YouTube Channel: "JULIAN DOREY Clips" Video Title: "The Most Disturbing Submarine UFO Encounter | Luis Elizondo" The Most Disturbing Submarine UFO Encounter | Luis Elizondo 44,014 views Sep 20, 2024 This Full Podcast (Luis Elizondo - Ep. 237) From: Transcript: I had a submarine Commander once tell me and he's he was dead serious it's a little funny I'll sh share with your audience but it it it's both disturbing and funny let me if I can digress here for a second um hubris is is really ultimately responsible for this because we are a species where we have pride and ego and we have a narrative in our head and rather than in the face of new data and facts reframe our own narrative we reject that data and hold on to our own narrative because it's it's it's this is what I believe and therefore any new information must be wrong right and let me give you some examples I I went to like I said University of Miami um and I've I've always considered myself a disciple of science um I believe in the scientific method scientific principles right um I believe in physics I believe in mathematics um it works and and uh when I was in college I learned that it was the Greek so if you look at the Modern human homo sapien sapien most anthropologists agree that modern humans have been around for the last 100,000 to 200,000 years okay as a modern human being and if you look at that it wasn't until the last 2,000 years that we realize there's only two dominant life forms on this planet you are either a plant or you are an animal it was the Greeks who who recognize that and humans being an animal uh if you look at a 24-hour clock right so 200,000 years ago and then 2,000 years ago it's really just the last last maybe 10 minutes we realize that and it wasn't until the Renaissance 300 years ago during the days of Enlightenment that we recognized and discovered an entirely other form of life on this planet that we've been sharing all along that is neither plant nor animal and that is the world of fungus and so we tap ourselves on the shoulder and say wow what a great great discovery and it wasn't until the last maybe 5 Seconds of our existence as Modern Man on this planet last 120 years think about it that we had the technology to actually discover the true dominant or Alpha life form on this planet and in fact if you take all the biomass of every plant and all the biomass of every animal and all the biomass of every fungus and add it all up together it still does not add up to this life hidden life form that has been on this planet longer than any of us and that is the world of microorganisms it's the things that are inside you that make you up that live on the skin of the ISS space station and can Thrive miles beneath the crushing depth of the Arctic Ice it's everywhere and it wasn't until we could have the technology to curve glass and look through a little metal tube and and famously shout the words little beasties little beasties did we discover for the first time the true dominant Alpha life form on this planet that's been here all along and so until we discover the next one here all along 100% you're tracking right until we discover the next one and that's why say oh this is the greatest discovery in UAP that mankind no it's not it's just just another one we're always if there's one thing mankind is right about is that we're fact that we're usually wrong A lot of times when I grew up in science I was told and this is recent all life forms are based on ultimately uh the building blocks of photosynthesis all life form well that's not true in fact if you go to the deepest parts of the ocean where there are these things called black smokers uh these vents heated vents super heated vents underwater volcanic vents um life is abundant down there and it thrives off of a process called chemosynthesis there is no light down there and they're thriving because they are metabolizing and getting energy based upon chemosynthesis the complete opposite of photosynthesis so you know we keep learning all these these new fundamental realities about what life can be and what it can't be and then you have you have the what I call the human issue because it is definitely a human issue we have five fundamental senses by which which we judge the universe and if you can't touch it taste it hear it smell it Etc um it's very hard for us to understand anything that be that's beyond that and yet the reality is most of the universe lies beyond that so what do I mean um take my cell phone for example if I had the ability to see in cell phone Vision right I would perceive the world through Wi-Fi and through 5G and through GPS yes and I would see a completely different reality it's just like you and me sitting here right now I'm using my eyes behind you there's a reality that you can't perceive I can see it perfectly and right now behind me there's a reality that I can't perceive or interact with but you can right and we're in the same place we're in the exact same place and there's two completely different world that you and I are experiencing right now then you have so where I live in Wyoming beautiful night skies and if you look at the skies wonderful for stargazing if you look at that same part of the night sky with a radio telescope you're going to see a completely different reality you're going to see nebula and you're going to see things gas clouds there in different frequencies that we can't perceive and that's reality is where most of the universe lies in the ultraviolet and the infrared Spectrum the X-ray spectrums and that is that's the real Universe we see a perceive a tiny tiny tiny little sliver of what really is there and we pretend oh that's well that therefore that's the universe no that's actually 0.2% of the universe and then you've got a scalability issue okay what I mean by scalability if you look in any direction around you in Space the scientists say that the universal Horizon of light the farthest we can see into the depths of our of our universe is roughly 13.6 to 13.9 billion billion with a B billion Lighty years in any direction right and we are this infant teson Speck in the middle what is a lightyear it is the speed the distance that Lake can travel in one year so let's do the calculation here real quick for your audience light travels at 186,000 MES per second okay 7 and a half 7 and a half times around our planet in one second imagine how far you can go in a year and now multiply that by 13.9 billion so if we are in the middle I can see that way 13.9 billion that W 13.9 billion that's roughly 27 billion Lighty years across and that's just the visible Universe scientists actually believe that there that's only 10% of the actual universe and in our in in in just our universe we can see more stars in our visible Universe then there are grains of sand in all the beaches in all the world yeah right and so if the universe is actually a hundred billion Lighty years across and possibly bigger compared to us that is enormously huge but but then look at avagadro's number real quick and this is important because I'm about to make make make a a my point here if you compare one hydrogen atom okay to the on the screen yeah okay good so that that is to the power of 23 1 * 10 -23 that is roughly one one hydrogen atom is roughly the same scale and size as to us as we are to the universe meaning we have that infinite amount of space and scale inside every single human being but as humans we can only interact with maybe one or two orders of magnitude up or down because this is our size right we kind of SM smack right in the middle of the universal scale if you were to to have a scale most of the universe is either too big or too small for us to even interact with that's reality that's that is the real realness of of The Human Experience but because we live in this little narrowly defined where we can only perceive a little bit and we our scale is the to most of the universe too big or too small there in lies most of reality that's where the universe is and so for us to say that oh well you know the only things out here and you know there's a bunch of nonsense in whoie man I mean that's that's math that's reality that's real right that's not Lou aland telling you that that's that's real um and so huus is something that we we have to we have to be careful of because we're always trying to squeeze Mother Nature into a little box that we have invented we've created but Mother Nature doesn't operate that way she she she doesn't need to be confined to a box we're the ones living in a box we just don't realize we do it to ourselves which means that things that we may put outside of our box through Hollywood or stories that we tell such as like alien abductions may actually be something that we need to consider because there are things that don't have an explanation in our current physical world as we know it there was there was a great quote in your book you talked about the former director of something something at Skunk Works who said impossible is impossible until we' [ __ ] done it that's right I put the [ __ ] in there from Jersey you're right you know you understand what I'm saying so these things you had to open yourself up to the stuff you previously said was today's technology is yesterday's magic yeah and that's that's that is fact you know everything that we do we're time and time and time again we put these limitations we there was a time we said well Earth is the only thing uh object that's made of rock in the heavens are up there and there's there's nothing else out there and yet this is all the while that we knew meteors existed they were come rocked for falling to Earth all the time how do you explain that right from somewhere um there was times where we we would always presume certain things we'd never break the sound barrier until we did it right there's all these things that science has said well we can never do until we do and then it becomes routine and it's not science's fault it's our fault because we make these presumptions and assumptions of what life should and could be not realizing that we are over laying our own Human Experience onto the data so we are by necessity the fact that we're humans we're already polluting the data because we have a hard time looking through any other lens than a human lens and so we tend to ascribe human emotion human intent human and motivation to things that may not be and so back to where we're talking about the science and this is why I bring up this long drawn out story about size and perception and things like that people say were they from outer space it could be but this I've always said it could be from outer space Inner Space or frankly the space in between as you said they are these things uh interdimensional could be are they aliens from outer space could be are they as natural to this planet as we are absolutely is it to the point where now technologically we're at a point where we're now beginning to interact with them just like the little beasties little beasties could be are these things maybe from underwater because look we've only mapped less than 10% of the ocean floor we know or all the above or all the above right we know more about the surface of the Moon than the depths of our oce I had a submarine Commander once tell me and he's he was dead serious it's a little funny I'll sh share with your audience but it it it's both disturbing and funny um they were tracking an object um these submarines are huge I mean some of these are imagine the Empire State Building sideways underwater right these are big big submarines some of these 500 feet long right um big boys and you're traveling underwater and you pick up something on Sonar that's traveling roughly between 400 to 500 miles an hour underwater and it's bigger than you right oh yeah and so I asked the commander I mean honest question I was kind of shocked I'm like well in those cases what do you do and he he looked at me no he looked at me straight face he said we go around like you know a dumb question makes sense yeah I guess I would too you know just like that totally like yeah we go around I'm like yeah I'm not messing with that either cool so um you know there there's a lot to this conversation and the problem is that we're always going back to the original conversation we were having about you know people on both sides of the spectrum Skeptics and Believers both of them are stuck to their own narrative both of them in the face of new information even though that we live in a world that's Dynamic um they are very hesitant to change their opinion because they're stuck in a static mindset but the universe isn't static the universe is dynamic so we have to recalibrate our the way way we think we can't think in a static way we have to be dynamic with the universe if we want to understand the universe and so that's that's kind of my my my philosophical perspective on the topic it's great philosophy I I appreciate all the depths of that that's that was I was riveted by some of that again I I got you're snoozing taking a nap and I'm not I haven't been snoozing one second no I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm I'm already extremely pissed off that we only have three hours though because like holy [ __ ] is there so much here like you're saying something every two seconds I'm like oh we could go there we could go there we could go there we could go there hey I I can come back anytime you want brother all right we are well we're definitely doing that then but well we'll see we'll see about your what people say online I'm sureo well listen listen just don't look at the comment section okay just don't do that because people are going to say what they're going to say in there but you know going back to the abduction stuff because we keep getting off it did you come across cases that you again it's not like you were there so you can't say a th% this happened but did you come across one out of the billion people who are like yeah I was abducted and [ __ ] by by an alien where you're actually like o wait might have happened so for me the most compelling remember we go back to data right data data data let let the facts be for themselves um there was some situations where an individual had claimed to come up close and personal with a UAP and they sustained a medical consequence now I'm not a trained medical surgeon right I'm not uh but we had people that were medical professionals that were supporting us and they were working with individuals who could quantify and qualif they could quantify and qualify medically changes in in the person's physical health they they actually sustained injury so there's there are several doctors I want to be very careful because I don't want to mention their names until I'm publicly allowed to say their names um because of for privacy reasons I don't want them getting slammed and you know harassed uh but there is enough information to substantiate from a medical perspective that we've had military service members and intelligence officials intelligence individuals harmed by rendam 1980 I I had Nick Pope in here to break down that whole thing brother those two guys are on full 100% medical disability I saw the paperwork from the US government and it says because the reason why the medical disability by the US government your tax dollars are paying for it because of their involvement in ralim and that's just one example and thank God it was for for Senator John late Senator John McCain cuz he if it wasn't for him these guys would have been totally toast he was a one who got their medical records that were classified by the Air Force right classifying your medical records who the hell do you who do you think you are that you can do that anyways it's my medical records they classified them and if it wasn't for John McCain getting them Declassified these guys would be suffering today probably dead yeah so and that's just one example I mean there are other individuals I can tell you right now a very senior former senior Cia official very very senior like one of the top guys um I do not have permission to talk about his story but him and his spouse came up close had a very terrifying experience and a foreign object was removed from from removed from his body from her from her so there was it was a husband and wife team okay without saying their name like what was the what was the nature of you know it I want to be really careful there's Hippa and patient confidentiality so I I I'm sure that person is going to probably at some point come out this is why Congress is now taking this topic seriously because there are people like hey yeah guess what that senior dude who I know is now coming and telling me about their experience people are feeling that a little bit more safer now to come out and and have this conversation with the right people we are trying very hard to create an environment where people feel safe they can come out and talk about their experiences whether they worked on Legacy programs or that they were uh a somebody under Medical Care by the US government um you know these are all little factoids that most people have no idea even exist thank you for watching the video guys if you haven't already subscribed please smash that subscribe button and check out this clip's full podcast episode Episode by clicking here or in the description below