YouTube Channel: "Julian Dorey" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo CONFRONTED with Lockheed Alien Experiments & UFO Crash Retrievals" Luis Elizondo CONFRONTED with Lockheed Alien Experiments & UFO Crash Retrievals 20,095 views Oct 14, 2024 This Full Podcast (Luiz Elizondo - Ep. 237) From: Transcript: with this topic because of the nature of its relation to meaning of life if you will you know you you ran into a problem in the Pentagon that I mean you described it as like mind-blowing to you that this would ever happen and it's mind-blowing to me too which is like with the quote unquote colins Elite so you at some point within a tip growing as a hub within there you started to run into people where you you didn't the way you described in your book is that you you didn't necessarily know who they were they almost operated silently where there was a large contingent in this 22,000 person [ __ ] place the Pentagon that had their biblical beliefs dictate how they wanted to handle something like this which was really in a lot of ways to say don't handle it and I believe there was there was one guy who you had previously respected who at some point and still respect by the way I still respect that person okay so he pulled you aside at one point and said you're getting into demonic [ __ ] here have you read your Bible lately and you're looking at him as an Intel guy whose job is National Security going I'm sorry my Bible right like do you understand why at home this seems wild to someone like me or a lot of people listening that like a religious belief is going brother don't look now but when's the last time you pulled the dollar out of your pocket what's it say in there in God we trust yeah I mean look I hate to break it to you but you know a lot of a lot of our country was based on certain moral principles and and even religious values um that's a fact you know there's a reason why we have a National Cathedral right and things like that doesn't that's not a bad thing you know this country is it it's okay to have faith in this country in fact I I am a man of Faith um I don't wear my religion on my sleeve and I'm very personal about it but people know when you read my book I was I was raised Jewish that's that's that's the way I was raised I went to Hebrew school and War yamaka um and on my father's side they were they were catholic um so my mother's side that she chose to raise me Jewish um I don't have a problem with faith in fact I think faith is important it gets people through a lot of things what I have a problem with is when people overlay their faith on a national level security issue now is it that strange that that happens no we have we have National prayers all the time that our presidents lead right so faith is important in our country and I'm not blaming anybody if they believe that these things are demonic or they're anti-christian and by the way I don't want to villainize the Christians either because it's not a Christian issue yeah neither am I by the way yeah yeah yeah no I got it but but I guess I want to make clear that look extremism by any other word is still extremism whether it's Muslim extremism Christian extremism Judaism extremism extremism is extremism we can all agree on that my and that's my concern it's when people that are in the government are are exercising their views in a way that's unilateral without allowing other people to be part of that conversation that is a problem for me now you I've have believe faith is great to have and if it if it's a moral compass for you fantastic but I don't think that we have the right to impose our religious views in a decision process over other people who may not share that look there's two this is i' I I often try to explain to people there's really two types of truths in the world because people say oh there's only one truth no that's not true there's actually two types of truths in the world there is a universal truth like gravity right affects us all the same and there's a personal truth the personal truth is like religion or politics right it can be just as truthful to you as gravity but it might not be to him it's a personal truth and it may not be backed by the evidence and it might not might or might not be backed by the evidence and so we have to understand what we can't do is apply a personal truth in a universal decision a universal truth like gravity yes but you cannot this why whether it's political or religious or anything else a personal truth should never be be used in a decision that affects affects more than yourself and this it's hard to do it's hard to do because you think you're doing the right thing you think everybody feels that way and everybody's like you but they're not and that's what we have to avoid this is part of that Human Experience again right we we're we're looking through a lens that say well this is my personal truth and it's a universal truth well is it really though it's a personal truth but is it really a universal truth and if it's not then maybe you should try try to remove that personal truth out of the equation and just stick to the universal truths and but that's hard to do because a lot of people don't even know the difference I look I don't care if you're liberal or conservative or anywhere in between people have their opinions and man there are people that are really believe in their opinions they're willing to do extreme stuff because their personal truth they think is a universal truth man and they do things that um don't think for one second somebody who who hate to be crude here but Burns himself alive in protest that's that's a universal truth for them even though for us it may be a personal truth I mean they are willing to give their lives for it right right um so we have to understand that um and in and in government so different religion so different you know where where personal truth becomes a universal truth it's the reason why Isis felt the way they did because you know they think well the whole world needs to be the way this is universal truth and I'm not I'm not bashing on anybody who's Muslim most of my friends were Muslim in college but extremism again is extremism whether it's Muslim Christian extremism Jud you know extremism that's right doesn't matter what it is and then you have governmental extremism and that's also a problem how much did they impact how much was that a a constant thorn in your side with as it pertains to actions that could or could not be taken by a tip you know what there was some people I won't say the person's name there was another individual that was part of the uh under secretary of defense for intelligence who's very well known very vocal about his personal views religious views and he made decisions based off of it um you know I again it's one of the things it it didn't it didn't affect us other than maybe for funding um but I did not I did not feel dayto day that there was this pressure by them it was we got up to a certain point they kind of said stop here yeah like whoa okay and we didn't we didn't stop so um you know other than a curiosity of saying wow that's interesting I actually came face to face with it one of these guys um it did not I don't think it really impacted uh now there's other people in aspt that will probably violently disagree like oh man these are the ones these are the guys that created such a headache for us and they did they did I mean I I think that story will probably come out at some point they they did make our life hell for a while ironically enough right but um it uh it it didn't it didn't affect me that much personally well one of the arguments a lot of people who maybe purely on the religious side make is that you know they'll point to the fact that we have no physical evidence of this stuff it just leaves a mark so it's a demonic creature and you know look at Leviticus 10:15 it'll tell you that's why that hole is right there in in in the wheat field or whatever but you isn't religion itself what what facts are they basing in it other than scripture I mean religion itself takes Faith exactly right religion itself is belief in the Supernatural whether you like it or not now and and it's not a bad thing it's just it is and so there's no evidence that you have right now it's a story that someone written down and you decide to accept it as truth but and by the way that's a personal truth right that you feel is a universal truth but at the end of the day you don't have evidence you weren't there you didn't see The Parting of the waters you didn't see the Miracles and the and the and the water and wine you weren't there agreed entirely and to your point that you brought up earlier in the conversation it can exist on the other side of this with a religion and UFOs or something saying like oh were you there in Virginia in '96 that's right you know what I mean that's right which by the way can I you make a really good point here which is I think something I've never really addressed if we're not careful with this UAP topic if it hasn't already started to it could become a religion and we need to avoid that oh it has started hope not because that is that that is not the intent of these conversations and it should not be it should not be a religion and I am concerned that in 20 30 40 years 100 years 200 years from now it could very well be a religion and it should not be a religion yeah Lou I I I I think it I think it already has become that way and I think you're actually a I guess like unwitting guinea pig with that unfortunately because again you talked about being the messenger with you know just delivering a message here and there's people who view that as prophetic on the other end of it there's people that also view that as whatever the opposite is you know like the devil so when I when I look at you this this is a good time to go into this to to Really address like headon where you're coming from in the past episode episode 151 I had Ron James in here who's talked with you before for his documentary and then episode 179 I had a Nick Pope I think like three hours into Nick popes we talked about yours Nick is another guy who comes from government or whatever and in in these conversations and in some others a point where I've been critical of you is based on the words that you've said yourself in the past and actually said to me before we we were on air today which is that you know this this is a fact like you are an Intel guy so I always joke and go all right am I'm I'm like all right fed like what do we got right here but online you see two things you either see people who are like no he's been sent by God you know not literally God himself to deliver the great word of UAP that and then you have people on the other side who are going who are like you know abolish every three-letter agency this is a scumbag fed coming out here and doing whatever I was more in the middle in the sense that I'm like okay maybe he just really is a part of an op and he's read in on things that I'm not so maybe there's a good reason for that but I don't [ __ ] know so my job is not to sit here therefore and believe what he says because again he's worked in the government and you know it could be like if this is a topic I'm interested in like I am and UFOs uaps he may be saying things that are not true maybe for a good reason maybe for a bad reason too maybe you're a bad guy Lou but like I don't know this now I see three doors with you I'm going to maybe there's like five but we're going to put it down to three number one is you know let's call it like the Steven green Green Street door he's completely full of [ __ ] he's making it all up there's no record of anything and I disagree with stepen on on some of the evidence that he's on that he's uncovered there but he's like kind of the the heel to it right he's the opposite the second door is you're either mostly telling the truth or like almost all the truth maybe there's some things that you know you reviewed the evidence and you got it wrong but like you're out here and you're actually giving all the information and it's in a purely kind of benevolent way like you've said where you feel like you have a moral duty to tell people things that they have a right to know that Humanity has a right to know to say nothing of the United States of America citizens the third door is it's a mix and the third door could be that it's like you know and this is a strong word to use but it could be like some sort of scop where let me just paint a picture here you guys on the back end you know a 22-year intelligence veteran if you're still in a 29-year intelligence veteran you have access to such crazy information that you have been able to simulate how Society may handle this information if it was given to them to the point that you are able to see using all your great tools back there they're like o this could cause ontological shock or an existential crisis if we just dump this on people therefore someone like Alou alzando someone like a Chris melon someone like a David grush could be sent out there to reveal some truths in the midst of other stuff that might not be true or more more likely revealing truths to make it sound really important when when in reality the crazier [ __ ] is over here and you want to I don't know limited hangout get people away to focus on this so when you look at these three doors obviously the first one you're going to disagree with which is that you know oh Lose full of [ __ ] his career wasn't real yeah but when you look at the other two doors could you see why people might make the argument on door three there I can see why people see all three doors that's that's and there's more doors than that I I can I can tell you the door that I that I that I think I'm in okay you know but it's it's it's a little different um first of all let me put cards on the table if you ask me to choose between National Security and disclosure like real National Security I will always choose National Security I've never made any bones about it I love my country and I will protect and defend this country period full stop um secondly um I want government accountability that's what I want whether it's with this topic or another topic there is a right way and a wrong way to do things I am very concerned and it's probably because of my old generation based upon the previous studies that some people can find this information disruptive okay what we call catastrophic disclosure I don't want that I want constructive disclosure I want to tell the American people let them have whatever they can have legally up to that point that they can't have it anymore but that's not my decision to make all I can do is continue to try to push for It ultimately reles to the government government's decision to do that and I won't override the government I won't do it I won't I've made it very very clear I am not trying to hurt or disrupt our government I'm trying to help it it backed itself into a corner for 70 years plus potentially for decades and now we're at a point that people have the lowest level of faith and confidence in our government and our institutions why because we haven't been honest with the American people people oh the the Pentagon never lies right unless you talk about the Pentagon papers unless you talk about you know Iran contract unless you talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal I mean we we haven't been and our government has done some terrible things to people in the past look look at the syphilis experiments we let people die man I mean that's die government killing people would never happen yeah right so you know my my point being is that the government hasn't always been necessarily looking at the best interest of the American people but this is a topic I think where I always believe that that that America can handle the truth I think America deserves the truth and I think there's a right and wrong way to have the conversation and I I I want us to have a conversation like I said both from a national security perspective but then there's the other part of the conversation that affects everybody differently and yet equally right whether it's philosophically or psychologically or sociologically or even theologically my hope is that the American people can have the conversation for themselves and that that that point make the decision what it means to you and then if at the end of the day you guys say yeah great going get a Big Mac fine but at least you had the opportunity to have that conversation right you can then you make that decision for yourself and at that day I go I'll go work at Walmart I'm cool no sweat done but at least be able to have the conversation that's what I want to see happen that is the door I am in and yes I am still very loyal yes I will still defend my country and work for my government if asked to and when asked to but it's not either or it's like oh well since he does that he must be not for the people that's [ __ ] man that's that's that's that's a that is a that is a you we are creating a a fake narrative we're creating a binary Solution that's this is not a binary thing it's not either or either you you're loyal to the government you're loyal to the American people it shouldn't be that way you should be able to be loyal to both that's what you should be and you can be that way and that's what it used to be and that's what it should be again because remember government for the People by the people it's not this big monolithic thing there that's oh there's government then there's a people CU if that's a case and man we're lost we're done this is then you know what forget Society we'll go move to Canada or something because that's not the way our government was supposed to be people died in wars we fought revolutions so we could have that power so the people made the decisions and you have a representative government that are interested in in the in the in the interest and the will of the people this is my we are going to lose the whole thing if we don't recognize that it's it'll be gone and then everything that everybody's doing is going to be a waste this is my concern and I know what Revolution is because my family came from it and people don't realize that and all these little nit noids out there in the Twitter sphere who armchair quarterbacks whove never served their country never served a day in their life doing anything other than being selfish and doing something for themselves have no freaking clue what's actually going on and they create drama they they're not they're not interested in the drama they manufacture the drama they're actually out there wanting the drama then they watch how it goes down oh look look I made an impact someone made a comment you know that is that is not my focus that's why I don't deal with it I don't care about it my focus is on this type of conversation this is a national level conversation and by the way it's not just with UAP you can see it right now look at the two people we have that are that are that are vying for president okay yeah now I'm not going to say bad or good about either one but let me ask you this is there anybody else probably maybe kind of sort literally everybody qualified yeah right is that really really really America's best no you know or are we just uh well you know what I'll go ahead and compromise with you know that person because that one over there I hate just a little bit more right you know and so and and we see this all the time and then we see the AC of pitting against each other there are people out there that are these agent provocators that thrive off of it you know wouldn't it be great like online you're saying everywhere even the media mainstream media wouldn't it be great if a president C candidate came out and said you know what I'm not going to say anything bad about my my uh opponent in fact May opponent probably make a damn good president but let me tell you where we differ this is my perspective on how we should fix things and then the other person well this is how I think we should fix it imagine that that'd be nice instead of just throwing he said she said he said said which is all it is which is all it is that's all it is and it's to the point where we think it's normal now it's like a Super Bowl my team versus your team it's not it's not a Super Bowl man this is life this is our country it's not US versus you we're all in this [ __ ] together man and so forgive me for being emotional about this but but this is this is what drives me and when people try to put in a a false narrative or try to you know well Lu must think this or Lou must think that you know what think for yourself don't don't worry about what Lu thinks it doesn't matter what L thinks what matters is the facts and the details and then make your decision for yourself don't be lazy do your research right understand what's actually happening here and and don't expect some person to give you a sound bite because now we watch the media not only do we want to know the news but we want we want to know even what to feel about it right so what do we do we turn into our little Echo chamber depending on what side of the aisle we're on politically and we watch our shows and we're not willing to watch oh I don't like them they're biased hey don't look now dummy so are you you know how about expand your horizons and look at other sources of information and start thinking for yourself that is what this country used to be there used to be a point where you could get on the news you had no idea the political affiliation of any of the reporters because it was just the facts that was a nicer world I got Walter kronite up in the corner up there because absolutely that was a better world to live in and well that was an honest world to live in even when we were doing dishonest things right and this is my concern this is my concern with with where we are now as a country hey guys if you haven't already please be sure to share around this episode on social media and with your friends Instagram Facebook Twitter Reddit it's all a huge help and I appreciate all of you who have been doing that each week and this is why it frustrates me so bad because ultimately at the end of the day my focus is not the UFO Community it never has been it's on the other 99.9% of the population that's never even considered this topic seriously that's my focus and through this we maybe we can have a bigger conversation about what accountability transparency and anti-corruption that's really what I'm I'm I'm hoping to pursue here this is why this topic this is just one example it's a big one a really big one but this is just one example of things we got to fix in this country but if if if you can recognize and I agree with you that we're living in a country now where people it's devolved to such a point of he said she said and [ __ ] that like these are the presidential candidates we have to choose from and it's a giant reality show just at a high level one example right there to say nothing of the rest of the internet that we can all see I can see how psychologically people that you've spent your career around sitting in serious rooms like Skiffs that have seen all the worst [ __ ] that this world has to offer and know things through the literal job description of your jobs that you know we'll never know or you know maybe we'll find out 100 years from now when it gets declass ified I can see how psychologically there is this boundary that forms where suddenly you guys in your group thinking this scenario or like look we actually know what's going on here and we're going to save the people from themselves cuz they have no [ __ ] idea 100% there are PE and this is this is one of the things I explored because there are people this is why people I'm so glad you brought this up you could not be more accurate there are people now who want disclosure and they want their pound of Flesh all these people that are part of Legacy efforts put them in front of a court and put them all in jail for lying to the American people I don't think that's the way to do it I think what we do is we incentivize them we give them an award give them a promotion say Hey listen great thank you for your interest in National Security good job Now's the Time to have the conversation I think that most of these people that kept this so secret for so long actually believed in their heart they were doing it for the right reason I think there were people out there who actually felt look we already had studies done we know that the American population can't take this right now that they they cannot process this information they're too worried about Russians and nukes and all this other stuff um we're not going to put that as a priority right now and by the way no use having this conversation with the American people because we still have no idea where they're from or what they want or how it works or anything like that right we're just now scratching the surface so it's just like when we were flying the U2 over Russia and Russia never ever ever made an issue you know we flew it in contravention of an actual treaty with them that we would not fly man reconnaissance missions over Mainland Russia and what did we do we built the U2 With the CIA and locking Martin Skunk Works and we start flying them and the Russians never reacted so we thought hey the plane flies too high and too fast they can't detect it the Russians were were were were tracking every single flight from day one the only reason why they didn't make an issue of it is why because they didn't have a capability to neutralize it and it wasn't until they were able to actually successfully shoot one down with an sa2 surface ter missile did they tell the world the reality hey look what America is doing right so why admit a problem for which there is no solution solution I can understand from a national security perspective people in our own government having that same mindset why are we going to acknowledge a problem which we don't even understand yet I get that I don't agree with it but I can respect that understanding I can I can respect that mindset and in their hearts they feel like they really are doing their patriotic Duty so from that perspective I get it and back to what you just said to me a bunch of guys sitting around in skiff and saying hey you know these morons can't handle it I'm not saying that's their attit I'm saying it comes it like it's like a passive feeling that comes in like oh my God if only these people knew you know what I mean but that's every day in the intelligence World brother I mean that's listen there's I don't sleep all at night because of crap I've learned and it has nothing to do with the UAP Community I mean I'm telling you there's that's the cost of information people say I want to know but you know you go to the doctor doctor says Hey listen um uh before we talk you want me to be truthful with you everything right on your your yeah I want my to tell me about my medical Jim um you sure you want to be truthful with you yeah I want you to be truthful with me you have stage four cancer oh [ __ ] I wish you would have been truthful with me you know ibean I would have been better off not knowing that or going to uh a friend and saying hey um listen um this fiance you have um yeah yeah great guy great gal do do you want to I've got some information you want me to share with you yeah yeah let me know you sure yeah of course I want to know they've been cheating on you the entire time oh I didn't want to know right so in intelligence is like that you learn things all the time that that you know probably would be better off not knowing but it's your job and so that's not just with the the UFO stuff that's with a lot of things National Security there's a lot of things that would keep people up at night fortunately we have really good people in the intelligence community that are professionals and they can do their job and their job is to stop the worst thing from happening and most of the time they're very successful with that so you know if there was any type of consolation prize in this is that there are very very good people very patriotic people who are who who lose sleep every night so we don't have to yeah um and that's why it's important that we don't villainize everybody into government you know the moment you say I worked into oh you're one of those all right look it was a job okay but we didn't do it to deceive anybody else we were deceiving the enemy not you not the American people weren't the enemy you know um denial and deception and information operations and all those things um you know you do it to fight and win Wars you don't do it because you're bored you don't because you know you're just oh let's let's go figure something out to go and be disruptive that's not the way it works um and I think that's that's part of the problem we have in this conversation because not our conversation but in a bigger conversation because there's such a lack of trust in the government now this is why it's important now more than ever we need to show good faith in the government we have to do it and because right now I thought you said okay yeah yeah yeah so you see in the context I'm trying to say here right so this is again why this accountability and transparency is so important now at the end of the day is there a better way to do it could be could be could I be wrong in this approach yeah sure absolutely yeah I think people are always going to be skeptical because of the fact that we've seen such as you laid out yourself with some examples we've seen such a breakdown in the trust of Institutions through some things that they have done wrong which again and this is this is unfortunate but my friend Jared dillian who I had on the podcast for episode 182 or 183 he is a former Leman Brothers guy and he had this line in in a memoir he wrote about Leman Brothers is that he he put it like this he said there were approximately 20,000 people who worked at Leman brothers and I can tell you 19,994 of them were really good at their jobs and tried very hard that's right now I always amend it to probably 19,90 but you get the point it takes very small turd in the punch bowl to ruin that punch bowl right and that's why in government especially it's so important this is my anti-corruption issue here because it just takes a few people in government to do bad things and the entire government looks like crap and this is this is another concern because it's easy to blame the government oh this government is Big you know huge monolithic thing no government's just made of people and there are some good people really good people in government and there's a couple that you know not so good not not so good right and unfortunately it kind of paints with a broad stroke the entire government and so it's important we don't villainize a government don't you know we it's like it's like a police officer yeah there's a couple dirty cops out there but most of them are putting their life on the line to save your ass you know and you know they're they're good people they go home they pay their bills they and they're putting their life on the line every day for you same with our military same with our intelligence professionals but it just takes one or two and now you've got a corrupt Police Department that's right now look if we're going to be fair and we're going to be assessing the morality and the actions of the government we also have to look at the other side of this which is something you outlin in your book pretty well which is the the contract side the the private side so you learned through this program that companies and I'm just going to name a couple here like Lockheed and Northrup had been in I'll just use my own term like in lockstep with previous UFO related things with the government to the point that you alleg you you had you saw evidence the files you had access to to show that companies like a locked like a Northrup had been in charge of UFO crash retrievals and given so much Authority by the government in this case as like a hand inhand military-industrial complex I guess in a way such that the evidence recovered from these were in places that you had no idea about in the government and couldn't ever access yourself therefore it's pretty much all on the private side for them to potentially reverse engineer things that you the government wouldn't even know about correct that was kind of an issue no yeah it was uh let's let's look at a real real case scenario here um let's look at let's look at the uh the Apollo missions okay and the early days of the US government's Space Race and Race To The Moon um it was about 10 years it's when Kennedy said we're going to put a person on the moon and not because it's easy but because it's hard etc etc and that was in 1969 we successfully landed somebody on the moon that was a 10-year Endeavor now we had to invent everything from scratch to do that no one had been to really space before no one had ever been certainly to another Celestial body and nobody knew what it was even like and how to do it and how to get there and what was involved the Technologies uh and so we had about nine to 10 years to figure it out maybe a little less as a result of that over and think about this 6,000 200 Industries and products have were invented and created to do that so for example things like the LED light bulb velcro right the CAT scan these are Technologies in some cases that have changed Humanity forever have benefited our well-being all because of a space race and this a competition for for a little less than a decade with a foreign adversary right um these technologies have long outlive the initial purpose for which they were created right imagine a company that has access to material or technology and without Fair competition able to do things and make money based upon that now I'm not against capitalism at all capitalism works it's fantastic as long as we all play by the same rules right capitalism doesn't work when one company gets a unfair advantage over another and they're in life part of the problem because if you have material that was in the possession of the government and says okay you can use this to analyze it for us that doesn't mean you can just turn around and start making profit off of it and creating stuff that we don't agree for you to to make that prop that property belongs to the American people that belongs to the government not you let's let's let's make make that clear up front you don't own that property unless we sell it to you right um and so there in lies part of the problem also you have legal consequences so let's for example say here we go company oh that's I won't do that uh all right go we got this and we got this company a and Company B on the government right and I find something interesting in the desert and I say hey uh company a I want you to go ahead and analyze that for me okay Company B don't worry about that you just just go over here and do your thing 10 years later what happens company a becomes a multi-billion dollar Aerospace company company B what happens well they went bankrupt 200 jobs were lost and the investors who had that money in there gone right what just happened well the US government gave an unfair advantage to company a instead of Company B right they make the money they make the profit now there are actual rules and laws and regulations like SEC violations that if if I do that and this company goes bankrupt now there's a real legal liability on my part because I broke the law I did something that I wasn't allowed to do because as the government as a government yeah because I gave an unfair advantage to one company over another right there's rules and mechanisms to do stuff I want to give company a material there's rules and procedur to do that I can't just go and give it to them there there are unless they are a prime contractor and I have these avenues that are taken care of and blah blah blah blah blah blah there are laws against being able to give these unfair advantages because why there is money behind it they're in a capitalist world people invested in Company B because they thought they were going to be a company that had the same type of Pop potential as company a but we didn't know that there was an unfair relationship between couple people in the government and Company a so here we're going to slide that to you right it's like all these sweetheart deals where you're paying $22,000 for a toilet seat for an airplane yeah right I mean what well how does that happen well it happens happens because someone in a government has a sweetheart deal with somebody here and they get away with it right so we gave are you saying and maybe I'm taking this a little too far but are you saying we gave sweetheart deals to certain companies as it pertains to say UFO crash retrievals and we had now created a beast that we cannot tame it appears that may very well be the case that may be one of the issues that we're dealing with and if that's the case okay well there's real legal consequences how do we fix this without you do you give them amnesty I think you do people are going to say oh you can't do that well listen do you want the truth or not what's the cost of it you know there's there's examples where we do this Truth and Reconciliation we did it in Rwanda we've done it with other countes where we we say look a lot of bad things were done on both sides we're willing to forgive all of it if we can if we can reconcile and we can we can move forward together towards the truth and I think that's the way we do it this is why I said we don't villainize those who are part of these efforts I know it's easy people want to do that and they want their pound of Flesh and I say no I yeah but but but the company on that end I want to stick with your example here company a if they became a multi-billion dollar whatever the government making that mistake is not their fault they just reap the benefit of it so what incentive do they have to come to the table like what can the government legally say to them you you allowed them to do it well this is part of the eminent domain conversation isn't it ah yeah it is which is by the way I'm not going to get into it's very controversial but look the government has the right through a domain to do whatever the hell it wants if you got some and it's better and it's in in the interest of national security or national interest we'll buy your house we'll put a highway right through it we'll do whatever we need to do make no mistake we will absolutely do it right same holds true with this the problem is the government's been saying no for so long it doesn't exist they don't want it back they're I don't want it you you keep it you you figure out I don't want nothing to do with that you know um so it's it's a double sword um this is you know this is a very it's actually a great conversation because it kind of highlights some of the complexities we're dealing with you know people say well I just want the truth well but it's not that simple it's not it's not just okay here's the truth because the consequences of that how you get the truth can make or break something and there are people there that don't want that to happen well a huge problem with the truth that people have with anything involving the phenomenon is that as meuk Kaku says we have no physical evidence Ence you know steal a pen for God's sake steal and like I hear him because you know like I I had Jesse I just recorded with Jesse Michaels that's to be G to be coming out one or two episodes after you but like he talked about like the B that he saw and showed it with Gary Nolan The Jock fet had brought to him so like maybe there's something physical there but like it's not like we have when David grush came out who was able to like remove the remove the curtains and say Here's the UFO we recovered in 1933 and it's the same thing with you you're you're out here saying I've seen the the evidence written up in papers and I think you're also saying like maybe you've seen some physical evidence too but like C can you understand why Skeptics out there are saying well this is religious as well if we don't have physical evidence yeah my responsible first of all we do have physical evidence it's just you don't see it because it's with the government and it's or with the private companies with the or the private companies right who work for the government by the way right so allegedly yeah or should anyways right uh and and you're right you should don't I'm not asking you to believe me your government's already told you that you you had a former Director of National Intelligence radli former director of the CIA Brennan you had a former president of the United States you had a president just now a week and a half ago the former president that said hey if I get elected I'm going to release the UFO files because the guy asked him would you do it he said yeah I'll do it and by the way I tried to do it before but I got a lot of flack for doing it I mean do it did well no but did you hear that what he says he says I tried to do it before but I got a lot of resistance wait a minute you know what that means that's ackn that's saying yes I've been brief to it I want to do it but someone is telling me no so you know don't don't believe Lando don't listen to L I don't give a [ __ ] do say do your research man don't be lazy get out there and and be proactive read what's out there read what people are saying people in Authority who are telling you this not forget L alzando you know it's there yeah it's there you you don't you don't need it from me all you need from me is maybe a little bit of my background and you know XYZ but there's already data there there's already data there you've already had an acknowledgement by the US government in many ways of the reality of this topic you've already had these reports to Congress they said look every time we go and try to figure these things out we have more not less right government said oh we have complete air domain awareness over our country what happens when we start recalibrating our Radars to look for UAP boom surveillance satellite from China are just wafting over Northern continental United States right so if you if you look at the data what the data is suggesting that is all I'm asking people to do I'm not and this is why I don't give my opinion what do you think L it doesn't matter what L thinks what matters what you think stop asking me that don't make me think for you because that is a your ability to look at information objectively is sacred no one should be thinking for you you should be thinking for you and so my job is easy here's the facts and the data you decide what you want to do with it that is that is really what this boils down to have you stood in front of a recovered UFO I am uh boy I can talk about what's in the book because I got cleared for it so let me say this I have had in my possession material that was allegedly recovered from a UFO and it was very cannot say okay it was but I I don't I have been told I was warned very very clearly this I'll share with you I was told several years ago that I could never talk about crash retrievals or material ever and I signed a paperwork for it right so that in itself is should be evidence for you but more importantly than that it's only been recently I'm allowed to talk about the one piece of material because it's in my book and I got cleared for okay let's talk about that's I have to be I have to honor that so it just so you understand I'm not trying to be evasive I just I don't want to go to jail I hear you so uh there is material that I've had um access to that was clearly engineered uh it was we had one of the very best I can't say which one one of the very best aerospace companies and government contractors okay so you can try to figure out who that was Lu try to replicate try to replicate I'm not saying say one way or the other tried to replicate that material and at a cost of a million dollars and it broke the machine they able to create this material at a macro level a sandwich between one piece and another piece this material um up to three years ago I don't know about now but 3 years ago we could not replicate we could not we did not have the technology to manufacture it when you look at this material and you found that when we know for sure we we we we found it and where it was found temporally there's a problem because this material has obviously been engineered with a technology that at least we're pretty sure we don't have maybe the Russians maybe the Chinese sure back in the 1990s 1940s definitely not that is equivalent to us as if you have a piece of material that says hey this from 1940 whatever and you look at you say oh wow that's pretty interesting because we didn't have that technology that's like going into as I've said before going into into King tutt's tomb for the very first time as we've discovered it and as you chisel away the plaster wall and you peek inside you see a fully assembled 747 jet it doesn't make sense right they did not have the technology to do that back then I don't care what you think but there it is right so how to get in there um it's the same thing it's it's the same same issue we have here if we don't even have the technology now someone did it came I mean it's it's same from somewhere and when you look at at the atomic so we're going there's there's three levels of of of analysis and maybe that might be helpful if I explain it real Qui so um I find this okay um that makes noise by the way if you want to do it no on the bottom on the bottom see the one button now hit it okay what the he you've got to be kidding okay little known trick so imagine being Da Vinci and walking in a desert in the 1600s and finding this right yeah it'd be trippy yeah so made of plastic uh and it talks It's Magic right it's magic so um so my point being it's kind of in the same way um you know you D Vin you would never expect something like this and would have no idea its use right and understand what a battery is and and how this speaker works and the pl It's Magic um there are three types of analysis you would do first of all if I find this in the desert and um I was let's say I was Da Vinci and I had the technology first I'm going to do is I'm probably going to weigh and I'm going to do a physical analysis I'm going to say okay it's hard it's solid it's made of some sort of plastic material it weighs half a kilogram roughly this Dimension um it's uh not electric it doesn't conduct electricity but something inside does blah blah blah blah if that's interesting enough that'll warrant a chemical molecular analysis now I want to see I know it's some Hard Solid Surface but I want to see the relationship between the molecules themselves how are they arranged what what is their relationship with the other molecules in there well I analy this it's got some copper in it uh it's got some lithium um it's got some plastic uh polymer it's got some uh aluminum in it right and if that's interesting enough then I say okay I'm going to spend the extra money I'm going to do a a I'm going to do a atomic analysis at the Nano level I want to see how the not the molecules but how the atoms are actually arranged because within the natural environment there's a variation of isotopes that we find here on this planet and it turns out that they're natural they're are some that are not natural and that's the reason why speaking of King tutch tomb this is why it's kind of important because for decades there was a little dagger that we found in King tutt's tomb that we just thought was a neat little dagger it wasn't until we did the analysis on it that we realized it wasn't from Earth the metal came from a meteorite and we know that and that's when all of a sudden became important like oh my gosh that's is why they buried him with the dagger because this is made from meteorite it's not from Earth right it's magical or whatever there was significance behind it you know that by doing looking at isotopic ratios at the atomic level and how they are arranged and when you find that atoms are arranged with such a level of precision that takes a lot of Technology it's really really expensive right and the uses for that are are fairly finite at least from our own technological perspective there's only so many reasons you would want to invest and making something with that level of accuracy remember at a cost of a million bucks we were able to put put two pieces together this is much much more complicated than that so that is why material analysis is so important that's why when you come across a piece of material that's been engineered and then you find out when it was recovered right that kind of changes you know you could say yeah maybe Russia China has that ability now or has in the last five or 10 years not decades ago and so that is part of the compelling evidence and now I'm not a material scientist but we had people that looked at it right there's people that that even to this day and age in the government are analyzing stuff can't say who can't say where but they are interested in in analyzing this type of material and it's happening so I know I'm not I'm not scratching your itch specifically but I'm trying to have a conversation while getting around any issues that might get me in trouble I can't be specific but I'm giving you an example of how you do analysis why it's important what makes a piece of material so compelling that's what makes that material compelling yeah it always [ __ ] with my head thinking about this because you're assuming you have some whether it be a crazy Advanced civilization or future humans whatever it is it's like these beings would have so much more understanding of whatever the physical world is than we do to the point that I've always said like wouldn't they be able to simulate everything ahead of time like wouldn't they be able to simulate a crash happening or something like that so that it wouldn't happen I mean you talk in your book about your conversations with how put off for example on Roswell where he's he's got some fascinating thoughts there but he's like hey it was probably some sort of EMP interference from our universe that [ __ ] with the craft falling to Earth and boom now well there were two of them and one of them we were then able to recover and then the Government tried to cover it up and say it was a balloon so you know when you see things like that it's like our way less Advanced squirrel species is able to have some capabilities that [ __ ] up these civilizations so much that we're able to even get evidence like that allegedly yeah so your argument is that you know we're the the monkeys on the ground it couldn't these things if they're though so Advanced how are they allowed to be so vulnerable and susceptible right yeah okay so uh we are in a beautiful place here in Hoboken and again I'll I'll be respectful of privacy but I noticed this morning when I was getting up and walking outside the hotel yeah had this beautiful view of the of of the Hudson I mean it's just gorgeous just beautiful beautiful and um you know it was only a few years ago that um you had a uh you had a a what some call a miracle here you had a commercial jet yep Sully Sully and and and crashed what you want to remind your audience what happened so this was it was a Tom Hanks movie later but they took off from LaGuardia went up into the sky as they were coming up suly solenberger the captain realized there were Birds the birds came into the engine suddenly the plane failed and Sully used unbelievable skills that he had acquired over 40 some years or something of flying was able to pull it back around right out here correctly as you point out on the Hudson in between Manhattan and Hoboken and basically land the plane perfectly such that it didn't crash on impact and split apart and saved everyone on the plane yeah yeah amazing huh if you're a bird wouldn't you be asking the same question these humans are so Advanced how can a dumb bird bring down a jet full of people and almost kill every single human being a bird that's a good parallel you just gave don't forget to uh tip your bartenders in your waitresses so so you think that that some of this is just straight up a mistake that because again maybe we but let me counter argue that maybe we are the the separation and advancement of us to Birds which is quite large let's be honest maybe it's not nearly as large as it is with these civilizations how can we even know that like you talk about you talk about in your book you talk about in your book not knowing whether or not this is a threat but treating it as it could be and like maybe they're on the on the battlefield getting ready for battle right here and they've just been doing it for the last I don't know 80 years specifically or something like that because time is you know 1 second to them what is is 80 80 years to us like you see where it gets a little convoluted and it gets beyond what we can even like have a scope of intelligence I do and this is why I think this type of conversation is so important because we you know we we are always we're putting ourselves always in that box of well you know anthropomorphic if there's so much advantage and how mistake remember we may be dealing something that is uniquely potentially not human at all right so um it and it's hard it's hard to do that because we are innately human how do you how do you not think like a human if that's all we do right so it is I can see how it gets fuzzy I can see how people get frustrated and they kind of go through these mental gymnastics of okay well you know there are millions of years ahead of us well maybe not maybe they're not 10 years 50 years ahead of us you know we we we have evolved more in the last 100 years technologically than we have in the last 100 thousand yeah so so it's it's a logarithmic yeah it's a curve that's right and so so is it possible that 100 years from now that we're going to have the exact same ability that they have it maybe possible possible right they may not be million they may just be 100 years ahead of us or they could be from right here they're just like I said little beasties we're at the point now where we're beginning to interact with them they've been here all along baby we don't know so we have to keep this is why I always tell people in my opinion which I don't like to do very often we should keep all options on the table until they're not on the table and are there people out there in the government that know more probably probably yeah and that they should come out they should be able to talk to Congress you know that's that's that's what I'm trying to do is create an environment where where ultimately the conversation can be had and people have the truth whatever that truth is whatever whatever that truth looks like give the people the opportunity to have the truth and have the conversation for themselves and then I'm done I'm out well you're you're a veteran of this game having been in it for the last 16 17 years whatever it is when you were first read in and yet when you come into it you're joining a guy like Hal put off who's been read in for at that point like 45 years oh brother let don't think that that that fact didn't uh weigh on me every single person there had more experience than me by a lot um but you're also you're you're there with like Michael Jordan like how do you even concept or conceive like you don't you don't compete with Michael Jordan you help Michael Jordan when you're on the team and you come into the new team and you're with Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen you don't compete with them you support them that's what you do you're Steve Kerr uh not even that I'm I'm I'm the guy who's in the sidelines you know giving them towels I'm the I'm the towel boy and the water boy um no you don't you know and and everybody has I think and God I don't want to say everybody's a tool because people a tool but the reality is that I look at I look at all of us as as Tools in toolbox and some of us are hammers some of us are are wrenches some of us are are screwdrivers and and you don't use a hammer to do a screwdriver work yeah and you don't use a screwdriver to do a Hammer's work right so we all have our own skills just like you have yours you know with your audience I could never do your job I'd fail miserably there are people in the government have very specific Niche capabilities and when you can bring them all together that's what makes a successful team that's why you s you got a great producer you doing what you're doing here and you've got the right people in the Right audience and it's a team effort it's the same thing with ATP it's the same thing with anything in the government whether it's Special Operations or anything else it is a team effort it's a team that succeeds and there is no I in team in fact I used to make a a point when I talk to people about leadership because everybody in government for some reason thinks they're a leader and they think rank means something no know I would never believe that it's insane yeah um and you know I usually tell people anybody who says that they're a leader probably isn't um because a real leader never says it What's Understood doesn't need to be explained 100% And you know I I in in government a leader should never say the words me mine or I it's always us we and ours right this is this is our team and and and we succeed together and this is my staff you know get the hell out of here it ain't your staff government people are paying for it [ __ ] you know you're a manager you're not a leader big difference you manage people and by the way there was a saying by somebody a quote that I used to like where they um they say a a manager will always say go a leader says let's go and I would take that even a step further a great leader says I'll go first I'm through the door first um and those are the signs of leadership and and that is that is how you succeed um whether it's Chasing UFOs or it's chasing bad guys or or being a politician um you know we are just so used to people in these positions of authority saying me mine and I you know yeah and I'm the director and my staff and my Administration well hold on there Cowboy ain't your Administration it's my Administration it's our Administration we're paying for it right you just you're just doing the job we ask you to do that ain't your Administration that's the people's Administration but we're so accustomed to it we're so used to it that we just accept it now yeah and I I I reject it man I I think this is part of our problem and it's not just in the Department of Defense it's not just in the CIA or in the intelligence Community it's it's the whole government now man and we are okay with it why why have we got so used to so accustomed to to that mindset that we just not only do do we not do anything about it we agree with it well yeah and I understand what you're saying and and also like you're a humble guy but I don't think there's from the outside based on the story we've been given which is what we can go off of I don't think there's any evidence to not say you haven't had a clear leadership role whether you like it or not in in whatever this is the disclosure movement or something like that I mean you're you're one of the guys this was a little hazy for me just to so correct me if I don't want to bead this in this in this convers we I shouldn't be there should be no one more important than anybody else but you're one of the guys that's responsible or I think the leader that's responsible for like releasing the gimal video getting getting getting those things out sure I was one of the first guys out of the plane door but you know I'm not I'm not the invasion Force brother I'm I'm not this is where again well it shouldn't be anybody it shouldn't be a who that's that's my point to all this we there shouldn't be any one person in charge and I think that's part of why we're succeeding now because this has been such a Grassroots movement it has really been something amazing this is global man there are people all over the world man that are rallying for for full disclosure and that's not because of me I mean they see you know me on a TV show or something like that but but I didn't make this happen this is I I think this is a coalescing of of people really if I had to if I had to really give anybody credit it's you guys it's it's your generation My Generation spent the last 70 years screwing this topic up you know it's your generation that are saying you know what we want the truth you know what we got the internet you know so I think I think you guys you know my generation has done a good job of blaming you guys like it's oh you guys in social media why do you always unstuck on social media and YouTube look we in my generation invented it right so who we who's at fault here ain't you us um I I think we are where we are today in this conversation because your generation has decided not to allow the the stigma and taboo that my generation impose on this conversation and you're just having dialogue and that's really why we're having the conversation now well and it's also the tools that are at our disposal to be able to spread things around the internet such that when we get evidence like the 2004 fraver videos the Fleer video or the 2009 gimbal video which involves some of our carrier ships and everything like we can at least look at something physical on the screen and say oh [ __ ] right now you now you saw the 2004 video for the first time in 2009 I believe right yeah that was actually by Chad Underwood it wasn't by frer frer was there as an eyewitness but the video was actually taken by another aircraft afterward by Chad Underwood okay and that one again showed the Tic Tac that was moving in ways that would match some of the five observables correct correct correct what what was the first time you saw that did you I mean you talk about being one of these gradual guys like where you gradually start other videos that's just one I I mean that's it was there were some that were I mean there's one I really wish I could talk about it it was in 4k ultra high definition video anybody sees that video and there's people in the Intel community that have seen it and they're just like okay yeah that that's a game changer I mean that there's no doubt we're looking at that that point that is not ours um that's what frustrates me because those videos are there there are people uh that are aware of it a lot of people it's kind of a bad kept secret at this point the problem is how that video was taken where it was taken under the circumstances is very classified so I probably won't ever see the light of day convenient yeah no I got tell you look honestly where where was I mean I looking at it I can say yeah that probably shouldn't come out um you know as as compelling as it is because it is there's reasons to keep that that type that those there's a couple videos there well more than a couple that that really are sensitive um because of the circumstances of of of the collection uh that we were doing um but there's other videos that I think should come out I think you can scrub the metadata out of it so you don't have locational data um you know there's ways where you can um depixelate if you need to to allow something to be released and I'm for that as long as we don't give away sources and methods I think we should be as open as possible the more videos we can release the better and look some of them might have prosaic explanations which would be great right okay case Clos on that one what about these other 10 what about these other 50 what about these other 100 right every time Arrow comes out with a report and they try to you know good on them at least they're being honest with that they're like yeah we had 144 incidents that that we couldn't figure out and then it became 300 then it became 600 then it became 800 right and the numbers keep going up why because the more we look the more we realize [ __ ] they're out there man there's there things that are going on that yeah that's that's not our technology we know that because we had no assets in the area at the time and you know you know if that's adversarial technology then we got a real problem because God forbid God forbid that this turns out to be adversarial technology because what would that mean that would mean for the last 70 plus years some foreign adversary has managed to engineer and deploy this capability over our sensitive military installation of control airspace and has done so with complete anonymity now where was China back in the 1950s in the middle of a famine yeah where with Russia I mean yeah right it there's there's no way and so this goes back to that question what would that mean well this would be the greatest intelligence failure this country has ever experienced eclipsing that of even 911 because despite the billions of dollars that we spend trying to keep an competitive technological advantage over our adversaries has been eclipsed by by again order of magnitude by some s some sort of adversary so you know it that in itself is a is a problem people bring that up as a counterargument well what if it's for an adversarial okay well if it is now we're in big trouble if it's from back then we even bigger trouble but there's a third door here and I got to play Devil's Advocate on this and it doesn't by the way I know what you say I don't I don't think it ex there's so many different possible sightings of UFOs and capabilities I don't think this can explain everything to be clear and I think mathematic just to put my opinion out there so people know where I stand I think mathematically from what we even know about the Galaxy there has to be intelligence life out there somewhere whether or not it's been here we can have that debate but you know I agree with you I don't think it could be an adversary cuz they would have already [ __ ] taking us at this point that said just in your program in the Pentagon you had a situation where guys like you were on such a small team that people above you and Below you didn't even know it existed that's correct okay so who's to say that the same thing doesn't exists with oh I don't know DARPA you know where there's such a limited number of people who read in on the fact that that physical world that we have as our current laws of physics yeah we we had that figured out after we paper clipped everyone in 45 you know what I mean let me just say I hope that's the case I would love that to be the case because then I can sleep a lot better at night Lely better at night the Nazis helped us my point being is that we have the technological advantage right I that that this would be some sort of Blue Force technology um unfortunately I would not be able to discuss at all what capabilities we might or might not have uh regarding any type of exotic Technologies look we got a lot of cool toys if you even knew about it though even if I if whether I knew about it or not I I I cannot confirm or deny anything regarding any type of Blue Force capability what I can simply say is what we don't have but I can't say what we have I mean let me see if I can be more Express explicit with this I cannot tell you what we might have and again and I'll take that a step further for you I'll say probably mathematically statistically you also as much as you may know there's a lot of stuff that you and anyone else on your team and on other secret teams in the government don't know about each other too that's how it's set ups we we we ran into that all the time yeah absolutely absolutely but the problem is someone needs to be the belly button that's why what 911 happened remember because the CIA had information FBI had information DD had information well it's useless if you don't have somebody coordinating it that's right that's a problem so yes if these other organizations existed which looks like some did then there needed to be a single belly button and there wasn't and what does that mean that means that leads to to to waste of money it uncoordinated effort you know which is again what is it that's a that's a dysfunction of the government so that needs to be fixed that's the bureaucracy I was telling you about the issue with the bureaucracy thank you for watching the 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