YouTube Channel: "Post Disclosure World" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo Interview: Garry Reid Aftermath, UFO Programs, and Classified UFO Briefings" Luis Elizondo Interview: Garry Reid Aftermath, UFO Programs, and Classified UFO Briefings 32,689 views Apr 22, 2022 This interview with Luis Elizondo took place on April 21, 2022. We discussed his experience with Garry Reid, what Congress has seen in classified UFO briefings, the potential for the existence of unknown legacy UFO programs among other topics. Lue Elizondo is another way to reference him. From: Transcript: in this video I interview Luis Elizondo who headed up atip Advanced Aerospace threat identification program which was a UFO study program in the Pentagon this interview takes place on April 21st 2022. all right Lou uh in late 2019 read Gary Reed was investigated by the dod's inspector General's office regarding four separate complaints of him having sexual affairs with subordinate employees sexual harassment and creating a negative work environment in addition to that you Lu Elizondo accused Reid of malicious activities coordinated disinformation professional misconduct whistleblower reprisal and explicit threats and you did this in May of 2021 and before I asked you my question I need the audience to understand that Gary Reed was the head of all counterintelligence law enforcement and security for the totality of the Department of Defense worldwide so if you were going to have a villain in your life you probably would prefer someone with a little bit less power than this individual had so um Elizondo Lou Elizondo let me know like how his conduct conduct because like uh you know after you left the Pentagon uh he he had a vendetta against you because you did not uh read him on to the atip program and he discovered that when he he just when he found out about your your resignation letter I think uh maybe days after the December 16 2017 uh New York Times article so how did his behavior impact you and your family's uh well-being and and livelihood in life wow uh okay let me let me start by kind of maybe to to capture all your your questions you've got a lot of really good questions uh and there's a lot to to discuss here so let me kind of start if I can chronologically um Gary Reed was an individual come from the same world I I do uh which is um Special Operations asymmetric world uh when it comes to combat and warfare um he was a very effective command sergeant major in in the Special Operations community and he did a lot for his country you know so let me start by saying I don't Relish in anybody's demise um it's it's it's you know it's it's bittersweet it's always sad when when somebody who served their country at some point honorably winds up being um you know exposed um you know we're we're all human I'm not saying that that's an excuse in Gary's position he made my life miserable I mean it's no no secret we'll get into that but let me start by saying I I wish no ill will upon him um I hope he finds his peace and and uh you know there was a point in time when when he really was a patriot and and something happened uh I I don't know what it was I can only guess uh you know a lot of things you know there's an old saying absolute power corrupts absolutely and I suspect that may be the case here uh but uh let me just again preface that at early on his career he did a lot for his country uh then there was a time that I worked with him in the Pentagon this was a man who um look I'm no clinical psychologist but there seemed to be these weird manic episodes when I was briefing him on one of my other portfolios that I managed it was a very important portfolio and he never seemed very interested and the states were very high something is something messed up it was it was very significant because it dealt with with uh I'll say is 911. uh and um investigations were so that were that were involved in that and he never seemed to be overly interested in it um and um it wasn't until I would bring let's say a female colleague in or my Deputy to come in to to be part of the briefing and all of a sudden they'd notice he would perk up and that was that was problematic for me um because clearly you know there was there was a there was a clear indication in my mind and in others obviously that there was this preferential type uh treatment now when I say peripheral preferential treatment I don't mean just being nice inappropriate behavior you know asking someone here come sit next to me instead of sitting on the end of the table with everybody else and uh one point I have to be very careful because I can't I I've been asked by the IG not to discuss specifics of of the investigation involving sexual harassment so I won't but what what I will say is that one of my direct subordinates was a victim of the sexual harassment uh allegations by Gary Reed and so knowing that early on I I simply couldn't trust him and so I was managing two portfolios of time the other portfolio was atip and I never read them on and I never read them on because I knew early on this was a guy who I could trust he had an open IG investigations against him so of course I'm not going to read him on and you're right it's a bit of a fox in the hen house situation when you have the head of all of DoD law enforcement counterintelligence and security worldwide right um you're as your boss it's problematic it's a problem uh because you you know military service is built upon trust and if you don't have that trust at the very top there's a problem and you know case in point when now I can talk a little bit what the IG said and what Gary Reed said and others um you know there's a point in the investigation that says well of all the times she kissed me and hugged me I never thought it was inappropriate whoa I'm sorry I don't mean to make light of it but wait a minute you tell me a government official to another government official of all the times he's kissed you first of all the first time is inappropriate let alone all the other times you know and then there were some senior leadership uh quotes in there again I won't say who they were anybody can look it up but this is his boss basically saying yeah you know it was kind of inappropriate but he did other things really good so I didn't really think it was a big deal uh wait a minute I'm sorry um because someone does good in other areas that type of behavior is unexcusable period full stop there is no excuse for it ever I've had lots and lots of subordinate females and males and everything in between and and never never have I treated anybody differently than anybody else simply because of their gender or their race or their preferences or their looks or anything else or culture um so so that is that type of behavior is not not tolerated what I find so interesting here is that you know especially now in this hype hyper sense of awareness that we have uh trying to treat people fairly and especially in the Department of Defense with all these moves they knew about these allegations in 2019 right and in in in 2020 and in 2021 the question is why did it take an IG investigation from me a request to investigate several by the way complaints in order for finally this to be the Tipping Point and and and get somebody like that out of a out of a position of authority um you know forget let alone the fact that he made my life in my family's life miserable you're absolutely right you threatened me he was going to tell people that I was crazy he tried to go after my security clearance and try to have a air force OSI investigation full field counterintelligence by the way criminal investigation uh unauthorized disclosure investigation launched against me ironically enough it turns out the very thing he was accusing me of of of an unauthorized disclosure turns out he himself was guilty of right using his personal computer to conduct government business um and and provide control better classified information um you know in an unauthorized manner so so this is the problem that I see in in government and I I've tried to you know leave breadcrumbs along the way I've told people that people will be held accountable of course people said yeah yeah whatever Lou hey man I'm serious if anybody knows that's the kind of guy I am I don't say things frivolously very deliberate and by the way we're not done yet with with with this effort to try to root out people who aren't um supposed to be in this position it's interestingly enough the dod is still making I'd say DOD elements within the Department of Defense are still making bad decisions you have people now that are are in places of authority that they themselves are also subjects of IG investigations um so so this is problematic um you know I'm not saying that just because you're the subject of an IG investigation that you should lose everything because it turns out you could be innocent but in this particular case the IG said he wasn't right and he even admitted yeah I've done something's wrong well okay right there is you know that should be should be should be closed case but but it wasn't and was allowed to continue to fester in people I know personally people who had to resign people who were who were who are put in a position to retire early just because they couldn't work with this guy because he wasn't he wasn't good he wasn't good for the organization he wasn't good for the American people uh his his behavior um for some reason he felt that he could get away with with what he was doing and that's that's problematic Ryan because that erodes the very Foundation the very ethos of of serving the American interest into serving the American public which is what we've sworn to uphold right in the Constitution when we when we decide to serve our country um yeah he made my life help for for four years um you know it was interesting because it was only after Mattis left uh did he turn around and uh you know start trying to get the Pao to change their public opinion on me and say well Lou actually had nothing to do with UFOs which now of course it did Lou wasn't part of it he had nothing to do with it of course I did and you know then they try to split hairs well he had no signed responsibilities under the usdi well you know that's you know we've said that before a thousand times you know I was if you look at the memos going back to 2009 it was Congress who asked me to be part of it my chain of command higher than read up at the at the Secretary of Defense level knew very well what I was doing and I was briefing him on a weekly basis you know so um yeah it was problematic I remember uh after the investigation uh that was conducted by Air Force OSI I believe it concluded in 2019 and then referred back to Gary Reed uh he was not happy with the results um he wanted an investigation to continue uh and uh it was uh explained to me that a conversation occurred where someone Air Force osis and surf this would be the first time in the history of this institution where we have opened an investigation on a lack of evidence and so he wasn't very happy about that then they get a call from dcsa defense criminal I'm sorry defense counterintelligence and Security Agency uh dcsa they're responsible for doing our background investigations and whatnot and about a year later they said well uh we're investigating your security clearance because uh of a unauthorized disclosure involving videos so okay here we go again so now you're telling me double jeopardy someone has launched yet another investigation for the same thing that I was already cleared for I can only guess where that's coming from so I had to get a lawyer involved and I had to wind up um being very direct and Frank with dcsa and say look your your your borderline harassing be very careful now uh because I know a lot of the policies that you're following I actually helped write some time ago so I know the left and right limits um you're putting me in a situation of Double Jeopardy uh and it's it's not right and it's not fair now could I have come out publicly and said all this two years ago sure I could have but I always said I have to let the system work I think people are now beginning to see hopefully that when I say something I mean um you know I could have come out and defended myself two years ago on this topic but I deliberately chose not to and I did that because I wanted to give an opportunity for the system to work as I have said before we've got to let the system try to do what it's got what it's designed to do we've got to get the IG enough opportunity give the ignf opportunity to to do their job correctly right uh and I have faith and confidence now someone could come back and say well you know IG already investigated them and they did nothing well it's not up to ig to do something it's up to the chain of command to do something so there is Fault here and Blaine to be laid uh at the feet of anyone it's those who are responsible for for for for supervising that individual Gary Reed because they should have looked at that report and say okay this is this is nonsense we have a problem here we have somebody who's who is uh putting people into vulnerable situations and by the way let's go into that discussion for a second think about this for a second Ryan the head of DOD worldwide counterintelligence worldwide there are indicators of somebody who may be convincing committing Espionage or somebody who is susceptible to foreign intelligence Services right uh somebody who can be leveraged by them someone who's having an extramarital fare one right there somebody's having excessive foreign travel and doing things that they shouldn't too now you've opened yourself up to Blackmail so here is somebody who himself was a counterintelligence vulnerability for the entire Department of Defense had the Keys of the Kingdom and was allowed to continue to this behavior for think about this years plural years uh had this been you had this been me or anybody else uh we would have been immediately removed of our position investigated and put on administrative leave and then ultimately terminated you know this dysfunction really discourages me because you know a lack of UAP transparency from the government is a sore spot for me so seeing this Saga having unfolded over multiple years when in all reality it appears very clear and unambiguous that Gary Reed should have been fired a long time ago it discourages me because now I'm thinking if this kind of this this kind of um dysfunction is is so rooted within the US government how can I possibly expect that those that that the that the U.S Congress and the American people have asked to be transparent on UAP those that are being asked to do that how can I expect them to do that when my very own government lets a guy like Gary Reed uh run rampant uh he he's he he's uh a risk for intelligence gathering from foreign governments if I was to talk to anyone high up in the government be looked don't worry about Elizondo that guy ain't you don't have to worry about him he's he's solid worry about Gary Reed but the question I want to ask you is how much has his removal uh what do you assess like with his removal do you assess that that will uh increase UAP transparency and the second part of that question is did Gary Reed play a role in the in replacing the head of the UAP with some of someone of a lower ranking I think that happened a couple years ago and further was he against UFO transparency based on his personal philosophy or was it exclusively his Vendetta against you that triggered his his desire to have zero UFO transparency and allowing the American public to have a clear picture at how interested the Pentagon actually was in this in this issue uh again great great questions let me start uh if I came from the beginning you asked me did you have something to do with the removal of uh the first UAP Task Force Commander the answer is absolutely yes uh unequivocally um by the way and I I have to respect this person's opinion just like I did with Jim McCaskey until he decided to come out publicly the individual who ran the UAP task force the very first UAP task force director or Commander was my Deputy when I was running A10 he was the deputy at 18 okay so there was some continuity there um there was a whisper campaign oh and and some other efforts underway uh where Gary Reed was not helpful and really made things complicated and difficult for for my former colleague to succeed and unfortunately and subsequently uh you know he he wound up having to leave that position as the first ever UAP task force director because Gary Reed was working behind channels trying to make his life miserable within the Navy uh trying to make his life miserable with on the OSD staff and usdi he had put a couple people and worked with a couple people to to try to minimize the the discussion and the topic which by the way some of those people are still there so let me get to the part I wanted to say Ryan I'm not done yet okay Gary Reed is the first dominant to fall there's there's others and those individuals are are going to be held accountable too um and why should we try I know you're discouraged with our government uh maybe that some of the institutions that we have in there but but let me give you some some hope here and some some optimism the reason why we are going to succeed is because you have people fighting for you we have people fighting for UAP transparency who want to do the right thing fortunately there's more of us than there are of the other folks that don't want transparency and the good guys are winning so that's the good news um and we're not gonna We're not gonna let this go now there's a right-wing wrong way to do things and let me be very clear here this isn't just about opening up Pandora's Box you know any surprise here you go here's all the data UFO stuff we have to unravel this ball of yarn of 70 years Tangled 70-year ball of yarn and possibly more in a very careful way okay we're not we're not trying to villainize anybody we don't want to get anybody in trouble but we simply want to do is say okay let bygones be bygones whatever happened in the past happen in the past let's start now let's start fresh conversation with the American people on this topic let's be honest let's be forthcoming we don't need to reveal sources of methods we don't need to reveal Nations Secrets but we do have to acknowledge the reality of this and at least try to make correct what was made incorrect in the past very basically Rectify those sins if you will that were committed in the name of National Security which by the way I don't disagree were actually made in honest efforts to protect National Security at the time so so we're not trying to villainize anybody what we're trying to do is get everybody to come to the table and say look folks these are different times we we the time has come to have the conversation with the American people with the world about a very serious topic infectious Hall and and unfortunately the longer you keep a lid on it the more this is going to wind up really messy for everybody so so if you really are a patriot you really want to do the right thing now is the time to have the conversation and so that's that's what we're doing um as far as as the individual Gary Reed again uh he is um he represents a much bigger problem in the department um you know there there are there are people who will turn a blind eye just because of somebody's rank because someone's passed um and and give them a pass give them a slide and they don't realize that it erodes the very morale of the entire organization it's a poison it's a Cancer and that cancer spreads and ultimately the last people to ever know is usually leadership which is ironic here uh but that's the way it usually is because nobody wants to tell that you know the king or queen that they have their clothes on right so oh that looks great oh no everything's fine well that's wrong and this is why I've said before publicly look you know my if people don't come correct I will hold them accountable and whether I have to do it on national news outlets media outlets in front of 40 million people or I do it in the halls of Congress I I will continue to fight um you know hopefully that doesn't get me you know not someone's naughty list where you know maybe I'm I'm um I'm worth more uh you know on the other side I'm worth more to them dead than alive I hope that's not the case um but you know so be it if it is I'm willing to take that that uh that chance because it's it's I took another and that oath means everything to me I went to war a few times for it um so I've got no problem calling out the bureaucracy we've all heard of the UFO commentary from people like Martin Heinrich in Nevada senator Mitt Romney of Utah Senator Marco Rubio Florida and even the current administrator Bill Nelson who I think was on the armed services committee as a senator like in 2019 and he was briefed on uap2 so we have this this theme that so many high-level officials are are conveying to the American public that uapr uh Beyond Next Generation technology of Unknown Origin and even in addition to that they are doing incursions into highly restricted military airspace with impunity we've even heard this from the former CIA director we've we've heard this from John Ratcliffe former Director of National Intelligence I mean this theme is Rock Solid so my question is what exactly are these congressional committees seeing in their classified briefings because there are people there are people who have this theory that it's all they're hearing is witness testimony there's no High Fidelity data there's no radar return there's no uh longer videos higher resolution videos it's just this mind virus that has infected the American government from people like uh Robert Bigelow and George Knapp and it's just and just think of how ridiculous that is if that is true and I wonder what kind of Cascades of Errors would have to manifest or that's actually occur and how plausible that actually is but if that is true imagine how embarrassing that would be for the American government oh what we're really dealing with is Chinese drones but for the past four years our high-level government officials are telling us there's something out there and we don't know if I was a Chinese high-level official I'd be like I'm loving this man this is some great stuff right here I would love every bit of it so this like what are they seeing in those in those briefings that are leading to to all this legislation and all this commentary yeah it's first of all it's not necessary I can assure you uh the our Senator Jilla Branch Senator Rubio and others uh Congressman Timber shed Gallegos these people aren't fools they are highly highly intelligent people and believe you me they're not going to put their political careers or butts on the line uh for hearsay um these people are are are are very very intelligent in human beings uh and they're also very courageous for doing what they're doing but what are they seeing and what they're hearing uh is very compelling they're they're getting in some cases that certainly their staff I know that to be a fact are receiving uh high definition videos and photographs of things taken from some very sensitive platforms on a weekly basis we're getting new information this week alone we have we have two more very interesting incidents coming out of two different opposite aor's areas of operation uh or areas of responsibility um so so they're getting a lot of information is coming in Fast and Furious the problem is it's not it's still not coming in the way it should it's still coming in bits and pieces it's not coming in yet you know you could think about building Plumbing inside of a building right and and you build you you construct the pipes to deliver the hot water and the cold water whenever you want well the pipe work isn't yet complete so some spigots work better than others sometimes you have to go to the bathroom upstairs if you want to get hot water you got to go into the kitchen if you want to use cold water so so the the flow of information in this case not water but information that pipe work hasn't been completed yet it's it's still being built right now and there's still some people trying to figure out blueprints you know which which pipes go where and why and how um but they are getting information and they're getting it uh by by organizations who control these particular capabilities and platforms they're also getting the testimony from from eyewitness testimony in some cases from the pilots themselves who've actually engaged it they're seeing the reporting and Telemetry data uh that comes in from the Executive Branch from the various disparate organizations because let's let's give you a case in point um let's just let's just say this is the UFO somewhere UAP it's not just that you have let's say an F-18 pilot from the Navy filming this thing there could also be radar data from the local Air Force Base that's picking up that and then it just turns out happens to be that there is a uh a a weather satellite that's looking at um you know certain atmospheric conditions up above from NOAA that's picking something up and oh by the way FAA air traffic control in Minneapolis is picking something up right and by the way say Minneapolis I don't mean just as an example people are going to say oh an event happened in Minneapolis just just caveating you could say you know anywhere you know Walla Walla Washington um and so that's what builds that layers of you know that cross hatch of information that allows you then to to paint a much more compelling picture and then provide the report up to to individuals who have a need to know and have a security Clinic the good thing about the the Senate select committee on intelligence and the said armed services committee and then you have the house versions of that the hipsy and the Hask uh those people are clear they have security clearances at the TS level and and they can be privy to that information um so they can be briefed to that information in fact they do have an inherent need to know especially the oversight committees like I just mentioned so it's it's working and no these people aren't just getting anecdotal information it's not match the stereo it's not you know that we have deluded ourselves into thinking air trash or air drones or space junk is UAP um that's somebody who's never had one of the briefings saying that in June of 2020 Chris melon posted the following tweet regarding the requirement for the intelligence oversight committees to be notified in writing of major intelligence failures the answer is no they were not notified indeed they were kept in the dark about the UAP issue for years and we're not happy to first see it in the New York Times and so to add on to that I mean it's common sense I mean you know billions of dollars go into these sensor uh data collecting mechanisms you know and I'm just going to say it you know on uh uh Jeremy Corbell talked about how um he and Jeremy Corbell knows favor Jeremy Corbell has a network I can't vouch for it but I'll say what he said he basically said that Commander favors F-18 was rendered powerless his weapons and radar systems were actively jammed by the UFO this is considered an active War by our DOD and this situation was handled accordingly PJ Hughes talked about radio frequencies being picked up by the E2 Hawkeye from The Tic Tac favor has gone on the record publicly saying he saw the radar tape himself that's High Fidelity scientific evidence and on top of that all we hear about 2014-15 with Ryan Graves and Danny a coin these objects were were measured with multiple sensors that they could do Hypersonic velocity they could stop on a dime they could they could hover like a helicopter but also moments later do Hypersonic velocity and furthermore you know like Ryan Graves was talking about how you know these things would be out there for 12 hours 11 hours more than they should be capable of based upon the energy they would require to do what they're doing so U.S government don't you dare tell me you don't have the data because it seems pretty obvious you do so here's my question because I'm scratching my head how is it possible anyone could possibly muster the argument that the law was not broken by not giving congressional oversight committees in writing the intelligence failure of you know what I'm sorry but there's technology out there that is like a million times better than ours we don't know where it comes from how is that not an intelligence failure and if it isn't intelligence failure why was that not given to the United States Congress in writing Ryan you could not be more accurate uh in your and and you are absolutely entitled to your frustration um welcome to my world um it is egregious it is unacceptable and um I have said this before you know I'm the kind of cat you don't want in Congress because I'm the kind of cat will haul every single one of these people up by their neckties sit them in front of a desk and say you now owe the American people an explanation you are you will do that and you will also if you don't give me a good enough answer you're fired here and now um that is that is this is perhaps the greatest intelligence failure this country has seen because no matter no matter whose technology it is we we failed to report on it it is a problem we we and we've known about it for a long time now with that said I do not hold the people who were actually in part of these efforts and running these these perhaps even Legacy efforts before atip responsible because it's not their job to inform Congress it's it's it's their boss's job to inform Congress and to inform the chain of command so I want to make that clear there is a there's a there's a delineation between the worker bees and those who are actually trying to do their patriotic Mission and serve their country and those individuals who obfuscated and decided this information is too secret we can't tell anybody well you know Chris has made a good point in the past we won the Cold War not because we kept better Secrets but because we knew how to move information more efficiently and quickly within the US government um there's a reason why 911 happened 9 11 happened because there were organizations in the US government that had different pieces of the puzzle but none of them wanted to share the information and so what happened well you had you had the devastating effects of 911 which some argue could have been quite preventable um people lost their lives he died right so where is the accountability who got fired well no one got fired right what we did is we created the irtpa intelligence performing terrorism prevention act we created a dni and later on a DHS and hope that would never happen again but we didn't really solve the problem yet so so this is this is a great point you make it is exactly why I wake up every morning doing what I do um until the problem's fixed uh and by the way it's not just uip it's it's other issues as well there there's some things that I'm sure American people would be very surprised to know uh some of the failures of bureaucracy again I'm trying to keep focused on the bureaucracy itself though not on individuals right now um those individuals are being held accountable I do believe that the system is doing precisely what it needs to do uh but there's still some games being played at the Pentagon um you know but but that's okay because time time is on our side and we're on the right side of History we're on the right side of the narrative and we're going to continue to do what we do um yeah that's that's my my two cents or maybe three okay so for my last question because we we basically hit the point but just for my last question is there going to be is it going to be necessary to have some deconflicting going on because I know you were involved at some point when you worked for the government and deconflicting programs that could possibly be doing the same thing the last thing we want is the aoimsg office to be doing exactly what secret UFO programs that haven't been brought to the surface have been doing for for decades I mean that's just a waste attacks dollar money and it's ridiculous um you know you know you hear rumors I don't know maybe maybe all sap and atip are the only UFO programs and and the guy from the 80s that you you talked to during a meeting who told you that he did what you did maybe those are the only UFO programs ever in the history of the United States I think that's uh bordering on implausible but maybe it's true but if it's not true and if rumors uh like from people like uh Dr Bernard Hayes and also uh more Bell is also stated and stuff like this before I'll just give you a Dr Bernard Hayes quote sources tell me that this is merely the tip of the iceberg a group of four related but separate unacknowledged sci programs tracing back to a 1947 Truman memorandum still exists and were housed as of the 1990s and major aerospace companies such as Lockheed TRW Raytheon Aerospace Corp Etc the programs collectively have budgets in the 10 billion range and up topics apparently include both reverse engineering and extraterrestrial biology look I have no clue if there's any validity to that at all but you know what when ASAP was going on when 18 was going on no one knew about it the bigot list for atip was minuscule no one knew about it other countries didn't know about it maybe their intelligence Services did but the public didn't know about it so my concern is that aomsg is gonna is Gonna Come online it's going to do what it's going to do but you know what we have Decades of other programs who have gotten the exact same data that aomsg is going to try to get so how do we solve that problem if it is indeed because it's only theoretical but if it's indeed a problem uh you know Ryan I I go I'd go One Step Beyond that I I'm not sure it's so theoretical um I think you bring up a really good point and we have an obligation to make sure that whatever Lessons Learned uh and and insight was gained from any type of previous effort does need to come under the single umbrella it needs to come under the single one tent right and and so we're not wasting taxpayer money and time and and Reinventing the wheel so to speak um I'm really glad you you bring this up because it's really important it's probably one of the top five most important things that we need to try to figure out within the government um you know it's funny I've never been asked that question before like that um but it's it's it's it's it's certainly something you want to ask me what keeps me up at night that's one of the few things that really keeps me up at night um we we have to do a better job and when to do that you know one of the options is Maybe maybe creating some sort of amnesty program where people can come in out of the dark and out of the out of the cold and come under the tent right have some hot coffee or tea and let's talk and we'll continue to protect the information and protect you I think commencer at level uh you know in an exchange with an understanding that you know we're not going to hold you liable for anything um you know but you know then you put maybe a sunset clause and say look you know that's only good for a year and a half anybody that we find afterwards that was part of any type of Legacy effort and you don't come forward and talk to us because we now have the authority uh then it's going to be a different conversation right then it's going to be okay well you had your chance and and now you you're going against the law because the law says a b c and d and you did X Y and Z and therefore you are breaking the law so uh you know I have to be careful when I say we I don't myself personally what I mean is is the the institution right the the government um but that's something that that you know could certainly be considered um there's a lot of smart the good news here Ryan I'll leave you with this there's a lot of good people right now smart people that are trying to figure this out um my only concern is that you know aoimsg does not get sidetracked and consider this some sort of air trash or space junk problem and you know four years okay but we answer the mailing space jump so therefore aomsg goes away that's not the intent of Congress and and if they think it is then you know we're going to be right back to square one again having more people accountable you know just look over there what just happened to that dude don't be that guy you don't have to you know don't please don't don't do that because it's not gonna that's not the direction we want to go down um so that would be my my recommendation I also want to take just a moment here Ryan and and thank you sincerely there's a lot of people on the inside that actually watch very carefully what you say uh over the last listen nope no BS man hey over the last four years some of your predictions uh it's funny because you know you say well I think this is going to happen and no kidding like two days earlier there's a conversation occurring where that was at like it disgust almost to a T and you've got a couple of our guys scratching your head saying you know did the guy actually work with us or something is he on the payroll yeah how the hell does he know this so I can uh give them my address and we can facilitate that I just want to say thanks for everything you're doing um you know I know you I appreciate it out there like like the rest of us but um you know you're you're doing a phenomenal job and I want to thank you and you have again maybe at some point uh some of those people will come out of the Shadows but I think you'd be really surprised and quite tickled if you knew who actually actually follows you well I appreciate it Lou and and thank you for for coming on the show and and I think I speak for a lot of people that I I really um appreciate the service you did in your long career in government and what you continue to do now and uh we'll just uh call it a day thank you so much Ryan my honor and pleasure anytime buddy thank you great thanks please do not forget to subscribe I intend on doing more interviews in the future and if you'd like to support this channel you can check out my merch shop where I sell t-shirts you can become a patron you become you could become a YouTube member or you could even give me a donation all of those possibilities are in the links below or you could just slap a like on this bad boy and I will appreciate it so much thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode Special thanks to all patrons YouTube members those that bought merch those that have give me one time donation I couldn't do without you thank you so much see you in the next episode