YouTube Channel: "That UFO Podcast" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo - 'Imminent' Interview || That UFO Podcast" Luis Elizondo - 'Imminent' Interview || That UFO Podcast 28,721 views Premiered Sep 7, 2024 I am joined by former head of AATIP, Luis Elizondo to discuss: The reason he wrote 'Imminent' AARO still having a role to play Chinese Spy Balloon Whistleblower Protections Size & Shape of UFOs Orbs Quickfire Round From: Transcript: [Music] this is Lou Elizondo and you are listening to that UFO podcast hi everyone and welcome back to that UFO podcast my name is Andy and I am joined once again on the podcast by the former head of the advanced Aerospace threat identification program and now number one bestselling author for the New York Times Mr Louise elisondo Lou welcome back to the podcast Andy thank you so much for being here and allowing me to be here with you and your audience really appreciate it always love your show it's been too long so let's get straight into it Lou because there is a whole load to get through uh the world has changed in the last couple of years since you've you've been away let's call it but you've never completely gone away you've had some time and I want to start off with the hearing now talking about the book now when you left the the conversation your public facing conversation you said there was a reason you had to write this book and I wonder in the last few weeks since imminent was released are your reasons for writing the book Justified wow um so yeah let me let me first of all explain um why I wrote the book and and the answer actually I'm gonna answer your question in Reverse yes I I I think it was it was worthwhile um let me go into the reasons why I wrote the book written word is indelible um I can get on mainstream media and have a five minute snippet of an interview but that gets kind of converted into ones and zeros and gets into the you know the if you will the ethernet of U of the world written world is written word is is a little different um written word outlives those who write it in fact it's a reason why I say before why the ancient Egyptians wrote the Book of the Dead on Papyrus it's the reason why the Magna Carta was written on parchment and it's the reason why in our country things like the Declaration of inde dependants in the Constitution are written down because they outlive the authors and it is a it is an account of as things are occurring and how they are occurring by The Observer and no one can take that away furthermore when you do that in my case when I wrote the book from my perspective no one can edit it no one can add things to it what you see is what you get it also had to go in for a security review with the Pentagon and let's not forget it you know takes a while unfortunately in my case to almost a year but once it gets released that is the official stamp from the government saying okay yes you've done the right thing there's nothing classified in here and even then even then Andy they redacted portions I I I was very careful to try to keep the book as unclassified as possible and even then you can see in the book that there are portions that have been redacted by the Pentagon and I I made the deliberate decision to lead them in there like that because I wanted the public to read that and see for themselves this is an area of the UAP topic the government doesn't want me talking about right and that's important because for those who at this point if anybody still believes the government wasn't involved in the UFO program that's proof that they were right you don't redact something if it's not sensitive and you don't redact something about a UFO if it's not real and so I was trying to explain that I didn't want to tip my hand at the time to some of the folks at the Pentagon that I was actually using that process to some degree to our advantage uh because it demonstrates proof positive that there are aspects of the book they still don't want to have conversations about um and it it's it's used to help reemphasize the validity in the importance of this topic and so that was my motivation for writing the book it's it's why I wanted to write it again at the time I couldn't say it exactly because I did not want the folks in the Pentagon to understand that I was that's what I was trying to achieve and then they would have reasons to slow it down or perhaps redact even more so um it was a little bit of a delicate dance but that was a reason why and I even said that it would be clear once I wrote the book why I was doing it um and that's why I was doing it are any of those redactions that were left in there surprising to you was there anything you thought that will clear but didn't um well I was aggressive and trying to put what in there what I think what I thought needed to be in there but there was actually a lot more that I realized I I wouldn't be able to have I wouldn't be able to have um published and so I had to make an internal decision because I could let it sit there in limbo for the next three years meanwhile the conversation is languishing and you've got you know agent provocators putting out false information and disinformation or I could say okay let me compromise let me put out what I'm reasonably comfortable with that the Pentagon will allow me to write push that envelope just a little and let them tell me what I can't and uh that was the strategy I used and I I think it was effective um look the they approved it right so um and I'm not going to jail for it no um and that's a good thing for many I'm sure some people would love to see you in jail Lou as you know but there worse yeah yeah absolutely there's plenty who don't um but during your time away there's there's been some big talking points and those are included in the book so let me start by asking you about Arrow the all domain anomaly resolution office and it's former leader now former former leader Dr Sean cpatrick who was a particularly divisive character in the in the UFO conversation over the last couple of years now he claims to have never seen anything extraordinary no evidence of anything extraterrestrial nonhuman whatever label you want to put on on this topic but I wonder to the best of your knowledge did Sean Kirk Patrick when he was with ar see any of the material that we have heard long exists for example longer versions of the gimbal video yeah I I can't speak on behalf of Dr Shaner Patrick but what I can say from an outside Observer he's also the same guy who said he did not attend a certain meeting on Capitol Hill only to have a photograph of him at that very meeting on Capitol Hill right also when you look at the actual reports that came out um they were wrong they were inaccurate you know he was saying things like oh we didn't talk to any whistleblowers yeah he did because I know who I know who they talk to you know one of them was me and I know what I told them for three hours um so you know there there there's a lot of um I think there's a lot of false information a lot of those reports that they put out early on um I look I I want to give Arrow every Fair Shake possible I hope this new leadership uh does the right thing I'm I'm really rooting for them I I want them to to do the right thing I'm not asking to agree what I'm asking to do is do their due diligence in some cases you know the old old leadership they went to an office knocked on the door and said excuse me do you have any UFO information they said no get out of here okay and they went back home um they did not have the proper access or clearances despite what anybody might tell you I know because there's organizations of people that work in these organizations that told me they never came to us Luke so okay well then you don't ask you're not going to get um so there was you know a lot of problems now part of it could be that they were a new organization you know and there was a lot of pressure on them from Congress so I do I do want to you know I don't want to just sit there and be the attack dog and you know point fingers they did a lot of dumb things and a lot of things wrong but I'm sure you know a lot of the folks there that are still there did a lot of things right and and I want to give them credit for it and and I'm hoping that those individuals are the continuity for the new leadership and you know maybe they'll do a little better job a little better due diligence on the reports that they provide I mean some of it was just factually wrong and that report got ripped this last report got ripped to shreds by I mean into ribbons by just about everybody and anybody to the point that even the Director of National Intelligence right the co-sponsor AO refused to endorse the report um I don't know tell you uh that that's not a good look when when one of your bosses says I'm not going to endorse this maybe you should go back and do some more homework so you think then Aros still has a chance of of giving something positive to the whole UFO disclosure movement sure they do of course look there there's there's there's salvation and Vindication for everybody man I mean it's never too late brother it it's and and I'm rooting I'm actively rooting for them man I heard the new guy happens to be um former friends or somebody I know a colleague that I respect so I'm I'm very hopeful that this person is going to be able to do the right thing um some of the investigators that are part of Arrow I I I personally know from former jobs former lives uh and they're good people they're damn fine investigators at least they were so um yeah you know I I want Arrow to win I I I want them to succeed you know I just I also want them to do their job right you know and unfortunately in the past you know they've got some making to do and again I'm not I don't I don't want to I don't want to paint arrow with a broad stroke and blame everybody in Arrow because ultimately you have to blame the leader it falls on the leadership shoulders for all successes and failures period and so if there's a failure you blame the leadership look if a mission went bad and I was in charge I took responsibility I got no problem doing that you know holding yourself accountable is very very important um I think you know I think the track record is very clear certain individuals were only there for a very short period of time in certain position and left and then um you know were asked to leave you know their other advising capacity as well so again I don't want to I don't want this conversation to devolve into you know accusations and pointing fingers at people um I as a personal human being I am not attacking sha mcer Patrick in his professional capacity I think he was very ineffective um but that's a professional that's a professional perspective as an individual I'm sure Sean's probably a great guy probably pays his bills and loves his children and and you know is an American Patriot and wants to serve his country so there is a difference between the public Persona that people the hat that they wear when they're serving the public and their private life and I don't want people I don't want to Rally people up and and you know show up with pitchforks and torches to to Sean's house because i' I've been told that you know he has been threatened and there's there's no room for that look I I'm threatened on a regular basis it's not fun and Sean's got kids he's got a family you know people need to leave his family out out of it they need to leave his kids out of it you know that's that's nonsense and anybody who engages in that type of behavior activity no friend of mine I absolutely not I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Shan kpatrick and and absolutely condemn such behavior um there is no excuse for that you know professional performance versus personal character um I don't care what your opinion is there there's no excuse for that yeah I can get on board with that um another incident if new organization or new leadership wanted some low hanging fruit an event that happened in February 2023 or in late January 2023 was the shootdown of the Chinese spy balloon which unfolded rather publicly on on us and then World television and it started to get a little bit like a movie like signs or something or Independence Day where over the course of a few weeks we suddenly had quote unquote UAP UFOs on the news being shot down over Alaska and it seemed odd at the time because we were told that basically us sensor systems were adjusted to then pick up more sensitive objects which ended up with this Chinese spy balloon relatively low Tech which was doing a rather efficient job it seemed um but there seemed a real lack of any official followup on the three unknown objects and I wonder is that something you followed up yourself and you can speak on so let's let's start with with the incident this is why I find it humorous right because we have been telling people for years oh we have complete air domain awareness of our skies we know what's up there and we're tracking baseball size 8,000 ft nothing to worry about folks we got everything under under control as soon as we start recalibrating our our radar systems to look for UAP what happens we start seeing these these balloons the size of a football field you know just laughting over uh Continental Northern continental United States collecting intelligence from the Chinese who knows how many times they've been doing that for how many years right what they've collected and oh well guess what I I guess we really don't have full domain air domain awareness of what our country do we uh no we don't and that was rather embarrassing um there are um certain adversarial capabilities now on a serious note there are certain adversarial capabilities that I I cannot expound upon and there are reasons why our government may or may not want to say um what that was um there could be certain sensor collection capabilities there could be certain uh how do I say this carefully um other performance capabilities that we are not prepared to allow to let our adversaries of the world know that we know right yeah so one thing is a balloon where you can take a picture from a U2 and you can shoot it down and comes down another thing is if it's something else uh UFO or UAP or not it could very well be adversarial the problem is in a information vacuum anytime you have a vacuum of information a lack thereof of information people naturally want to insert their own narrative into that and it's human nature it's not that they're doing this deceptively they're not trying to fool the public it's just it's it's human nature to do that uh we're we're kind of wired to do that to kind of jump to a conclusion in order to avoid a threat we are we look at something and if we see for example at night behind a bush a shape and our minds say that's a tiger right in reality chances are nine out of 10 times it's not a Tiger It's Just Another Bush but the one time it's a tiger it can eat you so for survival we we are wired to insert narratives and information when there's a lack of of complete information and so when people say those were UFOs or they were this or they were that um you know could also be a very conventional technology but something that we haven't seen before and we're not prepared to have that discussion publicly until we have an opportunity to really understand how this capability works and and and what can it do and and whatnot so I I don't want to comment precisely on that because of the reasons I just stated there are very conventional reasons why you don't necessarily want to elaborate on something uh until it's it's appropriate to do so um you know I know there was a lot of speculation I I I tend to not really listen to the rumors very much because rumors tend to be just rumors there's always you know maybe a grain of Truth to a rumor but um usually what people wind up hear hearing is not really at all you know based in in in in truth or reality and that's fair you could have came on heing speculated or leaned on the side of it being something anomalous or exotic or exciting and I think it was the same with the UAP task force report way back when we had a whole section of shape of UAP that was redacted and I think a lot of folks got excited which is fair enough given the title and the huge redaction however I would believe a lot of those shapes are of adversarial Technologies or even us technologies that have come across the wrong sensors and you don't want China Russia and whatever knowing what have I mean there there's pric reasons for a lot of things in fact back at the Pentagon uh we went into an investigation trying to consider it being praic being some sort of normal technology you know and and a lot of the times it was uh it was you know when you had information that really fell within those five observables then things started to change a little bit start saying okay well this is not conventional um you know what exactly are we looking at um so we you know we have to we have to kind of avoid the problem is if if you want to see a UFO you start seeing UFOs everywhere right and most of the time they're really not they're high altitude balloons or it's a quadcopter a misidentified aircraft or helicopter or a drone you know missile or something like that or an atmospheric anomaly or aberration so we have to kind of resist the urge even though we're interested in UFOs to allow allow our Zeal for the topic to Cloud our ability to collect information if that makes sense you talk throughout your book about your struggles coming out and having this conversation internally externally you talk about others like David grush who obviously made quite a splash worldwide when he came out and had the conversations he did you you're lucky enough you mentioned to call him a friend not only a colleague also in your book though you talk about being approached by a member of the Collins Elite in the halls of power and telling you you know this is demonic right this is a powerful influential organization now if those who keep this secret across across the various foms as you call them of the government have decades and Decades of experience how are whistleblowers regardless of any promised protections ever going to be truly sure of their safety and confidentiality when they're having to deal with that sort of level of power and secrecy we have to we have this is why I'm doing what I'm doing we shouldn't be afraid to speak truth to power this is that's the very definition of democracy sometimes to be a patriot you have to do things that don't seem very patriotic at the time right uh you know you have to sometimes go against the grain you know um and you do it for the right reasons you're not doing it to hurt people you're doing it to help people you know I mean look let's I would never compare myself to this person but look at for example people like Braveheart right I mean there were a lot of people that didn't like him or what he was doing but he was doing what he thought thought he needed to do for the betterment of of everybody else right and history is full of people like that now let me be clear I'm not comparing myself to someone like that I'm just simply saying those feelings that that people like that have I understand very well because that's my motivation I I I don't want to go against the grain I didn't want to leave a highp paying job and a cushy job and being at the top of my game and intelligence I mean I I could have been retired by now with writing my own book about how intelligence works right um but sometimes you have to make decisions that aren't necessarily convenient or comfortable right you have to do what's right if you take an oath whether it's to your spouse never to cheat on them or in my case you know to never cheat on my country right when I took an allegiance to to defend this country from all enemies and foreign and domestic that's a sacred oath brother I mean that's that's a lifelong oath you're never relieved with that oath after you get out of the government okay you don't have to worry about that anymore there's no such Proviso that's lifelong and so I did what I did because I took that oath and that meant something very serious to me and so that was my motivation to to come out I I thought that people needed to know and by the way it was a team effort it wasn't just me you know people come out and say oh you're a hero no I'm not a hero and I I say this over and over again and I know because I know the difference because I've been with Heroes overseas and in combat and some of them never came back right so I know the difference I'm not a hero I'm just an average schmuck who serves his country and believes in what he's doing and I think pretty much anybody in my SHO Jews probably would have done the same thing probably would have no choice to do the same thing in fact maybe even done a better job than me um it just turned out that I happen to be you know the guy in the barrel at the time and and and made the decision that I did um but that's not special that that's anybody who loves our country would would do the same um I'm not saying it was easy wasn't easy but that's what we do you know that's that's what makes makes the world work people who actually have value into something right they they believe in something and um you can't for any amount of money pay you can't you can't pay somebody off for that and I think it's fair if people have read or listened to your book you don't constantly take the credit for things you're always mentioning you were with other people names like Hal of Jim Sean Christopher melan you know lat Jim latsky Chris melon uh David grush you know that is a guy who gave up a hell of a lot to have this conversation to the American public and who got shellacked for it I mean just brutally you know um and I I think that's a disgrace and and by the way they deserve credit maybe more credit than me they're they're they're incredible human beings who've done incredible work Bob Bigalow back in the early days Senator Harry Reid and Senator Ted Stevens Senator Inu right and John Glenn and there's a whole long chain of individuals I'm just one little Link in a huge chain um and you know hopefully at some point those those stories will come forward and people will begin to to learn just how comprehensive the US government's effort into studying UAP UFOs really is and the we hear a lot about the public side of it now from yourself and what you can talk about some really interesting stuff we'll talk about chapter 8 and not expecting you to remember that L um groups like The Collins Elite being at loggerheads against Legacy uep programs thought was really interesting that little nugget and personally hadn't really thought about Gatekeepers or secrecy Keepers being at odds with each other that's a really interesting concept when you think they're they're not on our side as such so with the powers at be not necessarily working together harmoniously is there any chance that good can come from that in terms of any UAP disclosure that you start to get leaks or dissenting individuals who want to maybe break rank yeah yeah I mean I think you know speaking truth power is is critical uh especially in the National Security apparatus for any country um look I I want to be clear here because people will say Colin's Elite and they say oh you know Christian fundamentalists look there's nothing wrong with being necessarily A fundamentalist there's a problem of being a radical doesn't matter whether it's Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Buddhist or any type of radicalization is problematic um because because it can interfere with proper decision making that's that's good for the the better the larger group um so I want to be clear I'm not picking on I'm I'm deeply spiritual myself so this is not a Christian thing people say oh crazy Christian fundamentalist no no no wait no wait a minute that's not what I was saying what I was simply saying is that radicalism by any other label is still radicalism right just whether you're wearing a you know a Christian robe or you're wearing a robe by any thing U doesn't doesn't matter so um I want to be very careful to separate you know those individuals who identified in the book it's not that they are they're Christians so they're bad it's the opposite they were bad they happen to be Christian and even I don't think were bad ultimately I think they were doing in their heart what they felt is right and for that I can't blame them I don't agree with it but I don't blame them for them doing what they did because in their hearts they believe they're doing the right thing for the right reasons um this go goes to the bigger conversation of of of truths in the world there are two types of truths in the world uh Believe It or Not people say no there's no truth is only the truth no it's not it's actually there's two types there's universal truth such as for example this gravity right affects us all equally or at least most of us maybe me a little more sometimes uh but um gravity is real for everyone and then you have so that's a universal truth then you have a personal truth and a personal truth can be just as strongly adopted and believed and accepted as a universal truth but it's not by everybody so politics religion culture things like that where people are willing to die for because it's just as true to them as gravity but it's not universally accepted and so we need to understand that the difference between a personal truth and universal truth because there are differences and do we have a right to allow our personal truth to to affect our decision-making process as if it was a universal truth honestly I can't answer that I don't know that I personally try to separate both and that's why I'm always very clear to caveat what is my opinion I may believe it very strongly but it's still my opinion right um and I I I'm very clear to make that distinction where others it's a little maybe a little more challenging to do that I'd recommend many folks if they haven't already because I've seen the numbers uh to go and watch an interview with Kurt J on theories of everything really detailed interview Kurt's wonderful as well and you get a very different aspect of the conversation I feel given his background and expertise and you talk about corruption within that and you talk about you know religious corruption moral corruption maybe touching on some of those points you've just made and I wonder that speaking of those folks who have gone behind due process and have made decisions um without the correct oversight which largely is a lot of this conversation from your point of view and your colleague's point of view um and you see that's a dangerous slippy slope to start going down however in the movies the greatest villains are the ones who while in the wrong truly believe they're doing something right or at least they're relatable and I wonder is there an element to this gatekeeping or secret keeping you feel given what you know and what others know that is relatable for national security reasons or otherwise look I'll be the first one to tell you um what I'm doing I believe is a right thing to do but I could be wrong um you know uh maybe the other side is right maybe maybe Americans aren't ready the world isn't ready to have this conversation um I disagree with that and I think we have to give people the chance to at least make that decision for themselves but I've been asked many times you know did you do the right thing by coming out you know I think I did that's a personal truth that's not a universal truth there are people right now in the Pentagon that will tell you to your face that I made the wrong decision and I'm a traitor and I never should have had this conversation publicly uh because I put the government in an impossible situation um you know could they be right yeah they could they absolutely could um I I don't think so but but they could be um so I'm very aware of that you know people say well did you do the right thing I don't know I hope so you know ultimately that's for you to decide you know that's do you want this information or not and if you don't then you know maybe I I made the wrong decision um but I've always cided on on the argument that look even if the information's bad I want to know if I go to the doctor and the doctor knows I have cancer do I want to know I mean do I want to know no but do I want to know yes I I want to know I I need to know so maybe I have a chance to do something about it you know it's kind of like those inconvenient conversations when someone says you know look do you think my my my girlfriend my boyfriend my my my my significant other cheating on me right people say do you really want to know like yeah I really want to know and then they find out and they're like o maybe I don't really want to know you know I think I want to know until I know and then I realize I really didn't want to know um this conversation could be something like that and I I respect that and I understand that uh but again that needs to be your decision not mine right you need to be presented with the facts and then you get to decide what those facts mean to you and at the end of the day if you go want to watch the Kardashians and you know TV or anything like that then that's fine you that's your life to do so but at least you've had the chance to make that decision for yourself it hasn't been kept from you by some bureaucrat who's made the decision that you know what you can't handle the truth wait a minute that's for you to decide not that person right and that's that's what drives me to to have the conversation that I'm having now and you know it's ultimately ultimately that's for you to decide if I did the right thing or not not me going to jump into your academic background now Lou now your background is and I hope I get this right parasitology um which is the study of parasites biology microbiology and the like and I wonder have you read or seen the three body problem I'm aware of the three body problem I am okay and a big hit on Netflix for a lot of folks recently it was like friends with UFOs as it kind of turned out but the book's a lot better in many people's minds but a key premise in that is another intelligent civilization has sent a tiny little particle essentially to the Earth which is a supercomputer it's surveying us ahead of their arrival and we don't even know it's here until it starts kind of interfering and messing with things in neology the research so often is done with things we can see with our eyes or sensor systems can see that are sizable and I wonder you've spoken in your book about implants being found in surgeons that are evading movement when they're trying to get them out and these things are pretty small during your studies and at the Pentagon or since do you know of anything where we are looking at the micro level to see if we are being visited by a non-human intelligence so my focus primarily and I can't speak for everybody else at the Pentagon but but that was part of our program my focus was primarily nuts and bolts and macro level so we're talking about objects that can interfere with military weapon systems uh PR a airflight safety issue to our combat aircraft and have the ability to interfere with our nuclear capabilities uh um I am not a a a trained surgeon I am not a trained medical practitioner or or uh someone who who conducts forensics analysis on on you know on these types of things we had people that had those types of certifications and so we relied on their input and their analysis quite heavily um as for miniaturization I mean the greater philosophical question is that you know is it is it possible well look at our own species right we we we miniaturize everything we go from from uh my gosh one can look at at at anything right look look at the first um computer how big it was compare that to a microprocessor right uh compare uh the first um communication device and now compare it to you know discret communication devices that we use everything that we have started off much much bigger and then we begin to miniaturize and miniaturize and get smaller antennas for example everything we make it smaller lighter U easier to use more functional more capable so I I think I I don't think it's a far stretch to assume or presume that maybe there's technology uh involved with UAP that is is micro even Nano um look at look at some of the the world's smallest get online just type in the world's smallest engine right um and you have to use an electron microscope to actually see it right it's it's literally it's just a chain of atoms right think about that for just a moment from where we went from the steam engine and the internal combustion engine back just a century ago to now what we've done um so yes it makes perfect sense um you know but again we we always look at things in human terms we always we always tend to look at everything through the optic of where we are in our own personal development you know well for example you have organizations like SE well we're looking for techn signatures and radio frequencies with thin our Milky Way of of of advanced life well don't look down that's not really that advanced it may seem like it's Advanced at the time right especially when before we were using smoke signals and now we're using you know Morse code but look where we are now right 5G right WiFi LTE and and now we're getting into Quantum communication which there is no radio frequency there is no RF signature right is that the way that true Advanced civilizations communic quite possibly so we may be looking you know it's it's like saying I want to look for signs of an advanced Civilization by looking for you know uh bonfires on the moon well that's not that advanced right chances are you you might want to be looking for something else uh the same holds true as well when we're talking about you know right now in current day we thinking everything out there that's Advance is going to kind of look kind of like our stuff maybe a little cooler maybe a little faster a little bit more when in reality it could be a completely completely different Paradigm altogether something we are completely ill prepared for something that we have no idea even exists and that's what I wondered even if there was ever a virus or a disease or anything linked to some kind of non-human intelligence uh and you wouldn't know would you like how how I'll tell you right now that's a good point when I was in school at University of Miami I I I I studied virology and I had a professor who said that there was every indication that a virus was not was not uh uh natural to this planet that it was in fact an alien life form now I kind of chuckled at the time but he said look you know what is a virus well a virus is a capsid with these legs that does not have DNA and yet it replicates it does all the things that life forms do and it will it will it will infect a host and it will multiply do all the things that we associate as being alive and yet it's not alive um so it is when you look at something how a virus works you know there there are some scientists today that believe viruses are of extraterrestrial origin because there's no Natural Evolution here on Earth to suggest that they evolved naturally now I I don't necessarily subscribe to that but you can look now online and anybody can see that there are professionals that will actually State yes we this may not be from Earth so is it really that unrealistic no not at all and just to clarify that's pure speculation folks disclaimer you can see a lot of things online that aren't necessarily true but yeah yeah yeah no I'm just what I'm saying though is that you know even when I was in school you know long time ago you know I tell people this is gray not blonde you know Moses and I were in a college together um you know there were scientists renowned scientists even back then that were speculating that a virus may not be of terrestrial origin so going from the micro to the macro like you mentioned Ross Kart who you know well and you done a wonderful interview with on news nation and he's what he's carved out a wonderful Niche for himself through news nation and his reality check show people should check that one out um discussed a while back a UFO so big that it couldn't be moved and was actually built over Lou um and it's still used to this day as a working building and I wonder was that something you had heard of at the time and how common could that be I unfortunately cannot discuss that um I have to be very careful I can discuss what is in the book because I approval to do that what you are referring to uh is something that I would not be able to confirm or deny um and let me be very clear with that I cannot elaborate at all um if someone else has elaborated on it that's fine I have not been given any permission to to discuss anything like that help me then because on a similar TCT and it's my next question anyway shapes often discussed as well as as size but on Joe Rogan you mentioned a Uso so underwater or you know UFO basically so big that it was a size of a small City Block captured off an oil rig um so some people are going to hear this and I'm used to the UFO conversation but wonder why you can mention that but not potentially the the UFO under the building because I'm not discussing sources and methods I'm not discussing capabilities or locations um I'm not discussing a an actual program I'm discussing simply what was observed um you know you're asking me to confirm or deny something the existence of something um I don't have permission to do that what I can do is simply say from my personal observations I've seen video of an event right but I'm not saying where that event is under what circumstances what collection capabilities where that place was how long ago it was you know I'm not giving any of that it's just anecdotal and so um that in itself isn't classified if I give you details to that I could get in serious trouble so I'm very to do that and that Uso on Rogan was a big one for many folks it was one of the big clips that went viral online understandably how often are UFOs that size picked up from your expertise and knowledge yeah I mean we have we have some information to suggest that they're a little more common than people might think um you know there's another example in Puerto Rico in the late 1990s that was given to the New York Times uh about a very similar sized object coming to the surface and uh a frogman dangling down from a line and a a cruise missile being being sucked underwater and disappearing um there are the examples like the Phoenix Lights where there in some cases reported these enormous triangles or in some case Boomerang type craft that seem to be almost a mile mile wide um so they are more common than people might expect I had one source that I had a conversation with I'll be careful what I say I won't say when or where but it was a cylindrical object actually kind of like this huge uh that uh hovered over their vehicle um and it was about 200 feet um it was like the size of a big yacht uh and it was just a perfect cylinder with with some lights um and it followed the vehicle uh they could see it through the sunroof and they were they were absolutely terrified um at first they joked about it because they heard a report on the radio um they thought it'd be funny to go and try to find it and apparently it found them uh and uh the father of one of these individuals was somebody who I worked with colleague I worked with and they were very concerned so you know it it's size is probably irrelevant I think um look we have technology ourselves we have you know a Corvette and then we have an aircraft carrier would make sense right I mean depending what you're using it for if I'm going to go cruising around with just another person with me I'll probably take the Corvette but if I've got to take 5,000 you know closest buddies of mine somewhere I'm probably going to use the aircraft carrier different utility right different purposes of each vehicle yeah form versus function on that and I'm I'm sure I'm going to get this right but one of my favorite interviews you've done Lou was with astronaut Terry vers and that was a couple of years ago now and you actually discussed the shape versus potential function as well so I'd recommend people go and check that out because that may have pardon the pun went under the radar back a few years ago when you were you were doing quite a lot of interviews back then so definitely check that one out in the book um what excited a lot of folks L was you mention many past events so classic cases like wendam Malmstrom Roswell the Tic Tac to name a few something I've been thinking though as we heard for for some time that these events particularly things like the Tic Tac were occurring almost daily with the US Military and are you surprised in the last few years even we haven't had another Tic Tac event leak to the public with more video pictures or or maybe some not at all in fact there's been a lot of leaks but no I think now that the government's finally taking this seriously and people now feel that they can actually start reporting some of this information they're trying to give the system a chance to work so uh no and it's and and I'm actually kind of relieved because that's you know some people that that's an indicator that oh these events aren't happening no no no they're happening they're happening a lot very regularly what's happening is the systems now beginning to ingest this information so people don't have to Le the information it can go through the proper channels now the jury still out whether or not you know the proper channels are are actually functional and you know are they are they working properly but they have been set up so I think that's actually a good indicator now I know from The public's perspective is like well how then how are we going to know well there's mechanisms for that as well you know so there's the government has to have certain information then they gets to report to the Congress and the Congress says okay we want this unclassified then that information gets unclassified and then it gets distributed to to to the American people um so I'm I'm I'm okay with that you know you have recently a bilateral information sharing relationship now between Japan and the United States well so sole purposes of sharing UAP related information there's other countries now that want to enter into similar agreements with the United States because they have their own UAP information so the the the the cogs of the gears are finally as as rusted as they may be are finally beginning to turn and the only way to knock off the rust is to turn those gears you know the more they turn the more efficient they become and and then things start to work so sometimes that lack of information or silence can be a good thing because the actual due processes are happening in the background yeah yeah absolutely I mean it could be a good indicator right so now we need to make sure that there's proper oversight now that the gears are turning we need someone to come in and monitor the gears and make sure that they're turning at the right ratios the right speeds they're the cogs are meeting correctly and that's part of congress's job to make sure okay now for oversite tell us what you're seeing report to us how is this working right um and so that's that I think I think that's a good indicator we just got to keep heat and keep pushing Congress to to do the right thing and pass new legislation and protect the whistleblowers and get that accountability within the executive branch to now report to the legislative branch good time to mention that then that the UAP disclosure act failed last year a very comprehensive Bill uh sponsored by schummer and rounds it's going back through um some of the big callouts being eminent domain and the presidential review board whistleblower protection are huge part of that what chances of success do you give it second time round I remain hopeful and optimistic um I encourage anybody who's interested to to support um this effort um I know there's some contention in there with some folks about imminent domain um but I'd hate to throw the baby out with a bath water um it's it's a good piece of legislation I think it's going to really help uh Drive uh where we want to go on this topic um you know could we always do an amendment later on if imminent domains really a big rub for some folks sure but I'd hate to throw out the entire legislation simply because of of the piece of imminent domain um look imminent domain is unnecessary to even write because the government already has that Authority so if it's that big of a deal for folks just don't put it in the legislation I think the leg rest of the legislation is really really good um I I think it I I would encourage anybody if they want further disclosure you know call your if you're if you're an American citizen call your representative and tell them hey man this is important to you I think that's important maybe write a letter write an email you know make a phone call I'll put some links to help folks do that in the US because 60 or 70% of this audience online and and on audio are in the US so folks if you if you check out those links in the description there's easy templates you can use to either make phone calls or write letters so that'll definitely help um it's a massive thing you can do um in the book glue you talk about orbs and it's a subject I can be on the fence with depending on the the source and the evidence because a lot of ring or Bells pick up dust and insects flying past and people pass them off as orbs but what you describe you your family and your neighbor seeing is something that undeniably wasn't dust or or the like now you mentioned you you saw these green orbs floating by in the house between 5: and 8:00 p.m. going down the hallway your your house isn't filled with CCTV and whatnot and and you never attempted to film them but I wonder did you speak to any colleagues following these experiences either in ATP or or professionally 100% yeah this is this is what's so intriguing look let me first caveat here are the facts these luminous balls green diffus balls of of of light whatever they were right between the size of a volleyball and sometimes the size of a baseball they would different sizes uh were not only witnessed by myself and my spouse but also my children and our neighbors uh and it started occurring when I really started getting involved in atip and then ended when I when I was no longer involved what's also very important is that this was experienced by other people in the program as well it wasn't just me it wasn't an isolation incident this was occurring regularly and routinely with other people that were involved in the a tip program now let me also state is it 100% conclusive that this is related to UFOs of UAP no it's not it is still possible this could be some sort of natural atmospheric as crazy as it may sound ball lightning or S Elmo's Fire or maybe I've got some bad conduit in the house and it's creating an arc discharge and now I've got a plasma ball you know of of ionized air who the hell knows right yeah I don't know um but what I do know is that these balls of light were witnessed by again not just myself and my family and our neighbors but other people in in the H program who by the way had a lot more experiences than just that not my story to tell um but I suspect at some point in the future those stories will be told by those individuals and it wasn't just us experiencing these these green luminous balls actually I had a buddy of mine I won't say he's actually the book um a buddy of mine oh yeah say it John Robert um he's in the book and uh very good friend of mine and we've been colleagues for 30 years just about all over the world chasing bad guys uh and uh he had experiences as well um to mention some other folks whose names I can't mention yet but you know very very interesting things started happening at his house he has never been public about it so I'm not going to discuss that um but he's just one of many many people part of our program who've had very very interesting experiences at their houses during the time of a it's interesting other folks had these at the same time as well and there may or may not be a correlation there like you say with the program surveillance whatever it may have been it could be completely coincidental but do you any part of your remote viewing history which you've touched on open some kind of door to these objects more so than others do you think that was any element of it you know it's hard to tell I I I couldn't tell you either way because I still struggled even with the idea of remote un to be honest with you um you know is it real yes do we use it in the government yes do we use it in law enforcement yes are we still using it um but I don't know exactly how it works I don't know why it works I don't know how pervasive it is I know it seems like a lot of people can do it really not that special is it if most people can do it um so I don't know if there's a correlation there it may just be a vestigial aspect of Being Human right just like an appendix when we were when we were sometime thousands of years ago where we didn't have the pervasiveness and the sophistication of verbal language to verbalize and communicate um we relied on this sense to communicate just like when two dogs enter a room and there's this non-verbal communication occurring you know maybe it's when you're when you're traveling and you you pick up the phone and you call your spouse and say hey honey I wanted to say hi and they're like oh my gosh I was just thinking of you right um be something that simple that it's it's it's probably it's it's probably based somewhere in in in quantum mechanics if I had to guess again pure speculation but a lot of scientists now are are saying that human consciousness is actually a Quantum process that is occurring in the brain and if that the case while we do know that you know quantum mechanics is a very interesting field of study and all sorts of possibilities can happen you can have the Duality principle you can be literally in two places at once doesn't sound you know as Einstein referred to Spooky action at a distance uh there's these weird little nuances of quantum mechanics that don't seem logical and definitely fall outside the realm of Newtonian physics and even even Einstein's theory of relativity and yet we're observing these things uh the these these these characteristics in the laboratory so um maybe it's tied to that do I think that there's a correlation between UFOs and remote viewers what I can tell you definitively is that there's been remote viewing sessions where remote viewers have um been targeted uh to an adversarial technology and have seen UFOs in the remote viewing sessions following the Target that we are targeting ourselves someone you mentioned in the book is Russell tar and I just had nearly two hours with Russell just a couple of weeks ago so if anyone wants to learn more about remote viewing there's not many better folks probably along with Hal pitov to to listen to remote viewing then Lyn Russell so check that one out folks if you want to learn a little bit more as well as another another one was very good my mentor uh was probably the best remote viewer in the Army at the time so that's why I'm very say oh you you good at remote viewing well not really you know I I I play the drum but next to Travis Barker I don't really play the drums very well so I'm not going to comp put myself anywhere in those that category L I'm bringing back an old format that was very popular that through laziness I've not done for a long time but I think just for yourself I want to get this chance for a lot of listeners topics to fire into the quick fire round so I'm going to mention a few different things and you can say as little or as much on each of them as you want and then we'll wrap up okay so put on H do you know what a lot of the people in my Discord Channel hate the phrase buckle up so I'm not going to use that one so you can leave the seat belt off but drive safely folks there's my advice um but the first one is a James Fox documentary the program your thoughts uh I don't know much about it um James Fox is a is a is a a great producer and director um but I don't know anything really about his project and uh haven't been part of it nor do I have I seen it so I can't comment on it hopefully we will see that soon uh James has been doing a lot of work in the background on that um another documentary that was confirmed through yourself was Dan Farah who was involved in your your book deal initially as well can you talk about the documentary Dan F is producing and your involvement in that in any way unfortunately I'm not at Liberty to discuss um anything that uh Mr Farah may be involved with uh at this time not yet your thoughts on and here's one for you the naaska mummies that have been doing the rounds over the last year or so uh again I haven't been involved um I I I'm a little disappointed the way that it was brought out whether it's legitimate or illegitimate I think it was brought out in such a sensationalized way that it really diminished um some of the value and maybe some of the impact of it um you know bringing it to to the Mexican Congress in the way that it was was a little bit showboy and I think it turned a lot of people off so even if it turned out to be legitimate the problem is it it you know first impressions weren't that great um you know so I I I don't have any real comment again I wasn't part of that I haven't studied the mummies uh and I don't have the qualifications you know I'm not a not a biological forensic scientist and so I wouldn't be able to tell you one way or the other I do know that some people said there's some very interesting aspects of it and compelling aspects of it but I'll I'll let the experts handle that H your thoughts on the work of the Saul Foundation spearheaded by Gary Nolan and Peter Fant fantastic fantastic great organization I got to tell you too that that Gary is an incredible human being if you ever have a chance to talk to him one of the smartest guys you'll ever meet um one of the most sincere guys you'll ever meet uh an incredible National Treasure to the United States in the world you know Nobel nominee but more importantly just a wonderful human being and he has done a lot for our country that he has he can't talk about but I know what he's done um he's put a lot on the line uh and his credibility um you know if there's a few guys that I would want in my Foxhole Gary's Gary's one of them I've been fortunate Gary a few times and uh wonderful to speak to and he says I have a massive forehead so that was my my take away from it as well so but he's a very fun I've been called I've been told I have a five head and I asked what is a five head they said apparently it's more than a forehead so yeah I understand I think I suffer and now that my hair is receding as you can see here uh you know I I suspect at some point I'm just goingon to look like a bowling ball yeah mine is running out be an alarming rate as well from my face um uh another thing mentioned in the book is that TW 23 minute video that's been rumored and talked about online for a long time you mention it was filmed near another country's sensitive nuclear facilities so is that all the reason that we will never see that video made public uh more than likely uh because there's a lot in that that that video that shows sources and methods and um you know if there was a way to strip that out in the metadata maybe but it's remembering that video it would be very difficult to do that sure um this one I'm hoping you can clear up some there's a lot of online nonsense right now especially on the X or Twitter Community um your former colleague Jay Stratton is rumored to have a book coming out and a lot of folks are saying that both sides of your story and his story won't add up do you think that's in any way true or would you expect that to get a lot of correlation no no I I I don't know what Jay's writing um you know Jay and I had interesting and and similar experiences and also different experiences for different organizations while working for the program um I suspect that you know a lot of what what Jay is writing May probably reinforce what I'm saying but he also had his own experiences as well and so there's you know just like you and and your friend that you meet at you work together at at work with you'll have a lot of same experiences but if you're working in one office he's working in another office you're not going to have exactly the same experiences right you're going to have different but similar experiences that basically um support or reinforce the the greater the greater effort um you know Jay's a very smart man uh he has done a lot of good things for this country a lot and I'm really looking forward to his book coming out I think it's going to be very revelatory um I know what he's been through um and I'm really excited for him and I'm excited for you all to know what he's been through last couple then we can let you go um Danny Sheen was on with me and you know Danny well of course and he mentioned the cia's golden domes project to where they had a center where they were detecting UFOs even when cloaked as his wording was not on radar and through a new technology was that something you're aware of and it was similar to me in terms of like project interl I cannot I cannot elaborate on that unfortunately I any type of us technology or capability I would not be able to uh um the book ends Lou with a chapter called New Horizons and I wonder if in 5 years time you're coming back to write the Second Edition what are some of those new chapters going to be called would you hope wow fed complete fed complete fatal complete is uh means um done whereas imminent means it's coming Fair complete means we're there and you may be touched on it there saying we are there but is that you're done or it's the next step and someone else is taking over oh my goodness well look I I am not the most qualified to lead this effort people keep saying you're you're you're you're you're the spearhead of disclosure that may be true but but I shouldn't be there's a lot more people out there far more qualified than me smarter than me more savvy than me um I am I cannot wait till the day comes when somebody else and other people can continue to carry this conversation forward um it's not because I don't want to is because I'm not I don't have the requisite qualifications I don't think to to push this to the next level you know I'm I'm I'm very good at getting things moving but once they're moving you need a professional race car driver you know I I can get the car in the garage I can get the engine started but to win a formula F1 Formula race you need a professional race car driver and I don't think I'm that um you know I I I don't I I I wish I was but I don't you know I'm very my my skill sets and talents are very limited and focused to certain things and you know just like I'm not a politician uh I'm diplomatic and I try to be as diplomatic as possible but I'm not a politician you know I wear my mind on my sleeve what you see is what you get um so am I the best person to be a spokesperson for for ultimately for disclosure probably not you know um so hopefully someone way more qualified than me steps up to the plate here soon and can take this over and then I can just sit back fade off into the sunset quietly sit in the bleachers and support them you know from from the bleachers um because I'm I you know I but this way I I'm no Star Quarterback okay uh and I know that and and I think most people would agree I'm I could throw a ball and catch a ball I guess but uh when you're the only one out in the field yeah it's easy to be the quarterback but when you have a real team come out on the field then again my my analogy about Travis Barker and me being a drummer you know I can say I'm a drummer all day long until I I you know play next to someone like of his caliber and then all of a sudden I realize you know I'm just a monkey banging on the Bongos at some point though does does your wife Jennifer put her hand on yours and say enough or has that even came close to happening in the last couple of years every day every day every day uh I it has this has caused great stress on my family um you know I I won't go into detail here because it's not appropriate but um this has taken a great toll on me it has it has ruined any semblance of peace and um you know a marriage is a relationship that's 5050 and if I can't give I it's not it's 100% 100% let me clarify that any relationship is 100% 100% And you know there is a lot of times I can't give my my 100% because I'm giving it to something else I'm giving it to this and it's not fair to her and uh it's caused a great amount of stress and and fortunately she's an incredible human being and and has tolerated it um but you know that may come a day where where she can't where she won't and you know I I can't blame her um my loyalty use to to my children and my family and my country I don't want to have to choose between the three um yeah that is all for this episode thank you very much for tuning in don't forget to leave the podcast a review on your chosen platform 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