YouTube Channel: "KOMO News" Video Title: "Exposing UFOs: Luis Elizondo’s journey and his new book" Exposing UFOs: Luis Elizondo’s journey and his new book 25,227 views Sep 15, 2024 Luis Elizondo, a former US Army Counterintelligence Special Agent, talked about his new book “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs,” in which he details his struggle to inform the American public of his findings about what the government knows and doesn’t know about UAPs. In part one of Holly Menino’s interview with Luis Elizondo they spoke about why this information is finally being brought to light and how he got involved in the Pentagon’s UFO program. From: Transcript: the former head of the Pentagon program tasked with investigating uaps also known as unidentified anomalous phenomenon previously called UFOs is out with a brand new book Louise alzando is a former US Army Counter Intelligence special agent who served the nation in that capacity for 20 years in his new book imminent inside the pentagon's hunt for UFOs he details his struggle to inform the American public about what the government knows and doesn't know about uaps during an in-depth interview I spoke with alzando about why he's getting this information out now here's part one of my two-part interview let's start from the beginning let's talk about the UAP crash incident 1947 in Roswell New Mexico tell me a little bit about that and then what came out of it sure you know there's a lot of uh public lore about Roswell when you when you hear Roswell uh in New Mexico you know you think of of sometimes these uh uh people in uh morph suits and whatnot but in reality there was a very significant event that that occurred in the late 1940s in the deserts of New Mexico uh near the vicinity of Roswell and in fact there were there were two crashes uh one of the vehicles was subsequently able to recover itself uh and the other one did not and when I say Crashers I'm talking about a UAP an unidentified anomalous phenomenon otherwise in the vernacular known as UFOs a lot of people when they hear the word Roswell they think oh weather balloon but turns out it wasn't a weather balloon and that's very I think very interesting because there's some significance there um at the time in the late 1940s one of the only capabilities to deliver at then the brand new atomic bomb was a modified b29 bomber and it turns out that the only place that those bombers were stationed were right there near near Roswell in New Mexico and so why why is that significant because in the book we explore the known connection the Department of Defense is long known that UAP or UFOs have a seemingly Keen interest in our nuclear equities and our nuclear technologies and it turns out that the birthplace of the US nuclear program was right there in New Mexico talk a little bit about the appearance of uips in your own home how did how did this start happening yeah so uh you know that's a great great question I I don't know if there were UAP to be completely Frank with you um all I know is that my entire family witnessed them some of our neighbors even witnessed them and it occurred about the same time as I started getting into the UAP effort at the Pentagon and it wasn't just my family it was I I I learned very quickly that other members of our effort of our program were experiencing strange and and B bizarre phenomenon in their homes um and in fact I think there's going to be a lot more of that revealed probably in the the subsequent probably few years um because there's people that are coming out and having that conversation now I want to be completely honest with you I don't know if they're UAP um but it did occur at the time which strangely enough whether it's coincidence or not around the same time that I was getting involved in the UAP program and then when I started divesting myself those incidents stopped um these were green diffuse balls sometimes about the size between anywhere between a softball and the size of a basketball but there were luminous green balls of light now some may describe them for example as perhaps as ball lightning or even say almost fire it's all possible could very well be there could be a natural explanation for what my family was experiencing it was just very interesting that it happened to coincide with my involvement in the pentagon's UAP program uh no one ever got injured uh nothing was ever you know damaged or destroyed in the house it was just really bizarre because it would literally float right down the hallway and disappear through a wall or through a door um I would say probably curiosity was was the better part of our reaction uh a little bit of surprise but I don't think we ever felt I certainly never felt threatened uh it was just just a very very strange occurrence and again what I find so interesting is that other individuals that were involved in our program also experienced similar activities while they were also involved in the pentagon's UFO program talk a little bit about that how did you get involved in the pentagon's UFO program how did you get involved in the Pentagon tell me a little bit more of your story in that way sure well uh I uh I graduated college uh I uh in the major of microbiology Immunology with advanced studies in parasitology not parasoy the study of parasites microorganisms so I've always been a disciple of the scientific method uh later on in my military career and then later in my federal career I was a senior special agent Special Agent in charge in Counter Intelligence so I've always been an empirical data driven person uh just the fact M kind of guy so for me I've never been necessarily interested in sci-fi as a kid or anything like that and uh one day I was brought into an office and a gentleman with kind of shaggy hair rocket literally a rocket scientist one of the senior rocket scientists for the US government uh asked me to be part of his effort and uh and provide some Counter Intelligence and security support um gentleman had uh glasses and I remember him looking over his glasses and looking at me and asking me a very direct question and he asked me towards the end of our conversation he says what do you think about UFOs keep in mind at this point I had no idea what this program was that that they were asking me to to be part of and so I thought for a moment and I responded truthfully I said I don't he said well what do you mean you don't you don't believe in UFOs and I said no I I didn't say that what I said is I don't you asked me if I think about them and I said no I really don't have the luxury to think about them I'm too too busy chasing bad guys and doing other things uh and I remember him saying to me it was almost this like an ominous warning uh he said look don't let your analytic bias get the best of you because you may learn some information here that May May challenge any preconceived notions that that you may have uh and um from there on I guess you may say the rest is history but that's when I learned that the US government did indeed have a UFO program and it was a very robust program uh there were a lot of very very good people working that program and this wasn't the only program there were other programs at the US government had in the past that also studied with equal Vigor the the UFO topic fascinating just listening back to our conversation yeah that was part one of my two-part interview with Luis alzando alzando is out with a new book called imminent inside the pentagon's hunt for UFOs he says this is his own personal account of his time working with the advanced Aerospace threat identification program and very much so when we were interviewing he was like ask me anything I'm open to anything and he really wasn't trying to promote his book I I did want to know about his book but he was like No just ask me what do you want to know I mean people want to know what's out there what does the government do know what do they don't know I mean it's fascinating that's going to be a good read for sure why is this important to you to come out with this information now why do you think the American public needs to know about it well first of all I believe that that America can handle the truth I believe that America deserves the truth and I believe there are reasons to keep things uh from a from a secrecy perspective National Security perspective there are always valid reasons to keep things classified especially when you're dealing with adversaries you don't want to tip your hand and show the adversary any type of technological advantage or vulnerability you may have so there are reasons to keep things classified but I also believe uh there are reasons not to keep things classified and you know the law is very clear we we we classify things to protect two things sources and methods what we don't do is classify things to hide things that are embarrassing to the government or or mal fees and at the end of the day there is a distinct chain of command and I have always believed in in three pillars and that is transparency accountability and anti-corruption and at some point somewhere we began to realize that there were groups of people who were keeping this information hidden from people within the government who had a demonstrated need to know people in Congress for example people in the chain of command they were not being informed that us payer tax dollars money your money that you pay in your taxes was being used to fund a UFO program and I do not think that the mere fact that we're not alone in the universe potentially or that your tax dollars paid for a UFO program should be classified there there's no reason reason for it uh other than to maybe hide embarrassment and because of the stigma and taboo associated with it I think that this is not a conversation like fine wine where the longer we keep a cork on it the better it gets I think secrets are perishable I think they have a shelf life I think they're like vegetables in your refrigerator and it comes a point where if you leave them there too long they begin to rot and they begin to stink and you got a real mess on your big mess on your hands uh and that's that's what motivated me to do what I'm doing that's what motivated me to step forward and that's what motivated me to write a book what is Congress doing now when it comes to uaps you know I I've got to give Congress a huge Kudos um this is one of the rare moments where you have both people on the left and the right uh coming together to try to figure out what we're going to do about this topic it is truly a bipartisan issue and and for that that is I don't want to say that's historic in itself but it's almost historic in itself where both sides can agree to something right um and they're a lot you know you have people people from AOC to Timber ched in the house that are championing this cause they want uh hearings public hearings to inform the American people which is exactly what they should be doing and they want answers and they also want accountability right they want to know where all this money is going into the defense industry that's unaccounted for uh furthermore you have people on the Senate side that are also like Chuck Schumer on one hand and and Marco Rubio or Senator rounds um also championing this cost because they want accountability and some of these folks actually sit on committees where they are entitled to that information right if you sit on a committee like the city forgive me the Senate select committee on intelligence they have a demonstrated need to know and if they're not being formed of where your tax dollars are going and the and the type of technology that we're producing and the advantage that we have over our enemies then there's something wrong someone somewhere in the bureaucracy is making a decision that is not necessarily in the best interest of the American people well you worked in this department of the Pentagon what was the most shocking information you uncovered or came across when it and it's information that you can share with me today what was the most shocking piece of information situation that you that you came across during your time there wow great question um it wasn't a single event um there were many many many things that occurred uh that to me was was rather compelling um in my book I go into a little bit of those details the reason why that's important is because it actually went through the Pentagon review process uh this is not a book that I just penned and said here you go it actually went through the Pentagon almost a year it took for a security classification review and even then the Pentagon decided to redact some of the information uh understandably so um I think you know when you realize that we're talking about technology that can fly unimpeded into controlled us airspace and over sensitive military installations and perform in ways that really are Beyond Next Generation capabilities really doing things that we we don't quite even understand the physics yet how how they're doing that and yet there they are doing it and we're collecting that information off radar and gun camera footage and also trained observers and they're able to do it over our controlled airspace and and sensitive military installations that's a problem right that's that that's a real National Security concern then you overlay the fact that there seems to be some sort of Keen interest in our our nuclear equities our nuclear weapons our nuclear production the nuclear power generation um when you put all those pieces together the jigsaw puzzle now begins to come into focus and you begin to realize we have a a significant problem on our hand look if this was a let's say a craft that had a Russian star on the tail or a North Korean tail number this would be all over the front page news but because these things don't have tail numbers they don't even have tails or wings or control surfaces or cockpits it's been crickets nobody wanted to have the conversation in fact it was worse because of the stigma and taboo you had Pilots being being persecuted they were being uh basically flying a desk taking off flight status and say Here's your desk and we're going to give you a psychological evaluation you don't ever report this type of information keeping in mind we have recorded incidents of these things coming so close to military aircraft that they are splitting a combat formation now if you know what a combat formation is these aircraft fly very very close to one another so imagine a UAP flying in between and splitting a uh a formation of combat aircraft so they're getting very dangerously close to our to our military pilots in some cases it's pretty fascinating we're going to post this interview on Ko's YouTube page alzando out with a new book called imminent inside the pentagon's hunt for UFO he says this is his personal account of his time working with the advanced Aerospace threat identification program he says the group of people that reported directly to him received emails and videos regularly of encounters with uaps that interacted with military equities