YouTube Channel: "Red Panda Koala Backup Channel" Video Title: "UFOS tracked in the 1950s Lue Elizondo Donald Trump Jr" UFOS tracked in the 1950s Lue Elizondo Donald Trump Jr 223 views Sep 27, 2024 From: Transcript: we're seeing objects that are not just doing that speed but think of 10,000 13,000 miles an hour being clocked on radar multiple different radar systems and it was being clocked back in the 1950s now temporally speaking one could say yeah maybe we have that technology today somewhere some country but if you look where we were in the 1950s temporally speaking it does it just doesn't make sense that would be like going into King tutt's tomb for the very first time chiseling away that that plaster wall and all of a sudden seeing behind that wall a fully assembled 747 jet um yeah I mean 1950s techn that was like the beginning of like the F-15 era or something like that right yeah before that actually we're talking we're talking F 105s we're talking Sabers okay yeah maybe that the 60s yeah that's 50y old technology yeah I'm thinking 50 years not 1950s but yes 100% yeah so you know we're talking about technology that we have been encountering over controlled us airspace over sensitive military installations for the part of 70 years that even today we can't replicate those performance characteristics