YouTube Channel: "New York Post" Video Title: "EXCLUSIVE - Ex Pentagon official Luis Elizondo reveals UFO bombshells | The Basement Office" EXCLUSIVE - Ex Pentagon official Luis Elizondo reveals UFO bombshells | The Basement Office 1,132,656 views Apr 30, 2021 Lue Elizondo is a former intelligence officer with the Department of Defense. He claims he was the director of AATIP, the Pentagon's "UFO program", from 2010-2017. In this exclusive interview with Steven Greenstreet of "The Basement Office", Elizondo reveals shocking truths about the UFOs the Navy and other military branches have encountered on almost "a daily basis", why some "very senior" officials at the Pentagon tried to suppress UFO evidence, and the jaw-dropping things these UFOs can do. From: Transcript: [Music] okay what was your main objective at atip well it was to to collect and analyze and try to assess what the things were that were incurring into we were encountering in controlled u.s airspace these were things that weren't ours uh we had no idea who they belonged to and frankly were displaying beyond next generation technology for that reason we decided to stick with two fundamental questions what is it and how does it work and figured if we could make some progress even in one of those areas that would be considered a victory for us and then hopefully at some point in the future let smarter people figure out where is it from what are the intentions who's behind the wheel and and what not what is it how does it work did you come to any uh conclusions or at least a best current assessment regarding either of those uh we did with one of them we we had some very very smart people scientifically focused individuals with incredible and impeccable credentials come up with some very interesting theories and uh you know to to the best of our knowledge that we actually may be a little bit closer understanding some of the physics and and how so what it is we still don't know but i think we are we are well underway on a path of figuring out how it works and what are the physics involved what are the physics involved so there's five fundamental observables that when put into totality of this this phenomenon really help us appreciate why this is something that is that is certainly not our own technology and so the first one is instantaneous acceleration the ability to go from point a to point b uh and and change directions fairly rapidly um to put that into context the average human being can withstand about nine g forces for a short period of time before we start experiencing negative biological consequences red out blackouts etc to put that into contrast an f-16 which is one of our most highly maneuverable aircraft can perform about 17 g's before you start having structural failure wings begin to to snap off the objects we're seeing are doing three four five six hundred g's um obviously well beyond the healthy limitations of anything to to withstand the next observable is hypersonic velocity so let's take this pen again and this is our airplane uh hypersonic velocities are those those speeds that are described at mach 5 or above now we do have aircraft that can do that and we have some missiles and some technology the space shuttle for example to get to escape velocity which would have to go much faster than that the sr-71 can let's say at 3 200 miles an hour if it wanted to make a left-hand turn would take about half the state of ohio to do it and yet the things we're seeing are doing not 3 200 miles an hour but 8 9 10 11 000 miles an hour in our low atmosphere and able to do these crazy right angle turns um so that's that's something pretty pretty obviously and you saw this you saw this yes you witnessed this and that's how you're able to calculate the speeds and maneuverabilities is because you saw things move that fast well we calculated through also additional information so it wasn't just seen as believing it's through radar data there is historical radar data that we have that goes many decades where these things have been clocked doing 13 14 15 000 miles an hour not just by one radar multiple radars the third observable is a bit of an oxymoron but it's low observability now to put that into into perspective we spend billions of dollars on a single b2 bomber just so it's a little bit harder to see on radar and you can still see it with the naked eye pretty easily yet uh what we're seeing here are things where the pilots that are trained observers are saying you know lou i saw it but i don't know how to describe it because it didn't look like anything we had doesn't have wings and have cockpits rivets tails ailerons elevators none of that and yet there it is the fourth observable is something we call trans medium travel which is now only being discussed but it's been one of the observables for a while so let's take our analogy here's our plane again a plane looks like a plane because it has to fly so you have a nose you have a tail you have a rudder you have elevators and ailerons and you have a jet engine and yet a rocket ship which spends most of its time in a vacuum environment a jet engine's useless sore wings so it has a chemical rocket engine and it has thrusters to maneuver in space and compared to a submarine which is not a jet or a rocket uh because it's underwater it has a propeller to mechanically displace water and it uses buoyancy to go up and down and whenever we try to make a vehicle or something to operate in multiple environments multiple domains there's always a design compromise so let's take a seat plane a seaplane can fly and it can float but let's be honest it's neither a really good plane or a really good boat it's a compromise and yet the things that we're seeing are able to operate in our atmosphere uh low earth atmosphere high output high earth atmosphere earth orbit and and and seemingly underwater without without compromising any of their design characteristics or performance parameters so so that's that is very significant and then last but not least the last observable is what one might call positive lift or or anti-gravity now i don't mean anti-gravity in the weird you know lulu sense i mean there's only three fundamental ways that we understand how to defy earth's gravity the first one is the through through flight so you have four fundamental forces you have thrust lift drag and weight and when you know how to to to to manipulate those uh you have flight you have an airplane you have wings another way to define earth's gravity is through sheer ballistics i can glow something with enough energy out of a tube where it will go up like a think of a mortar think throwing a baseball think of an icbm or it will go up and then eventually come back down and then the last way we know how to defy earth's gravity is through through lighter than air think of a hot air balloon think of helium or hydrogen where the air density inside is less than the air density outside so it floats it it rises much like like oil and water and yet these things have no wings they have no obvious signs of propulsion they don't even even look like anything we have and yet somehow they're able to defy earth's gravity and so when you have all of those observables being displayed by a single technology one begins to realize very quickly that that that is is certainly a a a paradigm shift to to what we're used to dealing with okay so how much data has been we have the public has heard of nimitz go fast gimbal um you know a few other cases just recently in in the last few weeks you know probably you could count on two hands how much is there there's a lot there's there's there's there's significant amount of data um i i'm not at liberty to say how much but enough where i think classified information being provided to certain people um they've come to the same conclusion that we did and by the way this this information comes in on a regular basis this isn't anecdotal happening in the nimitz and then happened with the roosevelt that happened with the kid this is occurring all the time you're just hearing about this incident it hasn't stopped so uh you know let's let's not fool ourselves people say well there's only three incidents and and some videos well yeah that you know of sure you're right there's a whole lot more too uh and you know in time hopefully those will those will come out too how often is this happening [Music] well i i you know it's it's it's hard to say because sometimes there's moments of lots of activity and sometimes there's not but i would suffice it to say you know weekly if not certainly monthly a theory within the intelligence community within the dod is that these uap could be originating from the world's oceans could you speak to that it's possible we don't know we we they seem to be around water an awful lot uh you know we we know very little about our oceans we know more about the moon than we do the deepest parts of our ocean uh you know every time we we ascribe a quality of what life should be right like photosynthesis nature proves us wrong uh look at chemosynthesis and the life that exists in the deep deepest parts of our ocean near black smokers that life is very much alive and yet it doesn't rely on photosynthesis uh the way we do up here and so uh the fact that we know very little about our oceans i think want us to keep at least it open as an option that the things may be there may be some congruences between water and uap activity there certainly seems anecdotally to be be some some relationship there there are a lot of cases either above near or under even under the water of these uap why what's what's water what are some of what's a theory um regarding uap and water in their relationship to water well i i would defer to to some of my colleagues who are are qualified to talk about physics but it's been proposed that that without going into a whole lot of detail water may be some sort of of simplistic fuel source um when you look at what water is comprised of primarily hydrogen and oxygen uh you know if you wanted to get a a yield of energy um cracking the atom is is one way to do it and and the smaller you go into the world of the atom the more tightly that energy is is packaged within within the atom and subatomic uh particles of an atom and so um if you want to warp space-time some theorize that you need a lot a lot of energy there's two ways to warp a lot of mass or a lot of energy and it turns out that you need a lot a lot of energy to do it and if one wanted to to to harness that energy perhaps one of the most efficient ways is is through hydrogen now of course i could go out i guess in outer space and mine it in a nebula but but out in space it's very it's not dense it's it's it's it may take you a very long time to do that whereas here on earth hydrogen when it's connected with oxygen it becomes extremely dense you have this thing called water h2o or you have an abundant amount of hydrogen more hydrogen than you want to do with that would be very easy to mine so that's that's one speculation that's been been offered [Music] it's been reported a lot that you were the director or quote-unquote director of this what we will call the ufo program is that is that accurate i i was in charge yes sir but not not the entire time from 2000 i came in in 2008 but it wasn't until 2010 that i i took over the responsibilities and until i left in 2017. okay uh why did you leave wow that's a loaded question um i left because of uh of the bureaucracy i left because a very good dear friend a good person who was in charge of the department at the time a gentleman named jim mattis was a secretary wasn't getting the information he needed to make make decisions that he needed to make and because of the bureaucracy i suspect now hindsight being 2020 they were probably trying to protect him um because let's face it i mean this is a man with a with an incredible reputation they're probably worried about tarnishing him uh if it came out that he was briefed on ufos right so for whatever reason they didn't brief them but i i wound up after months and months and months of briefing very senior leadership uh bringing pilots in to testify and bringing videos and and photographs and reports um they still they acknowledge it was important but they didn't want to let the boss know so i resigned i knew that the only thing they would not be able to stop would be my resignation memo and so i addressed it directly to him and let him know why i thought this topic was important you were running into roadblocks then essentially you you had this information you did research investigation got data and then that data hit a ceiling it hit a wall what wall was that i don't really know i don't i think for some people the wall was it was too much of a pill to swallow um i remember distinctly giving a briefing to one senior and after having the pilots there and and all the evidence and the reporting um at the end of the day he just couldn't process it he looked at me and he literally asked how are those miami dolphins doing this season uh which was perplexing to me and and people in the briefing um i guess in in other cases some individuals have a problem with this topic because it conflicts with their philosophical or maybe theological belief system i i did experience that as well when you mentioned something conflict ufos conflicting with uh those with some within the pentagon philosophically or religiously um were they because of that did you was there any proactive suppressing or limiting of how much you could do because of that sure i i had to be very careful i really had to operate in the shadows more than ever i was used to doing it because of my my my job but you know i wasn't used to running operations you know inside my own organization uh but that's what we had to wind up doing because there were people that were certainly uh against this this effort uh and and only because of again their philosophical belief system i had nothing to do in fact i had one i remember the conversation very well um this is a person i respected tremendously very very senior person he told me he said lou i want you to stop stop doing this. i said okay sir i i certainly can but may ask why he says well we already know what it is now at that moment i i honestly thought maybe it was our own technology i was running up against some super uber secret sap and you know they were telling me to stop and i said okay sir so so it's ours and he said no that's not what i'm saying and he said he asked me point blank have you read your bible lately and i wasn't quite sure where it was going with that i said well sir i i i think i know what it says where are you going with this and he said well then you would know that these things are are demonic and we should not be pursuing them yeah and uh i i he was he wasn't kidding me but that's exactly how how he felt so this is a pentagon this is a department of defense official uh saying stop looking at ufos because they're demonic correct but if something demonic is flying over our skies wouldn't religious people want to fight them well you know i i think look i i think no matter what it is we need to figure it out and uh you know there was a time and this is look i i i'm a religious person but you know there was a time where the church wouldn't even look through the telescope of galileo because uh it conflicted with their their their narrative only to you know years later them to come out and and actually now you know use use the the grandeur of the universe to support their their their you know their philosophical and theological belief system so uh i i am under the the presumption that that more data is good and i don't think we should ever be fearful of data uh and uh it doesn't matter if they are at the end of the day some sort of super secret for an adversarial technology that's leapfrogged us or if it's little green meant from mars or if it's demons we probably need to figure it out because it's in our airspace and by the way it doesn't care if what we think because it's there and it's it's interacting with not even that's just our military but even civilian aircraft and and and civilians may 2019 uh i was doing the my show for the new york post basement office and just nonchalantly reached out to the pentagon for boilerplate statement on atip because i just wanted my own statement and in there they said that you had nothing no they said you had no responsibilities with atib and then i followed up with um the spokesman at the at the time chris sherwood what do you mean he had nothing to do with atip uh chris said to me on the phone i'm not really happy with the way they're handling this story they internally at the pentagon he was frustrated with that statement chris goes away suga goff comes in there and then she issues a new statement saying lou had no assigned responsibilities with regards to a-10 yeah why would the pentagon consistently be saying this well because my assigned duties were through the read on document from 2009 that substantiates what i was doing and of course thankfully senator harry reid has set that record straight many times for the record of what my role was and my name is clearly on that documentation and all the documentation this is this goes back to what i told you there's some people in the pentagon that still don't like me very much and unfortunately uh colonel goff by the way interesting background of around uh was not being well served she was getting information from from people there that were formerly in my chain of command that really did not like me coming out and that's the bottom line so now they're threading the needle because of course dana white first said yeah lou was part of a tip and it was all about ufos and then of course sherwood comes in and they try to backtrack a little bit now he had nothing to do with it well now that they know they can't say i had nothing to do with it they're now trying to thread the needle saying well he had no assigned responsibilities meaning through the usdi chain of command i had no assigned responsibilities because i was i was working git mode for them guantanamo bay so you know this was this was these assigned duties were coming from from the legislative branch and that's where you see the documentation i suspect between you and me and now your audience that um you know if the pentagon continues on that that line of narrative um will probably be a a big mistake for them um there's enough people now in the pentagon and on the hill that know exactly who i was and what i did and um you know it's going to continue to hurt their credibility but you know that's within the same comments goff's comment she says atip had nothing to do with ufos also now now lou i understand someone in the pentagon having a personal problem with you not liking you for whatever reason but to release to the public of the united states to have that translated well i mean look if this was about me then yeah i would have had a lawsuit right now to the out of them and right now you know it would be a different story but it's important to note that i my purpose is not to make an enemy of the government i think the government is right now trying to to figure this out like everybody else i think they want some breathing room i think they're pissed at me for the way i left okay i got it but at the end of the day i think i think we all want the same thing we all want resolution and so i'm willing to give them a buy for now um most most journalists have done their due diligence they have the documentation they they know exactly who i am and they know what atip is and by the way you know harry reid has said again for the record hey a tip was about ufos i should know because it was my program right so the the dod particularly the pao and susan goff can can play these games but look the american people are going to judge and and history is watching and right now they don't need any more help digging a hole they are digging their own hole from a pao perspective uh i think they're desperately trying to find a way to get out of that hole and you know i i'll offer my assistants any way i can um but they don't they don't need any help digging right now they're i think they're uh they're desperately trying to find a solution to this and and personally you know this is not about me i i you know if the cost of of being where we are today is that some people at the pentagon want to you know try to throw me under the bus you know i'll gladly accept it that's that's well worth the cost of of getting to where we are today in three years we have now the acknowledgement that the videos were real they are of uap's we have a uap task force under secretary secretary norquist we have reports classified briefings being provided to congress and we have a report that's due to congress about the uap issue not bad for three years it's pretty incredible stuff that this stuff is being speculated within you know reputable scientists within the government uh within the pentagon that this is this is what you're saying would be in a star trek episode or something but we're talking about like the halls of our defense agencies uh you know scientists within there saying this that's mine but wasn't wasn't our flip phone in the 90s star trek wasn't that star trek in the 60s wasn't our are our tricorder our scanners uh all all star trek and now it's it's reality it's it's it's not really star trek it's just advanced physics okay this is some of this stuff is really hard to comprehend because when you really take more than one minute to sit back and think about it the the existence of ufos not a balloon not a drone but something else a phenomenon it's a it's a mixture of of emotions um so so that's that's that's actually uh i think i think that's that's um that's an interesting perspective because you know this is this is important um and i've mentioned this before but i'm not sure it's it's it it's resonated yet um we are a very our species and some scientists have now have attributed this to what they call this soci cardiosocial phenomenon meaning the first nine months of our entire life is spent in our mother's womb for the most part and and we hear our mother's heartbeat and that is a binary on off rhythm and because of that it affects the way we view the world the way we view nature the way we interact with each other to the point where we look at everything in in terms of extremes so it's an either or solution so what do i mean by that well if you ever talk to anybody on the street they'll tell you uh in terms of it's either up or down left or right hot or cold black or white you know good or bad we always look in terms of either or scenarios and so when you talk about this topic the phenomenon people say well it's either from earth or it's from outer space it's extraterrestrial but in reality that's not necessarily so there's a whole bunch of other potentials and options that this could be and we're just used to thinking that way but nature usually well let's look at physics for example let's look at the reality right now i'm having a conversation with you and i'm i i perceive my entire universe based upon the five fundamentals if you will senses that i have touch taste hearing smelling right what not and that's it that's how i judge the entire universe and yet there's this entire reality around me that i can't perceive i have wi-fi signals coursing through my body i have cosmic radiation coming in from outer space i have cellular signals bombarding my body in gps and all these realities going around me even in the visible light spectrum okay i can only see within a narrow band anything in the infrared or ultraviolet or beyond that i can't perceive i need i need technology to to interface with that so so by definition most of the universe i can't even proceed and then when you look at the unit you look at the human being in the context of scale if you look at the very very small to the very very large of our universe right the human being sits right roughly in the very middle so the universe is about 27 billion light years from side to side that we can see in the visible universe and to scale as big as that is when you look at the subatomic particles in the atoms that make up our body they're roughly the same scale meaning they're at 1 times 10 to the minus 26 in size so so you have this equally large universe inside every human being and so my point being is that the majority of the universe that we interact with we will never be able to see look at the night sky and look at the pretty stars now look through it through a radio telescope you're going to see nebula you're going to see things that are right in front of your eyes but you can't see them so is it possible that there is more to to reality and to life than just the very narrow band in which we perceive it and in which we live and scale is it possible well i would submit to you that most of mother nature every time we try to define who she is she defies her explanation she doesn't fit in a neat little box so there are things you've established that in broad terms there are things in front of our eyes we can't see uh on a more micro scale would that also apply to uap sure why not i guess my point is that we we have to keep all options on the table until they're not this is something we have been dealing with for for a long time and and like a lot of things imagine the first person who decided to get on a boat and sail over the horizon right and there's discussion of sea monsters and krakens that will devour you and destroy your boat and yet we did it anyways we did sail and and and we we explored the world and it turns out you know 500 years later yeah there really are sea monsters except except for we call them the great squid of the pacific and we call them great white sharks and whales now they're just part of nature they have a scientific name but you know those sea monsters still exist they're there we just learned to understand them and maybe this is the same thing maybe this is just yet another uh uh another expedition over the horizon in which we're going to realize what we thought were were monsters or really just neighbors what lou oh man that's a perfect analogy so you're saying you know just at the point that humanity thought they had discovered everything on planet earth we you ufos have represented not so fast there's more to discover that's possible and that's why i say we we really need to do ourselves a favor and leave all options on the table until we have more data okay sea monsters wow