YouTube Channel: "Stellar Productions" Video Title: "Need to Know #56 - Elizondo Unplugged (09-12-24)" Need to Know #56 - Elizondo Unplugged (09-12-24) 92,813 views Premiered Sep 12, 2024 Have you ever wanted Lue Elizondo to just come out and say Roswell is real, or abductions are happening, that kind of thing? We have. So we've gotten him clearly on-the-record on those kinds of issues and others in this episode of Need to Know. Lue Elizondo joins Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel to discuss major developments in the UAP space, particularly following the release of his new book, Imminent. Elizondo sheds light on the ongoing disclosure process, touching on the frustrations with government secrecy, the slow pace of mainstream media coverage, and the obstacles whistleblowers like himself and David Grush face. The conversation dives into the mysteries surrounding the Roswell incident, crash retrievals, and non-human intelligence (NHI), while also addressing broader societal impacts of full UAP disclosure. Elizondo further shares thoughts on historical moments like the JFK assassination, noting potential connections to hidden truths about UAPs and covert government agendas. From: Transcript: Lou has been all over our dials he's been  in podcasts he's been on the major media   circuit and we want to talk him to him about that  experience but also by kind of following up some   of that it's going to give us the opportunity to  take a look at some of the questions that maybe   didn't get answered or to follow up on some of  the things that we'd like to know a little bit   more about so let's get right to it let me bring  in Ross colart from across see Ross uh that was   quite a great interview uh that you did to sort of  you were the starters gun for all of this madness   um it seems like I guess it was only three weeks  ago or something like that get a Bryce yeah lovely   to be talking to you again and very excited to be  speaking to Lou here on need to know um I think I   think it's important before we bring Lou in just  to introduce him because one of the things that   you and I have been talking about is that a lot of  the podcasts don't explain exactly who Lou Elison   is I think everybody just takes it for granted  that we know who he is but there's been a lot of   toing and frowing in the last few weeks a lot of  people throwing mud a lot of debunkers trying to   assail him so let me just put Lou in context Lou  worked at the very highest levels of the Pentagon   the US defense department out of the office of  the under secretary for defense intelligence   and he was before he got involved I think with  the UAP subject involved in highly sensitive   extremely sensitive special Access program leaon  dealing with some of the most intense secrets in   the Pentagon hierarchy he was a very very highly  trusted official inside the US defense department   and that's why I find it very amusing that people  have been throwing mud at Lou this ridiculous   argument about ATP and orap in the long run it's  irrelevant the guy you're about to hear from is   somebody who has operated at the very very highest  levels of the Pentagon the defense department and   the intelligence Community everybody I've spoken  to about Lou including a lot of people he doesn't   know that I've spoken to have vouched for his  Integrity his honesty and his absolute loyalty to   the American public and doing what he's doing so  Bryce let's bring on Lou Alondo let's get him hey   there Lou how are you nice to have you gentlemen  thank you so much it is truly truly my honor and   privilege to be with you here today uh you've  had the honor and privilege of being on a lot   of podcasts and a lot of media I've seen you on a  bunch of them and I just had one quick observation   when I saw you on CNN and I think CBS and maybe a  couple of others to be honest with you they give   you like that three to five minute window right  you're you're on it's like you better have your   talking points because that's all they got and  what I noticed in a couple of cases is I thought   that the people who were interviewing you looked  like they' done about as much much prep as you   might expect if they were uh going to speak to  the guy that just won a hot dog eating contest   or something I I just didn't really feel like that  they knew how important this thing was so here's   my first opening question for you having just  gone through all these interviews what do you   think you taught America and the rest of the world  while you were uh doing these interviews and on   the flip side what to doing all these interviews  teach you wow uh well first of all let me let me   Preamble if I can I think mainstream media has  got a lot going on right now um and it's easy   you know we we refer to something as as combat  fatigue in in the military but the media suffers   from the same thing and you've got so many of  these issues dour right whether it's elections   or it's uh the ongoing conflicts right now over  in in Israel or the Middle East or with Russia   and Ukraine uh and of course an election coming  up as well right so so there's a lot of issues   so it's very easy to get distracted uh the UAP  issue is we're playing a long game um this isn't   a a sound bite this isn't a headline and then it  goes away this has been a very slow and steady   process a slow March towards ultimately what  we hope to be complete disclosure so with that   said um I I want to make sure we don't put blame  on mainstream media because I think they've got   their hands full and let's not forget that until  recent recently the last maybe six seven years   this topic was completely taboo right this this  was a professional career Ender to even consider   taking this topic seriously and had it not been  for people like you and Ross coldheart and a few   other others that just said you know to hell with  stigma and let's let's chase the story um we would   still be we would still be in that situation um  now what have I taught media um probably that uh   I'm about as attractive as a crau this is it this  is as good as it gets right so I'm probably not   the best guy to have on camera with that said um  what I have learned from the media is that there   is a significant interest in this topic and you're  right there that it's like a it tends to be like   a a puddle on on on on the sidewalk um it's not  very deep their knowledge base is not very deep   maybe what they've seen in Hollywood and movie  or maybe what they've read in a book but for   the most part they don't have a deep knowledge  of of this topic and so uh they've taught me to   some degree to to have patience and exercise that  patience try not to get frustrated if they're not   asking me the questions that I think they need  to ask me I think they're probably asking the   questions they think they need to ask me and for  that it I'm okay with it you know this is like   I said this is a marathon not a Sprint and it's  going to going to take a while for people to to   Really begin to to absorb the the enormity of  this of this topic in my opinion anyways Ross   Lou Nancy mace uh the congresswoman for South  Carolina has just announced in the last few   hours that there's very likely to be a a UAP  Hearing in September I think she indicates or   maybe in October I don't know if that's realistic  to be honest one do you think it's realistic there   is going to be a hearing before the election and  two is Lou elzando going to be called to testify   I want to see you under Earth my friend sure so  again two-part question let me answer the first   question and then I'll I'll go to the second one  there is going to be hearings now whether they   occur in end of September or October or perhaps  even November you're right there's an election   coming up and that's a huge distraction and so  they have to pretty much if you will weigh the   pros and cons to determine is the timing right now  or should we wait till after the elections that's   a decision that I certainly can't make nor can  I influence to answer your second question I've   already made it perfectly clear that if I am asked  to testify I will absolutely testify now with that   said there is going to also be I think Senator  gilbran recently made an announcement that she   is also going to have some people testify and I  believe if I'm not mistaken it's actually arrow   that she wants the new leadership of Arrow wrote  to testify now I could be wrong but from my latest   understanding is that that the the hearings at  gilland not not not the house but the Senate   wants to have in the near term will probably at  first begin with arrow uh and and the government   apparatus if if I was a betting man you know uh  gentlemen we're actually recording this uh as   the presidential debate between Harris and Trump  is going to be taking place so I've already outed   our time frame on this thing but I think it's  probably a safe bet that they probably won't be   asked about UAP in this debate because it doesn't  tend to come up in these things maybe I'll be   surprised that would be great but Lou here's my  question let's assume that it doesn't get asked   in this debate and that there's another debate  afterwards and somebody were to say to you Lou   what should we ask these two candidates on the  topic of UAP how would you phrase the question   that a a moderator who as you just pointed out  usually isn't completely wired into this how would   you phrase that question how would you have them  ask Donald Trump and kamla Harris what they think   about the UAP national security issue I would  start with the basic question what do you as a   presidential candidate believe the American people  are entitled to know first and foremost what are   what do you believe in your heart is okay that  the American people are made aware of okay okay   because that's that's question number one because  if they say well we have to keep everything secret   because of National Security we already know their  position if they say look I think uh Americans   should know as much as we possibly can tell them  whether or not we're alone in the universe and   look if there's technology that maybe we've been  able to glean from this we're probably not going   to have that conversation with the American people  why because we don't want our adversaries to know   what we have right so that'd be question number  one what do you believe that the American people   are en to know about this topic and then two how  do you plan to enforce and ensure accountability   that those organizations within the executive  branch that have been established to do the   work are actually going to do the work and will  have access to the information that they need to   do the work that's a great question Ross I'll give  you the next question okay Lou there's been a very   interesting Post in the last 24 hours that seems  to have been very quickly taken down as soon as   it was posted but there's a guy called Walter  Kern who interviewed David grush for a podcast   or a a magazine I think called County Highway and  in an interview Walter asserted and I don't know   the truth of this but I haven't spoken to David  about it he asserted that Dick Cheney is at the   very top of the UAP secret Keepers according to  David grush can you comment uh um look there's a   lot of speculation uh about who may have known  what and when I certainly not going to speak   on behalf of of the chainy nor have I spoken on  behalf of anybody else as as you probably know I   can only speak on behalf of me we do know for a  fact that there were certain people and certain   administrations that were read onto this topic  and we know that there were some that were not to   include certain presidents that were not read onto  this topic um what type of presidential privilege   uh Vice President Dick Cheney may have had is  certainly something that I think we should ask   him I think it's a great question um I know what I  have been told and what I have learned through my   time at a tip um but with that said I I can't  comment for for Vice President Dick Cheney um   just like I wouldn't I wouldn't comment for former  president Trump or current President Biden um it's   not my place as you noticed before when I'm ask  questions about Congress and their intent I never   answer those questions because it's not my place  to say if if if people have a question for that   person address it to that person um that would be  my my answer and I'm not trying to be evasive I'm   trying to be respectful I want to make sure that  I know my left and right limits if that makes   sense I I i' actually anticipated you wouldn't  be able to answer it Lou I just wanted to see   your reaction which I thought Wasing hey you know  uh on the the subject of all this back in 2017 uh   the guys that were doing a lot of these interviews  were yourself and and Chris melan sometimes Tom   dong but basically you were the Insiders who were  talking about it sort of setting the standard for   it and that continued for while now we've had  other people speak but most noticeably last year   we had David grush talk so my question is because  I think people get a little confused they go well   who are The Whistleblower what's going on and my  question would be is there any daylight between   your story and David gush's story that we should  highlight differences in how you see what is going   on or if there isn't any daylight could you then  at least summarize for us the essence of what   you and grush and melan have all been saying so  that because I feel like there's a lot of us like   myself I'll have friends or my family and I'll  want to say okay here's what I think is going on   based on the people I'm talking but I'd like to  hear your summary of that yeah well again great   question um I can't speak for David but let me  tell you my experiences with David first of all   David's an American hero uh David is everything he  says he is I know because I worked with him in a   skiff I'm not supposed to say where right now so I  won't but at some point hopefully we can have that   conversation um but we're also different people  right I know the things that I've been exposed to   and the things that I did I know the things that  David and I have done together and we've been both   exposed to but then there's stuff that David has  also done that I wasn't part of and so it's it's   um it's kind of like being married really uh where  you know you you you live with somebody 247 but   there's times you may have to go run an errand or  go shopping or your spouse has to go take the kids   to school and drop them off and has a conversation  with the neighbor so you know I wasn't privy to   everything uh in David's World just like David  wasn't privy to everything in my world but we took   every opportunity to to brief each other up on  on the important things you know the minutia and   details of you know what type of Frappuccino I had  in the morning probably not a detail that I would   waste his time with but if there was a video that  that he and I both needed to look at and analyze   we were absolutely on the same sheet of same sheet  of music um Chris melon very much the same thing   um Chris melon is his own man I can tell you my  experiences with him he is again a national hero   National Asset I mean he is a national treasure in  my opinion we are only having this conversation in   part because of the work and sacrifices of  Chris melon but is there other stuff Chris   melon did yeah I mean he was a deputy assistant  secretary defense at one point there's a whole   lot of stuff there's a whole another world that  that Chris melon has been involved with that that   I wasn't involved with right and so um I think  people assume or presume certain things like for   example right now you Bryce and and Ross you guys  are working a show together but you also do things   independent and separate still for the same goal  and so it's very much the same thing um Jam's a   very good friend of mine he's a good human being  um I trust him implicitly we talk all talk to   him today uh we talk all the time um but there  are again he worked for another agency another   three-letter agency which I've never been employed  by that agency we work together but he had access   and did stuff through that agency that I wasn't  privy to and in some cases I probably didn't even   have a need to know and I'm okay with that right  this is not like well I need to know everything   because I was part of ATP no no no no this is  this is a far more sophisticated and complex T   topic so we have to be we have to understand that  there are aspects of his job that he is going to   be part of that frankly I have no need to know and  I won't be part of it and I won't ask him and he   won't tell me and vice versa right so um I don't  know if that answers it but uh I I think there's   a I think we're pretty pretty sympatico same  with like Carl Nell yeah and you know I guess   let me just follow that up though if if there's  a commonality to what all of you have said or   intimated in the various interviews you've done  over these years you all basically say there's   those three videos that we've all seen and that  they're not very good but they're shocking right   but you imply they're not very good and I heard  you recently I forget the show but you said there   are hundreds and hundreds of HD quality videos of  UAP so this is this is the question that bothers   the people who leave comments on our show and and  send me emails over and over which is wouldn't the   release of just one of those highquality HD videos  be a game changer and secondly to release a few   should not impact our protection of classified  sources and methods one would think if you're   just showing what you saw in high quality so why  isn't this happening why can't we see one great   video sure well I I can't answer on behalf of the  US government what I can tell you that a lot of   them are classified for very real reasons because  of where they were taken and how they were taken   and the Fidelity of the information that we have  so it you know look people said before well how   come the government has never released a video  well they did they released three of them right   now it took 70 years but they did so I think  the time is going to come and hopefully sooner   rather than later where other videos will also be  released but you've got metadata that you've got   to scrub you've got locational data because we're  doing things in places that frankly maybe the bad   guys don't know we're there right and we're using  certain capabilities that can do certain things at   certain times that we don't want the enemy to know  and it's really hard to take a video and strip all   that information away with just a bunch of black  squares to react right um at that point it the   video almost becomes useless really so there are  ways to do it I think that there are people in   government look Donald Trump just said that if he  was elected one of the first things he'll do is   he agrees with releasing not only the JFK files  but also the UFO files and potentially releasing   better video right now whether you're for Trump  or against Trump or it doesn't matter right I'm   being apolitical here I'm just saying that there  are politicians right now as are having the debate   that are actually for disclosure they're Pro  disclosure um and again I'm not saying vote for   a candidate because they're for disclosure I'm  not saying that what I'm simply saying that as   an example there are people right Barack Obama  said recently that the same thing that there is   very compelling information that there is uh that  these things are real look Jim Clapper right he   was on he was working for Obama as the Director of  National Intelligence he said one of his greatest   greatest uh laments and regrets was that he  didn't he didn't push for for disclosure more   when he was the dni or when he was the US when he  was at one of the various agencies that he he he   should have looked into it more um so people are  having the conversation and I think videos will   be forthcoming but again look with now today's  day and age of deep fakes you're never going to   satisfy everybody there's always gonna be people  out there oh that's not real oh this is hogwash oh   this is a sop from the government oh this is you  know whatever it's it's you can't make everybody   happy unfortunately and I'm not sure another  video is necessarily going to do that maybe   it does maybe it helps I hope it does but you know  I I think we may even be beyond that at this point   in the conversation okay Lou you mentioned the  JFK files that Trump has pledged to release and   that's a great segue for an issue that both  Bryce and I are very engaged on let me ask   you this way do you think there is a connection  between the death of JFK and the UAP mystery well   there certainly may be a tangential one um it was  known that JFK wanted to release um certain UA UAP   UFO files um if you talk to uh RFK right now the  one of the individuals working with with Trump   on his campaign uh he is very pro- disclosure  he has indicated multiple times that he thinks   that whatever files are in the possession of the  US government should be released um it was known   that JFK had an interest in this topic now was  that the primer that saw him unfortunately be   killed probably not there's a lot more there  I happen to know somebody who was privy to a   lot more information um it was probably more  related to to things like Bay of Pigs invasion   and possibly a reinvasion and I think there  was some potential mob ties and some intellig   stuff I don't want to elaborate certainly and I  don't want to speculate I've already had people   you know accuse me online of being a conspiracy  theorist Which is far farthest from the truth   right so um I just want to be careful because  the moment people hear that they go oh JF gu   conspiracy theorist no no no we're talking about  conspiracy fact is what we're talking about um   but I wasn't there and I wasn't alive and so I'm  going to be very careful not to uh pontificate on   something that I I don't have complete insight  into which is fair and certainly you haven't   brought up JFK in in most of these interviews I've  seen or any of them to the best of my knowledge   but something you have brought up a couple of  times there are two things you brought up and I   just want to make sure I'm understanding what I'm  hearing you talked on Joe Rogan for example about   how we're happy to go fly a helicopter around  and you know tag a Snowy Plover or a will Tobe   or whatever and and you know do our business  with them and then release them back into   the you talked about that so my question is  are you confirming that we have a abduction   issue problem because you've also talked in  your book about implants so I I just want   to hear it in in plain English are people being  abducted and is that something that we're aware   of and are we doing anything about it so the  allegation is there uh we know for sure that   some people have has have sustained negative  medical consequences uh as a result of getting   too close to a UAP that may be inadvertent it  may be a result of the technology itself uh and   not deliberate but keep in mind my background  as a former special agent right if if you if   you let's say take an Uber or a taxi and you want  to go to the mall but instead they they take you   to their house um that's kidnapping right that  that's a felony offense and oh by the way think   happen to touch you without your permission even  just touch you um that's assault right so now we   can start adding up the crimes the federal crimes  here um that doesn't seem benevolent to me now   imagine that happening to your kid right we got  a problem if if that's if that's happened that's   that we've got a serious problem because look  in some cases doing that kind of stuff is is an   act of War literally it's it's a provocation um if  that is indeed happening now there are people that   will tell you all day long that it's happening my  focus at ATP was more nuts and bolts so I was more   interested in the in the military encounters over  controlled us airspace over sensitive military   installations so that wasn't really my area of  focus there were individuals in the program that   were more focused on that um that is their story  to tell but I personally come from the background   that if if you are taken away against your will  and and and touched in any way I don't see how   that's a good thing I know some people say it is  and they report that they've had a good experience   but I don't think I'd like it very much if  somebody tried to take me somewhere without   my permission and you know touch me so you should  definitely be spotted that one it's not necess you   said you were more nuts and bolts so the thing  that you have said in your book and in some   of these interviews that's very nuts and bolts  is you've casually stated that Ros will happen   and that it was in hii I mean you you haven't been  hiding that you've actually said it so just so I'm   hearing this straight up because Roswell has been  something I've been looking into for a long time   are we finally getting getting to the place where  we're going to admit that Roswell was a crash of   an exotic technology that included bodies of of  a potential nhi and that this has been something   the government has had in its possession uh going  back what 75 plus years now so I will answer your   question with a statement I have been approved by  the Pentagon to talk about this particular aspect   I will say that there was a point in time where I  was told to my face verbatim I am not allowed to   talk about crash retrievals at all or I will  absolutely go to jail and I've honored that   and that's why my book went through the doser  process because I wanted to make sure before I   talked about it I had approval from the Pentagon  to do it and so my book took almost a year to go   through the Pentagon process but they approved me  talking about Roswell and so that's why I can talk   about Roswell yes Roswell by all accounts was a  crash it was not a balloon it was not test dummies   being thrown out it was it was a crash in fact it  was two events so and and bodies were recovered br   yeah correct when you say two events you mean two  craft that crashed with each other and created   separate debris fields or one craft that blew  apart into two debris Fields so what I what I   was told was that there was there was two events  one was recovered and by us and one was able to   go away on its own and that uh that biological  samples were nonhuman biological samples were   recovered uh keep in mind this is the end of  the 1940s Lou Alando wasn't alive then uh but   there were people and there were reports that  were generated as a result of that event that   colleagues of mine had access to for the record  I would just like to say that I too was not   alive then even though I am older than I would  like to be Ross So Lou I want to get into this   issue of threats so you've been assailed by some  people for talking up a threat you know in some   interviews you've given the impression that you're  almost talking about a potential for Invasion by   a non-human intelligence and I I just want to  quote to you something from Jeff kle Professor   Jeff Kel's new book how to think impossibly  which I found a very interesting read he says   I strongly suspect that what we finally have  in the UFO phenomenon is a spiritual physical   phenomenon that is being grossly misinterpreted  as a conventional military threat or potential   corporate technology but that no one really  understands much less reverse Engineers with   our strictly physicalist assumptions to speak  paradoxically and I hope shockingly we are trying   to shoot down Souls what's your take on that well  again you can't argue a negative can you I I can't   say that's not correct because frankly we don't  know um if I can if I can just digress here for   just a moment um look there's there's more to to  this topic surely than nuts and bolts just like   there's more to the topic of me when I grow to the  grocery store than just nuts and bolts in my car   there's all sorts of things behind it there's  intent and there's motivations and there's you   know if you want to say spiritual aspect sure I  mean we are as human beings I often say you know   we are we are Spirits having a physical experience  there's more to Ross or Ry or Lou than this right   because if I lose my arms in an accident and even  my legs I'm still Lou still me in fact if I suffer   a traumatic brain injury um because I get too  close to some ordinance or something like that   happens or I trip on the sidewalk I might have  some debilitating um issues with my brain but I'm   still L right so it's not it's not the body that  that defines Lou the physical nuts and bolts it's   not even the intellect that defines Lou there's  something else that defines me it's what makes me   me and what makes you you and your audience your  audience because it's not just a physical body   and a brain um the question is what is it and for  Millennia mankind have been giving it labels like   the soul the spirit the chi the ID whatever you  want to call it um but there is something else   that's a little bit more perhaps Elusive and yet  indelible than just the physical body that that   makes us and and and The Human Experience look I  tell people all the time you know if you want to   if you want to believe in in spiritualism I can  ask you a very simple question I said do you love   your kids and people will say yeah of course I  do it my answer is then prove it how can you you   can't touch it you can't taste it you can't hear  it you can't smell it how do you know it's real   well can you even can you even Define it for me no  I mean we all we all feel feel it we all know it's   there and yet we all have a very very difficult  time putting our finger on just exactly what it   is right and yet we all inherently accept it to be  a real thing so we we are We Are Spiritual Beings   at least most of us maybe unless maybe someone's  sociopathic perhaps but we are we are beings that   are very spiritual so is it really that much  of a leap to say that oh I don't know and hi   also have this aspect to them no it's it's quite  possible look I've got four German Shepherds and   they all have human names and they treat them  like a human why is that are they human no of   course they're not human but there's a connection  there it's it's beyond just the fur and the four   legs and the tail right there's the dogs and  myself just like anybody who has a pet out there   there's a connection and it it's it's a connection  between Kindred Spirits it's not just a physical   connection it's it's it's emotional and spirit  connection that we have to our loved ones so   maybe there is another aspect to this the problem  is is that from a national security perspective   they're not really interested in that are they  they're interested in incursions Over Control us   airspace they're interested in potentially  uh reconnaissance over sensitive military   installations they're interested in potentially  uh the manipulation of our nuclear capabilities   right these are National Security issues um  if you want to talk about the other stuff   probably your priest or your local Imam or Rabbi  would be better suited to have that conversation   because the National Security apparatus isn't  really the best place to put that conversation   if you ask me in fact I don't want a general  telling me what to think about this topic from   a from a spiritual perspective you want to tell me  what to think about this from a national security   perspective hey rock and roll I got you but don't  tell me what this should mean to me in humanity   from a from a psychological or sociological or  even a theological or pH philosophical perspective   that that that's none of their damn business that  that's why we're having this conversation that's   why this type of conversation is so important  great answer um and it makes me feel like you   always underrate yourself you say I'm not a  physicist I don't I'm not this but actually   you've become sort of our Carl Sean who's not uh  you know you're explaining these complex things   to people I like it but you say that you say that  to all the girls I'm sure well actually I'm not I   I think Carl Sean probably knew a lot more than he  ever let on if if the truth be known in the future   but anyway you're we're talking about the nuts  and bolts the National Security parts of it and   I understand that and in your book and in a lot  of these U interviews you've done you talk about   how you want to be forward-looking so obviously  like Dave grush is talking about um a craft being   recovered from Italy and 1933 right so you're  saying well I'm not looking there I'm trying   to look forward and I get that that makes a whole  lot of sense um but on the other hand if Roswell   was a real event then we you know how government  works we all do government is gonna say wow that   a big deal and they just come out of World War II  and they're going to try to get a plan together so   I guess I just want to know if you've heard about  this and if so if you've heard anything that makes   you feel one way or the other and I'm specifically  asking can you confirm or deny that the creation   of any kind of government group in the past that  was either known as Majestic 12 mj12 magic 12 or   any of that and was this Eisenhower briefing  memo that became so famous in the 80s because   you you had memos you brought to uh you know the a  couple of these podcasts from the 50s so it's not   like you're not aware of it was this Eisenhower  briefing memo supposedly given to him after he was   elected but before he took office in 1952 that  told him about Roswell and Majestic 12 is that   a real document have you heard of Majestic 12 I'm  aware of Majestic 12 um let me see if I can answer   this in a way that is succinct and accurate there  is absolutely a cabal uh an organized group of   individuals who have a comprehensive understanding  of the US government's involvement in the UAP   topic going back decades they are very influential  uh and they guard this information jealously   um in the past they have been able to exercise  extreme influence and I cannot over overstate uh   the terminology I'm using here okay to keep this  conversation squelched and both Dave grush and I   and I cannot speak for Dave have felt the brunt  of that at one point um and I'm not prepared to   go into that conversation right now uh that will  at some point that part of the story will probably   be revealed it's very concerning and disturbing um  the length that people will go to in order to keep   this conversation Under Wraps again I understand  it I don't agree with it but I can understand the   rationale um I think I'm gonna gonna leave it  at that um I there is a very very influential   and Powerful group of individuals and not all of  them are necessarily happy with this conversation   happen I guess the only followup I want on that  is have you seen that memo Eisenhower briefing   memo and do you have any emotional feelings one  way or the other about whether you think it's   real or not it was before my time I have no idea  I wasn't even alive um you know I'm aware of it I   saw it I I you know I didn't write it so tell on  the same thing Lou you left an incredible job at   the Pentagon to go and work for Tom dong at two  the stars and it's quite obvious you don't have   to say it it's very much in the public record  because it was leaked to WikiLeaks it's quite   obvious that there were conversations going  on between John pester and the white house   uh between General Neil mccasland General  Michael kery Air Force and Robert Vice from   Lockheed Martin there were clearly discussions  going on in anticipation of a Hillary Clinton   expected victory in the presidential elections  that year it didn't happen though but Tom dong   did in the Years prior to those moments make a  number of quite astonishing claims do you take   issue you've heard what Tom said do you think Tom  was accurately reflecting your understanding Tom   is his own man uh let me give you a little brief  uh explanation of Tom Delong sometimes when you're   in a crowded room you need you need a bullhorn  uh to get people's attention um you hear about   uh the proverbial bull in the china shop well Tom  dong is the hand grenade in the punch bow uh very   effective at getting attention when needed uh  this was a topic that needed attention no I do   not agree with necessarily everything Tom says nor  does he agree with everything I say Tom is his own   man he's by the way a very very intelligent  individual um and extremely creative and so   everybody's entitled to their own opinions  uh my opinions are based upon my experience   and the data that I saw when I was at the Pentagon  and working with my colleagues uh Tom's opinions   were formulated by his own experiences people he  talked to right and quite frankly he had access   to some very senior people as you said look I've  spoken to John podesta myself he's not a dumb guy   he's brilliant he's a really real I mean he's a  he's the epitome of an intellectual um so who the   question is was Tom getting this information  from somebody else or was he formulating his   own opinions based pun conversations he had with  somebody else right and those are questions you'd   have to ask Tom dong um I I I couldn't answer  those um but no Tom Tom I'm sure doesn't agree   necessarily with uh some of my postulations  and I I I don't agree with some of his but   it doesn't make him necessarily wrong and it  also doesn't make him a bad guy um you know he   he's done a lot for this for this this cause and  disclosure and really put his own credibility on   the on the line and put his own money on the  line you know which is a lot more than other   people have done in the past so you know him and  people like Robert Bigalow put their money where   their mouth was so Lou as we kind of wind down  here um I just want to get clear on one thing   because I've now read your book obviously and  I've heard you talk at length I've heard you do   the short interview the long interviews and what  comes up a lot is the invocation of the NDA and   the line and where you've actually said well you  know there there's this line I can't I can go up   to it I think you've said and I can put my toe  on the line but I can't go over the line that   kind of stuff and it's very colorful language and  all that and I I get it but I will say that the   one thing that's frustrating for a lot of people  is trying to get their brains around the line now   Ross walks his own line by the way you know where  he's a a journalist protecting sources right so   it's not like this is something that's only on  you it's on a lot of people in in this in this   world but here's here's what I'd like you to clear  up for us as best you can right now how does one   decide where the line is in this process that  you're involved in and how do you define that   line so that you know you know whether whether  some is someone else defining the line for you   are you the definer of the line then they gets it  approved Where's the Line who's calling it how do   you respect it there is a security classification  guide that the US government has on managing this   information I did not write it the US it is  property of the US government and in there   are the left and right limits and if you have a  security clearance and you've been briefed into   this topic there are lines in black and white I  tell you you can't say this you can't say that you   can say this you cannot say that and if you want  to say that you've got to go through this process   go through the original classification Authority  you got to go through doser you've got to get the   reviewers to all look at it and they will make a  determination for you so that's really important   to understand this is not world according to Lou  and yes I'm willing to run right up to the line   as I've done many times before uh but I do have  a security clearance look I'm I'm loyal to my   country and no I am not going to leak information  and I'll tell you right now as I've said before   if I put jacked up against a corner and I have to  make a decision National Security or disclosure I   will always choose National Security that's I'm  not going to lie to you that's what I do because   I'm a patriot and I love my country um but I don't  think we have to make that choice look look how   far we've come in the last seven years and look I  haven't had to go to jail right and I haven't had   to just say no I'm gonna shut up and I'm never  going to talk about about UAP again I'm talking   about it every day and by the way look where  we are with Congress oh by the way now we have   an arrow oh by the way now we've got we've got  organizations and people coming out now that want   to talk about this and whistleblowers right and  so it's happening it's happening we don't have to   violate our national security Oaths and our ndas  to have the conversation and this is proof right   here right now this is proof now just to follow  that up though one of the things where you've   defined the line is you have said repeatedly in  your book and in some of these interviews that   we are dealing with a non-human intelligence and a  form of non-human technology um so what I think is   confusing people is they like going holy crap he  gets to say we're dealing with nonhumans but our   government won't say it that that the government  that is creating the line for you is saying yeah   you can say it but we're not going to say it and  I think that's what frustrates people do you know   what I'm oh saying yeah I mean think about me  how frustrated I am I mean I feel you brother I   feel it every day I mean ask Dave grush you know  he testified before the American people and the   government did the same thing you can say this you  know and he went out there and he did and boy he   caught Flack for it you know they within 24 hours  they tried to ruin his his reputation and his   career um you know this is after getting approval  to do it so um yeah it seems a little bit kind of   disjointed does it doesn't it but I I think we're  beginning to you know I think we're beginning to   have that conversation I think you know as as  NASA gets closer to potentially identifying an   announcing Life on Mars and okay yeah look looks  like life is more than just Earth um that part of   the conversation probably will naturally come and  probably very quickly well that's an optimistic   tone Lou I'm very conscious that we're coming  to the end of our time with you but on the way   out is there reason for optimism with Congress I  know all the politicians are very distracted by   the election at the moment but do you detect any  lack of resolve from senior people in Congress   yeah there's a few there that that have interests  with the military-industrial complex um and they   historically side with them because they get their  campaign financing through them um I don't like   it but it's legal um fortunately there's a lot of  people on the other side uh that that want to see   transparency and they're they're pretty formidable  I I I've seen them personally engage on this topic   they're not afraid to to have the conversation  you know I'll I'll leave you with a little joke I   used to tell my my daughters you know I understand  if you look at the word progress It's really the   truncation of two words Pro in Latin meaning  forward and Gess meaning movement so forward   movement so it's no wonder Congress is named what  it is but the reality is is that um the reality is   that there are some good people there and and they  do they do want to do the right thing and I think   they are making a difference and just like this  new legislation that's been put up again um for   the National Defense authorization act you know  people need to know that that they should support   that this is this is this is good for our country  this is good for America look I I strongly believe   America deserves to know the truth America can  handle the truth just have the conversation with   the American people let them decide um so again  I I don't want to disparage anybody in congress   there there's a lot of really good people in  Congress that are working very hard on both sides   of the aisle let me emphasize that both sides both  liberal and conservative so that to me is very opt   I'm very optimistic for that if anything maybe  it helps bring the country together on a topic   for once you know so that's good could can I just  ask one Parting Shot question here do we have that   much time it's just this I Ross's experienced  this I've experienced it you experience it and   by it I mean we get excited we say oh my God the  government has actually admitted that UAP is real   you know the only question is who are they and  what do they want but they're admitting that it   is now real and there's whistleblowers out there  that say we have crash wreckage and we have this   and we get excited we tell our friends and family  and quite often a lot of them will say huh that's   interesting you want Italian tonight or what  and I'm always stunned by that because I go   what could be more important than than trying to  get to the bottom of this so I'm just wondering   have you experienced that and what is your  thought yeah yes but but I think it's a good   thing it shows you know what there was a time  in our country everybody thought we had these   studies done by the Rand Corporation and these  other corporations these big thing tanks that   said if we were honest and truthful with the  American people about the existence of nhi and   uaps what would the consequence of that be and  the report said you can't do it you absolutely   because it will it will collapse the very social  structure and fabric of our country right people   will go run on the banks people will lose faith  in their religions people won't pay their taxes   people will go rob the stores none of that's  happened right the fact that they go me I think   is a good thing because you know what it proves  that we can handle the truth you know we're still   going to pay our mortgages we're still going  to pay our cell phones we're still we're still   going to take our kids to the p ta meetings and  have talked to the teacher that's a good thing   and I I I I'm encouraged by that I'm glad it's  being received that way because the opposite   is catastrophic disclosure and I think most people  in the government don't want that well Lou respect   and appreciation for what you do thank you uh  gentlemen my honor and privilege again thank you   and Ross really appreciate what you guys are doing  uh I know some of the folks that you've talked to   and I got to tell you man you got uh you got a lot  of weight on your shoulders brother man it's an   interesting time for all of us Lou but thank you  so much mate and really very strongly appreciate   you talking to need to know absolutely again  anytime guys take care God bless take care bye bye