YouTube Channel: "Podcast UFO Live Shows" Video Title: "6-7-19 Edited Audio, Luis Elizondo, AATIP & HISTORY'S Unidentified" 6-7-19 Edited Audio, Luis Elizondo, AATIP & HISTORY'S Unidentified 3,685 views Jun 7, 2019 The livestream audio had issues, this is the edited version. An interview with Intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, who served as the former director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), an initiative launched in 2007 to study reports of UFO encounters. Luis will discuss the new HISTORY Channel series, Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation. From: Transcript: and it hits me oh my gosh this is that triangle you know there's explanation for everything that occurred in the Rendlesham forest incident it was completely silent it comes right over our heads it's also really standing in the clearing he turned over to my father and held his hand and he looked in his eyes and said we're not alone welcome to podcast UFO for our live show during the show feel free to participate live in our chat room and don't forget to Like us on our very active Facebook page hello and welcome to the show we have a Lois Elizondo with us today probably don't need to say too much about him I'm sure if you've been watching this topic you know exactly who he is here and a tip and we're gonna be talking about that and so much more welcome to the show Liu thank you for having me okay so let's tackle this hard question right off the bat last year and MUFON I remember you saying to everyone in the audience to be skeptical and so what do you think about the people who are skeptical about you and that you had any involvement in a tip in particular let's see there was an article that recently came out Keith Klaus article and it's saying that I believe the Secretary of Defense for intelligence the name was Sherwood said that he didn't think that you were involved with the a tip program any time at all sure well first and foremost look in today's day of media it look everyone's entitled to the minute and and not everyone is necessarily going to agree with or even lying quiet what what we're doing and especially I think when we're talking about speaking about topics as rich and potentially as as obscure and contentious at times as UFOs and because of that people are always going to have to try to poke holes in a story I get it that's that just what the media does but I'm very confident along with others that are in senior positions of the US government of my of my credentials the Department of Defense is a large bureaucracy and sometimes it takes time for information to trickle down so this may very well be one of those cases and you know frankly I'm pretty optimistic that at some point here there their position may change again so it's not an unfortunate I wish I wish I'd say it's unusual but but sometimes it takes a while for information to keeping in mind for the last year and a half they had already said for the record that I think she was part of the program so you know I think they probably got their wires crossed somewhere when you read articles like this does it discourage you and make you want to just you know turn away from this whole thing no I mean people are entitled to their opinions and this and it's going to continue to happen I think that look we live in a society where everybody has a right to an opinion it doesn't matter how goofy or or or serious it is and I think that's what makes our society so so great so now people are gonna have have opinions I just had a penis for the last 70 years on this topic quite frankly so do I think that that opinions are going to change us because I happen to be the the person who sure on this topic no absolutely not I think it's you know this is I hate to say but it says American as apple pie and you know that's what happens when you live in a free society we allow everybody to have a voice I watched this screener for unidentified and I was thrilled by how well it was produced and I thought the content was great and what it revealed and everything and I think the nimitz may prove to be one of the most important encounters a lot of it had to do the notoriety had to do with the videos and you know a couple of videos came out we have a very visual society anyway and are there gonna be more videos coming out that we can eventually get to see well certainly but let me define you know coming out on this particular series or the next episode you know and I think I think videos will be coming out yes but not necessarily through our show immediately because at the end of the day videos are just one aspect of many many many when you're trying to - who will build a case on something you know eyewitness testimony is very important video is very important radar data is very important electro-optical dated gun camera footage is very important and it's it's a much bigger story than just a video or two or three videos i think the viewer will appreciate as you begin to watch more and more of these you will you will begin to realize that this is a much much bigger much more comprehensive and nigma that we are facing and although videos are neat because people look at how that look at that thing this is this is much more compelling and when you begin to actually listen to the eyewitnesses these are men and women who are still active duty in uniform and and you see what the the struggle that and and potentially in some cases even even putting them in harm's way and then had this discussion in front of the American people I think people will begin to realize this is a very this is a very interesting question that we knew that we need to answers to this and yeah there's a national security aspect edition it's not just hey I saw something flying when I was flying my f-18 and I think as we continue with a few more of these episodes it's going to become very very apparent that that this is truly a global phenomena was there a certain event that made you decide to quit the Department of Defense or was this something that just came about gradually well first of all if I may be frank with you personally speaking I've seen and know too much at this point to simply ignore the fact and turn my back and not address that that these crafts are real that they exist there's frankly just overwhelming evidence and my background being a no kidding investigator throughout my career and intelligence officer we have a responsibility to report and it's also a duty to warn and so when you go to the airport right or you go to a train station you hear that a famous announcement you see something say something reported when in doubt see something suspicious I mean when it comes to these things it's the opposite approach until recently it was don't report these things because you might with your clearance you might you might wind up being taking a flight status and may put you some sort of psychological evaluation and it's detrimental to your career and so I found that very dangerous because the only thing more dangerous or something flying in our skies we don't know what it is there's nothing we can do about it it's not even being able to have a conversation that is to me unacceptable and so my decision to leave the department was in part because of my loyalty to the part about disloyalty understand that at the time secretary Madison this is a man that I served in a combat theater with and I have the utmost greatest respect to this man I've seen him literally make decisions that save people's lives right there on the spot so so this is a man through my experience who should have more information about less and when he's in a position of Secretary of Defense not even being able to let him know look these things are in our controlled airspace and they're coming close to our to our pilots and to the point where you almost have a mid-air collision that's a problem and simply because of stigma and taboo frankly I don't give it a food what the stigma and taboo is you've got to tell the boss and when the bureaucracy doesn't allow that to happen then I think there's a failure of the system and we have to we have to fix that failure and so in fact going back to your question leaving what made me leave the department it wasn't necessarily a single event it was a constant frustration of reporting and briefing senior DoD leadership on these things and this resistance sale okay we know who these things are real you're right is compelling we've got the pilots testimony we got it we're not quite sure we want to tell the boss yet that to me and by the way I'm not blaming it because you know how did you tell a guy by the way who's made bad dog managed that there's something I Scott I don't know what it is we don't know how to stop it keeping in mind that Department of Defense is an organization that is designed to have answers and you do not want to go to the boss without any type of recommended course of action again it but at the same time I don't think this is like a conversation about fine wine and the longer we keep a cork on it the better it gets I I think we need to have the conversation now in fact I think we didn't have the conversation five years ago if you ask me and so I left the department sometimes if you love an organization enough if you want to fix it you have to leave it and and by the way you know reminding that secretary mattis almost a year to the day day that I resigned he did the same thing he resigned out of principle so sometimes you have to leave an organization and fix it from the outside if you really really love it help one of the things I hear quite a bit that people are speculating and I'm gonna ask you are you currently any type of contractor for the government and any type of capacity at this time no I don't know where they came from I am sure not getting paid that's pretty funny you know I watched the livestream when t TSA launched back in October I guess it was docked Oberer 11th 2017 and was surprised that there was so little press about it then December 16th the same year everything changed when the New York Times article co-authored by Helen Cooper Ralf Blumenthal and Leslie Kane was published what was that like for you when that happened oh gosh you know be honest with you I'm a creature of the shadows I've spent my entire life living in the shadows out of frankly that's a matter of art our job so it is not my nature to be in the middle of the spotlight personally it's it's rather uncomfortable for me but at the same time I think the message is very important and so I'm doing what what I feel is necessary now if you want a very poor analogy I've often told people you know I think of myself as this albino caves new living somewhere in the recess of some back cave dark and happy and you know and all of a sudden someone taking this little this little lizard that's been happy its whole life living the dark and ripping it out and putting it in the middle Hot Desert Sun on noon on a noon around 12 o'clock in the afternoon and people start poking at it it's it's not my my my natural environment but at the same time I think I think the message is important enough that we have a collective conversation with the American people well right after that came out I interviewed longtime UFO researchers Stanton Friedman who we sadly recently lost and he said that his biggest question is why now is the government letting this out can you address that well I can't answer on behalf of the government because I'm no longer employed by the government but my question B would be in return well how come not five years ago how come not 10 years ago with and I can't answer that I don't know why it may very well be that we now are the point where enough people are seeing these things and maybe maybe it's a cultural thing I really don't know maybe it's maybe looking at a point where were as a culture we are more willing to accept the fact that there were things still in nature that we don't understand I mean let's look at it this way you know up until recently there was a statement by some folks saying I know we've discovered every species that there is to discover and of course every year we find new more species up until recently we had defined a living organism as something that kind of looks like you know an animal if you will in breach and reproduces and yet we find that life is diverse it's plentiful that's if you can go to the deepest darkest part of the Marianas Trench seven miles down and find life a mile under the Antarctic ice and you can find life and go to a two location on earth where these extremophiles exist and we look at this and say how can a creature live in total darkness and and you know many many many degrees Fahrenheit above what we can tolerate and live happiness in fact thrive so the definition of life is something that we continue to look at and ask ourselves a question medically speaking you could look at a virus and say wow is that living thing with some cases it says things like the living thing every produces and it will do other things to survive but in other cases you know doesn't have DNA so what makes something alive I suspect if you were to come to earth and look at a plant and look at a human being you probably would say wow those are completely different life forms and yet they are living we have a lot of things in common with plants we were produced with compete for resources we grow we die so I don't know that's that's a really good question I don't know why now you know I don't know what do you think about the Navy's new reporting of unidentified aircraft do you think this forward motion has in part happened because of t TSA and your efforts well it is undeniably as a result of what T TSA engaged in but it's not just a retail he's haunted by I don't I don't want people to have the misconception that they may lose fear driving the train and making this happen because because it's not as a team effort we have folks like Chris melon this is a man who who knows more about government inner workings and bureaucracy than just about anybody else on the planet you have folks like like Jim semi Pam senior CIA representative who knows about the Intelligence Committee probably better than anybody and dr. Howard off is a scientist world renowned scientist and and Steve justice and Tom belongs this is a team effort and it's not just you know talking to one person and out the native changes their mind starts allowing their pilots to report this stuff this is a coordinated it's a bit like a symphony symphony if your role as a coordinated effort every instrument as their own sheet of music to play has its own purpose and has to be in melody if you will with the rest of the instruments so we are constantly coordinating with each other and and engaging the certain points within the US government that we think need to engage in order for them to be educated on what's really going on and then with that information you allow them to make the decision okay yeah you know what there are something there maybe we should change our policy and by the way it's not just with us as a company it's also working with our government partners we don't want to alienate them they're not necessarily the enemy here we have to work with them and so that's the way to do that is to work in a collaborative collaborative way where we're recording with them making coordinate with us we can exchange information back and forth and that's how you make change so this question in particular comes from a long time UFO researcher and he wanted to know did you use the resources of anyone at NASA that's National Air and Space Intelligence Center had wright-patterson Air Force Base I can't specifically talk about who we have or partnering with right now keeping in mind some of these relationship ships are still in some cases they're nascent in another cases there's still a little bit sentiment so we have to be mindful a lot of times when we mentioned specifically who we're working with because still it's a sensitive topic and some folks still you know get a little bit uncomfortable if you will I met you down at Cherry Hill at the MUFON event and during the conference there I believe you said that do you think that we're actually going through disclosure where do you think things are going in the future what's your take on that well let me put it this way a year and a half ago if we were to have this conversation we would probably be laughed out of the building that we were in if this was a government building and if you were to talk to a TV TV production studio they would probably very quickly dismiss you and be polite but they said you know we're not really interested in look how far we've come in just the last year and a half you have now the government admitting that it did indeed have a UFO program that it was indeed funded the actual academic studies were conducted that videos were actually collected and obtained and analyzed you now have the the admission by several elements in the government that these things are indeed real and now you have changing of policy at a national level that allows the reporting and the collection of data of these things and by the way there's a lot more things that occur that it probably can't talk about right now but it'll come to light so I think we've come light year ahead of where we were just a year and a half ago and if you look at even the show that we're doing now with our with the History Channel Ami's History Channel this isn't a UFO hunting show this isn't a an entertainment show this isn't even a reality show this is a show about reality what they plan is if a saw me think a year and a half ago they would have assigned some entertainment producers to do a show like this this is not what they did History Channel decided to assign some of them was hardened investigative journalists that who spent their careers looking at the underbelly of the human race and things like like sex trafficking and and corruption and organized crime even a camera crew that they assigned to this thing a lot of these folks have been in combat theaters filming the US troops under fire so this is an investigative journalist at peace in fact they won't even let me see the episodes before the public because they want to keep that investigative journalist ik integrity and I admire them for that so what you're seeing is raw footage we you know there are no retakes there are no scripts look I'm not a Hollywood gun I'm you know I'm gonna i'm an old Intel guy you know don't you investigators so you could even if you wanted me to act I'm not gonna be a very good actor so we realized very early on that in order for this to work it had to be real and what the audience see what you see is what you get and it's it's that's it and we'll let the audience decide for themselves I know you said something along the lines where you don't know what's happening in each episode as before it comes out but can you give us an idea what we might be expecting down the line on unidentified yeah I mean because I was I was there obviously for the filming I I can't I haven't I have a general understanding but I don't really know what what they decide to put in and what leaves of there was a tremendous amount of information contained and I think what you'll realize and the audience will realize hopefully is that this is truly a global phenomena this is something that does have a national security Nexus and it is a conversation that we should have as young people and by the way I think they'll also have a great appreciation that there are some people working behind the scenes very very hard and they're doing some incredible work and I think our servicemen and women in uniform deserve the most credit these folks are are the best of the best this country has and their braids and their Patriots and they're doing their duty and they're doing it for the first time stepping out of the shadows we're a year and a half ago frankly they could have lost their jobs doing and now you have a navy and a PA Oh actually allowing folks to step forward and have a conversation on the public stage I mean that's that's remarkable I mean just a year and a half ago imagine how far we've come in just a year and a half on this topic you now have major media outlets really taking this seriously once and for all and of course you know going about your original question to me that that's folks out there that are you know we're still trying to push a narrative but look how far we've come and I think that that's very encouraging and I think I think the American people are ready to have the conversation why not I thought one of the best parts of episode one was the female pilot that remained anonymous she did look rather shaken do you think someone like her will feel more comfortable in the future as more of this type of thing is validated I hope so I know it's I can't answer on her behalf I certainly hope so I know for me I still sometimes find myself looking over my shoulder and and but let me put this into context just very recently I had a conversation with a colleague of mine at the Pentagon he said you know a little conversation you and I had to have in the shadows behind a vault behind a you know a skiff and we'd have to whisper I can now have this conversation openly and something in the halls of the Pentagon and that that represents a seismic shift in where this conversation is going that people actively wanting to help whereas before they would run away in the opposite direction to say don't ever mention that to me again now they're saying hey look how can I help but what can we do as an organization as an agency is a institution to help and I think that's tremendous are you kidding me I mean in a year and a half that conversation has come that far Yeah right that's true were you initially hesitant when you were getting involved with what Tom DeLonge was putting together nope nobody was I look tell you everybody on this team has a very special everybody we were a bit about our little company's a bit like a Swiss Army knife everybody can do a particular function very very well in Toms case this is a man everybody knows him as I guess we'd senior to a couple bands but what they don't know is that he's brilliant he is truly a extremely creative and and quite frankly he's we managed to get to the highest levels of the government on this topic when nobody wanted to have a conversation he's tenacious I think as I've said before you know sometimes in a crowded room you need a megaphone bomb is definitely that megaphone is not afraid to about his reputation he does what he feels is right and I gotta give him credit for that sometimes I've told you before you want to you want to sometimes you need a bull in a china shop in Toms case so it's more like a fragmentation grenade but you know sometimes you need to you need to break a little China in order to fix a system and he's been very very effective at doing that and frankly it's just a really decent human being I mean I've had a chance in my career to work with a lot of people in some good and some not so good tom is right up there at the top of the list he is just a decent human being he wants to do the right thing he's willing to do whatever he has to do include putting his own money his own reputation on the line he left he left one of the world's largest punk rock bands to pursue this because he felt that this is the right thing to do I don't know how many people out there willing to do that a lot of people wouldn't get off of their opinions about this but when push comes to shove you think they believe their job to do it no I think they think their careers behind to pursue this I don't know you know so I think I think I think we need to give him credit where credit is due he has definitely moved the needle on this conversation that's right and you know I think there's a lot of jealousy because you know Tom came out of nowhere basically and people have been on this topic some of them for a good part of their lives and so there's some jealousy out there but you know we really do have to give him credit because you know you and I wouldn't be even talking today and he really has changed a lot look we've got to get over this jealousy thing there's nothing to be jealous about we're trying to have the conversation that we've been that some folks have been trying to have for a very long time this should be cause for celebration it's just not time to be Petty and you know it's this is a time for all of us to work together and say hey you know this is an important topic this is something that involves humanity that was my opinion anyways I don't think there's any reason for anybody jealous look this is a team effort this is a group effort you know how did I had it not been for folks having an interest in this for the last I guess you know 70 years maybe we wouldn't have gotten to where we are today you know everybody everybody should accept credit for this this is not a TTS a thing or even a History Channel thing this isn't you know this is this is a this is something that everybody should look at and say hey you know I had a little part of that you're doing this show right now you are doing this podcast you have a part of this you are very much integral to the conversation I mean don't look now but that's exactly what you're doing you are very as much part as we are you are too and so are your listeners because they're taking the time to listen to this rather than you know change the channel to something else you know they could be I was and what specifically what but there's lots of things that people can listen to and watch these days and I then tuning in to to to your program that should be an indicator at that that you are part of this this this see change and so we're your listeners everybody every one of us have a part Lou thanks so much it's been an absolute pleasure yes sir thank you very much pleasure than bye thank you all right everyone that was Lou Elizondo and check out the series unidentified inside America's UFO investigation and that's on Fridays at 10 p.m. on History Channel and this is Martin Willis with podcast UFO and keep your eyes to the sky [Music] [Music] you