YouTube Channel: "Luis Elizondo" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo - Answering Questions From Subscribers - Pt. 1" Luis Elizondo - Answering Questions From Subscribers - Pt. 1 49,695 views Premiered Oct 24, 2024 Hosted by Luis Elizondo, Mark Kovic In this conversation, Luis Elizondo engages with his audience to address their questions about UAPs, upcoming speaking engagements, and the ongoing disclosure movement. He emphasises the importance of quality information over quantity in social media interactions and discusses various theories related to UAPs, including their potential interference with nuclear weapons. Elizondo also touches on philosophical topics such as reincarnation and the need for broader public engagement in discussions about UAPs and their implications for society. Takeaways There's a lot happening behind the scenes in the UAP community. Engaging with the audience is crucial for the disclosure movement. Quality of information is prioritized over quantity in social media. Elizondo has revealed only a fraction of his knowledge on UAPs. UAPs have shown the ability to interfere with nuclear capabilities. The conversation about UAPs affects everyone and should include diverse perspectives. Reincarnation and UAPs may intersect in philosophical discussions. Investigations into UAP incidents are ongoing and reveal significant findings. Public engagement is essential for shaping the future of UAP discussions. Elizondo aims to foster a larger conversation about UAPs and their implications. From: Transcript: hi everybody I'm Lou alzando and uh it's been a while um please forgive me for not engaging you folks recently on social media um I realize I've been a little bit LAX um I promise you there's a lot of things that I've been engaged with behind the scenes in Washington DC and frankly around the world on this topic there's a lot happening um it's not an excuse uh it's just an explanation why I haven't been uh very good on on social media recently but I want to take this opportunity to address some of your questions and specifically on YouTube I've been promising to get to some of your questions for a while now so I thought this would be a good opportunity I've got a slight lull uh where I can now um take your questions directly and I think it's important enough where um where I carve some time out to to make this happen there's a lot of things happening in the very near future that I think are going to continue to help Drive the disclosure movement uh but until then I also realize that I need to engage you more um it's uh you are very much part of that equation so I've invited a very good friend of mine uh mark kovich from uh from across the pond over in the United Kingdom to help uh Shepherd this process um he has forgotten more about social media than I will ever know about social media so he has uh aggregated a lot of your questions over the course of several weeks and months uh and even the last time I was I was engaging Mark there's a lot of questions you all have so we're going to try to address some of those today this afternoon uh we won't have time for every one of the questions obviously there's a there's thousands and thousands of questions but we're going to try to pick some of the big ones that you all have been uh been asking and see if I can address them for you here today so with that uh and no further Ado let me introduce you to the uh one and only Mark kovich it's good to see you again are you ready for this Lou I am ready yeah I uh let me uh clear my voice a little bit by me me me me and get ready to uh well look this these videos are very much going to be minimally um me talking I want to try my best to just pick some of the questions I've gone through the YouTube comments and I just want to shout out to everyone listening right now remember um all of flu's social media platforms they're all out there whether you use Tik Tok Instagram YouTube do me a favor go and follow across the multiple platforms and if you have a question that you want answered just drop it in the comments even with this video here um I will be going through every now and again and picking them and firing them lose way so Lou thank you for taking the time to do this I'm aware of all the things you've got going on I know you are literally packing your bags and getting ready to do yeah you know your first live speaking engagements around the United States I know that there's a thousand things happening with the book and everything so thank you I'm going to start off with the person who managed to get the first comment on your first YouTube video okay so this is someone uh called Olivia barad 5154 from YouTube and he just simply said I love you man and it's a nice thing to say because I love you too thank you very hard you know what there are thousands and thousands of comments literally uh way over 3,000 uh some of them are batched I'm going to try my best to pick them but I did want to give credit where credit was due for the guy who managed to get the first listen Mark I appreciate that and I appreciate uh of course the the handle what can you repeat the handle one more time the YouTube handle so I can thank them expressly I think it's pronounced Olivier barad which is Ol hopefully I pronounced it correctly but thank you very much also before we begin Mark just real quick little shout out to mark thank you for what you do Lou you are far too kind far too kind well if I may I'm going to jump into the first question which comes from Instagram this is from Steve uh Quia I think kwi a t um 1982 so this VI Instagram he says Lou uh will you be popping over to the UK for any live dates and what's the reason you decided now was the right time to do inperson speaking events great question so yes I am high tailing it over to the UK one of my most favorite places in the whole wide world um I've often said this before every time I take my wife over there um if you look carefully at London Heathrow in in the international terminal you're going to notice what appear to be scratch marks um they're actually claw marks made by my wife as I had to drag her away from the UK each time to come back to the US um we we love the UK it's really our second home and so yes I will be coming back to the UK uh probably in uh late November and early December to spend some time there to do some engagements to also engage with you and folks like you uh the second question is why now well my response is pretty simple and probably kind of cheeky but don't take it that way why not now's the best time to do it we should have happened two months ago two years ago two decades ago um if not now then when so I think the time is right it's been right for a while there's a lot of things happening both internationally and here in the United States where the conversation is becoming far more acceptable and now we need government leadership involved in some of those conversations not not necessarily politics right not political leaders but but governmental leaders um to in in both in the scientific Community the academic Community um in the defense communities intelligence communties get everybody together under one tent start having this conversation love that next question uh this comes from YouTube this is Brian Matthews 232 uh he says good luck with a new channel what percentage of your knowledge on this topic do you think you have revealed so far o well I revealed 100% of what I could reveal through legal channels uh my book was reviewed after an a year process uh through the Pentagon it finally got approved for me to release and what you see in the book was basically three and a half year effort um to get out just a a small portion of what what I've been privy to um probably five maybe 8% of what I know uh I have been able to discuss but each year um it it goes higher and higher um there's more and more and more percentage um the book obviously my book coming out there's going to be people who read it and say wow I I had no idea about that and that's because I received um approval to do so so my hope is that we can continue to have this conversation and every time we talk more and more is going to be revealed in fact I'm doing a talk here publicly here in the US and probably in the UK too where I'm going to go to even more detail uh I have a very comprehensive briefing that I'll be providing people now on the road uh to talk about this topic and talk about the physics and some of the theories and the mathematics and whatnot so um I'm very encouraged that we're going to have a lot more information here to provide um forthcoming the next question is um mixture between jl11 and someone called uh hello how are you doing on YouTube and I want to join this these two questions from these two uh subscribers because it's actually reflective of many many many questions so as a reminder I'm aware there thousands and thousands of comments and questions this is really a bit of a representation of many tough question I think but um someone says so the first question is you've started a channel a month ago uh or months ago at this point and you're not uploading content frequently uh the the question is why have you been so quiet on social media channels but that's kind of backed up by others saying is this really you is it that someone's kind of forcing you to make these videos or something right so it's a bit of a I guess a coales question off is this really zondo that I'm speaking to right now well I I don't want to make content for the sake of making just content right to me quality of information is much more important than quantity um I could do a video every single day and just just regurgitate and recycle things that people already know I'm not sure that's very helpful I'm not sure people really want that I think what people want is when they do speak to have new information and so that's why I'm very judicious in my Approach when I use social media to either comment on something or break some new news um there's a lot happening folks there's a lot happening um there are um you know there's a chance I may be be testifying here soon uh I won't go into details but um I was going to say if it helps for those listening I can tell you for sure this really is the real Lando oh yeah question it's definitely him this is the next question from someone who calls themselves acid in my wine and this is again through YouTube uh firstly hey Lou I really appreciate all of the work that you're doing in your book you stated a prevailing theory that the UAP are using water splitting hydrogen and then using this uh hydrogen Photon for energy assuming this is the case do you think it could explain dark oxygen because it does look similar to solid nuclear waste and I was curious if that's at all related yeah I've I've actually heard about that um I am not an expert in dark oxygen um I'm familiar with the Rel the the relatively new uh announcements about it and it's rarified form and what it is um I unfortunately I'm I'm not an expert in dark oxy oxygen to to to say definitively one way or the other but when you look at the the the the theory of mining water um the reason why it's water isn't not necessarily because it's just water right not you know we drink water because we have to to survive but if if some civilization is deriving energy that they require um using one of the most fundamental elements in our universe right the hydro being the hydrogen atom one proton neutron and one electron um then it makes sense that if you needed to break that down to get to the subatomic level to really release some of the energy you need that's that's that's contain in those tightly packed uh relationships that subatomic particles have then you'd start with a hydrogen atom you wouldn't start with something complicated and spend more energy trying to break down a complex molecule into something simple uh when you can start with water that's really just hydrogen and oxygen remove the the oxygen molecule and now you've got all the hydrogen you need you you know you could you could mine hydrogen almost effortlessly U people often say well hydrogen is the most um most common element in the universe it is but it's also the most diffuse meaning it's in these large gaseous clouds uh and and to mine something like that probably wouldn't be be very e easy right it's imag imagine trying to go into a cloud to harvest water probably better to go to water to harvest water so in this particular case if you wanted to harvest hydrogen um hydrogen is found naturally in a very condensed state in only uh one combination and that is with oxygen and that makes H2O or water the next question comes from Richard till 6331 he says Lou Alando thank you for everything you do I have a question if Russia were getting ready to launch a nuclear weapon do you think these quote unquote beings aliens Etc have ability to neutralize these weapons personally I wish they'd be proactive and neutralize every nuclear weapon yeah here here me too uh hell I wish they neutralize every weapon period um but that's not up to me um they do have the we do know that they have the ability to interfere with our nuclear capabilities um we have seen them in some cases would appear to be deactivating uh an entire flight of of our nuclear missiles ballistic missiles but as as encouraging as that may be in Russia was a different case uh a UAP actually armed one and so there in lies my concern and furthermore if you look at the Historical your question on the historical context of of of the greater UAP issue you'll notice something in fact um there's only been one country that's ever uh deployed a an atomic or nuclear device and that's been the United States and we did in World War II and we vaporized almost half a million Souls off the planet uh almost instantly and the UAP didn't stop that from happening either in Hiroshima or Nagasaki furthermore they didn't stop the development from the atomic age to the nuclear age where we have go from the kiloton yield to now the megga ton yield right the city squashers the the real big nukes um they didn't stop the testing of of nuclear technologies in the deserts of Nevada or Russia doing high altitude tests or underwater tests in fact they didn't stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons going from just the United States then Russia and now everybody to include possibly Iran and North Korea and Pakistan and India and you know name your country all have now nuclear capabilities nuclear weapons right they didn't stop that from happening and they didn't stop some of the nuclear accidents like Three Mile Island or Chernobyl or Fukushima so um the argument that you know are they here to help us there's just no evidence to suggest that um other than you know maybe wishful thinking now I wish the same thing I really hope that's the case we just don't have any real information to substantiate that and so there's a lot of people at the Pentagon that don't want to take that risk they're not willing to to say look I'm going to gamble your future and our future and our safety because we hope these things are here for for nice reasons right that's a gamble that that your National Security apparatus and most national security apparatuses aren't willing to take that chance and I frankly I don't blame them I I understand that mind mindset here's a challenging question from roasted coyote 1 and uh this is one I saw on Instagram a lot a little bit on X but this is pitched on YouTube right hit me reincarnation suggests humans are extra dimensional how does that fit into the puzzle Dr Jim Tucker UVA has written extensively on reincarnation what's your take on this well I don't know if reincarnation is necessarily extradimensional or hyperdimensional or transdimensional you know part of the problem is we really have to be specific on our use of certain terminology for example we used to say UFO well what does that mean and what about Usos and you know what about you know are they even really flying so now we change it to UAP and whatnot terms are important um when we say reincarnation that is a theological religious philosophical uh belief system that requires um the belief that people are kind of recycled kind of uh kind of Green Technology right we we live we learn we die and then we come back again and we kind of go through these experiences and this hope that we will eventually U evolve ourselves emotionally and physically and spiritually to to become the the perfect human being um whatever that Perfection looks like right it's in eye of the beholder um religion by definition is Supernatural religion is extradimensional it's a belief and by the way you notice I'm not giving you my own personal belief here doesn't mean I'm not I'm not religious and I'm not spiritual let me just cave out that but I'm saying the belief in religion and spirituality by definition has to be you have to believe in inter Dimensions because it's a belief in something an idea where when someone dies they potentially go somewhere else but where they go isn't really a physical place is it now it's it's a place that is sometimes called heaven or even some may say Purgatory for something else some may say hell but either way it's a new type of existence a different type of existence than the one we're living right now in a three-dimensional space and time and whatnot so the kind two kind of go hand in hand now when it comes to the UAP phenomenon are we now saying like some have said before that UAP really are um and and these you know aliens if you want to call them aliens or non-human intelligence um are themselves Spiritual Beings you know uh are they some have said that they could could be Angels um and if you believe in angels right then one has to say okay then you're believing in in an interdimensional being or a supernatural being and therefore uaps and UFOs and the whole topic belong in the in the realm of of that conversation of inter or Ultra Dimensions or hyper Dimensions that we can't perceive because of our fundamental lack of Senses we have five senses to judge the Universe um if we can't touch it taste it hear it smell it Etc it doesn't doesn't exist we can't interact with it unless we do through technology um but we know that there is reality Beyond those five senses right in fact most of the universe lies Beyond those five senses um and so you know I can't sit here and tell you definitively that UAP are interdimensional some have certainly um have have postulated that um that they could be interdimensional but I'm not sure we even understand enough about our own Dimension our own reality to speculate on what another reality or a parallel reality or maybe a shadow biome if you feel a shadow biosphere maybe living in and around us all along but uh we just can't perceive it you know this kind of goes back to the old stories and and lore of like fairies where to this day people believe in them right they believe in them just as we believe in and everything else um but they're they they postulate that these things live in a in a parallel Dimension and and most of the time we can't interact unless there's some sort of special circumstances maybe where the two Dimensions come together and now you you kind of have this bleed off effect where you can um I am not an expert in religion I am not an expert in philosophy I am not an expert um in necessarily uh interdimensional science or string theory so I want to be careful not to offer my opinion one way or the other all I want to do is address the question you're asking me um so you know I'm I'm I'm I'm listening and I'm understanding and at the same time try to explain why I don't have an answer simply because you know I I don't have an answer I'm not I'm not an expert enough in those fields to tell you one way or the other but it's a great question love that question next one is from L stand Farm 2273 uh this was one of the very early commenters on your first YouTube video asks Lou can you expand on the Italian's helicopter that was allegedly shot down by UAP and anything we have learned from that yeah one of the lead investigators was actually the equivalent of the Italian Commander for the seals uh their Navy Seals equivalent Special Operations um they so let me give you a little background there was this city uh on an island that was being plagued by um the what they considered um fires that were just occurring randomly and when you looked at the when not me when the investigators looked at the burn patterns in some of these older houses where the copper wiring was a conduit they were actually able to calculate the wavelength and they they they thought this was some sort of directed energy initially they thought it was a Soviet sub uh a Russian submarine um near the Horizon that was shooting uh directed energy beams at the Village uh and uh it was causing these fires and so because of that they built this huge Faraday cage actually um around the village uh in front of the village to try to see if they could actually collect these waves when they started um seeing UAP discs floating orbs uh silver discs and there's multiple multiple pictures and photographs and videos I actually spoke to the people who ran the investigation it was a top secret investigation at the time not us top secret so I can talk about it foreign top secret um and it's no longer top secret they released the results so let me just caveat that I'm not speaking out of turn I'm not talking about anything classified um but uh um when they got up close and personal to to one of these UAP it reacted uh and in fact it uh they they described um it shooting out some sort of beam and interfering with the helicopter um not just the mechanics but the actual physical structure and when the helicopter came down to do an emergency landing um they looked at the the blade of one of the helicopter blades that provide lift for the helicopter and it appeared to be blown out from the inside out um as if uh think of think of sap on a tree when there's a fire right and then that sap Burns inside the tree and kind of explodes the tree very much the same way and um they there were I've seen the pictures I've seen the video there are is absolutely something that is pursuing this helicopter this helicopter was a undercover helicopter right uh you couldn't tell it was a military helicopter only the people flying it knew it was a military Mission and um so they were very they were very concerned about that uh fascinating fascinating investigation and it's a great question because people forget about that and these types of Investigations are occurring around the world this one's from bod filler 9783 Lou we keep hearing rumors about a quote unquote major event that could be the reason for the disclosure timeline that is now in place does this event have anything to do with this asteroid apothys scheduled very narrowly to our planet in 2027 negative it has nothing to do with the asteroid apus and its approach to Earth it has to do with something else potentially which I'm not prepared to go into conversation right now understood and I know naturally a lot of people would be curious uh on that note is there anything you'd want to expand on that when it comes to 2027 I'm going to not 2027 but I'm going to there may been some other dates proposed but I'm going to let the experts um noodle on that that and figure that out um you know it's certainly too premature for me to say anything um one way or the other um because I I we simply don't have enough data so I'm just going to do a polite pass on that question uh and you know that good question understood this next one comes from Miss Mary contrary and this is through Instagram here's a question which says Lou do you think it's possible to back engineer these things or you know is it the case that we just don't know the physics no I think we know the physics and I sure hope we have the capacity to reverse engineer it uh I cannot say definitively one way or the other if we are or if we have any intention to that's not my place to do so um but um you know we're we're we're we're we're here in the US we're a clever group of little monkeys you know we can figure things out pretty good uh and certainly if there's an advantage that can be gained by understanding some sort of new technology My Hope Is that there's somebody in our government doing that uh that's about all I'm prep prepared to say right now good question um boy these are tough questions wow this is what I love I love your willingness to go out onto social media and have these direct conversations with people because there are great questions and it is an honor to be able to uh take your questions and pose them to L in this manner and um here we go for the next one uh by way just say it feels like you want to know what it feels like it feels like being a bug that's been put into a petri dish under a bright white light and someone's looking at you through a microscope I bet so I bet I can only imagine and the other thing that people have to realize is uh you know I'm obviously aware Lou just how busy your schedule is at the moment I realize that we don't have a lot of time and I can only imagine how many different directions your brain is being pulled apart in so the fact that you've got the cognitive function still to try and answer these I'm very impressed oh I didn't say have cognitive functions at all at this point I think I'm probably flatlining pretty much right at this point I'm I'm uh I'm pretty physically and emotionally and mentally exhausted but um look it's it's important and I've got it a lot better than other people Mark you know that um you know i' I've always considered myself a blessed man uh I've I've i' I've achieved more than I ever dreamed of achieving and I I've been able to to experience more than I ever thought I would experience and and I I've I've I've had more love in my life than than I probably deserve so um I'm I'm a very blessed man and and a lot of people out there had of it a hell of a lot tougher than me so I'm not going to complain I'm going to continue doing what I try to do the best uh and just answer people's questions and um you know that's if you ask me a hard question that's what's wine that that's what wine is for at the end of I love that I love that okay so uh probably worth noting that very right exactly well this isn't going to be the only time Lou is jumping on his YouTube channel we plan to do this a lot so this W be the last opportunity for questions um look Lou doesn't have too much time so I'm going to wrap up with probably three more questions but please if you're listening to this right now jump onto the socials go to uh Lou elisondo dofficialjp much more frequently more often even if it's literally a driveby while I'm driving somewhere um I I want to make sure I address people's questions as much as possible well here we go this is Allison James Murphy 2744 through YouTube is asking uh assuming this person's read your book um have you seen any more orbs I take my hat off to you your wife and your daughters keep strong best wishes from South Wales UK wow thank you so much um we haven't recently in in in some time um pretty much when I when I remov myself from a tip um what some people refer to as the high strangeness I don't know if I'd call it that I just call it seeing some weird orbs in the house um that subsided uh substantially um and we haven't had that issue since certainly not here in Wyoming and and when we were in California um so uh yeah weird I mean at it the end of the day I can't even tell you if it was related to to atip other than other people in atip were having the same experiences around the same time um you know someone came to me and definitively said it was ball lightning okay sure maybe uh didn't look like any ball lightning I've ever seen before uh and um you know it happened when I came into the program and it stopped when I left so you know interesting coincidence there and again experienced by other people witnessed by other people who were also in the program um I don't what to make of it I I don't you know I I I wanted to put it in the book because it was true it happened um I knew that some people would probably read that and it would probably be a detriment to my credibility oh Lou's gone down the woo path look I'm just telling you what happened I I can't tell you if they're related you know seems like they are but I also could be wrong um could be a totally natural explanation for it I don't know of one but it's possible so you know I'm not going to rule that out and I'm certainly not going to sit here and tell you that everybody should you know duck for cover and and avoid orbs um because that was not my experience um that may have been other people's experience but it was not mine here's one from Francis Cruz a811 says what do you know about the project blue beam and what do you think of the Disco disclosure of Dr Steven Greer um I'm not overly familiar with Project Blue beam I know what it is superficially um as far as commenting on other individuals as people have asked me about Bob Lazar and him look I I don't talk about people I've never met um you know I I have a personal challenge I I don't like people being deceived um and there are individuals out there I'm not going to say specifically who you can fill in the blanks that have been caught red-handed um defrauding people basically claiming to do some sort of UFO summoning and then potentially allegedly uh paying somebody money to drop flares out of a plane um you know I if that's true then I want nothing to do with it I that's I I don't like it you know people the right out of the gate the moment I came out of the government people never even knew me were making accusations I was I was a disinformation agent first of all you don't even know what disinformation means okay secondly um I'm I was Counter Intelligence which is different than deception operations that's just people in a vernacular trying to create a soup and saying oh he he there he's one of those guys well I'm not and I wasn't so um you know that's just ignorance um by by a lot of people um I don't speak ill of people um my mother always taught me if I have nothing kind to say don't say it at all um so I'm not going to comment on Dr Greer or anybody else um you know I I I don't I don't do that now if they want to do it that's on them you know that their mother obviously didn't teach them well but as for me um that's kind of my Golden Rule I I prefer not to speak ill of people I have nothing kind to say I just simply won't say it at all all right last couple of questions and then I know you got to jump on a plane so here we go from J djs1 100 who is going to dissect these implants and maybe prove to the world that they are not human made so have you learned anything about these implants has anyone been able to have yeah I mean the problem right now they've been locked up kind of within government channels My Hope Is that we can get some academics and scientists on the outside uh to do some research on it whether it's new new stuff new new uh debris or objects that have been removed from somebody's body uh from a civilian doctor or the government decides to partner with some of the civilian doctors and say look this is what we have this is what we we've removed over the course of a year 10 years 40 years from individuals um I I I think that's very important and I would I would support that endeavor 100% I think that's where we need to go quite frankly sounds good well here's one to to end on and of course like we've said already we're going to be doing this um a little bit more frequently as we move forward you're about to jump on your first live inperson speaking engagements what are you trying to achieve going out on the road and and meeting people and doing this talk what's what's your goal Lou yeah good question mark the reality is I've done Live Events before um I've I've done several of them I when I have the time uh and that's a way to engage with people and talk with people personally and and answer their questions directly what I hope to achieve here is twofold a increase awareness of the topic so it's more palatable to have the conversation it's no longer filled with stigma and unnecessary taboo but two start engaging the people for what they think we should do right I've been doing this now for seven years and we've had a game plan I was very open with the American people what my game plan was how we were going to do it the five pillars of Engagement to include legislative engage engagement executive engagement uh we had um engagement with the media International engagement and finally public engagement and I've been very open about that i' I've told everybody from day one what my strategy was and how we were succeeding and in some cases how we were failing um but now I think we've come to the time come to a point I think now we have come to a point in the conversation where we need to open the tent and bring more people under the tent and start figuring out what does the everyday person want from this topic what does it mean to them how would they like us to hand this what does disclosure really look like right is it full open kimono or is it just the acknowledgement that hey we're not alone um because this conversation has always involved people and affects I've I've always told people affects each and every one of us equally and yet differently depending on the way you were raised and your religious and cultural backgrounds Etc and there are reasons to have a three or fourstar General in this conversation as it relates to National Security but this is a much bigger conversation ation isn't it this is a conversation that affects us as a people from a psychological perspective a sociological perspective a theological perspective a philosophical perspective and I'm not sure that a general is necessarily qualified to lead the conversation in those regards maybe it's better that we have a priest or a rabbi or a mom as part of that conversation maybe we have uh you know just regular citizens as part of that conversation soccer moms and PTA and and and the oil field workers and and auto union workers I mean this is a conversation that affects everybody so why not have everybody's everybody's opinion as part of the calculus you know I think I think everybody's opinion matters uh even the even the bad ones even the misinformed ones um I think everybody's opinion matters and I think we need to have a much bigger group discussion on and that's why I think it's important for this next phase of what we're doing with disclosure is that we include everybody else as part of the conversation because we might not have the right answer it could be that your neighbor comes up with the right answer and no one since no one talked to your neighbor then nobody would have known so uh when I go public it's a way for the public to engage me not only can I engage the public but the public can engage me and tell me for themselves what do they expect out of this and what a not to round up on thank you so much L I know you are insanely busy and I can appreciate that it was tough to get some time to do this but just one more time if you are listening right now wherever you're listening make sure you go and jum on the socials uh if I could get to all 4,000 questions I would have done but please if your questions weren't answered chalk them in the comments below Lou will do this again one day soon hey and if you tune in for anything it's just to hear Mark's wonderful voice that wonderful British voice it's uh you know I feel anybody had to listen to my Audi book I feel a little guilty about it because they probably should have had you narrated narrated by a British guy I've got uh I've got the the the silky smooth voice of a cement truck in high gear cening down a a Mountain Road yeah but it's it's an authentic voice Lou and I know a lot of people listening will appreciate the authenticity and the transparency behind your voice so good luck with your travels um for everyone who wants to see Lou just all of the information is online go and check out Lou elisondo and Lou I will see you on the next one yes sir and thank you to everybody have a wonderful wonderful day stay safe