YouTube Channel: "Podcast UFO Live Shows" Video Title: "05-11-2021 Luis Elizondo, The US Government on UFOs, UAPs & Aerial Threats" 05-11-2021 Luis Elizondo, The US Government on UFOs, UAPs & Aerial Threats 42,367 views Streamed live on May 11, 2021 Guest, Ex-Pentagon official Luis (Lue) Elizondo discusses what it was like as a former intelligence officer with the Department of Defense and the director of AATIP, the Pentagon's secret UFO program. He talks about the dynamics of what has been observed, the USS Nimitz case, and what the government may or may not know about these incursions and more. From: Transcript: hello everyone and welcome to the show i'm martin wilsher host and i've been really looking forward to this show i've got a very busy guy on the show tonight he's got a lot going on and luckily he carved out some time for tonight's show and again i am grateful for that and uh i hope to ask a lot of really interesting questions i have a lot of them on my own i want to say i feel like i almost made a mistake last week when i said hey send your questions in i got so many of them uh tons of questions came in through emails and i really do appreciate that if i can't get to your question uh going to ask questions that fit that's how i'll put it as i go along but if i can't get to the questions that you sent in then um it doesn't mean that your question was not good and you will have if you're watching live you'll have the last half hour where you can actually call in we're taking calls i expect the phones to be busy so um we'll post that number right at the half hour at the end um this week we have uh charles lear our blogger is taking the week off he's been pretty busy too working on his book it's almost done so i wrote an opinion piece and it kind of has to do with our guest this evening he's very involved and the topic um i don't know if you call it a blogger just an opinion and the title of it's the ufo world since december 16 2017 i kind of go into where uh us in the ufo field we're paying attention to to the stars when they came out in october we listened to what happened then we thought it was really fascinating but the buzz kind of died down and then december 16 2017 of the same year happened and since then it's been a different world so that opinion piece or blog whatever you want to call it is right on our website check it out over there you can support the show for two dollars or more a month all that information is there we're on facebook and all that i didn't want to waste a lot of time talking tonight so i'm going to bring our guest right in and here he is welcome to the show lou hi martin thank you very much for having me and thank you to uh your listeners as well for uh for spending some time with us this evening yes and like i said boy did the questions ever come in so um i do get a lot of new people i'm not going to waste a whole lot of time um like introducing you just been so much in the news and and in the public so much so we don't really have to go into that but i will ask questions along those lines as we go along here but um i guess the the uh question i'll start off the back uh right off the bat with this uh how are things going today for you as far as the movement the movement forward i would say ah okay uh i thought you were gonna ask me how i'm doing personally today um i'm usually it's that question i'm pretty tired um but as far as uh you know the movement um you know i i don't think we could ask for for any more um what you know it's funny you mention this and you you say say a movement i think a lot of people would would resonate with that where before it was um it was as earnest it was an earnest study into into the topic of uaps or ufos i i think we're witnessing something something more than that now um i think maybe we are we have cross crossed the threshold into something far more dynamic uh and and perhaps far more influential uh we are we are indeed to some degree i guess i guess a movement uh a movement can inform and can also influence and i think you're seeing that right now with with the help of you and and folks such as your listeners who are getting engaged some of these folks may be the first time they've ever really taken the topic seriously but uh you know it is making a difference you know have have congress uh involved and you have the department of defense involved and you have the intelligence community involved uh you have a lot of former senior current senior members of our government now involved and and yes i think that's i think that's a good way to put it movement um as far as how the movement is doing today uh i i think it's it's it's doing quite well i think it's it's quite healthy and i think every day this this movement continues to to grow and grow right um you know going all the way back to like the 1940s we were observing as a country and as the air force as well um has been observing these objects not really that much different from what people are reporting today um you know i mean i remember reading something back and i believe in the 1950s i may be wrong where there was a radar uh reflection of something like 22 000 miles an hour of an object that stopped suddenly or something like that over canada maybe but anyway so these things have been going along all this time and i've mentioned a number of times the number of times in the show that i think the government knows something's going on but they they don't know what it is and do you think we're closer to knowing what it is than in the 1940s uh boy that's a loaded question i you know i'm damned if i do damned if i don't answer that um here's my my my my thoughts um i'm not sure we're closer to knowing what it is but i do think we are potentially closer to understanding some of the physics involved um when i was part of the a-tip program our focus was really very simple what was it and how does it work and i've said before probably my greatest frustration is that we really still at the end of all those years didn't really know what it was uh but you know on the bright side we were able to to begin to peel away a little bit of the onion uh with with the five observables and then uh be able to to look at some of the new models in quantum physics and and mathematical formulas and it appears that uh you know that that that science uh what we thought was so far off uh and our understanding really isn't maybe quite that far away and i think for me that that was that was uh probably one of the the greater accomplishments and and let me preface this by saying um it's not that we invented new physics physics you don't invent physics what you do is is gain a better understanding of existing physics and i think i think that's what we were we were able to do to some degree is be able to now that we have a a little bit better understanding of some of our observations in quantum physics be able to start developing models um to see if if they fit and and it turns out that that that some of them do i remember i had um dr seth shawstak from the seti program on the show i had him on three times so far but one of the times i said to him you know because he was going on and on about the amount of energy that um we would need to travel from another star system to us if that's what is happening and so i mentioned something to him like what if there's physics that we haven't discovered yet that'll make that possible and he kind of like brushed it off do you think that they're and this is seems like kind of the way you might be going you're not actually saying that they're extraterrestrial and you know for sure whatever it's all speculation but do you think that's what it is there's just more physics to be uncovered to make star travel actually possible and do you think that we will ever advance to that you know i i i do and and no disrespect to mr chelstack from seti but let's face it in the end of the 1800s the u.s patent office made a declaration that uh within a few years there would be no more need for a u.s patent office because everything that could be possibly invented will have been invented by then clearly that was a very short-sighted statement and envisioned by by the u.s patent office and i think the same holds true we are we are a very pioneering species and every day we're coming up with new clever innovative ways to to uh to to to live and perform in our environment and every day we're learning something something revolutionary in the way of science and for us to think that that space time in order for us to go to point a to point b has to be some sort of linear function uh you know we're beginning to realize that that's not necessarily the case um quantum physics shows that uh space and to some degree is rather irrelevant um and and maybe even time to some degree uh when you look at uh at a notion such as that such as quantum entanglement something is going on this this spooky action from a distance if you will where things are able to to communicate with things if you want to call it communication act upon other things where uh distance doesn't seem to be a factor it's happening instantaneously and across the vastness of the universe and so i think i think we need to be very careful anytime we we we shrug off the notion that there's uh new physics to be discovered if you will um you know i i think that's short-sighted because one thing we've learned over and over again through time is that we haven't learned everything yet um and and what we are seeing is real whatever it is so therefore something or someone uh has uh has been able to master uh a particular part of physics that we we don't quite yet understand i mean that's that's that's evident when um the pyramid you must have heard i know you've heard of the pyramid video what it's called the pyramid video that was released and it's it's i think it's been thoroughly debunked as not not a purpose uh purposeful hoax in any way but the fact that the iris or um the camera lens itself is the cause for those pyramid shapes and things like that uh uh did did you i believe i heard you say when that first came out you you weren't aware of any you know debunking going on did you think that was uh i know the navy admitted it was a a real video but they didn't say anything about the objects yeah well uh first of all i i i i'm not a debunker um i prefer analysis debunking means you know trying to go out if you will and purposely prove something is a fraud or a fake um i i don't go into any situation with that in mind i go into a situation to try at least i try to be as open-minded as possible and and let the facts and data speak for itself and conduct analysis and if at the end of that of that analysis it turns out there's a very fair-minded rational explanation for something then that's usually what what i tend to go with in this particular case we don't know all the details yet it's it's very easy to to make a premature decision one way or the other that it's a if you will a bouquet effect or it's something else uh but we do know the fact that it is a a valid u.s navy video that was taken by navy equipment what we don't know is the circumstances yet what we don't know is were there other cameras on site at that time looking at the same object from different perspectives yet we don't know what the audio is yet and we don't know what the radar data is yet and we don't know what the what the uh for example um you know a lot of these aircraft will will squawk they have transponders on there and and we don't know yet uh really any of those details so i i think it's tempting um to to to go down a path you know say oh that's that's clearly uh uh the an artifact of the lens because it's it's closing in a triangular aperture and that's what you're seeing and that may very well be the case but but i think we have to be cautious not to not to jump to that conclusion just like we don't want to jump to the same conclusion that it's some sort of uh alien or interdimensional uh triangular vehicle we just simply don't have enough data yet and i i do appreciate people's passion and enthusiasm i do appreciate uh their their wants and desires to figure it out because i'm in the same same boat but i also like to caution people you know try to avoid jumping to conclusions prematurely at the end of the day they may be absolutely correct but i i think i think there's more i think there's more that needs to be said uh and learned about uh about that particular incident so i i don't have a comment yet uh martin i i you know i think there's a lot of things it could be and uh i think i think we still need to have have more data on the table before we can start ruling things out i know that well i don't know for 100 percent if this is the case or not but that might have been filmed through an iphone through a lens that's um and and you know i have it i don't have any of that information right in front of me but that's what that's what i recall in that particular case now you and i met in cherry hill uh during the mufon event and you and i talked for maybe 25 30 minutes something like that and i realized afterwards we never talked about ufos we talked about uh collecting civil war muskets and things like that and all kinds of things because that's kind of the field that i'm in so anyway it was really uh really nice talking to you now i gotta i'm gonna ask you a question and it's only because i hear it said a lot and and i do agree with one part of it and that is and i just wanted to answer from you you would make an excellent disinformation officer if you wanted to be one how many times all the time i mean i'd also make an excellent garbage man i'd make an excellent auto mechanic and make an excellent roofer and construction worker i mean yeah i mean i've i've had a lot of jobs in my life where i've learned certain skills and expertise you know but one thing for sure is you don't conduct this information on your own people okay there's something called intelligence oversight that's something called executive order one two triple three there's something called dod director 5240.1 that expressly makes it illegal to use those type of tactics techniques and procedures against the american people there was a time in the 1960s we did that as an intelligence community as as a as a defense community and and it got a lot of people into trouble we were doing bad things we were spying on on student bodies and student unions for protests and and really doing a lot of things we shouldn't have been we shouldn't have been doing at the time and so laws were passed to make sure that doesn't happen and i will tell you there is a a rigorous body of lawyers at the department of defense and the intelligence community that are just waiting to sink their teeth into to someone like me if i were to be conducting disinformation uh efforts on on the american people um you know could i do it sure you could do it i mean you could be doing it right now there's plenty of people in the ufo community right now that are conducting disinformation operations against against us uh but they're not former federal employees and for me um you know i i took that oath very seriously uh yeah they're in the world of counterintelligence there's a lot of what we call denial and deception and you conduct those activities against the enemy but you don't you don't use them against your own people you don't use them against your own family and your friends and your neighbors so uh you know i think personally that's it's repugnant to assume that anybody whose intelligence i think that is probably the greatest stereotype that one could paint anybody under uh you know you want to want to talk about a conversation about racism well you know don't look now but that's a form of racism you're putting me in a category and others who've served their nation honorably in a category of that word now the enemy because we have these skill sets and and somehow we're using them against the american people um you know my response to that is okay prove it okay yeah if that's what you think prove it and and by the way you better have the damn evidence because i know i know that i'm not doing it so if you think i am uh you know i sure hope you can prove it and you know obviously you hear my voice getting raised a little bit a little bit emotional because i i don't think people really understand first of all what is intelligence what is it actually and what is disinformation thirdly you know the cost of running a disinformation operation is very very expensive why would we do that against the american people especially a community that really doesn't have a whole lot of influence in in in national defense decisions it's been a very niche community for a very long time uh as as wonderful as it is it's not particularly influential when it comes to the national defense structure um you know why that's just silly why i mean waste money just to play joke on somebody i i don't get it yeah well um i wanted to address that because i've i've seen that in blogs and everything else and i just wanted you to you know set it straight and i appreciate it and martin i know it's not coming from you by the way so don't please don't take offense i'm in no way am i am i directing this frustration to you um it's just for me i don't think people understand that i'm a person too i'm an individual i'm a father you know i'm a husband i'm a taxpayer you know i try to perform my civic duties the best i can and and anytime someone comes up and says oh you guys you're once an intel person always an intel person or once a cia person always a cia person what the hell does that mean i mean do you even have they ever spent a moment in the day of the life of these people that are trying to protect this country no they spend most of their time in the mother's basement sitting there probably in their underwear looking at a computer and and not understanding what this is really about and it's it's offensive that people actually think that of of individuals well thank you for that um no i know you know as far as you you can't violate your your your security oath by any means i mean you have everything at ri you'd be risking everything pension and and possibly you know harsh um treatment as well but um i i don't know if you can answer this but do you think that you have seen evidence that if that evidence was leaked that it would change everything in the and as far as what people think about ufos i think it would change the conversation changing the way people think is something entirely different and this is something that i've i've learned uh through the course of many years of experience you can present somebody with absolute facts and at the end of the day you're not going to change their mind necessarily this is a gradual conversation and this is one of the reasons why i said disclosure is a process and and not an event you don't just present somebody information and say oh aha okay i'm going to change my entire paradigm of thinking that's not the way we're wired as human beings it takes time uh it takes it takes uh the ability to to contemplate the facts and process those facts and then have the courage to to be able to have draw new conclusions right we tend to be a a um we don't have a whole lot of humility as a species we tend to think we know we have all the answers and so when you are challenged with with uh new information that challenges your your status quo uh that's that's a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people and i'm not blaming anybody for this it's part of the human condition we all have these these biases that we uh we we bring along with us through life and whether it's uh with religion or or governmental organizations or institutions or whatever you know that's kind of the way we are and uh it i think i do think that um as more information comes out it's going to continue to drive the conversation but ultimately it's not videos and it's not pictures that are going to convince people it's it's going to be dialogue discussion and conversation with each other because at the end of the day you can always always come up with some sort of crazy prosaic explanation for something i don't care if i have a picture of this thing landing on the white house lawn there's going to be people out there that are going to provide contrary information and data uh that will that will argue against that so again i i i this is why i tell people look this is more than just pictures and and videos to to satisfy people's curiosity this is this is a much bigger question we're dealing with here we're dealing with it with with something that may change the very paradigm in which the human species looks at itself and and views it's it's itself in the universe um you know again that's that's that's a whole fundamental different conversation than just some pictures of some lights in the sky and i think that's why i think that's why it's so important that that folks like you martin and your audience are are willing to have a conversation about this topic in in an elevated manner right in a way that that avoids the the nonsensical uh stereotypes of of elvis on the mothership and tin foil hats and all that other garbage that has traditionally been associated with this topic and and been considered fringe when in reality we may be dealing with one of the greatest discoveries uh of our species right right um i know um when when you think about uh the different interviews you've been on lately i watched a couple of them one was the basement office i believe it was very well done the interviewer did a very nice job i heard you mentioned that one of your colleagues or maybe uh maybe someone in upper ranks mentioned you know have you read your bible and these things you know they know what they are and they're demonic um do you consider that an opinion was this i mean that can't be based on science was this the opinion of that person that said that to you well look i i don't want to speculate you know i i can say all day something is opinion but if you talk to somebody who has that type of conviction that's fact that's not opinion so and at the end of the day i i can't i can't say definitively that that person is right or wrong um it's yet another option and at the end of the day it's it's it's it's a consideration for for a lot of people that's not a bad thing you know i don't want to villainize that i don't i don't think if it because people's people's philosophical and theological belief system is very personal thing and i certainly don't have the right to to tell somebody that's that's that's bs that's nonsensical because at the end of the day they could be right rather i prefer to take the position that whatever it is we should probably figure it out whether it is something that is supernatural uh or something that is conventional or something that is truly you know uh uh hyper natural let's just say that uh i i think i think it's it's okay to have that discussion um i don't i don't shy away from it i don't have the answer to it but i don't think it's a reason not to look at something you know the same explanation was given by certain members of the church to galileo centuries ago where they even refused to look through the very telescope that he could he could prove to them the observations and they said no that that's that's the tool of the devil so um i i i don't think we should stop asking the questions and i don't think we should should stop our our exploration if if you do have a a theological mind like that well then one could argue god gave us a brain for a reason and that's to figure things out and how are you gonna avoid something if you don't know what the heck it is so you know i i i'm careful not to not to to say anything um against that type of perspective i don't personally agree with it but uh at the end of the day they could be absolutely right but my my my job always has been as an intelligence professional to to seek out the answers doesn't matter the source doesn't matter where the work where the question is coming from find find the answers and that's that's my perspective thank you um in the chat room i just want to let people know that unfortunately i i can't uh put your questions up uh today i have so many that came in through email ahead of you but um you will get an opportunity to call in and at the end of the show and i might be able to pop up some questions toward the end end of the show i talk about this on my show a lot that i get a lot of new listeners and ever since the the audience has been growing ever since um the aforementioned december 16 2017 article the new york times came out which were you were featured in what do you tell people that are interested in this topic that are new to it and they want to get really good viable information without getting into say secure team 10 and you know those type of third phase of the moon and you know fake videos things like that sure well i i would say it it's okay to look at all that um i i you know a lot there's a lot of garbage out there and i'm not going to say which one is and isn't i think people hope hopefully are smart enough to realize that themselves um i i would encourage anybody to do a baseline study for themselves on what information is out there start looking at at the facts and if someone makes a proclamation well make sure they have the proof in the evidence to back it up otherwise it's just it's just hearsay it's more garbage so uh i would say that that start by getting on something like uh ufo twitter where you have a lot of people there of all different ages and and religions and ethnicities and races and and start with that um there's a lot of really good uh analysis and study and opinions being being made on on ufo twitter and social media now you're right there's some there's some some areas that that they should probably be cautious of there's a lot of charlatans and folks out there that are selling snake oil and and they prey on people who who are naive they don't they don't have they don't have a fundamental understanding of the topic and let's not forget you know while we're on the topic of of religion and whatnot you know ufology to some degree for a long time has been like a a religion there's a lot of people that have have have glommed on to it in a way that that really influences their day-to-day um livelihood and uh it it has become a is somewhat of a religion and a religious pursuit for them and there's been some people who have stood up uh within that community and and and claimed to be its leaders and it's you know these almost these cult figures something which which i i reject uh vehemently that's why i i i try never to say uh i me or i when it comes to to to this topic in ufos and uaps i prefer to say we us and ours uh because ultimately what i have to say isn't as important as what we collectively have to say about this topic um and i think that's where you can start delineating those there that are trying to suppress truth and and research because they what they tell you is no no you don't want to listen to anybody else you only want to listen to me i'm the only one with the answers everybody else there is a charlatan nobody knows what they're talking about listen to me give me your money buy my books and and you're gonna be okay just shut up and don't ask any questions and we're gonna be fine that that to me is um that's the danger that's there and lies the danger but also i i also realize people have to make make that judgment for themselves otherwise if i come out and say that person's bad that person is bad that person's good then i'm just as guilty of doing the same thing and and as as tempting as it may be for me to do that and call people out um it's it's ultimately at the end of the day it's it's counterproductive and it's hypocritical and uh i i just i prefer not to get engaged in that and just continue to to to do what i'm doing how i'm doing it and if people like it then great they can go along the ride with me and if they don't well you know tune into somebody else um i'm gonna be i'm gonna um talk about what a long time listener the show gave me for a statement about my blog but first before that how difficult is it for someone like you knowing what you know to bite your tongue a lot of times when you have this information that's so it's time i'll tell you you know there's so much going on right now uh you know if i don't tempt me please um you know i'll get you drunk first it's uh yeah and probably wouldn't have to get me too drunk um you know there's a lot of things happening right now a lot of good things and there's a lot of frustrating things that that i see and that i i get impacted by uh there's a lot of misconceptions and in some cases by people that that were very close to me um but i i can't i can't short-circuit the system if we're going to do this the right way we have to have the system as part of the solution and i know that is probably to some people uh probably heresy you know because we've been villainizing the quote the system the man uh for for years and decades if not generations but i i think i think ultimately we need the help of our government i don't think we need to villainize it and and yes i have been subject to to some some very nasty things that some elements within within the government have have have done and continued to try to do to me um to disparage me to to destroy my credibility to usurp me from from having this conversation um but i also know for every one of those there's 10 others that are very good and i still have a lot of friends in the department a lot of friends in the intelligence community and and they tell me privately lou you know we you're you guys are making a difference we we we hear you loud and clear and we're seeing the evidence ourselves uh at you know at the classified level and and for that reason that gives me the encouragement to to continue to have this conversation look the moment the government at large comes to me and says lou stand down i'll probably stand down but but i haven't been told that yet by my government i've been told that by certain people in the government but they don't represent the government they don't they don't they don't represent the will of the government and so um i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing until until we until we succeed great um this came in from someone but i had a very similar question so i'm going to ask this it's basically the same thing or along the same lines so it's lou has stated in many interviews that he resigned from his position at the pentagon out of frustration for being blocked from passing along the troubling uap data to secretary of defense james mattis i hadn't heard anyone ask him whether he attempted to reach general mattis after his own resignation since they were both private citizens now uh so it's a question are you asking me have i spoken to general madison i have not um and nor has he reached out and you know he's a busy man i'm sure probably this is is probably one of the things that he's he's probably not focused on um he's probably focused on a lot of other things right now uh it's it's not like he uh he he can't get a job somewhere and probably be very and be very very useful uh but no but quite frankly i haven't reached out either um i'm not sure there's a need to he he he received my letter he he knows what the issue is and and there's not much he can do about it now because a year year after i resigned he did the same thing uh resigned in protest so uh there you have it resigned in protest he did he did general matters but not but not directly because of this task force that you were involved in well he resigned for many reasons i'm not going to speak for general mattis you know he's a learned man and he wrote a resignation memo that pretty much anybody can pull up now i'm sure on google and and ascertain for themselves but he was uh he was frustrated just like i was for about certain things in the department and in the government that he he couldn't fix while he was inside the government right right um the task force that we're supposed to be getting a report but it's probably going to take a lot longer it may or may not um has anyone reached out to you or chris that you're aware of in regards to information i mean would they even do that to begin with uh well you're asking me two questions would they uh and and did they is it a second question um i i'm not gonna answer on behalf of the government um uh the government is to to whatever degree they're comfortable discussing their business that's up to the us government certainly chris and i have made ourselves available to to assist when and where needed but the capacity in which that that assistance has been rendered is is not for us to discuss um and i know by doing that uh every time i say that people foil the government and elements in the government say yeah he has nothing to do well okay if that's if that's our position then that's their position now um i i respect that um i you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have an argument on social media about that i think that the facts are are continuing to surface and the american people can be a judge for themselves on that um sorry if you hear some banging in the background that is good yeah i apologize yeah i have i have some construction going on here i do apologize i'll try to mute my side whenever i'm not talking yeah you can tell them to use a screw gun instead of a hammer uh yeah it'll be sturdier anyway so i asked a long time um listener to this show he's a retired scientist phil sanders what he thought has been the biggest change since 2000 um the 2017 new york times article and this is what um his opinion is the biggest thing for me is how the penta pentagon spokespeople keep lying changing their story despite harry reid saying unequivocally that lewis did what he said he did while the rhetoric from mellon and elizondo is ratcheting up towards ufos being otherworldly at least one person in the pentagon claimed that lewis claimed to lewis that they were demons it seems that the federal government does not have a unified voice um any comments on that comment no i think that's precisely correct they don't have a unified voice and that's why there's a report due to congress because they want a unified voice that's why there is this this vulnerability assessment this threat assessment that's due um because there are conflicting messages not just about me but about atip itself uh and what the purpose of the program was and what his findings were and what the new version of atip is doing now to this day um you know the the pentagon does indeed have a a a problem on its hands and that is an inconsistent message they continue to flip-flop back and forth back and forth and and some of it to the to the point where it's it's i'd say it's laughable if it was about any other topic but it's not because we're dealing with about people's people's livelihoods and jobs and and and they take their jobs very serious so it's for me it's um it's sad to see but i think that uh one of the one of the i think positive outcomes of this is that you have an ig uh report that will probably be coming out of this as well so as you see that there's the dod ig is taking this very seriously particularly the the inconsistent messaging and how they've been handling this topic so far uh you know and and there's gonna be some some really hard questions that are gonna have to be answered by some pretty senior people here uh in in the coming uh weeks months and and uh and years because you're right there's a problem um someone is not doing necessarily what they're supposed to be doing and doesn't have the information they need to be interacting with the american people and that is uh that's a problem that is that's a big problem um i think ultimately this will probably lead to some sort of of hearings uh with congress at least i would hope that's the case some open hearings uh for for the public to then then be part of um but with that said i think i'll probably uh i don't i don't think i want to to opine any further a lot of people were very confused by to the stars academy i know i know that you left um and and a few others left um a lot of people like i said they're very very confused like is it a money-making thing what is this what's going on there um i believe in general the intentions were all good um for the for the person that doesn't know out there the listener that doesn't know uh what uh made you decide uh to move on from that sure uh first of all you're right the intentions of ttsa were good um they were to to drive discussion and innovation uh on a topic that was fraught with uh conspiracy taboo and stigma and and to a large degree it succeeded in breaking down many of those barriers and and in large part is because of some of the people that were part of that effort we had chris mellon and hal pudov and steve justice and jim semivan and tom all with different skill sets and uh these individuals had a tremendous amount of expertise and for from from the perspective of what they brought to the table and it was able to accomplish uh in a very short time period um much of it's it's it's its major goal and that was to drive disclosure now why did we leave um i can't speak for for steve justice or hal or chris or anybody else i can only speak for myself but for myself uh the the company was shifting towards entertainment and entertainment is a good way to get your return on investment if you have people contributing to a company through stocks well you kind of are obligated to to give them a return on their stocks that's what they expect at the end of the day it was a business and so as a company began to shift towards entertainment as a means to to i think uh address uh the shareholders um my my position became less and less relevant because i i don't have the experience in entertainment i'm not an entertainer uh i'm not a tv star movie star uh yeah i was on tv but it doesn't make me a tv person um i i'm just lou and so my my skill sets really relies and uh lies in the areas of of connecting the dots and getting the right information to the right people at the right time at the right place that's that's where my skill sets come in and uh there's not a big there's not a big demand for that in in hollywood it's just that's you know hollywood is is reaching out to an audience largely through through scripted and unscripted type entertainment and that's that's not my forte uh my forte is is uh probably more along the lines from my my background and my intelligence expertise which is getting uh legislators to pay attention ex people in the executive branch to pay attention people in the media to pay attention uh foreign governments to pay attention and and lastly the american people which is probably the most important thing that we could be doing is to get get them to pay attention and that's why i'm doing shows like yours um just as i do any other other other televised news whether it's a major media outlet or or or a niche uh podcast because i think i think the information is deserved by everybody um i i don't you know i'm not a i'm not a media snob i don't uh i don't say well unless you have a million viewers i'm not going to waste my time i don't care if you have one viewer bottom line this conversation is important and it pertains to everybody and i think i am it this for me is where probably i can be better used and served by by engagement like this vice let's say some uh big fancy hollywood movie production uh you know that that's about about me um i'm not really that guy unidentified great series i really enjoyed it is that is that not continuing i mean things the dynamics have changed well you know we we never intended it to go beyond really two to two seasons when chris nye and others got into this this was a me we look again we're not hollywood people we did this to communicate a message and to demonstrate the seriousness of this topic um you know if at some point in the in the future or near future it looks like we need to engage again to do something like that and bring out new evidence new material and and then we're we're certainly open to do that um but we have to be very careful because we only have so much bandwidth there's only so many hours in the day that i can commit to doing something like this which as you know doesn't pay the bills i i don't i don't receive a penny from anybody doing anything like this you know i have a real job i have to i have to do um and it you know doesn't really involve um outreach to the public so this is on my own time and i spend a lot of my time doing this and and at some point if it turns out that we we have another opportunity to maybe engage the american people and the world and something similar to what we had with unidentified then yeah you know we may we may consider doing that but it'll be though keep in mind you're going to be filming for seven months out of the year non-stop it's it's at the it's at the consequence of not being able to do like what i'm doing with you here today so either i i can do this like we're doing and continue to engage the media and and push forward or i can do something like that but it's going to cause me to be removed from the from the from the trade space for for a prolonged period of time and of course and there's ndas and i can't talk about what we're doing until it comes out and people start getting impatient say lou where the hell are you what what are you doing lately you know are you alive um and that that kind of stuff yeah i i know when i talked to the publicist um that was working with the history channel and you and and others um it was oh he's traveling he's traveling you know he can't do anything he's traveling he's traveling and then covet came and she said he's traveling i said during covet this one was traveling and you may or may not have been uh we have a couple of uh questions in one of them is actually from bill the engineer and again uh we will get to your questions you know if you'd like to call in i will put that number up just a tad early um on the half of the last half of the hour uh would louis appear at an open or closed door hearing if called upon to discuss the aerial threat assessment post report well i'm not sure i'd have a choice um you know if congress issues a subpoena you you you're going so uh you know let me answer that succinctly yes if i'm asked to testify i will certainly i will certainly do so yeah um there's other there's a ton of other questions but i wanted to tell you something really interesting that happened to me many years ago before i was really even looking into this topic at all um you know i had a slight interest as a kid but i had a sighting in 2006 um that kind of you know it's why i'm doing the show today but before the time i wasn't really paying too much attention to anything but i had an insurance broker i've mentioned this on this show before who was at my house and we were chit-chatting um he was hanging out and we were talking and he talked about when he was in vietnam served in vietnam and then he very quietly said i was in a very unusual position i said well what was that and he said well i belonged to a task force in vietnam that was researching the ufo uh phenomena that was happening during the war and uh so i asked i said you know of course i asked them the question well what is it what are they you know i mean that's what everyone kind of wants to know anyway and um and then um as we were talking i said you know when i was in high school i did i did an essay that perhaps all the different racism in the world were placed here from different planets just just kind of a fun thing and i mentioned that to him and he said well you know that may not be that far off he said we may be a petri dish and this was like in the early 1990s something like that and i just wondered had you ever heard of any like task force like that when it comes to the vietnam war well first of all i'll state emphatically we are a petri dish um you know that origins aside we we are there's there's an abundant uh amount of life on this on this little planet that we call earth and it's it's it it's pervasive everywhere uh it it's virtually in the the highest parts of uh of our our of our of our planet to include uh the himalayas to the deepest parts of our ocean and even miles under ice so so we are a bit of a petri dish and and to some degree human beings are a walking petri dish with my background in microbiology and immunology um have i heard about a task force designed in uh that was operating in the vietnam era in the vietnam aor for the purpose of studying ufos i'm not but what i will say is that at the time the height of the cold war we were in the we were in the midst of fighting multiple proxy wars whether in central america or in uh in um in asia and africa and everywhere else um you know the stakes were high and so it's we had us in the soviet union were constantly coming up with new innovative ways to to collect on each other and ultimately kill each other uh and that's true not just from a nuclear technology perspective it's true in in aerospace uh you know we had that was a time in the in the 60s and 70s that we really were beginning to to develop things such as the sr-71 blackbird um and if you've never seen one of those before in the 1960s it probably looked like a spaceship uh we had the x-15 russia had a bunch of new technology um you know we were constantly dodging surface-to-air missiles uh in in vietnam over the border and so it was a really hot time for being a cold war so to speak uh it may have been a cold war by name but certainly not by action and so it doesn't surprise me that we had a task force that was uh designed to to try to identify new types of innovative technologies from from our enemy now whether or not that task force was specifically looking at ufos or looking at basically any type of technology that we don't immediately recognize uh that's you know that's certainly that's certainly possible um you know i i wasn't aware of anything when i was in atip only to find out that i met an individual after it took me after i left atip to realize there was an individual that was working this project back in the 1980s for the navy and that was for me was uh rather surprising um i no one had failed to mention that to me when i was when i was in atip and it probably would have been very useful so am i surprised not particularly am i aware of it no i'm not aware of it interesting going back uh we can go all the way back to the night late 1940s when we'll call it like the modern ufo era i guess um since about that time if the air force actually admitted that we have things flying around our sky we don't know what they are what they could or could not do to us and we have no control over it um because that seemingly what is the truth of it all but um for them to uh just stay quiet about that um do you think that if they did admit something like that that there would be some type of panic well think about first of all what we're what we're asking the institution to do and that is to admit to the american people that there's something in our skies again we don't know what it is we don't know how it works we don't know where it's from we don't know their intentions and there's nothing we can do about it for any country to say that um is is is admitting that um that the government cannot do one of its primary functions and that is to protect the people uh and and determine what a threat is so that's a very bold statement at the height of the cold war with the russians there were several studies done that actually informed the government and advise the government don't have this conversation if these things aren't directly interfering with your military operations ignore them and focus on the threat which is russia because they have nukes and they have demonstrated a capability uh to to deliver those should we go to war and so that was where our time and attention was spent and it's it's no it's it's it probably would have been would not have been helpful uh to the american government because if it turned out that these were some sort of russian technologies being used against us that would be a really difficult conversation to have with the american people i mean that would be that would be a very tough conversation and uh so i i think some folks just decided it probably better off just to ignore it and not pay attention to it maybe minimize it as a reality uh and instead focus on on the big threat that we know is there and that is that is the at the time the the soviets right right and there's still you know i mean part of this task force is an exploration to you know for that possibility um we are we are going to head into break right now we got a um about a three and a half minute break we're going to go into right now and uh during this break i'm going to be playing a a song called run the shim and that's uh by brandesham forest and that's by johnny cobb and jerry mccoy we're going to play that during the break so hang in there over at kgra radio we'll be right back [Music] just after midnight late december 1980s lights in the sky flowing smears among the trees [Music] the wolves lit up like fire [Music] electricity [Music] a [Music] reality change lost in state of shock [Music] sure [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] regular so all right coming back in three two one go all right welcome back this is martin willis and my guest tonight is lou elizondo and uh lou i'm so glad that uh i'm trying to trust this three here here we go so glad again that you could join us and i really do appreciate you know you said that you'd be on a show with one listener it didn't matter and i i do i do believe that about you that you have that uh type of dedication and um as bill said during the break sent me a text um you are very well needed in this you know i think as long as i've been looking into the topic which really isn't that long compared to a lot of people is uh it's really nice to see things move forward and and move ahead and going and seemingly the right direction the word disclosure comes up a lot i don't know um how you feel about that a lot of people must ask you that do you think there'll be full disclosure by the government you mentioned earlier if they landed on the white house lawn and i've said a similar thing how many people in the world would believe it or not believe it i mean you know there's like you said someone can talk uh a debunk somehow uh even if the president were to admit it it doesn't matter i mean martin no offense but there's people that still believe the earth is flat and you know that's their prerogative and and privilege if they want to they want to believe that despite the overwhelming evidence that that's certainly not the case um you know so yeah there's always going to be people that no matter what are not going to to to believe this and we i think we need to be patient because this is not a you know we're not a we shouldn't be approaching this as a see i told you we were right i told you so um you know and and thumbing our nose at somebody that that's not what this is about uh you know the once disclosure actually occurs the real hard conversation is going to begin um you know this is you know this is not necessarily a time to celebrate per se um i think it's it's it's we're entering into to an age of acknowledgement uh but but a lot more work's gonna be be needed and i think what's important too is that you know there's a lot about this topic that really isn't up to the government to disclose uh the government is only gonna be looking at this through a very narrow lens of national security um but anything beyond that that's that's up to us to have that's up to us to have that conversation as as the people we shouldn't be relying on the government to to make decisions on our behalf on the philosophical implications of this topic this is part of our problem we've become very lazy as a society and we've relied too much on our government this is part of the problem we're relying our government to tell us not only what what something is but how we should feel about it and what we should think about it and that to me is extremely dangerous it that's up to us that's up to you the people to make that decision don't put the government in the driver's seat of those those philosophical questions because it it's not a discussion that pertains them it's a discussion that belongs to us and ultimately i think between our academics and our scientists and our philosophers and our theologians and everybody lady dottie maybe maybe then we'll be able to to figure this out but i i for one don't feel comfortable putting this entire topic in the hands of our government i don't think it should be there i think portions of it should but but there's portions that that should remain outside government channels in my opinion right um i've heard you say in a number of interviews people have brought up the recovered craft and you know there's a lot of people that will say hey how the heck can these crap you know travel the universe or whatever it is they're doing and get here and then somehow crash um and i know you can't if you know something that's classified i know you can't talk about it but um do you think it's possible that they're somewhere there is this material i think you've been asked that question directly yeah i stated for the record what my belief is and uh simply put yes i believe that uh there are elements within the us government that are in possession of some very exotic material that needs further analysis and study and that is my my my personal belief based upon my personal observations uh during my time in this program and and and afterwards but you know i i'm going to be very careful not to to state uh something that really isn't up to me to to to discuss um if the government is in possession of something it then is up to the government to make a determination uh how it wants to let the american people know and then if the american people are unsatisfied with that well then you know what we take it up with the government and you know we get new elected leaders and we put people in office that we want there that are going to represent our interests and make the government do what we wanted to do um you know again another reason why i'm very very cautious that that we put too much emphasis and reliance upon the government to tell us what we want to hear um i i don't subscribe to that i think that's very dangerous i think we're we're giving away a lot of our our rights and privileges when we do that i i think i think i'm a firm believer that the government is there to serve the people not the other way around and the government is there to do what we tell it to do and it's gonna it's gonna look at a topic the way we think it should look at a topic um ultimately that's that's the definition of a democracy and and you have a representative government that's executing the will of the people and i i feel very very strongly about that so as far as you're talking about crash retrievals et cetera you know that's that's really up to the government to decide to to to discuss what it it has and doesn't have uh and that's true whether it's uh parts of some sort of uh um new technology from our foreign adversary that we happen to collect or a new type of part of a satellite platform or a new part of a a uap ufo um i i you know the government ultimately is going to have to answer that uh i i i suspect that there is there is uh an effort underway right now uh within the government to to to address that but specifically how and by whom i i i can't elaborate i've asked this question in particular to people have been on the show like an astrophysicist um harvey loeb and a few other astronomers this particular question and that is if if let's just say that we are being visited by another intelligence and let's just say that we are being visited from somewhere in the universe by another um intelligence and there were uh there there are say billions of other planets out there that could house intelligent life um why us why would they why would we be so special why would they be visiting us why not us same question let me put that back in your lap why not us and i'm not saying we're necessarily special we could be completely mundane and routine but we we as a species spend a much of our time and attention looking at the routine and mundane and we we spend a lot of time with biologically speaking and there's entire people that that dedicate their lives to to the study of insects right most people say an insect why would you do that well because it's a it's a living thing and it's important to the ecosystem and everything has a role to play and so whether you are a bovine specialist or an equine specialist or or a human medical doctor we spend a lot of time studying biological organisms from the very very small to the very very large and if you have a a let's say a petri dish as you you stated earlier this hour called earth with all sorts of biomarkers well there's probably a pretty good zoo to visit then if you want to take a look at a lot of different species you know all in one place so um that's that's my perspective anyways but ultimately look at the end of the day we don't know we don't know the intent we're looking at this from a humanistic perspective that that the the curiosity we have is going to be the same thing that something else has uh you know beyond our our solar system when in reality that may not be true you know we're looking this through anthropomorphic eyes because we're humans uh it could be a fundamentally different way of thought processes that you know that that drive the motivation why something would want to be here that's right i've said something similar to that many times and another thing is you know you think of back on the 20th century we killed more people during that century than ever on record and we're violent we're tribal and as uh you know stanton friedman would say you know we found the matches when we found nuclear warheads when we figured that out and if this is just a speculative question if you had to guess why they're not making themselves being rightly known again i guess i'd be asking you to think in human terms do you think that's why could be a possibility of why they're not is because we are such a violent species well in human terms let's let's look at let's let's go down that that road for a second when a biologist goes to africa uh and they're studying cheetahs they don't go up there with with with cat food and and pet the thing you know they stand back about 50 yards off they might dart it and tranquilize it before they go near it and then before the thing wakes up they're they're gone man they split uh because it is a wild animal and um you know it could very well be that that if you again looking at this through human eyes and which which may not be the case we don't know um it could very well be that it's it's just a matter of of due diligence and precaution you know we we behave exactly the same way when we're out in the wild and we're tagging and tracking animals whether it's it's it's whales in the ocean or or uh wilder beasts that are on a great migration across the serengeti so i i i again to go back to from the human perspective there's lots of reasons why uh a species would not want to interact with us directly um look we're our own species and we don't like to interact with each other half the time you know you just said to yourself we come up with all these clever ways to destroy each other and rip each other apart um you know chances are if there was a another species out there that was looking at us you know they probably want to stay at arm's length um i i get that yeah yeah even though they could probably destroy us if they wanted to maybe that's again not in their way of thinking um as far as the ufo um as far as uf ufos the study of ufos do you think it's possible that any of our adversaries may have more information on what these things are than we have and it also makes me wonder why we don't unify in a situation like this martin therein lies the the real issue uh for me that we have we have a preponderance of evidence that suggests other countries are looking into this phenomenon and and they're they're they they may even possibly have a better understanding than we do um if that is the case then you know uh he who gets that that that match first wins um that type of technology in the hands of an adversary uh you know could could make the the the atom bomb look like a firecracker uh and uh you know that that concerns me because we we we we're sitting on our laurels and we're just we have a lot of stigma and taboo to to paralyze the conversation and while other countries are taking it rather seriously and that that is a concern for me and now does it have the potential to unite i sure hope so uh because otherwise it's not going to be a very good day for humanity i think i think it should unite us i think we should find some some commonalities here and rather than focus on the 10 percent of differences that we have with other countries uh and other nations maybe we instead focus on the 90 that we have in common and maybe this can be something to help unite us uh there have been times in the past where you have for example climate change that has united great portions of the world to come together for a common cause now uh it's not perfect and not everybody's going to get on board uh necessarily but but there are times where we come together you know reagan once said that that if there was ever president ronald reagan that if a ufo had landed here or you know there's a big asteroid coming we would instantly be united as as a as a world um do i think that's practical possibly i think it's certainly possible i think when people realize there's bigger issues we need to worry about than our own manufactured drama and traumas that we create for ourselves you know yeah it could be it could be a hell of a motivator for us to start working together right yeah all good um so this came in from also from um someone over at the radio station from your own personal perspective on this issue would you endorse funding to be allocated to military branches and agencies to address the threat posed by these unidentified aerial phenomenon absolutely but i would also dedicate an equal amount if not greater amount of money to organizations like the national science foundation uh to to also work on this this effort to figure out uh its full implications is there a national security piece to this yeah absolutely there is but as i said before it's not only national security there's other things that we could be putting we could we could create a a a a federal construct where we have the best and the brightest from academia in the scientific community department of energy uh nasa faa department of defense the intelligence community bring everybody who's got a stake in this maybe there's an international organization under the united nations uh where we can work collectively on this because this is ultimately a global phenomenon not just a u.s phenomenon right um i wanted to uh i was trying to grab this screenshot i'll try to grab it now because i thought i'd give you a little bit of a a stump to uh to to talk about what i saw you um go on twitter and announce today and i'm just going to pull that up right now and i'll make it a full screen so um right here you said i like your pledge by the way but uh again and again you have to talk about this um that people are asking you if you were involved in the um what was it a a w s a p and you you look a little frustrated when you talk about that and so if you want to go ahead and and talk about that and sure well there's there's people that have have for whatever reason and i've made it abundantly clear over and over and over again and it looks like i have to do it yet again that think i was associated with the with the ossat program when in reality my my focus was atip i have i have stated that for the record for the last three years uh but there are people for some reason that are still confused by that and and some of these were i'll tell you were personal friends so yeah it's frustrating but sometimes you know you have to repeat things over and over again before it resonates and and uh people people understand that um my focus was was a tip um not asap asap was run by by my predecessor and and a contractor who by the way did it did a very good job with that um why there's still confusion i don't know yes it's a little frustrating um it's understandable but it's certainly never come from my mouth and you know if if if i'm doing a favor for somebody by having to restate this again and again i'll do it again and again but there should be no confusion my my focus was was on atip and and not assat and again you can see that i know you probably know this you've heard it a thousand times in other podcasts but for whatever reason there are some people that maybe never heard these podcasts never read an article uh and and for some reason still think i'm i'm associated with with asap very good the nimitz case i mentioned um in the text that i would talk a little bit about that and um going back up to a i guess you'd call him a skeptic or debunker mick west you know mentioned that he thought that the tic tac that they were observing was an f 18 hornet um and basically i had i had kevin day on this um show basically saying his side of it and when i got back to mick he said yeah i kind of understand why i couldn't be because there are so many reasons why not but i'd like to talk a little bit about that case b is that is that one of the cases that the program actually looked into deeply or was it not contemporary enough that happened in 2004 you have to you have to unmute yeah there we go sorry guys yeah uh i i have these really fat fingers and i'm on this little tiny keypad i'm trying to disengage i'm sorry so so a tip uh i'm sorry so the nimitz incident occurred before the a-tip program existed however it was members of atip um and and later to be known as atip that conducted the investigation i i want to be careful to not go into too much detail of of who prepared that report uh but uh the individuals that that prepare that report uh were later part of the a-tip program right um this is uh you know it's a rendition it's not it's not actually footage but you know i have uh i had someone on this program that was actually on the either the princeton or the nimitz and they said they actually saw the hd video of the tic tac is that something that um usually someone in your position would have an availability to see uh yeah martin i don't want to discuss if something hasn't been released yet or or is still in government possession i i don't want to elaborate on that uh only because um i'm not supposed to uh yeah bottom line is that you know the government is in possession of more videos more photographs i'll leave it at that some of them are very compelling um but as to the specifics of high definition video uh of certain instances and things like that i'm going to politely abstain from answering that question only because uh i i don't know uh i don't know how far i can go with that question um so i'm just gonna politely uh uh sidestep that one yeah uh this one here um you know it's enhanced a bit but a great image and i know a lot of people claim that they have you know the answer to what that is i'm sure you've heard it all um but it would you would think and this is an argument i've heard out there a number of times you would think that if the government has at their fingertips all this technology and can figure out what things are why would they release that saying that was unidentified that is currently one of the real unidentified videos correct yes correct yeah yeah i mean they said it themselves it is unidentified uh and it's you know uh again you can have armchair quarterbacks all day long talk about you know lens flare and artifacts and all that stuff but in reality that's not the case it's it's a real object it's doing something interesting and it's remains unidentified and the reason why is because uh you know you it's important in the context of the conversation to recognize rarely do you just have one collection sensor on site usually you have all sorts of collection sensors a suite if you will available to you to to collect telemetry and uh elent electronics emissions and intelligence and and measurements intelligence masens and uh signals intelligence and all that all the different ways of collecting information about something so you know again it's it's um a picture may be worth a thousand words but uh the rest of intelligence is probably worth about a million words and that's why it's so important because the more the more capability you bring to bear on a particular incident the more fidelity you have of a particular incident and that's that's what makes that equally compelling it's not just necessarily a video it's it's the circumstances leading up to the video and what happened after as well right there were so many things that went on and one of the things that mick west um had said is that he thought it was uh um the f-18 was trying to the floor was trying to get a lock on on the f-18 and uh you know my argument or my thoughts right away were that if someone was in that other f-18 they would know right away as soon as there was a lock on them you know and and then there's the transponders and there's all the identification equipment equipment that the um that the camera uh would have uh recognized right away with the other sensors um so anyway that is a spectacular case and i'm sure you get asked this quite often um do you have a favorite case or one that you think is the most compelling that is known by the public well that's like asking me if i have a favorite child you know um well do you have a favorite kid they uh no i love my kids equally and sometimes sometimes i can't stand them equally too that's all you know yeah no i'm kidding my my my kids are the greatest accomplishment of my life uh you know i'll never be able to to to obtain any any any uh anything greater than that so i'm an incredibly lucky father um as far as the the my favorite case you know they're they all have have have uniqueness about them and i think for me it's because they don't all fit in a particular mold why they're so interesting and compelling to me because as an intelligence officer we're trained to find patterns we're trained to find you know create this mosaic it's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle and eventually you have enough pieces on the on the on the table where you can you can make a picture you know what it is but this is not that way this is this is far more intriguing this is almost like a think of a three-dimensional puzzle a puzzle that not only fits uh on a table flat but you also have these these sides and tops and and whatnot and and there's so many pieces to the puzzle uh and and you can't force them together you know they have to fit and every time we think we have a picture of of of what it is we may be looking at all of a sudden there's this whole other dimension to the jigsaw puzzle now that doesn't fit so it might fit here but on the opposite side now those pieces don't fit um and so it's it's uh it it really is it it's it's it's intriguing um it's it's it's really one one hell of a mystery and then when you finally get to the point where you do find some pieces that fit and you start seeing a bit of a picture you know there's this realization that wow you know this is this really is some some pretty incredible technology when you were doing research at atip were you able or did you have uh an interest in historic cases or did you have to stay away from that and just work on what you had the freshest data on yeah mark we stayed away from historical cases i know people are going to be up in arms and say no how can you do that well because we didn't have the fidelity of information available to us you can't look at a case from the 1950s uh with with the same lens that you do today's day and age because we have the the the the pervasiveness of technology and the and the sophistication is is you know say forgive the pun light years ahead of where it was uh in the 50s and 60s and 70s in the 80s we've come so far and so for us we had enough information uh where we could look at the cases right here and now because they they were frequent enough where we were busy looking at these things also we had we were very we were very limited we had to be focused only on the military aspects we weren't really focused uh later on in the uh in the civilian cases it was it was primarily military cases um and those that affecting uh you know military-controlled airspace so uh we were plenty busy with just just that um yes there were people there that knew anecdotally some historical stuff but but that wasn't overly helpful because i couldn't go to the boss and say hey boss guess what you know here's this old case from 1950s isn't this interesting he's going to look at me he's going to say okay that was 60 years ago what have you done for me lately so um you know it's far more when you can show radar tracks and you can show uh some other uh uh data that you can collect on site sometimes from different platforms in the area you know now you've got a a pretty good triangulation of of of something that is in in your airspace that is behaving in a way that quite frankly doesn't really make much sense um that that is is is more helpful when you go to leadership with something like that um then you know taking the cold case from the 1950s that really there's no there there's nothing else there that you the data is in front of you and that's all you have you can't pull any more data because that data doesn't exist when you left a tip was there any debriefing like anything said to you like you can't speak about this anything like that yeah i was told i can't discuss classified information you know they reminded me ad nauseum about my about my non-disclosure agreement with the united states government uh when you have a top secret security clearance along with the the other stuff involved with it i won't go into detail uh different programs and attributes you know you it's a lifelong commitment you've made it's like a marriage you know but in this case you know if you if you break your vow it's not a divorce you go to jail so yeah you know it it's pretty serious the consequences are are severe for those who step out of rank and and decide to divulge classified information it's called an unauthorized disclosure so uh you know that's that's that's why i'm always very careful if i say one wrong word i can find myself in a lot of hot water so i'm very very careful to make sure that i don't you know i don't cross those those lines yeah but those people wouldn't be watching this podcast if you want to disclose anything go ahead you go you're going to visit me in jail i'll put the hacksaw blade in the cake i'll bring a cake yeah i don't look good in orange i can tell you so uh you know i'll uh i'll i'll pass on that okay all right well um you know i think i'm going to open the lines because people are trying to call already and i want to ask people that are calling to please be very respectful and no games or anything and if anyone does play any games or anything you'll get a click so i'm going to also martin real quick if my my bluetooth drops out i will i have another emergency pair here i'll just plug in directly um it usually has about a two hour life but the more i yammer the more the more battery it chews up so forgive me if it goes out i'll just plug and play okay sure all right so that number is uh oh okay that number is eight five five four seven two five four eight three and um i'm going to also pop up see if there's if anyone wants to ask a question i have not been paid paying attention at all of chat we have a lot of people in here uh right now uh watching live quite a few so um again that number is 855-472-5483 and i'll be taking your calls uh for questions for lou um what's what's like the number one thing that people ask you when they find out what you did i mean is it like can you share any secret is that is that the first thing they ask you i'm talking about like the average person usually the the first response is you mean you're telling me it's real and then usually the second response is so do we have uh ufos at uh area 51 that's usually the second question right on the heels of that one yeah well that's interesting and i'm sure you've heard about when i think it was i can't remember his name right now on him it's just slipping my mind but um the skunk works he said that it's possible we could you know uh send e.t home at this point i mean do you think there's any viability in what the technology is you know this is another speculative question what our technology is that we don't know about at this point well we don't know what we don't know right so uh we can speculate all day long i think one thing that we we can certainly recognize is that um you know science our understanding of science continues to evolve and and evolves quickly uh based upon observations and things that we thought were impossible in the past we continue to prove ourselves wrong there was a time where where we never thought we'd break the sound barrier there was a time where we never thought we could uh make the quarter mile run in less than four seconds there was a time where we thought well that four minute was running i'm talking quarter mile with a drag race car oh hra sure sorry i'm a gearhead right so my days of running are over i i only run when i'm being chased i prefer uh gearhead talk so i apologize um but there was a time where where people thought we couldn't um you know all the things that we have been speculated before that we would never be able to do we've been able to do um and we we prove ourselves wrong constantly so if there is if there is uh one thing that i think we can say conclusively is that we we definitely don't don't have all the answers yet nor do we understand uh physics and nature yet uh as much as we would like to think we do i i agree with that um our lines are stacked our lines are full so we're going to start out with uh garcia los angeles welcome to the show garcia hi hi there welcome to the show you're live hey guys how are you uh hi luis uh pleasure to be on um uh with you guys um a really quick question so uh i don't want to be speculative and i don't want anybody to think that i'm being speculative either but do we louise do we know whether uh these uh phenomenon are from different sources or have we identified one source what i'm what i mean is um you know are they coming from different places or are they just uh we know they come from one place good question so first garcia thank you very much for tuning in uh i think uh you know i i think it's too early to tell i think there's a lot of speculation in that regard we are um we are very cautious not to to jump to any conclusions um we have not begun yet to ascertain the sources of these things again our focus was very simple what is it and how does it work uh and um we we really don't know and and again the possibilities are really endless uh you know we tend to think and think in terms of binary so you know it's either from earth or from outer space and what we're realizing is that's false logic that that may not even be the case at all um there's all sorts of possibilities in between uh where these things could be coming from uh and where they are from and may not just be one it might be several different types or it could be these vehicles are from a single source but are used for a different utility or used for different purposes think of a uh think of a sports car versus a tractor-trailer truck versus an aircraft carrier and it could be a simple uh principle of design and function so to to try to answer your question as as best i can it's it's not an easy answer and i don't think we have an answer yet i think there's a lot of people who speculate that we do but from from from from what i've seen we really don't know the origin yet and so everything's all options are on the table until they're no longer on the that's table great question thank you thank you for that i appreciate that all right garcia it's a pleasure yeah um there the other term i've heard of shock valet says they could be a number of different things all at the same time which is uh or beyond our understanding even if we were told what they were which i think is interesting and uh um you know what is the right question to ask and all that and we don't even know the right question so we have rob from sarasota florida welcome to the show rob uh martin good evening and thank you so much for the opportunity and mr elizondo it's great to speak to you go rams right yeah yeah exactly riverview yes sir uh one factor i want to bring your attention you know the nimitz tic-tac event out there in my research i found something that might be a factor of why those those craft were out in that area have you ever heard of naval operation wigwam operation wigwam you know i'm not familiar with wigwam was that a uh is that an electronic warfare uh scenario uh that that's run out there in the training area i'm not familiar with wigwam roger no it's not uh they detonated a 30 kiloton nuclear weapon fleet feet below the surface 400 miles southwest of san diego now the tic tac was about 100 miles southwest of san diego so as quickly as these craft move they were in that vicinity and we know how these craft have had such an interest in our nuclear activities they may have been very curious as to why they're detecting underwater radiation from because there's radiated objects on the bottom barges yeah that's fascinating can you tell me again one more time the yield of that of the kiloton yield that was part of wigwam thirty three zero thirty kilotons so that's roughly uh four times larger than what we had on uh hiroshima which was a 13 kiloton so that's pretty sizable do you know that again i'm going to ask you a dumb question here was it was do you know the approximate depth that that was uh detonated yes 2000 feet oh wow okay yeah so that's yep a lot of good videos they declassified a lot of the uh the film from that period of time it's fascinating and i'll send some information to martin that he can forward to you but you know what i i saw the wigwam i i actually ran into a veteran who was out there in a ship and he told me about it and then when i saw the tic tac i said they're right out in that vicinity because yeah you know rob that's a really rob that's a really interesting point one of the the the i think one of the conclusions that we can say uh uh almost almost definitively is that there does appear to be some sort of nuclear connection and if you look at the nimitz uh carrier strike group you're looking at a at a potential nuclear footprint that is that is very considerable you're looking at a first of all you're looking at nuclear-powered aircraft uh you're looking at uh potentially some nuclear-powered uh vessels that are also uh supporting and escorting the uh the aircraft carrier you're looking at nuclear capable submarines uh that are not just nuclear power but in some cases may have uh uh nuclear weapons on board and so when you look at that in total you you know you that's a pretty significant nuclear footprint all concentrated in a very small tight geographic area and it's something that we have we have considered before and we continue to see that pattern over and over again but as far as operation wigwam i wasn't familiar was that back in the 1950s yes it was actually almost 66 years to the day may 14th 1955. that makes sense interesting well i'll tell you what uh you always learn something new and i'm gonna if you don't mind whatever information you're willing to send uh would be the most appreciated i'm gonna i'm gonna look at that too that's uh that's really neat thank you for sharing that's that's that's fascinating yeah you bet just very quickly you know this may you know this may be a clue to the vulnerability of these these unknowns is that you know if they're running along with some kind of an anti-gravity or gravitational assist or control you know a nuclear generated electromagnetic pulse may interrupt their control and thrust and you can imagine if you're going along in a bubble of your own gravity and something interrupts it you could end up like a bug on a windshield certainly certainly what is being looked at right now um i i'll be careful not to pontificate too much but uh there is definitely some some speculation that um any any if if that is what is being used that perhaps uh an emp may be able to interfere with that uh with that technology um that's something that i think is during the achilles heel and and just quickly i'll close because you know commander fraber said as soon as they painted that object the tic tac with his radar it started jamming their radar he said in every way you can and then kevin day said at one time it was raining ufos which is classic radar jamming so they are very very concerned when they get painted with radar because they know we've got nuclear devices yeah yeah very interesting and uh rob thank you for sharing again that was very insightful yeah rob thanks for the call yeah that was it we're getting some good questions and uh again the lines are all the way full we have drew uh from texas next welcome to the show drew uh hi there hey lou uh thanks for everything you're doing and martin uh great job on the show thanks for calling andrew yeah i just had an easy question for lou i was just curious i i've noticed that uh you've had a quite a bit of an uptick lately in interviews and i was curious what that was about well it's i'm not filming for tv shows and i have more time to commit to to the public public there's i've always talked about the five pillars of our uh of our emphasis and the first is our legislative engagement the second is our uh executive level engagement working with the government the the third is uh engaging our foreign counterparts and allies and friends international engagement uh the fourth pillar is engaging the media and the fifth is public engagement but it is actually public engagement that may be the most important of all because let's face it uh elected officials the legislators will respond to the american people the executive branch will respond to complaints by the american people uh the media will respond to um viewers uh by the american people right audienceship and and uh look watch eyeballs on tv sets uh looking at the news and last but not least uh the american people uh at least from this perspective are really probably the most fundamentally important because really this conversation belongs belongs to you um and from from from my perspective this is fundamentally probably the most important way to to for disclosure to happen um it's a very delicate dance and you can't get ahead of your headlights you can't you can't get the legislative branch so far ahead that the executive branch has no idea what's going on and vice versa and the media has to be willing to to talk about this and not feel that they're going to get pounded by viewers and saying oh what the heck are you doing reporting on this nonsense uh and and you need the the the public to say it's okay for all of them to to look at this and so i think this is why it's so vital this is why you see an uptick and by the way good observation because it's necessary because the other efforts of emphasis won't happen unless the american people say it's okay for it to happen and so this is why this is why having martin and folks like you have this conversation collectively this is where where where the work gets done this is where where real meaningful conversation happens in my opinion thank you thank you very much uh one more question that ties into that uh so i've watched most of your interview interviews and listened to them uh you said in one of your recent interviews to pay close attention in the month of may and i was just curious if your uptick in interviews was uh related that or is it because of the the june release that the government's going to just really comment from that uh i i think you're going to see an elevation and an escalation of mainstream reporting on this topic um outlets that have typically or historically stayed away from this topic are beginning to to have this discussion with their audience and their viewers and that's a that's an indicator that's an indicator that the tide is changing that that it is it is becoming easier to have this conversation you have now senior academics and senior scientists coming out of the shadows and saying you know what yeah we should be studying this we should be looking at this i never wanted to say anything before but but now i have the courage to say something uh i think this i think this month is going to be pivotal for this conversation uh i think it's going to become easier to to talk about in the coming months especially before the the report is due to congress um and uh i i think that's all i'll say right now about it because i i have to be careful not to to let too much out um only because you know things things have to play out naturally and i don't want to i don't want to do anything to to derail anything prematurely but there's there's a lot happening behind the scenes and if there's one thing people have noticed it's all terribly orchestrated well it's it's it i would say orchestrators it's certainly being coordinated uh because again what we don't want to do is get to a point where um the legislative branch or the executive branch or international partners or anybody is is necessarily ahead of anybody else this is a gradual conversation we need to bring everybody up incrementally uh to have this conversation and so it is uh there is a a good degree of synchronization that is that is required um and you know it's it's a tough topic it's it's we've you know we really haven't done this before like this uh we've we've done it before in other ways and arguably may not have been quite as successful but i think you know i think i think we need to to continue doing what we're doing and the way we're doing it it seems to be it seems to be working it seems to be effective we want to make sure that we get as many callers in as we can so i dropped the number um up on the board and we have five stacked up waiting so we're going to try to get through but i just wanted to say that uh if you wanted to pass information along to me i'm going to put um up um you'll see this in the chat is the um email address for myself martin podcast and uh luis alozondo i'm going to spell that is e l-u-i-s-e-e l z i z o n d o hyphen official dot com that is uh that's lou's website so you're welcome to use that we have joe uh on the line from michigan welcome to the show joe yes hi martin uh lou i have a question i have a question for you lou um i've been studying this topic for close to six decades and the one incident that really moved me more than anything else uh as an aerial school encounter and i'd like to hear what you have to say about that lou if you would please yeah i mean that's something i think james fox did a really fine job uh presenting the facts involving the aerial school uh what most people may not know is that there was a uranium mine nearby um coincidence wow i don't know uh but you know for every one of those uh incidents that have been reported there are some equally compelling incidents that remain below the radar that have occurred but nobody's really wanted to talk about and i think as we continue to have this conversation more these incidents are going to be become publicized and and well known um i think what makes this this incident so interesting is that you have uh a lot of eyewitnesses um and and just like the scene of an accident the more eyewitnesses you have the better it is to figure out what what happened how was the accident cost and you also had kids who don't really have the sophistication to to you know when you when you are doing an investigation uh kids can tell you stories but for all the kids to have a consistent story uh even when you separate them by space and time and they still remain consistent with each other and they're not talking to each other uh you know that's that's pretty compelling you know now you're talking about something that that was experienced by multiple people that that was perceived as being actually a real event and because of that we have to take it very very seriously um you know again kids are people and and they're prone to fabricate uh that's that's you know normal kids tell fib sometimes uh but all the kids don't tell the same fit uh that's that's that's very unusual and that's why i think it's so compelling you also had adults and and teachers uh that were also privy to to this incident so i you know i do think it's significant um it is a it's an incident that did not involve the u.s military so uh we in atip didn't really look at it as comprehensively per se as other things we were dealing with but it is certainly very very interesting yes thank you very much for that and i i do agree with you joe and also uh randall nickerson's film the aerial phenomenon should be coming out i keep trying to reach out to him to try to figure out when that date but when it comes out it's going to be fantastic i will tell you that uh julie is next from alabama welcome to the show julie hi hello how are you martin i'm doing well thank you for calling in you have a question for our guest i do lou this is jewels of the wood from ufo twitter first off and i'm wondering what kind of data might noah have considering their broad collection abilities and are they foiable yeah noah is is intriguing that's exactly what what we're trying to do in creating a construct where we bring everybody under the tent you know noaa has some of the most sophisticated doppler weather radar available uh they are they it is extremely precise and this and it's very pervasive uh across the country um you know they have a very good comprehensive integrated network of of radar capability um and and noaa has capabilities everything from space-based platforms all the way to ground space platforms to to uh water-based platforms so they they really do have an incredible array or if you will suite of technology that that can be applied towards this topic and that is absolutely one of the areas that we're trying to to to engage it's getting noah and others um faa as well uh under under the under the tent um in this in this greater construct so i i've made no secret that i i don't i don't agree with the with the permanent solution being a task force uh i think we need a more enduring capability long-term capability to look at this topic and it needs to include more than just dod and intelligence equities it needs to be a whole of government approach i would include the national science foundation i would include noaa and faa and department of energy and everybody everybody that we can we can put under there uh even osha uh so i would there's a lot of a lot of folks there that i think that could be can be part of that um effort and uh those efforts you know i think the more eyes you have looking at a problem the more likely you are to to find some solutions joules in um in that data i'm trying to move everyone along thank you very much for the question uh i really appreciate it julie we have joanie from pennsylvania on the line welcome to the show joni hi hi i have a question what do you think about the 1965 pittsburgh incident well i'm gonna say something that is probably gonna offend you ma'am but i i'm not familiar with that incident now i may be familiar anecdotally with it but i'm not i'm not at all familiar with the details of it i certainly wouldn't want to speak about something that i that i have no idea about uh i'm not i wouldn't even know where to begin i'm not qualified uh do you want to be more specific perhaps maybe i can maybe i can address something specific regarding that it's it's complicated um i think we're gonna have to move on i'm sorry we're just gonna have to move on just because we're we're really running short on on time and he's not familiar with it but i do appreciate the call i'm sorry but we're gonna move on to uh the next one which is john in los angeles welcome to the show john thank you martin and uh thank you for having mr elizondo on i just wanted to thank uh thank you lou for your hard work in this field i've been following this field since the 60s and uh it's so refreshing to see somebody with your motivation skills intelligence and and also with your with your partner chris mellon uh fight to have this uh issue john i hate to argue with you but if you were to ask my wife and kids i would probably argue about my intelligence and my my skill in this but i do appreciate the compliment thank you even though it's undeserving but thank you for the compliment no well no seriously but thanks to you my wife doesn't look at me like i'm crazy when i say these things are real flying around our uh navy uh jets and everything but uh uh i wanted to ask you and if you can't say i understand but um you know the navy's been pretty forthright in coming forward with videos and pilot testimony and i always wonder why the air force is so silent on this issue i i you've probably probably been asked this before but it seems like the air force is pretty quiet about everything that's going on out there and they're they're in charge of our skies and our national security do you have any you know opinion or that you can share without you know obviously breaking your nba yeah i mean the air force is a fantastic service uh they do an incredible job protecting and guarding our skies let's not forget though that they were in charge of project blue book uh and there was a lot of pressure there to to to close that effort out uh and and to move on you know nothing to see here folks and item not even sure that came from air force brass i think that probably came from from much higher up there was probably a lot of political pressure to to uh to close that close out that effort and in doing so when you make a public statement that says hey these things aren't aren't a concern uh they're not really a real issue it's hard to go back on that statement like that and come back and say uh actually we were wrong uh now i will tell you that that you know this is not your father's oldsmobile today today's air force is not yesterday's air force uh they are highly competent and they've always been competent but they they are true true experts and professionals and i've had the honor and privilege to work with them many of them side by side both in operations and investigations uh and i think there is a recognition that this is an important topic and issue the problem is right now is that that oh it's not a problem that the the fact is that the navy's is in charge of this is running the task force right now and this is again where chris mellon and i believe that this task force shouldn't be under a navy construct they're very competent they're very good but this isn't necessarily only a navy issue um and and this is why we think there needs to be a more enduring construct that includes the whole of government uh to to participate and yes that includes air force and yes that includes space force and yes that includes coast guard and navy and army because army's seeing these things as well uh we know that for a fact you know so why aren't they part of this so i think i think you're going to see that shift beginning to occur you're going to see a a an evolution from being just a navy centric task force to something maybe a little bit more comprehensive and robust thank you sir i really appreciate your time and thank you for uh for fighting to do for for what you're doing well i i i appreciate you thank you thanks for the call very much so i'm not going to take any more calls and i'm sorry uh uh joe we couldn't take your call about we're right right at the end of the show so i guess i want to ask you one last question what is the the strongest message that you would like to get out to people that are watching the show wow martin uh and you only have one minute yeah i wish i'd prepared uh for that um have the courage to ask the questions be fearless in asking the questions in the pursuit of the truth don't let anybody tell you that the questions you're asking are dumb or stupid or irrelevant you have the courage and the commitment to ask those questions um have the courage to to put your government uh on the spot have the courage to put me on the spot have the courage to to ask the hard questions uh to anybody who says are committed to this effort be mindful of of those of those uh individuals that are are charlatans or selling you a narrative um they probably don't have your best interest at heart uh and you know what have have the courage to to think for yourself and have your own opinions uh it's okay uh it's it because none of us have yet all the answers this is exactly why we're having this conversation so with that uh i guess my my final recommendation would be just overall have have the courage to pursue this topic in in any way you think you need to pursue it excellent um i thank you for all you do for your service and everything you've done for the ufo community you've helped us move forward and i really appreciate it thank you so much for giving us the time tonight martin my honor and privilege thank you to you and your audience it's really been a pleasure of mine thank you so much excellent all right you take care yes sir we'll talk muskets again sometime anytime all right take care yeah all right everyone so that's it for the show this evening thank you thank you so much uh next week we have damian knott on um on our regular scheduled show so again i want to thank everyone for uh tuning in watching on youtube and whichever way you watch and remember everyone to keep your eyes to the sky [Music] [Music] you