YouTube Channel: "JRE Clips" Video Title: "Ex-Pentagon Insider on How UFO's Work and Why the Government is Disclosing Information" Ex-Pentagon Insider on How UFO's Work and Why the Government is Disclosing Information 1,019,324 views Aug 23, 2024 From: Transcript: The jogan Experience what's the most compelling modern thing that you've seen oh my God I can't talk about it unfortunately that's what's that's this is my frustration Joe because I know what I've seen I know what my colleagues have seen right and to this day there's there's video that's coming in on a regular routine basis that is very very compelling and if if how do they hide this stuff from the general public well we have classified systems behind a lot right but how is it how is it getting filmed is any of it getting filmed by the general public or is all this military stuff so let me backtrack a little bit this there is there there's a general public that is filming stuff but from a Department of Defense perspective our Focus Now Arrow is a different story but when I was in the government we had to be very very careful of something we call intelligence oversight back in the 60s and 70s the US intelligence apparatus particularly in the Department of Defense was kind of naughty they were doing things they shouldn't do they were spying on students and they were spying on American citizens and they were doing things yeah yeah crazy Say It Isn't So um so Congress passed some laws and said okay you you can no longer do this kind of stuff on on on on American citizens right you can't conduct intelligence operations on American citizens you can't do it it's illegal right so you have executive order 123 and all these other rules and laws and DOD 52401 that all come out and say no Moss um so Department of Defense is supposed to focus on Military that's it you don't you don't bring in US persons information and ingest them into a Department of Defense database especially a Department of Defense intelligence database that's a super Nono that's called us person's information and it's pretty much for boen so uh our Focus was looking specifically at military sourced information I was not focusing at all on what the private citizens were seeing because at the end of the day we couldn't use it you can't you can't do anything with the DAT it seems like you got plenty of compelling footage from the military overwhelming overwhelming it's it there's absolutely no doubt that we didn't have to look at civilian data CU we had better collection sensor systems from the military that was looking at stuff and giving us better Insight if you you can't tell us about can you give us some sort of an understanding of like what you're talking about yeah sure um without being specific yeah let me see um okay yeah um there is a uh a video high resolution video of uh I can't say what platform it was taken from I can't say where it was taken from but um an object that you know do you know how large a an offshore shore oil Derek is they're huge right they're like almost like a small city right they're like one city block they're huge they're enormous things um there is a video that shows one of these objects underwater that goes by uh the speed was calculated between 450 and 550 knots underwater and it was bigger than the offshore Derek that it was passing because you could see in the video the offshore Derek and you could see this thing zip right by it Jesus yeah so that's a lot of them right A lot of them are reported as being trans medium right so that exactly why why do we use the term UAP right now it's unidentified anomalous phenomenon because it's all domain initially was UFO unidentified flying object and for several reasons they changed the name one of them not just because of stigma like people think but because the word flying object means flight and you have to have wings to fly that's flight and these things don't have wings so that term we're not even sure is even accurate anymore because they're not necess just flying we see them underwater we see them super high altitude uh so the term was changed to unidentified aerial phenomenon but again that did not Encompass all the observations we were seeing so now the term UAP I think the latest description of it is unidentified anomalous phenomenon to help describe this multi-domain or trans medium characteristic that we are beginning to see and record that these things can do and that's that is I'm G to if I can digress for a second because that's super important Joe we have trans medium Vehicles right we have things like sea planes and it's a plane and it can float on water but let's face it a SE plane is neither a really good plane or a really good boat because it's a compromise it's a design compromise between an object that you want to perform in the air and in the sea and that's why it's neither really good at both um same thing with for example the space shuttle goes out into space and it can glide down but it's not a very good airplane comes down like a brick you know because there's design compromises and performance compromises but what we are seeing doesn't have any of that attributable compromise it's not these objects aren't slowing down they're not changing their their their their performance capabilities they can do the same thing that we're seeing in the air and and and possibly in space and and even underwater so that is a that is a fundamentally different type of Technology than we are used to dealing with is the assumption that they are doing something with space time and gravity around them rather than using something like a a jet propulsion engine that blast fire out the back and it makes it go fast forward right that they're doing something that alters the gravity around them yeah and that's why they can go through everything yeah so we had had some of the best scientists on the team uh folks like Dr halol and some other folks that I'm not allowed to say their names uh Dr Ark Davis and some others that were doing the calculations um mathematical calculations on on how this is possible and the consensus was by by the scientists not me because you I'm not a I'm not a physics expert I'm not a astrophysicist um they were saying that so let me back up here initially the government for years was trying to identify the different exotic technologies that could explain the different performance characteristics and it was during the ATP years that the scientists had this consensus that if you had one type of Technology if you could do one thing all these other observables now become possible kind of think of like a unifying Theory and so if you had the ability to to create this bubble around you in a localized area that insulated you from the effects of Earth's gravity now what is gravity people think that you know when I drop my glasses that's gravity that's not gravity that's an effect of gravity gravity is the warping of space time and that's important because people don't they you hear the term thrown around a lot but they don't realize it space and time are actually connected they are they are they are one and the same they're opposite sides if you will of the same coin and so you can't have one without the other and so you have this ability to create a bubble around you that insulates you from the warping of SpaceTime let's say in this case Earth's gravity or something like that then the way you experience time inside that bubble is perhaps fundamentally different than the way you might experience SpaceTime outside that bubble because you're not you're not subject to the effects of gravity which would explain potentially potentially why things don't need wings and why they don't need propulsion system systems like that right so it's it's a completely different way of looking at at how we understand physics and how we as humans move about everything we do is fundamentally Force equals mass times acceleration for f equals ma right mass times acceleration get Force um this may be something a little bit different this is this is not using a again conventional thrust or if I you know Newtonian right if I if I push this way I have an equal and opposite reaction that way right that's how are there any theories as to how it's accomplishing this there is actually Dr halud off about three years ago gave a speech on this uh a very uh interesting talk lecture about this technology and if you ever have the chance you really should have him on because he's a he's a he's incredible human being he's also the one who helped start the government's remote viewing program and a bunch of other stuff for the government um he's been involved in a lot of our nation's probably most most classified efforts but he was working with us on on ATP he was one of our scientists and he gave a lecture about 3 years ago to some other scientists about the specifics on how this is possible I am not a scientist so I definitely not going to speak on behalf of Hal pudol because I'm sure I will muck it up but I do recall a time when he came into our skiff and gave us about a three-hour lecture on this unifying Theory and at that moment it was very much for us the Epiphany that a lot of us had been been searching for he's like look at the end of the day this is how it's possible possible and that was kind of this wow so it's really not can you give us a view of How It's Possible like explain it to someone like me yeah well I'm in that category Jo so good we speaking the same language yes sir yeah single syllable grunts right um yeah so you have uh you have an object like this cup on your table and you want it to um be insulated from the effects of Earth's gravity so you you create this bubble artificially using a uh a certain energetic Source at a certain frequency and it interacts with certain material certain meta material and I have again I got to be careful exactly what I say but a certain skin of The Craft This aluminum VI the cup here and all of a sudden you have this bubble around you where what you see on the outside is not necessarily what you see on the inside in fact may may do little more drawing for you okay forgive me I'm I'm not an artist so I'm going to do this upside down for you and I'm going to kind of scoot this just a little here all right um let's do this so unfortunately I know your audience can't see this but actually it's probably okay some people can there's a video form of it I'm sure this will get on it'll be on YouTube as well it's probably good that they don't because I'm not an artist but let's say this is a um two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional space okay and in essence so what you've done is essentially you you created a three-dimensional looking grid stacked it look like stacked boxes on top of each other yeah right and so you have this you have location a and location B and let's say go from Los Angeles to Baltimore okay and it takes me 5 hours to fly at 500 miles an hour that's a function of distance over time and in essence you can mark that linearly like this so I fly takes me 5 hours there I am okay if you had the ability to compress SpaceTime and not a lot just a little bit and you were able to allow these points to be a little closer together now in essence what took you let's say 5 hours and 500 miles an hour to do it um you can do it in 1 hour and you can do it uh in much less time but to The Observer outside because we're still in the same universe we would see something like we would see this incredible hopscotching ability uh to to if you will um take a shortcut through SpaceTime and so what would appear to be instantaneous acceleration Hypersonic velocity and other things um now becomes a reality and so that is that is fundamentally um what what the scientists had discovered and so it seems like science fiction but when you understand the mathematics and some of the theorem that they've proposed a lot of these other other observables become possible so these are essentially just uh theoretical explanations of how these things are moving yeah and I'm again I'm not I'm not not a scientist I want to be very careful you know I don't want to misrepresent anything there's a whole lot of other stuff that if you can do that all of a sudden now Mak sense and may describe the observations that people are are are seeing and why they're kind of hard to see and they seem obscure right um and so I think from from a from a governmental perspective that it was kind of a revelatory moment uh for for for the folks in our in our program so they realize the one of the reasons why these things are weird looking is because they're literally they creating want light do you mind I'm sorry I can't take this thank you so the back thing uh the other side ah push that down there you go bam um thank you very much no problem so how how much of this is theoretical and how much of this is observed from recovered vehicles I am not allowed to talk about what the government mayor or may to have in its possession other than that um I have I I so I went through a very lengthy Pentagon review process recently I I I wrote I won't talk about it here but I wrote something and um I had to go through Pentagon to have a review process and it took almost a year um in this this thing I wrote um I I I talk about up to the leg up to the part I can talk about and they approved for me to talk about up to that point when it comes to what the government may or may not have in his possession all I can simply say is that um there is very compelling evidence to suggest that the US government is in absolute possession of exotic material that is not made by humans now beyond that I can't really expound upon I haven't been given permission to talk about it but what I can say is what I've already said for the record which has been approved by the Pentagon won't get in trouble by saying it mhm is that that that we are there's very compelling data to suggest that we are in possession of why is the Pentagon teasing us why do they tell you why are they allowing you to say we are in possession of something that was not made by human beings but not allowed to elaborate not allowed to show these very compelling vide that you're talking about that you've seen I don't well two reasons I don't think they have a choice I think with now the introduction of cell phones and ring cameras the cat's out of the bag it's it's the worst kept secret at this point two there is a faction unlike before in the Cold War I believe there is a faction of people inside the government that do want this conversation to occur but equally there's still a faction of people that are very mad with me e