say that this is this is not our technology um if it was i i don't think you'd be seeing this kind of effort first of all we would have figured it out a long time ago that this is some sort of russian or chinese technology right and then we would have had a counter technology very quickly uh you know it no it's it's not ours and i i know it's uneasy for people to think about that uh but it's okay because it's been here for a while and we're still here and religions haven't collapsed and and governments haven't imploded uh this is just another wondrous mystery of the universe and with that comes some some hope and opportunity but also you know we have to exercise some some some due diligence and and pragmatic caution here you know i i'm not the kind of guy that's just going to go running into a into a dark room uh with my hands in the air you know and and blindly because you bump into things i think we need to approach this like we do everything else very cautiously um you know we know the moon is right there but yet we don't just throw people in rockets and send them to the moon you know there's a lot that has to happen to to to to do that and i think to some degree this may be kind of similar in that uh you know there's there's we have to be very careful cautious and deliberate in uh how we we ask the questions and and the answers that we get back um we're it's very tempting for us to all go down the rabbit hole very quickly and think we have the answer i see it all the time and my word of caution to that is please please please try your best to to to be victim of your own analytic bias i look i i i suffer from it just like everybody else i'm no superhero i had the same same challenges when i when i see something i had this temptation to to jump to a conclusion oh it must be that and that's the way the human brain is wired that's a human thing the very first thing we do coming out of our mother's womb is recognizes we recognize her sound and her face and her touch we are programmed as a species to recognize patterns and identify friend or foe that is what nature has evolved us to be and so it's natural that when you come up to to an enigma like this and you get some answers that we want to jump to conclusions of what something is or is not but we really have to we have to be very careful and not be tempted to do that prematurely we really need to let the scientific process and methodologies work and and i think once we can do that we we may have some you know surprises some some surprisingly uh simple answers you've you've led me very nicely into this next question because i'm actually going to throw back at you a question you once asked on a piece you've done the youtube videos out there i'm not too sure of the context behind it but it was certainly something that stuck with me and a lot of other people as well and you asked once for people to consider what if it wasn't mankind but mankind's and what would that mean for us could you elaborate on that because that's something people go back to more and more and as more or less hypothetical that's what i'm going to put it as but people would assume you come from a better understanding a place of knowledge than most would um yeah wow uh well you're getting some really really good and personal questions um let me see if i can answer that in a meaningful way without um without leading leading the witness we live in a three-dimensional world we live in a three-dimensional world where time is a function of the fourth dimension if you will and we experience time as being linear it's a linear function or a process uh but we now know in the quantum world that time first of all we know that space and time because of the work of einstein and others that space and time are are joined together and we know that space time is flexible it's called relativity we see it around massive objects all the time not just earth but the sun black holes so the linear universe that we experience to some degree really isn't and when you look at the quantum state of things even an electron for example you learn in high school that an electron orbits an atom and we now know that's really a very simplistic way of looking at things that the electron doesn't orbit around the atom in fact it's called an electron cloud because the electron is is both all in all places and none of the places all at the same time it's it's kind of weird but my point being is that if you were to look at time and think of a think of a cigarette burning when you look at the notion of the future most people would would define the future as those events that have not yet happened and the past is defined by events that have already happened and when you look at that construct then the definition of the present must be a a moment in space time probably measured in playing time very infinitesimal infinitesimally small moment of space time where the future is transitioning into the past it's it's it's it's not a point in time it's a process it's an event that's occurring so a way to look at that in late perspective is think of a cigarette or a cigar that parts of this cigar that have already burnt or the cigarette that have already burnt the ash is the past that part of the cigarette or cigar that has not yet burned is the future and the cherry that moment of ignition that spark of where the future is now be getting consumed and becoming the past that is the present and we as human beings we live at that moment all of our hopes our fears our memories love hate good bad all that is an expression of of an experience that occurs uh at an infinitesimally small moment of space time like i said probably measured in playing time that is how we we we we experience the present but what if there were things that had the ability to experience where where the present was a much bigger cherry if you will a much bigger transition where more elements of the future in the past are experienced as in the present and can do that also physically right so it's not just not just a an idea but what if there were species out there that that experienced the universe uh in it with it with an extra level of dimension and so you and i are having this conversation right now with your audience and we're having this conversation right here right now but if i were to have the ability to have this conversation right here but five minutes ago or five minutes from now we would never meet we'd be like two ships passing in the night um is it possible that maybe some of these things these uap have the ability uh we experience in them we we experience them when they are right here right now and every other every other time we we don't because we're simply not intersecting uh with that with that uh extra dimensional space of of time um you know when you look at that cigarette or cigar burning you'll notice that it never burns evenly when you look at it up close and you can kind of remove the glare and the flare from the from the burn we we realized that that there are portions of the future of the portions of the cigar that haven't burned yet uh behind portions of the cigar that already has burned it's it's not an even burn almost there's an overlap right and quantum theory uh is beginning to to show some of the models for that so um i know i'm going in a very long-winded roundabout way to answer your question about what i meant about mankind's but i guess my answer to that is it's limitless we every time we put a limitation on mother nature she defies our our box she defies the parameters for which we set every time we say every living thing needs water or oxygen we realize that there are our microbial life out there that that are anaerobic they in fact they'll die if you put oxygen they they like a non-oxidated environment right you have these extremophiles living at the bottom of the ocean and and and miles below the the arctic ice this defies any any definition of life in fact a virus itself in one case you can make the the i think you can make the claim that it is a living organism because it replicates and it does a lot of things that a living organism does but it also can be defined as a non-living thing because it doesn't have dna and it doesn't have a lot of the things that we clearly associate associate with a living organism like respiratory functions right like uh anabolic activity so i think we need to be very cautious how we define life a long time ago we used to defy define life uh as mammals birds and fish well you know that's probably a very over simplistic view of what life is we're spending billions of dollars through nasa trying to find microbial life right now on some of our our planets in our own solar system and moons because it is it is it we think that there's a very good possibility that exists seti does the same thing with radio transmissions trying to find a signature of life out there and what we're beginning to find out it that it is more likely than not that there is life out there and that life might be fairly abundant um so uh boy um that's one hell of a question you asked me well that was one hell of an answer and just given the answer of giving is i want to actually finish off this portion of the interview with the time we have left to try and get some listener questions in soon as well talking a little bit about your past and actually the future as well as well knowing you resigned from your position at a tip that was to try and push forward this conversation to the by the public a lot of people including myself would thank you for doing that i would like to know how it made you feel having to resign from that position that's not something i've heard anyone ask you before well it was the toughest toughest decision i ever made in my life it was my you know there's there's two components that that make up luis elizondo there is the private component uh as a family family man and a father and then there is my my other component that i feel for me as as as a patriot to my country and uh i i i believe in the idea i'm sorry i apologize that's okay that's okay that wasn't deliberate i promise no i know what you know i i i i believe in a life of service um i believe in leaving this country and this world in a little bit better shape than you found it and uh you know i don't expect everybody to feel that way just to me i do because of the way i was brought up and my my the the struggles my family had to go through even just to be in this country so so for me it's it's um it's a very sincere and and uh profound commitment i have and so when i left the government you know in one hand i felt like i was abandoning the very establishment that that i was committed to to serve the american people you know by de facto i felt like i was abandoning the american people because i was doing jobs that were very important for the government and for the american people but in order to serve the american people i actually had to leave the organization that i love to do it in order to i realized that i'm going to have to make a choice do i serve the institution that i belong to or do i serve the american people and i realized that that in order to serve the american people i would have to leave the organization the institution that i was serving to serve the american people um it was extremely tough for me um it's you know uh you can't see this but on my desk i have all these around my office here my moment you know i'll show you just for a quick second give your audience a quick tour here i don't do this very often but uh let me see if i can do this for a second um you can see very quickly uh a lot of my my life is in these walls and uh you know it's it's part of part of who i am and uh to to leave that is very was very challenging was very tough um i i mean i don't know what else to say it's uh well with that action that that you took and it was a big decision that affected your life your family your future you started a sequence of events and a ball rolling which you'll be you're more than humble enough to see other people were heavily involved in with you as well so we are now counting down 144 days as of recording uh my co-host dan got that for me to seeing a declassified report from the uap task force you have spoken several times now that we're in good hands with those overseeing this why should people be excited about the report coming out but also beyond that what can we expect to come from the task force itself okay great question um let me let me try to get you a a a comprehensive and meaningful response uh i think it is a tremendous accomplishment that uh congress has asked the director of national intelligence for a 180 180 day report um it it shows that there is commitment and interest by congress and that there's a willingness by the executive branch of the government so that's that that is a win scenario right there the question is a is 180 days long enough to provide a comprehensive report that congress deserves and two will all the relevant information be in there in order for congress to make informed decisions um if it was up to me i would probably request a 180-day extension now i know people right now are going to be probably lining up with pitchforks wanting to uh to burn my house down but as i've said before there's a difference between doing something right and doing it right now and i prefer we got one shot to do this right so uh we've come this far we we've waited this long i you know i i wouldn't be opposed to a to a little bit longer just to make sure that we get it right there's a lot happening between covid of course the pandemic and then of course we have a new administration coming in and they're trying to get their feet on the ground the transition process takes at least 180 days uh and of course we still have you know our regular jobs trying to protect this country so um you know i'm not sure i'm not sure as you say now 144 days is is is long enough i'm not sure that we have a a an adequate structure within a task force to answer the mail on that i think what we need is a permanent capability not just a task force uh that is that is properly resourced with with the right talent uh and and the right authorities to do what it needs to look the people the task force are amazing human beings they're friends of mine dear friends i'll go to combat tomorrow with them and i'll die with them but they've been given an impossible task they've been in to some degree the same task that i was given uh when i was in at it's it's it's it's not enough you can't expect just a handful of people to provide this information that has historically been been sitting with within 17 different intelligence agencies uh in various little pockets and enclaves for decades i mean it takes longer to build a house than it does to in this case than 180 days and we're expecting a a comprehensive government whole government approach to this to this topic um you know if to me if you were to ask me i think i think the task force is being set up for failure and not by congress and i don't think it's deliberate i think i think we need to take a step back and i think we really need to to assess what is it we're trying to achieve and then let's set up these people for success you know if we really want the right answers well then we got to be prepared to to to give them the necessary resources to do this otherwise you know all you're doing is setting up a bunch of patriots for failure and and and putting frustration into the system lou just to get a couple of lister questions and i've got one more question for you if you're part and all of this ended tomorrow would you be satisfied you know i wish well i wish my part would end tomorrow um i'm pretty tired i'm pretty tired i've you know i don't know how much more i can i can really give i've given you know my life savings to this and i've given my relationships to this um you know uh would i be satisfied um i haven't had the opportunity or the luxury to sit back and really relish in the accomplishments we've we've collectively achieved so uh i've been too focused on the mission um i will say something that's been very heartfelt um i shared this with some very close friends of mine i was looking on twitter and some some people in an incredible uh gesture of kindness offered to set up a um a gofundme page or something like that where they were going to you know contribute because i guess the cat's gotten out of the bag that i've i've put my life savings into this because you know it's it's a it's an endeavor that doesn't make money you know if you're looking to make money this is not the topic to pursue at least not right now um my i i am truly profoundly humbled by that gesture but let me also say this if you want to honor what what i what what i'm doing you want to honor any sacrifice that i've made in this don't spend money on me take that money that you have take your your your wife your husband your boyfriend your girlfriends your kids take them to a dinner spend time with them and and just connect and and and be a family um you want to honor me that would be the the best best way to honor me don't don't don't set anything up for me you know i i i can i can go work at a supermarket if i need to i gotta return wrenches right i can i can fix cars um this journey is not about me it's about the collect of all of us uh i i would be i would be much happier if you were to to save your hard-earned money and and you know uh go to a nice dinner with your family and and talk about things that are important maybe talk about uaps right that'd be a great way yeah my kids like lying on the trampoline looking at the stars and they're they're foreign two and they've got their little toilet roll holders they've got they've made for binoculars to pretend to look for aliens so they're on the way to carry on that conversation look so many people you're a very popular character and i know that's something you tend to shy away from the attention that you get as well you don't crave it which i think draws a lot of people to you as well unfortunately so many people wrote in with questions i've just like to put a couple of those to you and then a 60-second quick fire and craig labadie mentioned during your recent interview with john greenwald you mentioned there were certain certain videos that had blown your mind you talked about doing mental gymnastics to work out how a particular object have could have done the maneuvers it done so his question for you are those types of videos and that type of data held by multiple governments is that rare or is that data more common than one might think i think you'll be surprised that that data might be more common than you think the problem is there were never really any mechanisms to do anything with that data so they are they are in in um bits and pieces if you will uh throughout uh different governments but uh yeah there's some very there's some very compelling data um you know in some cases you get these things 50 feet away from the cockpit i mean that's at that point there ain't no question what you're looking at um so i have to ask you this one from doug campbell regarding something i read or heard possibly on a podcast um it stated at one point that you had considered being a psychic spy is that at all true and have you ever practiced remote viewing damn uh you know how how put off and i are are good friends um hal and his colleagues were involved in some remarkable stuff uh um project stargate before that grill flame and whatnot it's no surprise that the department of the army and at some point the defense intelligence agency were were involved in that effort um i uh i i'm not going to elaborate um great question uh maybe maybe for some other time i like that one too and the last listener question sorry to everyone who i didn't get to hopefully the body of the interview answered some as well but like lou said hopefully comes back one day to answer some more uh leif asked was there any particular reason that the three videos that were released to gimbal go fast and flare were the ones that were chosen to be released yes good answer i won't probe you further on that i feel that would be a bit fruitless uh listen quick fire round before we let you go a couple of topics and subjects we've not managed to talk about yet or talk too much on you can say a word a couple of words in a sentence it's up to you the first one is skin walker wrench um a very perplexing place uh i have the utmost respect for the men and women that were involved in that project next one is bob lazar i've never met the gentleman i have no comment either way i i have absolutely zero interaction with mr lazar as a human being uh both personally and professionally so therefore i i i reserve my comment because i simply don't i don't have an opinion i'm not i don't have an opinion either way and i'm just keeping it to myself i truly don't have an opinion it's never been factored into my calculus certainly ce5 if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't i have a hard problem personal problem with with anybody charging for for for services uh you know it's it's uh for me um this is not a money-making endeavor i think i think we pervert the truth when we do make it a money-making endeavor i think um all sorts of things get introduced into the mix when this becomes about profit and that's with anybody you know i i'm not saying you have to starve and and you know but but profiting off of other people in search for the truth i find despicable um you know that's one of the reasons why i don't really do entertainment i prefer doing infotainment and i don't mind information being entertaining but entertainment for the sake of entertainment i'm that's not me i'm not an entertainer i i want to help inform um i think uh you know there are a lot of as i said before hucksters and fraudsters out there and it's coming to light and you know people are there's some savvy investigators now or that are hot on the trail of some of these individuals who spent the last several years if not decades defrauding people and uh you know all i gotta say is uh you know sucks to be you you shouldn't have done that shame on you um you know the truth i i said this years ago you know there's something funny about the truth um the truth she sometimes whispers so you have to listen carefully but if but but she she always speaks and ultimately the truth always comes out so uh my advice would be for anybody if if you're into ce5 if that's a real thing then great and i would ask that you'd be able to demonstrate it in front of a camera in front of a large audience um and repeat it right scientific method make it make it repeatable and something that can be peer reviewed otherwise it's just your opinion i would ask does the truth whisper mankind or mankind's well well uh [Applause] how about you tell me abigail mankind that's with plural with the s uh i think i i think i think i would too i think that's and louie to finish up the show appreciating your time what does disclosure mean to you ah well i think we'll know it when we see it uh i think we're in the process of disclosure right now i think in five years when we look back we're going to realize we're in the middle of disclosure um i said before disclosure is a process it's not an event um i think uh disclosure means a a willingness to recognize the truth and begin to discuss facts in a way that is transparent and open for all people to participate in all people not just one institution not just one government not just one country everybody and i think that is what disclosure is about it's the recognition that the earth is not at the center of the solar system and you know sometimes it's it's hard to tell that truth in the beginning but ultimately it becomes self-evident and i think we are in that process now i think we are in the throes of realizing that the earth is not in the center of our solar system um and again with that i think there's there's a lot of hope i think there's a lot of opportunity there but let's not jump to conclusions you know let's let's maintain the course of being diligent and deliberate methodical uh and and you know open-minded to to the best of our ability while trying to maintain um our our dedication to the scientific process lou it's been an honor genuinely and a pleasure speaking to you and i look forward to the day i can welcome you back on again for that second part anytime i will tell you this is a true true pleasure for me i want to answer one question for you that you haven't asked but i know some of your viewers are asking why am i doing these podcasts why am i is there an attempt by me is there a media blitz that i'm involved with in order to achieve something well the answer is yes and that yes is that um part of phase two from my opinion is getting the word out to anybody and everybody as you know i don't make a penny doing these i don't charge anybody i don't get an appearance fee for doing this it takes a lot of time on my day but i do it because it's important i do it because it is making a difference we're finally having the conversation and even if you disagree with my perspective it's okay because the conversation is still happening even if you don't agree with with how i'm doing things and the way we're doing things that's still good that's okay because you don't have to agree with me you don't have to be in my camp or my team i don't need that i just need you having the conversation and it's happening so uh you know my hats off really to you and to your listeners thank you for what you do uh thank you for what your listeners uh do taking time out of their day when they probably should be doing something uh you know productive um for their family or for their work and instead they're taking the time to listen to this podcast uh maybe these people are just getting off work right and they're tired and and want to make dinner for themselves but instead they're they're listening into this podcast you know thank you thank you for doing that this is this is a mutual conversation i get just as much out of this dialogue as you and your listeners do i assure you that is all for this week's show thank you very much for listening please remember to leave the podcast review on your chosen platform you can like retweet and subscribe that would all be very much appreciated the shows are being uploaded on the youtube as we speak more and more you can sign up at forward slash that ufo podcast to access shows ad free as well please get in touch on twitter facebook instagram that ufo podcast of course on twitter it's at ufouapam and again folks as always keep looking up you never know what you might see it was is [Music] medicine again there was something on my head and everything was weird [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it wasn't [Music] so [Music] so you