YouTube Channel: "Ryan Sprague" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo & Christopher Mellon: An IMMINENT Conversation" Luis Elizondo & Christopher Mellon: An IMMINENT Conversation 34,971 views Premiered Aug 21, 2024 #pentagon #uap #elizondo #elizondo #uap #pentagon WARNING This is a REBROACAST from February of 2022. With the recent release of Luis Elizondo's book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs, Ryan rebroadcasts a classic episode of the podcast where he is joined by former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and former Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Christopher Mellon, and former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and lead investigator of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo. Mellon and Elizondo discuss an article written by Mellon published by The Debrief about the deafening silence by the United States Air Force on cooperating with the Pentagon and Congress in relation to UFOs/UAPs. They also discuss what role the Air Force has played in the past with this highly controversial topic, reasons why they may be silent, and why that needs to change. From: Transcript: with the recent release of Luis Elizondo book  imminent inside the pentagon's hunt for UFOs   Ryan rebroadcasts a classic episode of the  podcast where he is joined by former deputy   assistant Secretary of Defense and former  staff director of the Senate intelligence   committee Christopher melon and former US  Army Counter Intelligence special agent and   Lead investigator of the advanced Aerospace  threat identification program Luis alzando [Music] this is somewhere in the skies with Ryan  [Music] sprad welcome everyone to a very   special live stream today of somewhere in the  skies and I have to personally thank the debrief   and specifically Chrissy Newton for putting our  show together today with our amazing guests who   we will get to in just a second um if you're new  to the channel we chat all things UFOs in a very   grounded objective way we bring on people in all  walks of life to talk about it and uh that's what   we're going to be doing today after this I would  say pretty scathing yet very crucial article came   out at the debrief uh by the author Christopher  melan of the article who we be talking to today   as well without wasting any other time I'm going  to do a little brief intro here of what we're   going to be talking about so an article came out  in the debrief yesterday February 3rd about the   blatant absence of the United States Air Force  in the UAP issue this is a brief overview of that   article um that we'll be talking about with our  special guests today so last June the Director of   National Intelligence released a public report  entitled preliminary assessment unidentified   aerial phenomena the report confirmed that UA UFOs  or uaps were operating on a reoccurring basis with   seeming impunity in restricted US military  airspace the report cited 144 incidents since   2004 the US Air Force contributed very few if any  of the 144 reports how is this possible in light   of the usaf's global responsibility for Aerospace  defense and its massive Air and Space surveillance   capabilities the laps in USAF reporting raises  doubts on The credibility of the Air Force on   the UAP issue and its responsiveness to civilian  oversight the author brings forth convincing data   indicating that the Air Force and its component  organizations actually detected thousands of UAP   from 2004 through 2021 so we are going to be  talking all about this today with Christopher   melon and Luis elzando little brief intro for  both of these guys uh Christopher melan is the   former deputy assistant Secretary of Defense and  former staff director of the Senate intelligence   committee and Luis alzando is a former US  Army Counter Intelligence special agent and   former director of the advanced Aerospace threat  identification program but before we bring them   in I do want to bring in my co-pilot my co-host  for this episode today and that is Chrissy Newton   from the debrief Chrissy thank you for joining me  hi Ryan thank you for having me again like one of   my favorite podcasts so just happy to be here my  absolute pleasure again you are the one who put   this all together today so I have to thank you and  all the guys over at the debrief for making this   happen with our guests who we're going to bring in  right now so welcome to somewhere in the skies we   have Christopher melon and Louis alzando thank you  so much for joining me today guys pleas to be here   my pleasure thank you thank you I mean okay Chris  so obvious question man this article came out   yesterday it's it's getting Buzz everywhere in the  UFO Community outside of the UFO Community I've   had so many former Air Force people reach out to  me linking to your article um I know the hill is   really interested in this as well but um initial  question for you before we we really get started   um what prompted you to write this article that  came out in uh the debrief yesterday well thanks   for asking I was having trouble sitting still in  light of what has transpired the last couple of   years it was really getting under my skin the  complete disconnect between what Congress had   asked for and what the Air Force had provided and  when you read the report it suggests that they may   even be contemplating uh not filling in that Gap  but just going forward and saying well we'll do   kind of a test experiment program for a while  and see how that goes that you know it's hard   for me to take off my my uh spectacles from being  a former Senate staffer I seen the issue largely   through that vantage point and uh expressing the  kinds of concerns and perceptions that I would   have were I still on the staff advising a senator  or a member of Congress so it just struck me as   as outrageous actually and I wanted to express  my my concerns and observations about that yeah   I mean and again the timing for this article I  think uh couldn't be better especially since we   now have several groups within the Pentagon  and um you know with former representatives   and current Representatives really getting behind  the UAP issue and and forcing this topic into the   mainstream like like never before but um I know  yesterday on Christy show you talked a little bit   about these um sens sensory systems that the Air  Force is privy to and use on a constant basis so   I I was hoping maybe could you briefly touch on a  few of these for us and uh why you think the Air   Force is literally the branch of the military  that should be taking taking the Reign on this   entire issue sure well I'll provide a few brief  examples so there's a system called the space   fence which is unique to the United States and we  have two locations one in the northern one in the   southern hemisphere where this system operates  and essentially anything in orbit that passes   through the beams of this system is going to  be cataloged in high detail and high resolution   incredibly powerful system in addition we have  these um solid state phased array Radars that are   the most powerful emitters on the planet Earth  that are in locations around the periphery of   North America to guard us against ICBM and cruise  missile attacks and and bomber attacks from afar   they can see in some cases objects potentially uh  20,000 miles away the size of a baseball so the   taxpayers money has been invested uh extensively  to provide these capabilities uh they're obviously   collecting mountains of data uh every day 247  365 all year long and it's uh inconceivable   that with all of that data they're not having  any uh any incidents involving uh unknown aerial   phenomenon yeah and again it just it goes to show  like how much they should be on top of this and   not only that but reporting something something  to the Pentagon something to Congress um Lou I   I'd love to ask your your thoughts on that as well  um in your time during a tip and and and whatnot   um were these sensory systems anything that you  ever looked into with the dod or with the Air   Force specifically when it came to looking at UAP  incursions over military uh airspace I guess yeah   sure sure uh great question and in essence look  Chris is absolutely right um we spend billions of   dollars on avoiding any type of strategic surprise  from uh from an adversary and so what makes our   capabilities so capable so effective is that we  don't just rely on one system uh we imagine a uh   imagine a cloth that has woven fibers U they kind  of go this way and then some go up and down and   that's the strength that that that's what provides  a strength to the fabric and very much the same   way when we are looking at having what we call for  example um air domain awareness being being being   aware of what's actually in our skies we have all  sorts of very capable systems from electrooptical   hyperspectral to uh electromagnetic like radar  and these are capabilities that exists not just   on the ground but also at Sea also airborne  and finally spaceborn and so when you when   you have capabilities that are looking from the  ground up and from the sea up and from the air   across and from space down you get a much better  comprehensive picture of what's going on and and   that is the value of our of our intelligence  assets because it's not just one system there   are multiple systems that are designed in some  cases some cases to work with each other in other   cases integrating the systems can be a bit of  a challenge but that there in lies the utility   um as far as the Air Force kind of not playing  much of a role in this if I may remind you in   your audience just a few months ago the secretary  of the Air Force said for the record look we know   these things are are out there we know they're  they're real these things but since we don't   know what they are it's not really a priority now  think about that statement for just a minute I'm   not trying to beat up on on on secretary Kendall  I'm just simply saying that that's like saying   okay A a submarine pops out of the pomac river  outside of Washington DC and BEC we know it's   not ours but because we don't know whose it is  n we're not going to pay attention to it um that   that really doesn't make much sense and especially  when you're talking about controll us airspace you   know there are definitely some no-go fly zones  that we have and we have them there to because   of result of of of 911 and so making sure that we  can maintain air domain awareness is an imperative   of this country for good or for bad and yet we  know as a matter of fact these things continue   to to come in unimpeded into our controlled us  airspace um and and they're displaying technology   quite frankly that is is rather perplexing it it  it's beyond anything that we have in our current   inventory yeah to toh exemplify what Lou's talking  about us space surveillance system alone has 29   distinct components in subsystems so you've got  a groundbased optical Network that strings the   world that's looking at the sky and comparing the  movement against the stars of any anything that is   reflecting light from the sun for example and then  imagine 28 other components including satellite   systems and groundbased Radars and other things  so it is quite an extensive mesh as Lou said but   part of the reason that uh in addition to that  that it seems so uh unconscionable to me that   the Air Force was not um presenting or sharing any  cases is some of this stuff is in the newspapers   I we've got Air Force interceptors taking off from  from fighter squadrons in Oregon Chasing UFOs that   commercial airline pilots are reporting to the  FAA and the faa's got them on radar and we've   got the the chatter from the pilots on radar  the Air Force is acknowledging these planes   were scrambled so how can they not list and  identify those as instance UAP incidents um   so it ranges not only from things that may be  highly classified but things that are already   very much in the public domain and it's very hard  for me to understand and reconcile the congress's   request for information and this seeming uh near  complete dirth of information provided by the Air   Force yeah I was going to ask I was going to lead  if perfectly leads into the question I was going   to ask then next is about terminology Chris like  you say that terminology might play a part in the   reason why the Air Force wasn't handing any  of the reports over um can you talk a little   bit about that because maybe that's one of the  reasons as well if especially if we're seeing   it in the mainstream well I'd like to share a  story in that regard and this goes back to the   days of Project Blue Book and uh there was uh  some public debate and criticism between uh uh   the the the main astronomer Chief scientist of  Project Blue Book Mr heinik and Carl Sean who was   a Critic of uaps and Carl San said well if there  were really these these UFOs around certainly   NORAD would see some of them so Dr hinck went  to NORAD headquarters with Dr Val got a briefing   challenged them and it turned out that the Air  Force while they were saying we have no UFOs they   were saying oh well we call them ucts uncorrelated  targets we yeah we do have a lot of those but   that's not what you asked about so um you know  people can play semantic games in terms of how   they characterize things and categorize things  and uh we know that after 911 for example they   provided Congress statistics on uh unknowns in the  atmosphere in North America there were hundreds   of cases perom they updated that in 2015 and  provided uh data on that so why is is so hard to   do that today and and similarly with space-based  surveillance they acknowledge publicly we have   thousands of unidentified objects in orbit mostly  pieces of space debris and junk but again they   were not forthcoming in terms of trying to provide  a picture that would help members of Congress   decide how effective the system is do we have gaps  do we have problems should we be spending more how   much of a threat is or that sort of thing they  the members are sort of being asked to operate   in a vacuum and I don't think that's acceptable  that's what always bothers me is the different   terminology that could be um put in place to Sid  step this issue and and what can be classified   what can be unclassified as well and and norat is  certainly the place that I think a lot of people   are looking uh the department of energy as well um  so that kind of leads into my next question Chris   and for Lou too is um this blanket denial that  you speak of in the article why aren't policy   makers and whatnot um you know kind of holding the  Air Force to the Flames with this thing we we the   Navy seems to be out front with this and being  very open in public about it but why do you each   personally think the Air Force has been so absent  from this issue and giving what is been asked of   them from from representatives from Congress from  the Pentagon um yeah would either of you like   to touch on that why why is the air force doing  this I'll be happy to take a initial stab at it   and you partly seem to be asking why was Congress  uh seemingly not more outspoken why why were they   accepting this or allowing this to happen and I  think the reason is because they were provided   gross numbers not specific breakdowns as far as I  know in terms of the service components so I don't   think initially they realized that out of the 144  incidents identified that they were essentially   all Navy and I think had they known that at the  outset it would have highlighted this Gap and   this discrepancy and there would have been more  questions it it's taken a while to process that   in terms of why that is um this is speculative  but the the behavior we're observing does suggests   that there's either uh degree of contempt for  civilian oversight or there's something that   they're very concerned about concealing and hiding  or they're very disorganized or some combination   of the above I don't know what it is but I don't  think it serves the uh the public or the service   well yeah I'll jump on board that too um I've  got a couple points here that I think for me   May May resonate um first of all if you look at  the history of the US Air Force when this topic   was really being discussed it goes back to to the  Cold War you had uh there it was a winter takes   all chess game um for for the globe really and you  had the United States on one side and then you had   the then Soviet Union on the other side and we're  in the midst of of despite what people think it   being a cold war is actually pretty hot and we had  a lot of proxy wars going on as a result of that   um I think when you when presented with with data  and say look we've got this we've got priorities   and we can only to handle so many priorities as  as a a National Defense organization you have this   real threat where Russia has nukes and we are in  this winter Winner Takes all mindset um and then   we've got this other thing out there that we don't  really understand very well we don't you know we   don't understand how it works and who's behind it  but we don't see any really overt hostile intent   at least not yet so we probably should focus on on  the real threat that we all agree is there which   is then Soviet Union also you're talking about um  things like operation and blue book right where   you you had this whitewashing of certain data  um there was a lot of pressure on the Air Force   at the time to say look these things aren't real  let's not cause it Panic let's just kind of Tamp   this down and we can deal with it later perhaps  um so they've said for the record to the American   people in the Congress that there's nothing to  see here folks now we're asking the Air Force to   come back online and say well actually maybe  there's something here uh and then of course   you have um some of the the the efforts by the  US Air Force in the past on this topic maybe   they're uncomfortable you know talking about it  maybe maybe there's some some National Security   equities involved and last but not least I think  there may be a generational thing here too um you   know generation of of you folks you know Chris and  I being being the exception Our Generation tended   to be a little bit close-minded unfortunately  um and it also there was a time where some of   this would would touch upon um the belief systems  people you know judeo-christian beliefs uh this   this may have had some sort of of of conflict  there personally for some people um we're now   in a situation where we have a new generation  of of of young folks Young Americans who are far   more open-minded um these folks uh have have  you know really the entire world at their at   their fingertips and the world now is is all of  a sudden much much smaller and so I think there's   potentially a willingness of of this generation  to take this topic more seriously and and for me I   think that's um you know that's a good news story  there's all sorts of reasons why the Air Force may   not want to have this conversation and it may  frankly be a combination of all these factors   and even some that we haven't yet considered um I  do have have hope faith and confidence that there   are some people brave men and women in uniform  right now who are actually in the Air Force who   are taking this topic seriously I'll share with  you very quickly something that's frustrating for   Chriss andine um there was there was an individual  an officer I won't say who or the rank that was   reporting information to the to the task force  and then was uh was was very quickly shut down   by his uh chain of command saying you will not  report this information and he was admonished and   you will not report this information to the chain  of command you through the through the task force   chain of command you're going to keep this within  Air Force channels and that's problematic because   it really flies in the face of of the intent  of Congress in my opinion Chris can probably   elaborate a little bit more on that but that's not  what Congress wants Congress wants a a a single   reporting belly button so to speak that all the  information from all the services can can can get   looked at and triaged and and analyzed um when the  services don't work together things things fail   this is why we had a 911 Commission report because  certain elements in the intelligence Community   simply were not sharing information that they  should have one of probably my favorite quotes   that Chris has is is talking about comparing the  US and Russia we won the Cold War not because we   kept better Secrets but because we learned how to  move information more efficiently and think about   that for a moment um this is probably a perfect  case and point on this topic if we can figure   out a way to move information more efficiently uh  and and not keep this you know within the super   uber highly classified channels that that it once  was we probably stand a better chance of figuring   this out a lot quicker I'm gonna move into with  the question too then we move into leaks are we   going to see less leaks now because we have  to report them or the it has to be reported   now are we going to see less of that I'll jump  in real quick I I first of all I don't condone   leaks um and and I I think I can speak for my  colleague Chris here but I'll let him speak   for himself um leaks are are are damaging to  National Security none of us want there to be   leaks um however what we also don't want is the  over classification of information AAL Haynes the   Director of National Intelligence just recently uh  put out some information that we we are definitely   hurting National Security by over classifying  information that's not helpful um information   that is that is kept classified and out of the  hands and out away from the eyes of people who   need it it's is useless you're not doing anything  with it you're wasting money you're wasting time   you're wasting resources so um I I I do think more  information will be forthcoming because what what   has happened is that Congress has now created a  reporting mechanism required it in law in fact   that this information will reported to the right  people and then in in in turn that information can   be looked at and then provide it to the American  people in in in a consumable unclassified manner   what makes information classified typically is  something called sources of methods and it's the   way you collect information and and who collects  it and how they collect it oftentimes it's not   the information itself that's classified and and  so therefore what I what I would propose is that   whoever leads this effort moving forward really  needs to remember that and and there is a very   easy way we do it all the time with the United  Nations we do it all the time with the American   people and State of the Union Address where you  take highly classified data and you you you you   provide that information to the American people  in an unclassified manner I don't know Chris what   do you think the uh unfortunate thing is part  one of the unfortunate things is that if the   government if a component of the government is not  being forthcoming it actually can encourage leaks   because people want to see the right thing done  if information is being concealed withheld from   Congress sometimes the only way some people feel  they have to to communicate it is to leak it it   creates more pressure uh increases the likelihood  of that happening in some cases which as Lou said   is unfortunate but uh the Air Force to some degree  is the master of their own fate here and I think   the more sort of uh responsive they are the less  likely there there is to to be uh unwanted leaks   on this score when the uh the defense department  protects many things very very well as does the   intelligence Community the black programs that I  was aware of when I was in the Pentagon I don't   recall a single one of them leaking they they were  the idea the US government can't keep secrets is   is nonsense but when you get into controversial  issues and bureaucratic power struggles and things   that aren't really a matter of of sources and  methods or national security they're just people   trying to protect it information to protect it to  prevent embarrassment that sort of thing uh does   lead to unauthorized uh discussions with the Press  so you may continue depending how the Air Force   plays that to see some of those kinds of leaks  gotcha um I I I'd like to um to rewind for just   a minute with you guys Chrissy that was a great  question um this goes back to these joint Airborne   Navy and Air Force training exercises Chris  that you bring up in the article and you know   even covered on unidentified um we heard from  several members that um the bricks on a Navy   ship were taken by allegedly uh some sort of body  of the Air Force um and and you do bring this up   in the article as a major concern like why were  they able to just come down on a helicopter and   like take these things no questions asked so like  why why are these things being reported by just   the Navy and then the Air Force is swooping in to  take any of the data on it I would love for you   both to comment on that what your thoughts are um  if they've evolved at all your thoughts on on that   issue that you guys brought up in your show very  early on and um yeah anything you want to comment   on that well let me let me start if I may um I  don't know for certain that that happened with   the helicopter I've heard disputes about that from  different Navy personnel but one thing we do know   I I believe for certain is that the Princeton  radar data regardless of whether it was that   helicopter or something else was last seen in the  hands of the US Air Force and it remains missing   so there's a uh there are people in the government  who would like to get their hands on it people at   Navy who've been trying to get their hands on it  they want to analyze it and somehow it doesn't   seem to be available and that is part of this  larger pattern Lou talked about of for example   leading on people who want to share information  with the UAB task force not being forthcoming   with with known incidents that have occurred and  and so forth so there is a bit of a pattern there   that's that's a little concerning frankly um and  I think those are all questions that need to be   pursued vigorously anything to add though yeah you  know I'll tell you what's equally perplexing the   question is why so the the deck logs um for the  Princeton um are available in fact deck logs for   for ships are available at the National Archives  um and yet the deck logs for for the the Princeton   uh for that particular day during the Tic Tac  encounter are missing um they're gone it's like   they were never there so so someone is someone  somewhere is is not comfortable with with this   conversation occurring um so then one has to ask  who is it and why what are the equities at stake   that would get somebody to remove those those deck  logs um a human being had to have been involved   to do that so it's not just the tapes missing  uh or being taken by allegedly by a helicopter   but there's other bits and pieces of information  that are just missing and and that's problematic   because we we have institutions and in a system  for a reason um because you know people need to   have faith and confidence in in that system and  transparency is one of those primary ways that   we instill faith and confidence into a system or  organization so um for some reason someone doesn't   want to be very transparent about this topic um  or that that particular event so we're forced to   scratch our heads and say why um you know the  pilots have already come out I Chris will tell   you uh Chris was very helpful with this but I I  I took the pilots and the radar operators to to   actually brief the secretary staff on this topic  when I was when I was running atip um and they   were they were very very compelling um this  was the eyewitness testimony from the pilots   themselves and and radar operators who are are  literally in essence test if Ying so to speak in   front of DOD uh senior senior staff uh that that  work directly for the secretary and when you have   you know organizations within that own system that  are um obfuscating that that's a problem we have   a that's that to me is even more dangerous than  something flying in our controlled us airspace   it's it's elements within the bureaucracy that are  not working with other elements or or frankly that   are just ignoring the will of either Congress or  the Secretary of Defense Chrissy um do you want to   take the lead next do you have any uh burning  questions for the guys before we move on well   I was just going to ask where do we go from here  like you know Chris and I in in my interview and   we and he speaks a little bit in the article about  Solutions Lou I'd like to hear your Solutions on   this and like where you feel we can go through  next so that how we can make reporting better   and then working with the Air Force a little bit  better as well Well Chrissy you're doing it you're   doing exactly what the media should be doing and  that is reporting relevant information uh to to   the people um there was a time uh not too long  ago that the media would have run away from this   topic um probably with their hands in the air um  because of the the stigma and taboo that has been   historically associated with this topic um I think  that's I think that's changing um you know what   what can what can we do as an American people I  think we can encourage our elected officials to   continue to pursue this topic and let them know  we want this to be a national priority for us   uh I think we can encourage the media mainstream  media to continue to pick up this this this topic   and talk about this topic um ultimately this  topic doesn't belong um under the purview of   any one organization or institution or government  um it it really belongs to all of us in my opinion   and therefore we should probably have a group  conversation so doing exactly what you're doing   now is what's moving the needle um said it earlier  you know I I get I get calls from DC Chris will   tell you the same thing he did he did already we  get calls and emails from DC all the time with   articles and links to the debrief so I mean there  you have it right that that's proof positive that   that people are paying attention to what you're  doing and what you're saying and and the material   you're providing so my I guess my my suggestion  would be just just keep doing what you're doing   and and and be be courageous to enough to to  challenge the system I'm not saying do anything   illegal what but but we can do there's there's a  there's a lot we can do under free freedom of the   press and freedom of speech and whatnot that  I think is is very helpful here I I think we   need to continue to have this conversation like  we see with AB lob in the Galileo project where   mainstream scientists and academics now can  start having a conversation about this topic   without fear of any type of professional  retribution I think that's that's hugely   important and last but not least um you know I I  I think I think we need to have this conversation   U um openly and and and stop beating around  the bush um I think transparency is is going   to be key here if we if we really want to try  to figure this out that's that's my two cents anyways hey everyone Ryan sprag here host of  somewhere in the skies if you've ever thought   about supporting us we have great two easy  options for you right now if you listen to   the show on Apple podcasts you can click the  Subscribe button at the top of your Apple feed   or you can join our patreon at so much for your support and keep looking up has anyone I know the article's only been out  for a day and a half but any Air Force reach out   to you former current present you know future  saying um thank you thank you or F you like   what what what has been the reaction and response  so far for you well let me let me first addressed   the prior question briefly just to add very  briefly to what L said and the ball is squarely   in congress's court it's up to them they have the  Constitutional responsibility they're the only   ones who can really compel the defense department  to take action against their own will on this or   for the Air Force to be more more forthcoming and  demand answers but the role of the citizenry and   the role of the press in stimulating Congress is  is immense the fact that this gets media coverage   is largely responsible for the reason that that  Congress is interested and responsive so as L   said we we do all have a role to play in this and  your reporting and coverage and the engagement of   other people is is an important component of this  uh in terms of uh have I been contacted uh I've   received some thus far very positive feedback um  from from military personnel and that's been a   a pleasure and also a relief when you come out  with an article like this and I'm making some   pretty strong statements here you you worry a  little bit you know that I miss something am I   getting something wrong am I going to offend uh  some of our Personnel for example and thankfully   that's that's not the case I'm getting a lot of  Bravo Zulus from Navy folks and uh uh generally   very positive feedback to date good yeah and  again I think uh Lou said it so eloquently like we   in the public are causing Ripple effects with  all of this I mean I'm sure once the preliminary   assessment came out they were not expecting  so much response from independent scientific   organizations UAP ex or Galileo project or or even  you know what the James web telescope eventually   could find these are all Ripple effects  from the reaction of that transparency that   hasn't been there for so long and I I think  it's really exciting to see the future of   this topic really heading in more of a scientific  Direction More Than Just political or or even you   know you know even eup philological whatever  you would Define that word as um we're now   looking at this topic as how can it benefit us  if we were to understand the technology being   displayed or how could it hurt us I'm excited to  see where the next couple years go with the Gill   brand Amendment and and this new Pentagon um  group coming out um I do want to Circle back   to one thing Chris in the article as well that  I love both your thoughts on and that's uh when   you bring up claims about usaf's possession  of materials that might definitely answer the   question of whether non-human civilization has  found Earth end quote by Christopher melon do you   think this is the reason one of the reasons  maybe they're being so quiet I mean anyone   who knows euphology goes back to Roswell in the  possible recovery of a Down craft of some sort or   a top secret military project we don't know we  probably will never know but um yeah what do   you make of the whole material discussion in all  of this Lou do you want to start or you want me really I you know I I um I've said what  I what what I could say um so um you   know probably Chris you may be more eloquent on  that topic I didn't know about that but I would   say that one of the points that I'm that I'm  trying to make in the article in that regard   is whether or not that is true it shouldn't be  the Air Force's decision whether civilian policy   makers are informed or not at the top level um  today the Director of National Intelligence the   deputy secretary of defense it's not clear that  they've gotten much more from the Air Force than   the task force or Congress have perhaps they have  but that's not even clear so if nothing else I   think we can all agree that if the Air Force is  in position uh possession of information that is   that radical uh that significant that profound  at least at a minimum the top civilians in the   government need to be a witting of that and  in a position to to be making decisions one   of the reasons is because now we have the private  sector and the scientific Community beginning to   take this seriously so the US government is no  long longer going to be only or primary source   of information on this increasingly there's going  to be credible information coming from the Galileo   project or the scientific Coalition for ufology  or people like jacqu fet who just published the   first peer-reviewed paper on materials associated  with a UAP incident so uh to the extent that that   there is um information being concealed along  these lines um there's competition now that   the government didn't have before and that's  something they need to think about as well   healthy competition is always always a benefit  for sure um Christy do you have anything I've   got one more from Lou our producer but um yeah  hop in if you want well I was just gonna say is   there any been any recent conversations that  you've had with the dod or the UAP task force   about anything data or anything that's going to  be coming forward in the next little bit that we   can talk about I I don't have any in indication  that that new information is going to be coming   forward anytime soon one of the great things  about the Gill brand Amendment and this was   not in the defense authorization bill in either  house uh prior to the Gill brand amendment is   that there is now a continued requirement for  reporting to the public at the unclassified   level so not later than October 31st we should  receive another unclassified report available to   everyone on on what is going on here so that's  that's terribly terribly important and in fact   one of the most important uh components of of that  legislation and that will produce more information   if we don't get anything before them yeah and  I mean too I think it's really interesting um   that once we these reports start coming out to  the public I know Lou I know your thoughts on   leaks and I completely understand um but do you  do either of you personally think we're going   to see what happened right before that first  assessment came out we started getting quote   unquote leaked videos I don't want to get into  the debate of sources and and um you know stuff   like that we we could debate that forever but um  do you guys think we might see this reaction from   within of some people being like I know they're  not going to bring this up so here you go um is   the Deb gonna get that triangle video finally I  I think the beauty about Congress being involved   is Congress can do a lot of things that that we  can't um they have a requirement to represent   their constituency uh it's an obligation and so  if they get A draft copy of a report and it's   not answering scratching their itch so to speak  answering the questions that they want answered   then there's a very good chance you're going to  see them go public with with their concern um as   we've seen in the past right there's been some  outspoken spoken folks on the hill uh whether   it's Marco Rubio or Tim bashed or Jill brand and  and and ggos Warner everybody else um you know   they're not they're not afraid to speak their mind  uh and and and communicate with their constituents   and say hey look you know this is this is what's  going well and this is what's not going well and   I think we can expect that you know they they they  are they seem to be committed to transparency on   this topic which should be applauded um and I  congrat congratulate them for for doing that as   far as you're talking about triangle videos and  other leaks you know Chris said absolutely right   when people feel and I think one of actually one  of your audience kind of wrote this in in a tweet   as well uh in a message that when people lose  faith and confidence in the system and they feel   like they've got nowhere to go then that's when  you start seeing the leaks when you start seeing   people getting frustrated because the system  isn't working um and again I don't necessarily   condone that but but that seems to be kind of  the kind of the trend so if if the Department   of Defense and the intelligence Community don't  want any more leaks then I my suggestion would be   them to be more transparent be as transparent  as possible on this topic that's fair ech that   there's a uh almost unprecedented deficit of trust  in the American government right now generally RIT   large on any topic uh then when we talk about  the Air Force in this issue if anything it's   only worse the skepticism is pervasive so it's  an opportunity for the Air Force to try to to   set the record straight and turn things around  and thus far unfortunately they've been doing   uh just the opposite they've been circling the  wagons uh not sharing information even with other   components of the defense department even with the  deputy secretary's own task force so to me that's   that's outrageous and that's that's what prompted  me to write the article um if the deputy secretary   himself cannot get straight answers after months  and months we live in an information age where   you can ask syi a question and get an answer in  seconds we've invested billions and billions to   try to integrate our information systems to  produce quick answers for decision makers for   policy makers and here we have a whole team set up  that is dispatched to go out and get information   about this topic and put it together for the top  leaders of the defense department and they're   getting Stonewall I mean to me that is outrageous  I'm sorry that but that's why I I felt I needed   speak out and say something so what then what  happens with if this keeps going on if they   keep stonewalling and then other departments  keep stonewalling too what will be the outcome   of it what's the cause and effect this this really  comes down to to the Congress and what their their   temperature level is what they're willing to put  up with if they if they don't want to challenge   this and no the seniors in the department want  to challenge this then it'll it'll continue as   is until something else develops something new  happens that changes the the mix but I don't   think that's going to prove to be the case I think  that there are enough members now who understand   that they can talk about this publicly it's not  only okay it's important it's a flight safety   issue it's a national security issue uh and an  urgent one and so I think they're going to demand   answers and I think they will be forthcoming and I  think 2022 could be uh another transformative year   another year of great strides forward in in better  understanding what the uh what's really happening   out there and Chris if I can jump in real quick my  my concern right now uh with with where we are in   this conversation is that it's U there's a bit of  a a precariousness right now urgency and part of   that is because as a nation we're dealing with  a lot of issues right we're still in the heels   of covid uh which has been a huge social stress  for our nation there's uh Financial uncertainty   uh within the markets sometimes there's issues  that we're dealing every crisis doour whether   there's a border issue uh or there is issues in  the creman peninsula right now and Ukraine or   South China Sea and Taiwan I mean there's there's  we're dealing with a lot as a people we're dealing   with a lot uh and and so is Congress and we need  to be understanding that that Congress only has   so much bandwidth and and we're going to have  to be patient with them um I I I I remain very   optimistic and hopeful that Congress will will  continue to take this topic very seriously and   I'm hopeful that the executive branch will do what  is supposed to do to the letter of the law uh in   response to Congress but ultimately it's up to us  to make sure that this topic remains a priority   um we need to remind Congress that this is a topic  that should be one of our priorities as we handle   all these other issues uh we need to remind the  media that that they need to continue reporting   on this topic so so we don't lose the bubble right  we don't lose the site picture and so that would   be my my recommendation I agree wholeheartedly  with Chris's assessment that fy22 calendar year   22 um could be a banner year for this discussion  um but you know we can't just sit idly back and   expect good things to happen without a little bit  of encouragement I mean it's it still takes all of   us all of you to engage uh as you have been doing  and and keeping this topic um front and center   so that's that would be my advice and you know  what I appreciate too Chris in the article you   even used some of the research by uh civilian UFO  researchers I I know you know with the nored stuff   that you discovered and whatnot um these have  been out there for years but nobody's been paying   attention and and I think it's really exciting  to know that yes we do still have a place in this   and yes you know we do pay taxes in order to um  you know fund these sorts of things that should   be a protecting us and B being transparent with  us about how they're protecting us and whatnot   um to a certain extent to an a certain extent um  but I do want to ask both your thoughts on this   um and a lot of people have asked this since you  know even the first um sort of murmurs of a task   force came about is why 2004 why why aren't we  going back to other Declassified sensory systems   um I I know in your article I mean you went back  man to um to cases involving nuclear installations   or icbms and and whatnot um why is it because  they're trying to be proactive and start clean and   move forward or why are they not using any of the  data that could be out there from from previous   uh collections of these uaps if if that's clear  I'll I'll speculate I'll off a theory and that is   that they couldn't ignore the nimit incident the  nimit case and had received so much press and so   much discussion and that was 2004 and so I think  they chose that date and decided to work from from   that date forward to the present that would be my  guess prior to that time there's a a long interum   there between the end of Project Blue Book and  and something that's really in the public domain   that's well substantiated but I don't know for  certain that's that's a guess on my part I think   you know look my my background uh has been that of  of of Special Agent in Counter Intelligence so we   look at things in terms of think of of cases right  um and when you go back Beyond 2004 they tend to   be in terms of of what we call a Cold Case right  cold cases are usually harder to solve because as   time goes on um you you lose Fidelity of of of the  information and and that's very true when you're   looking at historical events uh that are still  very interesting and intriguing and important   um you know going back to the 50s and 60s we did  not have the collection capabilities that we have   now U we just didn't have it we had radar we had  things like that but but we we did not have the   level of sophistication and Fidelity that we have  now um and awareness so that may be part of it um   I also think maybe could be uh to some degree the  attention span you know when I was briefing senior   leaders in the Pentagon you know if I were to  bring back something that happened in 1960s or 70s   they probably at that point be like Lou I'm not  interested in that I'm interested in now because   this is my job now I don't care what happened 10  20 30 years ago I care about what's happening now   and what's going to happen tomorrow so from that  perspective you know the the I think the the nimit   incident is recent enough where and there's enough  information there that provides a very compelling   case um and uh that would be you know perhaps  a more from an operational perspective why we   don't go back too far in history as some of these  cases um I personally think they're valuable I I   think they're very it's very helpful to look at  because as we've seen with the Tic Tac event and   the nimit in the 60s they referred to them as a  flying white throat lozenge about 40 feet and in   the 50s they described him as a white flying  butane tank um seems like the same topic you   know same same object to me right uh doing the  same things um so you know there you have it I   I think I think historical know is important  um but at the same time is it as relevant as   recent information to a decision maker probably  not when when Chris was at the Pentagon or when   he was on the hill if my job was to brief him um  I would probably focus more on the the the current   events than some of the past stuff because really  that's his Focus he he needs to make a decision   and I need to give him information so he can make  a well-informed decision and and it's hard to do   that with some of the older cases well we're we're  sort of wrapping things up here guys but um I just   kind of want to open it up to both of you um in  terms of I guess uh Chris we'll start with you of   what we've discussed today um is there anything  in the article that you really want to get out   there or you found most compelling that we haven't  discussed yet I loved the um you know the little   personal bit about you talking to someone in  the Air Force about things they'd seen or had um   tried to report but couldn't um but yeah is there  anything we haven't discussed yet that you really   want to get across to uh to the reader and to  the public at large well thanks for providing   that opportunity and the opportunity today I  think the key points are this is very real this   is no longer just a matter of Hollywood movies  or science fiction uh just the other day the   United Arab Emirates was was hit uh by an attack  from from houthi rebels in men who have are very   unsophisticated technologically but they were able  to inflict damage across the Arabian Peninsula   earlier they took 50% of Saudi oil refining  capacity offline with drones uh we're now   having things soring around Navy ships that we're  not quite sure what to do with or where they're   from that's happening at Air Force bases uh for  example in Guang around criticals military systems   uh where the report identifi they said in most  instances is the reports that came forth 144 were   because these objects were interrupting military  training exercises or plans okay and that's just   the the nub that's just the ones that that came  forward so this is a real issue there's serious   data the report mentions 11 near midair collisions  uh you know another legitimate issue and again   there are many reports that were not in there we  know from Canada of another case so I think that   thing I'm trying to convey is very important very  significant lots of important unasked questions   I listed a number of the questions there that I  hope members of Congress will will make some use   of and uh I think if they do we can make some  Headway and depending on the answers there may   be ultimately some very surprising answers and  although this can be sometimes a frightening   subject the answers that are produced could have  a very positive effect depending what they are   and they could be very very profound but I think  we have to follow the trail wherever it leads I   think that's our destiny that's what we have  to do Lou anything to add to that um should   we be seeking positive answers or I know in the  past you've said um some of those answers might   be pretty somber might really make us reflect on  who we are where we've been where we're going um   yeah what did you pull or extrapolate from Chris's  article that you think is preent and really needs   to get out there right now TR truth be told all of  it everything he said needs to be out and uh you   know it's it's a very dense piece because this is  a very complex issue we're dealing with there's a   lot of moving parts to this a lot of interests and  considerations and um you know Chris's assessment   on the on the S on the sit current situation I  couldn't agree more with I think he's absolutely   right but I will also give one word of advice  to anybody who is trying to to figure this this   incredible Enigma out um the greatest challenge  I think we're going to face is going to be our   own psyche um we look at everything um anthrop  anthropomorphically uh where we um we tend to   assign human attributes to everything including  our pets right at home right you're such a good   little boy such a you know cute girl um that's  how we kind of treat our animals and and we look   in terms of that way but we have to also be  prepared to to look at things um perhaps even   more abstractly perhaps that our our current  understanding of the universe is is is really   in reality the universe is far more complex and  it may not be an either or scenario my greatest   fear is you know when push comes to shove if if  contact were to happen tomorrow um will we stand   there with a with a a hand extended or or point  a machine gun um and and that's kind of the way   we we look at terms very binary right it's either  Friend or Foe and and and nature in life is far   more complicated than that the chances are of it  being just friendly or a foe um may may be minimal   it may be somewhere in the middle right and so we  need we need to make sure that that we we provide   relevant information to our senior leaders and  decision makers and policy makers of our country   so they can make a well-informed decision that's  ultimately what what needs to happen and they   can't make a well-informed decision if information  is being hidden from them that for me is the   greatest danger they you know let let the chips  fall where they fall provide the information   necessary so our our leaders can make make a good  decision whatever that decision winds up being you   know if if you if you keep information this was my  frustration with the Department of Defense because   I wasn't being permitted to get the one guy who  needed the information the information was getting   to and that to me is is is problematic so um that  would be that would be my that'd be my perspective   anyways I'd love to ask personal question Lou if  you don't mind before we we um we wrap things up   here um where where are you now with your your  um run-ins with the Dodd and and the Pentagon and   everything that you had issues with with them um  any developments on that that you can updat with   or you just still fighting the good fight with  them you know I I'm going to let the Department of   Defense speak for the self um you know there's  a lot of good people in the department there   really are and I think there's more good people  in Department than bad a lot more thank goodness   uh and I have full faith and confidence uh in in  their abilities to to have this conversation and   it's happening right now behind the scenes every  day um you have intelligence analysts on on these   specific enclaves electronic enclaves analyzing  data and information you have discussions   occurring at the senior executive and and and uh  flag officer level and now at the political level   so so the conversation's occurring I um you know  I I I hope that those elements in the Department   of Defense that have have said things that aren't  accurate are are held accountable but at the end   of the day I I'm less worried about that and if if  the cost of of someone coming out and apologizing   to me is this topic um you know loses any type of  of uh momentum I'd rather choose the topic Chris   and I are committed very much to this to this  subject more so than we are committed to our own   self and self-preservation um it's important that  this conversation occur so I know I'm probably   beating around the bush but I'll uh I'll leave it  at that Chris I'd like to add something here um   in terms of lose situations as you brought it up  um I've never uh directed anyone on a podcast my   website but I did write something about lose sit  situation on my website that people might find of   Interest called why hasn't DOD offered Lou's old  job back and uh I expressed a lot of concern and   frustration that somebody who is following the  advice were always given you know be independent   be willing to Buck the crowd think outside  the box so here's a guy who does that and is   trying to warn the system you know there's there's  barbarians inside the gate or somebody is and he's   trying to ring the sound the alarm and instead  you know they're they kind of shun him because   of alleged minor bureaucratic uh infractions or  something when everything he said has been proven   correct and he did what they're always telling you  to do so uh I I'm confident that ultimately this   will be resolved favorably for Lou and uh I have  a few words about that on my website Chris   if if uh people who are interested in that topic  might might want to pursue might want to take a   look at thank you thanks Chris um Well Chrissy  any last questions for the gentlemen before we   let them go and we uh we debrief here no that's  it on my end I just want to say thank you guys a   great conversation um Chris can you tell us where  we can obviously your website but I know you're on   Twitter as well and um yeah what what comes next  man what what are you working on I know that's the   first question once an article comes out what's  next it just took me a year toite this one yeah   what comes next for you man where can we find what  you're up to yeah I don't have anything uh in the   pipeline right now but what I'm concentrated  on is is trying to uh collaborate with other   parties who are interested in this Ry from the  Galileo project to friends at DOD or on the   hill and elsewhere and uh try to be of assistance  where I can awesome Lou how about you man I know   you been you do a lot behind the scenes too what  comes next and where can we find what you're up   got a lot of irons in the fire you know um some  of them are not quite yet to the point where I   feel comfortable talking about them um because  uh you know they're a little bit sensitive um   and requires other people to do certain things  as well um so I'll I'll keep those right now   close to my chest but know that um we are working  very very hard behind the scenes um I'll be in DC   next week um you know that's not a coincidence um  we're working you know we don't just go and and   and hang out at the at the local bars there on  Capitol Hill we we we spend a great deal of our   time working this topic and only this topic so um  you know there you have it that's fair man I mean   if there's anything I've learned from talking to  you and Chris it's uh there are no coincidences   so um I look forward to whatever comes next for  both of you I want to thank everyone for your   your questions and everything like I mentioned we  didn't have time today but hopefully these guys   will be able to answer some of them on Twitter  for you or maybe we'll have them back in the   future to discuss some of those um but other than  that we're just going to have some debrief time   here gentlemen so I'm gonna let um Mr alzando and  Mr melon go but I want to wish you both the best   with everything moving forward Chris I I can't  wait to see the reactions from within and on the   outside on this one and um we needed this because  a lot of people in this field are pissed off that   the one branch of the military that should  be talking isn't and that comes on the cusp   of another you know branch of the military just  starting up now that could become a big player in   this as well and that's the space force so again  the future is uncertain but um it's bright with   with everything you guys have brought forward so  with that I want to thank both of you today for   coming on somewhere in the skies thanks for having  us appreciate it my pleasure and honor as always   guys thank you so much for doing this see in DC  next week L indeed see oh there you go told you no   coincidences thank you guys appreciate your time  have a good rest of your day good to see you both [Music] [Applause] [Music]   the somewhere in the skies podcast  is part of the Lion's gate sound   net Network please take a moment  to rate and 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