YouTube Channel: "Engaging The Phenomenon" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo - Advancing The UFO Reality & Cognitive Human Interface (ETP 009)" Luis Elizondo - Advancing The UFO Reality & Cognitive Human Interface (ETP 009) 41,824 views Jun 10, 2021 It was an honor to sit down with Lue Elizondo on Engaging The Phenomenon and discuss The UFO Reality, CE-5, AATIP, Human Cognitive Interface, and more. we talked about crash retrievals, materials, the UFO Threat narrative, and more. Appreciate Lue taking the time to discuss these topics. From: Transcript: hey everybody welcome to engaging the phenomenon and today we have a very special guest mr luis elizondo who is the former director of atip and uh you know i want to communicate uh to my audience that you know louis zondo has has been a controversial character he's been right in the center of everything that's been going on over the last few years and i want to communicate before you you judge or or kind of try to place somebody as something you know when i see lou elizondo i see a human being i see a father you know i see a war hero i see a husband and we would not be where we are right now if it wasn't for everything he did so i you know i really want people to understand that and you know it's easy to see somebody on tv and say that person's doing this or you know anything along those lines but uh you know any anybody who i know who's who's known lou over the years has said he's a great guy and you know i've seen him do nothing but but good things for this community and everything that he said uh that you can uh back check you know he's never said anything that was dishonest so you know i have a huge amount of respect for lou so welcome loom hey thank you james this is really my pleasure and let me apologize to you and also maybe some of your audience who who are tuning in and listening to me if for whatever reason having me on your show um takes away from anything that you're doing i i apologize my intent is not to to create controversy my my intent is to try to unite and heal and move forward uh on this great topic um and uh my intent is not to come on here and break a bunch of china my my my hope is to come here so we can have a conversation and your audience um can can have an appreciation of why it's so important um we we all need to work together on this you know no one owns the narrative exactly and that's what i'm i'm you know trying to communicate here is that you know we should be working together and um you know all the work i've seen you do has has pushed this subject forward and and made a conversation where um people can talk about this more openly and look here i am i'm somebody who you know would be considered part of the ce5 community and uh i you know i think you've done great work and uh you know i think working together is the way forward and like you said anybody who has a narrative that's divisive in any way um you know that should be concerning and that's not the way of an ambassador or anything like that that's not the message that that that kind of c5 work is even about uh it's about bringing people together and working together you know if people want to communicate with non-human intelligence ufos et you have to work with humans first uh james i'll tell you look people say oh lou you don't believe in ce5 look we talk to a different species all the time i mean i've got two german shepherds and obviously they're not human and and we communicate i think pretty damn effectively you know i they are these are sentient beings so the fact that we can communicate with other species um you know that's i don't have any issue with that and and you know species aren't limited necessarily to to dogs or even your goldfish or something else if there's a way look i worked with with some of the most forward-leaning scientists uh in the u.s government folks like hal pudov that that did tremendous work in in the area of remote viewing and things like that and folks like kate green and folks like eric davis so i've never been against ce5 what i'm against are people that claim to have the answer and are sure of it uh and and force that on other people to say i'm the only one that has the answer i'm the only right way to go uh that's that's my that's my problem i think i think it's a perversion of what what ce5 is all about you know communication is two ways it's not one it's not one way yeah and that is my that is my issue when people take a turn and worse is that when you say ce5 now you're talking about a product and by the way i saw this in the other world of remote viewing where people will take a concept that should be if it's valid should be free for all and instead people make a cottage industry out of it they exploit and they say well you if you want to do remote viewing you can only do it my way and here's a copyright i've copywritten the entire process here's how you do it you got to pay me to do it that's that's what i that's what i reject and i reject it i reject it completely totally i think it's it's it's disingenuous and it again it it perverts the very thing that people are trying to achieve when i talk to my dog or or feed my goldfish i don't have to pay somebody a royalty to do that you know it's it's communication shouldn't be shouldn't be a cottage industry it shouldn't be a commodity and i think the only reason why we're here where we are this conversation right now is because we haven't made it a commodity yet this is we've we've opened this to floor to everybody here's if i may just for a moment james let me share with you my my issue with with anything related to ufos there are too many people out there that say me mine or i okay uh it's it's i i want to know and and and this is important and and if if if the evidence out there isn't provided to me specifically then then i'm going to reject it this is a conversation about we ours and us okay this is our collective understanding is our collective mission this is our collective if you will uh um this is this is i'm trying to i want to put this in right words because i don't want to i don't want to say something that's that's you know going to be misconstrued this is our journey this is our joint journey together and this isn't about me or mine or i this is about all of us and and this this journey is like a big caravan and if if one person starts getting way ahead then it's no longer a mutual journey and that's not what this is about this this is about all of us coming to the realization that that this universe may be far more complex than we've ever really previously acknowledged and so that's why i i really really detest when it's all about me mine uh and uh and i because this isn't that this that's not a journey then that's that's that's uh that's a at that point it becomes some sort of of of personal uh crusade and and that's that's not that's not that's not helpful to this this conversation i mean i i could have a long time ago turned to to to you know this the way i think is the only way to do it um but i haven't and by the way i could have been very successful with it there's a lot of people that out there probably would have followed it but but that's not the solution it's it doesn't matter what lou elizondo thinks or believes what matters is what the facts and the data suggest and what really matters is what people like you and your audience think and believe that's that's really what what's important here and and as a collective all of us working together you know i think we stand a really good fighting chance of getting the disclosure everybody wants but if we turn this about me and my personal pursuits not meaning i don't mean luis elizon i mean anybody in your audience saying well you know i haven't seen the videos out there that are compelling so therefore i don't believe it well you know it ain't about you it's about us and and when you talk about these briefings being provided to to senior members of our government you know they're getting more compelling data you know recognize that and it's okay that if you're not getting the immediate answer you want right now because this isn't again burger king this doesn't have it you're a way to have it now you know we're we're preparing an eight-course meal here because this this topic deserves it it demands it it's important enough the last thing we want to do is do some sort of half-baked disclosure all of a sudden you just kind of here it is on the table and you know now what you got a big mess on on your hands that's that's that's not helpful yeah yeah and just in short i i want to say for people listening ce5 you know the basic premise is you know dr heineck and and valet have no noted in the in their work over the decades high strangeness and part of the high strangeness was uh telepathy and conscious communication with the phenomenon ufos and ufo intelligence and and and basically all ce5 is broken down you know take away terminologies and semantics is just um turning that around and utilizing you know mental intention and you know whatever we can say consciousness is and being able to affect the phenomenon or its technology in a way that's responsive and that's it you know and i do think the idea of of a public outreach to ufo intelligence like a citizen's diplomacy is not a bad idea especially you know considering the idea that nobody was able to get answers on this for decades you know now things are moving um but again i really appreciate your words on that lou and just just in short for the audience what like what is lou's mission what's your mission truth man truth that's it truth and and let the chips fall where they fall and let let people make a decision and decide for themselves what this means to them it's true that's all it's ever been about you know it's not about what lu thinks like i said before it's about what what what the data suggests and and how each individual is going to absorb this information on their own and and and determine how it's going to to affect their their their their own lives that's not it for me to make that determination it's always been about the truth even when i was in the military when i was an intelligence officer it's always about finding the truth and and and making sure that at the end of the day that that that is what does that's what guides our decisions that's what guides our decision-making process truth and facts uh and sometimes those truths and facts can even be subjective people say well how can the truth be subjective well because sometimes we all have our own personal truths and and there's not necessarily always universal truth that's why we have democrats and we have republicans that's why we have christians and we have you know jews and muslims and hindu and buddhists because at the end of the day it it's we're human beings and and and defining the truth um isn't always so hard to do now you can find truth in mathematics but the moment you inter inject an emotional aspect to this which all human beings are emotional to some degree um then then the truth becomes a little bit more subjective and and it's important that that i provide the data so people can formulate their own truths i don't want to give truth according to lou elizondo i want to give truth according to to facts and data and then in science and then allow every person out there to formulate their own truth that works for them and that's that's what that's what drives me you know i i don't i don't believe in in organizations institutions or governments um making that decision for us that's that's not me i'm not that guy for me i think i think it's up to the people you know for the people by the people that's that's that's that's how i feel yeah and you know i can respect that and you know i'm somebody who's had uh you can say positive contact experiences right um but i'm not i'm not gonna tell everybody else that they're wrong that's just i don't think that's the right way because there's been experiences that you know have people haven't had the best experiences and i you know i have to be open to and respect that so i understand what you're saying about the subjectivity versus the objectivity right um now you you know you mentioned you were in the you know you're an intelligence officer and you know some slack you get is oh well you're an intelligence officer so you're obviously you're part of some kind of psyop and you know i i want to remind people that especially people who were you know supporters of the disclosure project is that all of those people were military and intelligence officials so i saw you as like this you were the guy we were waiting for you were the disclosure project witness that we were waiting for to come out and kind of blow the lid on this um so that's just some uh commentary i want to say on that well you know and my perspective is look you know i could easily say which i don't feel this way but that type of thinking would say well you're an intelligence officer you're trying to fool the american people and you know i could easily say well you're not an intelligence officer so you must be dumb as hell you know you you know what because you're not intelligence officer you have no idea what's going on so therefore your opinion doesn't count and that's not that's not how i feel of course but that's the type of mentality when people automatically chuck somebody into a bucket and say oh well you serve your country being an intelligence officer so now when you come out i can't trust you that's the same thing as well you know uh you were you were a fireman before so uh you'll never be able to touch a pack of matches because you know you're an expert in fire well what are you talking about yeah that makes no sense you know yeah i mean no my firemen put out fires yes they have to be experts in fire but you know doesn't mean you can't trust them with a pack of matches so that's that's kind of the mentality that that i'm dealing with on a daily basis and you know it's it's it sucks because you know they tend to be the most vocal on on social media and they're willing to to to you know say these things but the moment they they you know they meet you in person it's a totally different story and it's like guys you know just give me a break here aren't you happy with where the conversation is so far i mean three years ago you you know everybody was chasing their tail and and now we have our legislative branch engaged our executive government engaged we've got foreign countries engaged we've got the media engaged i mean what what more do you want i said in the beginning this was going to be a process what what is there not to understand i didn't even say and when you asked me not you of course but people ask me well where are we in the process i said we're at the beginning of the beginning of the process i never lied to you told you exactly where we were what i thought and and where we were in this conversation and we've come a long way and instead people just want to constantly back bite and snipe and say oh well what evidence has have you guys produced well a lot i mean have you have you not seen the last three years of where we are in the conversation now of course some people are going to say well lou you know you've isolated portions of this discussion like the ce5 community well that's that's that's not my intent the c85 community can say do whatever they want and they can participate as much as they want we want you with us together we are co we are collective and there's more strength and influence and power as a group the problem is that the ce5 community gets mad because they think i think a certain way well you know what c5 community never asked me i've got no issue with ce5 what i got to issue with are people who claim to own the ce5 field and and say it's either their way or the highway that i do have a problem with because that's the same kind of that i dealt with in the in you know with with tyranny all over the world i can't stand that i it's it man it makes my blood boil anybody who tries to hijack this and what they're doing is they're they're they are the ones who are actually hijacking this conversation and and they are they are the threat to disclosure because that's the reason why media never wanted to cover this in the first place because you got a bunch of people out there that are sitting in a lotus position and now charging people money to have some sort of experience and then later on it turns out that you know planes are dropping flares you know out of the sky that that i don't understand how that helps the conversation and yes there's a lot of people out there that when they say that they get all emotional and pissed off well you know what stop dropping flares out of the sky then and i won't have a problem stop charging people for that you know if you want to charge people to to and have a conversation but don't exploit people i mean that's that's exploitation that's that's deceptive practices that is you know it's funny when someone says oh you're you're trying to deceive the you know the people and and and um you know if you will run away with a conversation i mean we in psychology you know we we we call that reflection it's it they're they're accusing somebody of doing something that they themselves are guilty of right it's like a cheating spouse that gets very jealous well they're only jealous because they're the ones cheating and that's my that's my concern i think james c there is nothing wrong but the human brain is a wondrous wondrous mechanism it is it is it is by far one of the most sophisticated and mysterious uh things known to mankind because in this tiny little package we have so much stuff going on and and and even just beyond intellect and intelligence consciousness and i don't mean consciousness in a woo-woo sense i mean human consciousness scientists now almost recognize that there's some sort of quantum processes going on inside the human consciousness and so when we understand that we recognize that that even the very notion of time itself and possibly even space gets gets gets a little muddy it gets a little confusing and and this is why i've mentioned the the the discussion last time about the burning cigarette because really at the very very small scale uh of the universe time and space almost becomes nonsensical uh and and that it's it's um it may be part of the reasons why humans can do what they do and frankly it may not even be that special there could be a lot of sentient animals out there that that use that part of the brain because they don't have the the verbal speech that we have they haven't developed verbal speech so they have to rely on these if you will six senses for survival i've i've never had a problem with that and the fact that maybe that can be used look i communicate with my loved ones all the time non-verbally okay and i know when my daughter's gonna have some problems i'll pick up the phone say hey sweetheart are you okay well gee dad it's funny you said that i just got into a fender bender right you know i can't explain that is it coincidence it could be but it could also not be there could be some sort of quantum process that i have some connection with my my family that somehow transcends space and time i'm not i'm not opposed to that that's what you know remote viewing has has has quite a bit of of research in that area right now especially if you start realizing that that human consciousness is a is a quantum process you know yeah i think um i don't have a problem with that what i have a problem with is people saying definitively that they have the answers and they take their experience and they say this is the only experience that people can have you know that's that's that's horseshit i can't it drives me nuts because that's that's now that's you're no longer leading a conversation you're you're a cult you're trying to to control people's thought processes and and behaviors and worse you know you're extorting money from them that that i can't stand and anybody who wants to do that fine you want to you want to give your money to somebody fine but my recommendation is you're better off giving it to a charity at least they'll do something positive with it yeah well you know um i the way i see it is that you know the ce5 community you know there's some great people in there and a lot of people are just you know they uh you know it depends some of them have uh only just delved into that area so they're super into it and they have not explored uh beyond uh some of the work that's out there but i find that usually once they start exploring around and seeing everything else out there they come to their senses and they have more independent thinking you know um and and you know the cd5 community uh one thing i've tried to argue is you know the ce5 community yeah it's kind of a niche in a sense but it doesn't need to be disconnected in any way from all the other research communities there's no need for that um there's no sides you know again we're going to accomplish this by learning from each other and moving the ball forward um but speaking about the the threat narrative that that's just you know that's a criticism that comes up um people are saying oh you know lose he's he's pushing the threat narrative um and you know i understand that there's legitimate situations which if it was another you know country doing it we'd be we we'd be very concerned but for some reason if it's aliens we're going to give them the pass and uh and i i get it if you've had a positive experience it leaves an impression on you so i i get that and i get the idea the ideology behind oh well if they're so advanced you know they know better they're not going to be harmful but again that is an ideology um so let me just get your thoughts on that well first of all there's a difference between haas between a threat and hostile intent okay every time i go outside uh without sunscreen there's a threat for me getting skin cancer okay a threat you know you i i don't know how else to tell people that you know there's the the threat spectrum is so broad and so wide that that it's you know i've often told people if i go to an airport and i get on a plane there's no threat but if i go to that same airport and jump on the runway and now i'm i'm running behind jet engines as they're running there's there's a threat there's there's an environmental and a biological threat to myself right and my well-being so so i think people need to to stop worrying about you know what what i mean by threat i've tried to make it perfectly clear threat as a potential threat and it can be environmental it can be biological it can be uh a purposeful it can be from a national security perspective then you have hostile intent okay there's a lot of things that are threats out there that don't mean to be hostile and and there's there's a difference and so what we need to figure out from from a governmental perspective is are these things a threat if so in what area is there a threat okay and and and get over the emotional saying oh kumbaya look what do you care if there's no threat there then there's no threat exactly but but give me an opportunity to figure that out for myself you don't make that decision for me you you won't you never have and you never will just like i don't make that decision for you and if you want to sit there and sing kumbaya then do it i'm not stopping you but don't stop me from making sure at my own to my own self that this isn't a threat you know you don't have the right to tell me that just like i don't have the right to tell you so i'd say get over it you know and and you know stop stop trying to drive the narrative not you of course but people out there stop trying to drive the narrative that this is not a threat because frankly you don't know it if it's not you then great okay then it's not but i still have the ability and the right to decide for myself you know this goes back to that whole repeat the whole part where people are trying to drive the narrative you know stop speaking for me i'm not asking you to speak for me don't do that okay don't speak for the government don't speak for anybody else but you and if you think it's not a threat then great but you have no right to tell me i don't have i don't have the right myself to investigate that for myself and that's that's what we're doing it's called due diligence you know and ultimately if people out there are correct and there's no threat then you know what great you're right i'll go buy a beer who cares i don't care you know but yeah that's one thing i've i've brought up like um but there's no there's no way there's no scenario in this where we're victimizing the ufo phenomenon by you know exploring the idea of the the threat first hostility um so we don't have to worry about them uh because we're we're clearly based on the technology i don't think we pose a threat to them um so um i think that uh but i will tell you i think we have to be cautious superimposing anthropomorphic ideals onto something we have no idea about um it's like swimming in the ocean and swimming in a pool of great white sharks and thinking they're not going to bite you because they're not hungry right we have to be careful ascribing human motivations and emotions to something that made the end of the day may not even be human at all we don't know and so you know this could be something like artificial intelligence which is you know binary um do we get mad when when the computer spits out a certain search result on google no because that's ai for you right it doesn't have the emotional uh motivations that we have as a human species and so i think uh when it comes to to assuming or presuming something is or is not we have to be very careful because we have no basis to make that judgment other than our own we are looking at everything through the lens of a human being perfect example i've said this before flying in a helicopter over the serengeti plane you want to go ahead and look at the health of a particular uh uh herd of water buffalo you fly over the herd you scare the hell out of them they all start scampering you shoot one with a dart next thing it knows it falls to the ground it's asleep we start tagging and tracking and putting little markers on and all sorts of stuff we take off the helicopter and fly away and all of a sudden that that that that water buffalo or that wilder beast wakes up and goes what the hell was that that was that was a ufo oh my god let alone what the intense intentions of the occupants inside the helicopter work right because we don't we don't explain ourselves to the water buffalo and say hey do you mind if you just kind of stop running for a second we're going to lane this helicopter we're going to go ahead and dart you and we're going to go ahead and put all sorts of stuff on in your body so we can test you know the the health of the herd and the migratory patterns and the diets and the reproductive cycles of blah blah blah blah no we just do it right so is are we meaning to be uh is our intent to be hurtful or a threat to the wilderness no but i best bet if you were to ask the wildebeest if they had a choice they'd probably say you know what i'd i'd like to pass on that experiment why don't you go to joe who's standing over there yeah and and like you said before you know i think at the end of the day that that you know the truth of this is going to is going to reveal itself in time um now i this is it's going to be a controversial question but i i wanted to ask you because i don't think i've heard anybody ask you is uh my labs are you familiar with that term i am familiar with the term what are your thoughts on that well look uh it is let me let me break this down there is historical evidence and facts that substantiate that our own government has done horrible things in the past whether it's putting small box into blankets and giving that to indigenous people or it's allowing syphilis to run its course and decimate a a group of a test group of individuals or us you know spraying chemicals in the lincoln tunnel um us sending spies into into infiltrate student groups you know there have been abuses in the past by by elements within our government that have been absolutely horrific unconscionable and and there is absolutely no place in our society for that now with that said um due to this day and i by the way please forgive me i can't speak about things that happened before me because i frankly don't really know but during my time in asia there was zero evidence to suggest zero that our government was conducting certain types of experiments on uh our own people um and during when i was native now there was some anecdotal information i i've talked to some people that had some very interesting things happen to them when they were younger probably in the late 60s um but i i don't know enough to to to to talk about that because frankly i wasn't around i but from when my point when i was an a tip and at the pentagon there's no way at least from an intelligence perspective you know and i can't speak from another perspective but we have things called intelligence oversight procedure 15 violations and all we've got a whole army no kidding a whole army of lawyers out there that are are looking for us to to make mistakes they want us to to to keep them employed so the whole job is to find us doing mistakes like this so they catch us in a title tank capacity uh which is the department of defense military you know that think of possibilities um doing something against civilian population um especially involving u.s persons that is a huge no-no huge no-no look at look at case and point the renditions detentions interrogations program that we had for a while uh you know trying to to find bad guys uh after 9 11. you know that lasted for only a little while before it came out and the government was held accountable and these weren't with us persons these are with with with non-us persons and there there was a huge accountability effort ongoing to make sure that never happens again so so the government is usually pretty good at at making sure the abuses don't happen and when they do they're usually a result of one or two people making a unilateral decision not the institution itself that's not always the case but that's i i to answer i guess come back to your original question about my labs or mill labs i i haven't seen any information to substantiate that i know some people say that well you know i saw some dude in a uniform okay maybe maybe but but you know bad guys wear uniforms too um there's been times where i've i've i've seen you know unfortunately terrorist attacks conducted because some bad guys stole some us army uniforms out of out of a laundromat you know um so just because someone's wearing a military uniform doesn't mean they're necessarily military doesn't mean necessarily that that you know they represent the the very thing that that that you know that uniform signifies again this is total speculation on my part so let me caveat this i know people like to hang on to every word i say and they'll say well you know lou didn't say that so he must meant that yeah which is by the way true sometimes but in this particular case um it's not i really i i haven't had any information that substantiates that but i'm certainly not going to say it's not in the the realm of possibility i i but i don't think it's at this point i don't i don't think it's it's probable is it possible yes sure it is is it probable i'm not convinced but again i can be proven wrong and i'm happy to change my my outlook if someone can provide me some some substantial data that that says yeah look what's happening and this you know this occurred then i'm good with that i get no problem changing my opinion around facts you know that's part of the problem here because people as part of the human condition we we like to when new facts come in we have a we have a narrative preconceived narrative right here when facts come in what we like to do is typically uh have the adjust those facts to comport to our narrative rather than adjust our narrative now to to uh you know if you will uh process those facts and accommodate the facts the new the new data that suggests maybe something different we don't like to do that we don't like to change our opinions very much and that's that's part of the the human condition yeah now i would like to talk about um crash retrievals and materials so um i remember when you uh you you're on tucker carlson and you have the famous line of simply put yes you know do it does the us government possibly have uh materials and uh when you when you ask that question i went to eric davis and i asked him uh you know what what do you think about lou's statement and uh eric davis said you know any authorizer for public use uh you know lou what lou said is a thousand percent correct and uh you know the us government has crashed and or landed uh ufos um why do you think he said that well um i'm not gonna answer for for for eric davis eric davis is an incredible human being i've had the honor and privilege of knowing him and and and more importantly i've also seen uh the work product that he's he's produced for this nation and at some point maybe one day it'll be clear all the stuff he has done for his country but he is he is a he really is when you talk about american heroes he he really is is one of those uh he falls in that category quite squarely he is uh he's an amazing human being um so i'm not gonna elaborate on what uh eric davis uh thinks or or says or knows he's his own man um i can tell you that when he tells you something he he tells you the truth um he has no motivation other than the truth um as far as my own personal perspective i have to be you know here i'm going to throw something out that everybody gets pissed off at but i've got to be careful because i i i'm walking a very fine line if i say one or two words incorrectly as it relates to this particular topic i can find myself in a lot of trouble so i know people say well just say it anyways well easy for you you know you're going to feed my family you're going to pay my kids school and my mortgage when i'm in jail no you're not so you know that's not even realistic um so i have to be very careful the question was posed to me uh do i believe that the us government is in possession uh of of of exotic material and and whatnot and my answer is yes and uh until until the government decides to be um more transparent i i really can't elaborate on that other than that uh you know when you when you let me give you a hypothetical when you when you find a piece of something uh you know you there's there's really three layers of of analysis you can conduct you can conduct a physical analysis you know looking at electric conductivity the shape the size the weight you know then you do a chemical or molecular analysis to look at the way the molecules are arranged and determine you know the the the characteristics of something at the molecular level and then you have atomic or nano level research where you're looking at the individual uh construct of the atoms and how they are arranged uh at the very very small level isotopic ratios and things like that and when you see something a piece of material that's been clearly engineered meaning there's some sort of intelligence to put things together and at the nano level there are some peculiarities that fall outside the normal range of of what you might consider let's say nickel or aluminum or magnesium or bismuth then you have to say okay who created it and how and at the end of the day when you have material that has been found uh before supposedly we as a species had a technology to engineer it that way then you've got to ask the question and this is why i've said before you know a 747 isn't uncommon to see at an international airport but imagine being the first guy to break into king tut's tomb and of all the things you find in there you find an intact 747 sitting in in the tomb doesn't make sense does it because 747s weren't around when king tut was around so what the hell is a 747 you know doing in in king tut's tomb so that's the best analogy that i can use uh without going into to further detail i've tried to be very careful um you know i i don't want to i don't want to be dismissive of your question because it's an important question i would ask the same exact question but but i also have to be very very careful and if you notice other folks like hal and eric and others they're very careful to have this conversation too yeah okay yeah it's not just me i'm not just being paranoid and cagey here um there's you're actually the most out in the open they're they still you know um now what you said if if the us government ever gets to that point that yeah i guess you can talk more um do do you think that we're we're likely to reach that point where the u.s government is going to be forthcoming about such materials and and if it is in the cards like uh you know i mean i think if the material is proven to be what it might be then then i think yes all truths eventually come out i'm not a material science expert so we still need to test and this is why i keep telling people you know we we need more more more data more analysis and only then are we going to be able to to make that determination is this really exotic or not you know all i can do is provide you what has been made um known to me but i also recognize that you know we we still need more data i i yeah right now you're asking me my belief which i rarely like to offer but i've made that exception in this case uh as a regards material but i also if it turns out uh in 10 years that this material just happens to be some sort of foreign adversarial tech that was really ahead of its time i'll buy that too it's it we have to let the data speak for itself do i think that's the case no i don't but but like i said i'm not going to let my my cognitive dissonance or my bias uh interfere with with the research we need more analysis done before we can say you know conclusively this is not made here um and there's ways to do that you know there was a dagger found in actually talking about king tut's tomb there was a dagger that was found a small dagger and for the longest time it really it remained kind of this this uh it wasn't particularly significant to anybody uh it was uh it was just kind of this modest little dagger and it turns out that the entire blade was made from a meteorite because someone just decided to do the testing on it and they realized that the the the the chemical composition of this was not from earth and uh that's what made this dagger so special yeah and you know that that is we have the science to determine if something is from here or not i'll just leave it at that okay cool and uh just just one crash retrieval case i don't hear talk about much uh starfish prime does it sound familiar i've heard the name i i don't know it specifically i know there's a lot of names for a lot of things out there um but i i if you want to describe it a little bit to me i may be able to to tell you they were doing yeah i really don't you know yeah sure they were doing a a a nuclear test to explode uh you know nuclear warhead in space and you know allegedly some something crashed in the ocean you know and it was retrieved uh let me let me um there may be some significance to emps um and i'm gonna go out on a limb here so please don't take this and anybody run to the hills this is at this point pure speculation on based upon some some potential observations made in the past there may be some truth that an electromagnetic pulse of energy can interfere with whatever this technology is in this propulsion and if it interferes with it then uh you you now you now have a a a very a very interesting scenario where whatever is keeping these things up in the sky it no longer does that can't do it and so now all of a sudden the fuel the bubble pops and so all of a sudden comes crashing down this object that has no wings no tail of aileron stuff no no obvious signs of propulsion and now it really does become a brick and that brick falls now all of a sudden gravity has a say and and mother nature takes over um and that's probably what i'll say right now about that sure and um you know people have thrown around the the uh the agency or term the department of energy um why is why is that the department of energy significant in this conversation well because it is department of energy owns uh the the nuclear technology uh for for this country um they they are the ones who regulate uh the classification uh systems for for nuclear uh energy and technology and there's a lot of department of energy facilities uh in and around uh the continental united states and uh you know they have a very important job a very important mission and and doe if anybody's going to understand nuclear technology doe is probably the best place to start yeah yeah and christopher mellon uh you know he was on joe rogan he mentioned you know something along the lines of they have even less oversight in some of their programs i guess well you know we have we have uh we have reporting of of uap activity over things like oak ridge part of me sorry my my hearing is kind of going off here oak ridge uh national laboratory and some of these other facilities where there is a doe presence you know this this isn't new to us um there's there's reporting that's actually the open public that anybody can can look up and read if they want to um and it's it's pretty interesting you know there seems to be this again some interest in in nuclear technology where these things are seen over uh very sensitive u.s facilities i mentioned oak ridge because there's there's some reporting out there that's available but that's certainly not the only one there's there's other ones that have seen time and time again uap activity and and for me that's problematic um would the doe uh have information that the public would not be able to see well sure because they have their own classification system and markings um they are uh you know they are an independent organization uh they support the intelligence community but they're not department of defense they work with the department of defense they work with the intelligence community they work with a lot of folks state and local tribal authorities um you know they are they are the the if you will the one-stop shop for for nuclear technology and uh not only what we had in the past but what we have today and what we're going to have in the future these these folks uh are are probably some of the best and brightest in in that in that enclave if you will of of of nuclear tech yeah and speaking of different agencies you know what is it going to take the the u.s air force to weigh in on this subject you know uh air force has gotten a bad rap and they've gotten beaten up pretty bad about this but i gotta tell you you know they're they're they're they're pretty good at what they do and uh i think after project blue book they really kind of got burned um you know they were put in a position where they were you know kind of kind of told to hey let's let's wrap this up let's let's put this baby to bed you know we don't want to deal with this anymore and now we're coming back and saying air force where are you you know so air force is probably sitting in a corner right now kind of nodding its head saying well you know you know we tried to do this last time and and we were told that you know there was no appetite for this so we're going to sit this one out and sit back and and see how this plays out and then at some point we may get back into the game but you know they're probably a little bit burned by it and i will tell you that that today's air force is is not your father's oldsmobile um it's it's it's uh a whole new generation and my my discussions with with a few folks they seem very much interested in this topic very much like nasa has stepped up to the plate um you know air force air forces of bureaucracy like anything else i i think they're trying to to figure out how best way to to to start collecting and reporting this information but you know you also have a new organization called space force which is a which is a whole nother another branch of service and uh is there some some play for for them in this well yeah probably you know so the question is is air force or now do we ask space force which by the way is comprised of mostly air force anyways or former air force um you know these are these are all good questions i mean we're we're still we're still making the cake right now this is not you know we haven't we don't have all the answers to solutions right now people are still trying to determine the best way to get this information collected triaged processed analyzed and produced you know and it's not just the air force you know now we have you know potentially faa and noah could be of importance uh scientific and academic community you know this is why we've been pushing for a whole of government approach because this the problems that are involved with with this topic require more expertise you can't just put this on the shoulders of the air force it's not fair or the navy right or perhaps even the entire department of defense this this is a multi-faceted uh mystery we're dealing with here and it's going to take a whole lot of folks and and probably even with the help of some of our our foreign friends and allies that that we trust maybe bring them under the tent as well is there ever like um an idea that maybe public scientists and you know even u.s public scientists what could be involved in this kind of study well isn't that interesting because if you look at the videos that were released the original 1910 stipulates creating some sort of uh center of gravity if you will or or a a capability that allows our best and brightest in the scientific and the academic communities and those involved in the defense industrial base create an open source repository where everybody can look at it and help analyze and crowdsource if you will or in this case crowd analyze this data that is that is precisely what what we were trying to achieve in a tip towards the end we wanted to create a repository uh a larger enclave so so people with certain expertise could look at these videos and then future videos right this was kind of a i hate to use excuse upon a test balloon but but getting these videos out in the public to see if we could crowdsource what the heck was going on and and hopefully it's not just the three videos my my my hope would be that we would see the value in that that we would create this this you know we have in the i won't say specifics but we have these enclaves in the in the analytic community where analysts from all over the intelligence community can look at a problem and and try to find a solution and they analyze it jointly and by the way it's very effective so wouldn't it be great if we did the same thing with some of these videos uh where we create an official construct where anybody can look at these videos and offer their opinions you know and if they have certain qualifications that then those opinions are are weighted or valued maybe more so if you have you know someone looking at it says well that looks like a glare on a camera that gets a value of whatever x but then you've got a photo expert who you know has has done uh forensics on on photographs or videos for 20 years maybe they get a value a weighted value of why right and ultimately we we have this this crowdsourcing approach to to looking at this uh this this incredible mystery i i really think that's what needs to happen i hope that happens you know subsequently after this report and as things continue to go um and it's uh you know speaking of atip was uh you know i know awesome kind of may have utilized this but was there ever any kind of remote viewing um talked about in atip and if not awesome maybe well james uh you uh you definitely threw me for a curve on that one uh let me let me think about the way to respond to this um i'm gonna defer to some of my colleagues if you want to answer to that question i would talk to uh folks like hal pudov uh i i don't want to answer that's that's their area of expertise uh and um i'll just i'll just leave it at that sure i talked to hal um did you ever uh work with john alexander i know john john's a very good man uh we we were separated by one generation i know the work of john alexander i've had the the distinct pleasure of meeting him uh multiple occasions we are in direct dialogue he has been very helpful to to this cause when i say cause i mean this this endeavor to to increase transparency and disclosure uh he is you know he he's he's one of the giants that that that we stood on on his shoulders um with atip um john alexander has has served his country honorably and he's done things for this country again very much like like like eric davis and hal that the world has no idea that you you've only scratched the surface this guy is a true warrior uh and uh he's he's incredibly intelligent um he's worked his way up through the special operations community but he's also an intellect right he's not just all brawn and no brain he's he's both he's a complete package and when uh john calls me um i listen you know he has a tremendous amount of experience so i uh i guess long story short is yeah i i know i know john quite well very cool um now i you know the uh you know saps uh special access programs and and and unacknowledged special access programs get brought up a lot especially when talking about the ufo subject um so are you know there are such a thing as unacknowledged special access programs or the waived saps of course there are yeah that's that's in law you can you can see that you know yeah this i forget which title it is i remember christopher mellon actually he named the whole title yeah and there's also a covert action which is under title 50 but you know that's all this is is these are mechanisms to the more sensitive of an effort you have the more you want to protect it from the enemy and so the more you compartmentalize it how do you connect um oversight communities or or bodies sure so even i'll give an example you know with covert action you have the gang of six and gang of 12 you know there's always oversight even no matter how secret something is somebody the chain of command has to know period even if it's waves of bigoted sap and when they say bigger than people say bigoted what does that mean money yeah it's on a big list yeah right it's ridiculous um you know where they're waived or unacknowledged sapps um someone is still in the loop someone has to be and and that all because you're spending taxpayer money someone has to be held accountable otherwise you run into issues like we did with operation yellow fruit so so there is always an accountability uh lane somewhere and uh if if if these saps are being run without that accountability then they're not real saps then they're rogue operations then these are operations that are running uh under the radar uh and and frankly are illegal because they're there there are very specific guidelines if you want to run those type of programs and and you can't deviate from those at all so um you know i i i don't think that there's some wave or unacknowledged sap at this point if they are they're they're scared shitless because right now the gig is out they know yeah yeah if they get found out that they've been running these rogue operations with no accountability they're done they're they're going to jail i mean like you know today so uh it's it's not um it definitely would not uh i would be very surprised if if there was some type of rogue operation now i do think there may be some legacy efforts that are falling under uh authorities that were were once put down and now forgotten um it's not uncommon that a a memo establishing a program from some secretary of defense in 1978 is still being used you know we still use for example the national security act of 1947. a lot of the new rules and regulations that we have coming out of the department and the intelligence community stem from the national security act of 1947 right after world war ii it's almost been 100 years and we're still putting that if you look at a lot of the dod policies i put out it'll say in accordance with you know uh national security act of 1947. uh it'll say eo one two triple three as amended you know and and that's that's the way we do things um and and it's not it's not impossible because i've seen it a couple times where you run into an organization or an effort and they're saying we're using this as our guiding authority and you're looking like whoa i mean dude i wasn't like in kindergarten when when that memo was signed you might want to get that updated so you think it as it's possible that there are such programs in in legacy programs and is that what they're actually called legacy programs legacy yeah okay so is that feasible you know it's it's it is it is uh unlikely but it is certainly with well within the realm of possibility i i do not doubt that some of those legacy programs still exist whether it involves the ufo program um remains to be seen because we've done a lot of digging around and and you know if they exist they're really dug themselves deep um which is you know which is i mean kudos to them but you know i i know where to dig i i know where those you know where those where to put the holes in the ground to find what we want to look for i do think that there may be some some legacy guidance out there that people may still be using to to not want to have this conversation but i think even more importantly there may be two other issues at hand either the technology is so revolutionary that uh someone has made a decision unilaterally to to not share this even with their own chain of command which is a problem um or the other possibility as well is that they're scared now now they know that there's accountability and now they know that someone's going to have to face the music and tell congress and and the american people and the chain of command that yeah we've been doing this this whole time and we've been doing it under your nose yeah we lied to you we didn't tell you um that's that's a problem uh because there's there's significant liability there if you imagine some person uh a pilot who who reports an incident and now because of it uh is forced to go undergo psychological evaluation is taken off of flight status and as a result maybe uh is reassigned and now loses his marriage or her marriage because of this and furthermore now becomes homeless and loses everything for doing the right thing it loses everything is now now living on the streets and homeless because they reported a ufo sighting at some point in the past now i'm not saying that's the case but can you imagine the liability what we would have to owe that individual to come back and say you know what we destroyed your life in your career and at the end of the day you were right that's that's that's i mean that you're talking depending on how many people that's ever happened to if it's happened then that's that's a hell of a liability that's that's one hell of a lawsuit yeah now um yeah at this point i'm sure everybody's familiar that uh you know you have been working with danny sheehan uh the pentagon i i guess i can say the pentagon or the public's uh spokesperson has you know they put out some statements um you know saying you didn't direct a tip or you know whatever whatever whatever they've been saying which we know is not true um have are do you think there's any other countermeasures that would ever be taken and other than trying to delete your emails or at least claiming that they did well sure i mean obviously that the fact you're seeing it play out the fact that they try to come after my security clearances and make false accusations the fact that they're trying to rewrite history uh after uh the the dana white the secretary of defense's own uh press secretary stated what atip was and what my role was in it you know now you see this this amateur effort to to try to change course uh and then you know last but not least delete my emails um that's that's that's problematic you know that's that frankly now on the verge of an illegal act um but i don't think i have to help them anymore paint themselves in a corner um my intent was always to offer a helping hand and help them out of this corner and for whatever reason every time i extend my hand they they recoil and back themselves further into the corner um it's a bit like a it's a bit like a like a an angry hungry dog that has been um no matter how much you try to to to help it and feed it and pet it it just wants to bite and that is not indicative of the entire department of defense i want to make this clear that the department of defense does an amazing job 99 of the time and is full of absolute patriots some of my very best friends uh are are still members of of the department of defense and the pentagon um the problem is that there are some elements you know the same elements uh that people consider are running rogue uh regarding the uap topic there are some rogue elements in the pentagon that have decided to to make this an agenda for them and unfortunately they've dragged the rest of the pentagon into into their pettiness and it's it's it's at this point it's looking absolutely ridiculous uh for the pentagon and i don't they don't need my help right now looking any more ridiculous it actually makes me very sad i i i wish there was a way that we could simply just have them stop taking themselves that need deeper holes they've already got a hell of a ladder that they're going to have to climb to get out of it and ultimately it disparages the the the fine men and women in uniform that work in our national security you know my intent i don't want to embarrass anybody look i don't even want an apology at this point you know i don't give a about that yeah it cares about them being forthcoming and telling the truth to the american people and again unfortunately there's some folks that that have taken this personally me breaking rank with the pentagon has has has infuriated them and and as a result of that they've dragged through the mud the pentagon with them and i think that's that's a travesty that that's the last thing we need to happen right now so yeah you know for people listening you know having you know daniel sheehan of the disclosure project working with you and helping you i think that says a lot about your character um you know that danny is willing to help and and and help push us forward because he sees potential in this moving forward you know with your help and you know he's i think uh an example of progress in this in this uh well let me give you some some some to show you not just progress i mean proven track record right watergate silkwood pentagon papers colonel all over north you know they all have one thing in common and that's that's daniel sheehan the people's advocate you know people are entitled to feel and believe what they want i'm not asking for a bunch of yes people in fact the the my my success in the government has been surrounding myself with people who tell me the truth not what i want to hear but what i need to hear um danny's no exception he is he is that 800 pound gorilla in the corner that you want um and ultimately he and i want the same thing we want truth and transparency and then let the chips fall where they fall and let the american people decide for themselves what we want to do with this and if the answer is nothing then fine you know i'll go pack my bags and go work at walmart that's fine wouldn't have to deal with this you know constant barrage of of arrows um but if they want something more then then then let the people make that decision i i don't think any government or again organization or institution has the right to dictate to their to to to citizens what they should think and feel about something that's not their purview in fact to me that's a very dangerous road to take so anybody who's artificially squelching this conversation you know um they're making themselves an enemy of the people and and that for me is the biggest concern here is that there are individuals now that are outgoing operating outside normal channels to try to disparage aid to try to disparage me and other people that were part of the effort and um you know that's the kind of stuff that that that that gets guys like me to to to do things that you know they're probably politically not going to like you know because there are mechanisms once you you get into congress now you've got a whole lot of leverage to really get in deep into some of these things and start asking the hard questions right and then you can relay that information back to your back to your constituency because that is your that's your your job as a legislator and so you know if it turns out that that they keep playing around with this then then they might have to deal with me in a different capacity and uh in a in a capacity that has far more authorities than i have right now and i i'm really trying my best to avoid that i don't i don't want it to come to that but make no mistake that if if they continue elements continue on this course i will do it and i will do it to protect the pentagon believe it or not i'll be doing it so so we can identify that cancer inside the the pentagon's chain of command and then remove it so the pentagon can you know cure the pentagon so to speak of of that cancer that continues to to to paint a false narrative and there's ways to do that when you are when you are a legislator you know you control the purse you can be on committees that that force this transparency and then you have a conversation with the american people yeah um i you know i almost forgot to ask this question uh in in the atip slides there was something that came up um cognitive human interface you know what did that mean to atip well i think you know what that means to a tip that's kind of your uh ce5 now isn't it so um was was something like that i guess observed in all the the studies and the cases uh james i'm gonna i'm gonna take a a heisman pass on that uh sure because uh again i i um i'll let experts speak to that um sure you know is there any anything you can say to that at all well i'm doing your interview aren't i wonderfully said okay what about all those people out there who say lou lou doesn't give ce5 any credence you know well you've never asked i was going to say this i mean cognitive human interface that's that's just i mean we could just call that chi instead of ce5 right um what about penetration through solid surfaces that sounds interesting it is interesting isn't it would that also would that also fall under transmedium yeah absolutely if you if you if you understand the mathematics like some of our guys do there's some some theories that that potentially stipulate that that uh mass and matter and energy uh has is is a bit relative and again i i'll i'll allow the the the physicists to to expound upon that um but yep certainly certainly something worth working into yeah and then there was i guess this just relates to the other one is unique cognitive human interface experiences so that's almost like a tip saying contact experiences there okay yeah um yeah i found this these slides fascinating and i don't know why more people are not talking about them um it says dod has been involved in similar experiences in the past i don't know if you're familiar with anything like that okay enough of that sorry about that no apologize just you know really interesting slide i'll say anybody that knows atip slide nine uh you know read in between the lines there's no lines there but if you read in between them you can probably learn a lot in the early days atip was looking at a lot of things i think that's fair and accurate to say is there i mean is there a chance like if uap task force has made a permanent body is that kind of a continuation of atip of course it is i mean i won't go to the detail the people that are that are a lot of the folks that are that are involved with the uap task force were part of aten yeah their buddies i i call them on the phone if i want to uh but you know would you be able to get re-involved at that point or you wouldn't want to you know uh it depends where i'm most effective you know i i've got a i've got a voice that i didn't have before when i was in the government i have the i have a little bit more latitude on the outside i have less authority but perhaps a louder voice and so at some point it's going to depend uh on on what is the best way for me to continue to have a productive conversation um i'm not i don't uh want this to be some sort of uh forgive me jerry springer event i'm not trying to create drama uh i just want answers uh provided to the people that they paid for with with their tax money their tax taxpayer paid uh efforts i want i want i want solutions i want i want that i want the data that you paid for provided to you oh man i wanted to and uh i don't know if you can comment on the spatial temporal translation what does it what does that mean when uh well james you have succeeded in making me squirm so congratulations um i'm going to politely defer uh that um question um maybe at some point uh i'll be able to discuss that a little bit more um you know there's probably other people that are a little bit more qualified that can that that can answer that question for you yeah and uh just a few more i'm sorry uh you know i know it's been brought up uh mj-12 um you know if if that was such a thing i i don't you know i don't understand if it's like an official body or it's like something that would be rogue or or both you know interesting um and and again that you know there's a group that has been brought up called zodiac i can't comment on that okay and um what about colin's elite i i that i won't comment on other than that uh i uh you know there's a few individuals that certainly um fall within that description that i that i know yeah and um you know you were you were seen wearing a hat uh that said phenom is that is there any significance in that uh there is an effort uh an effort underway uh with some colleagues of mine that uh are involved in trying to provide solutions to this uh this enigma um i uh i wore that hat as a matter of solidarity um they are not um it's not it's not uh involved with any type of film production or entertainment at all it's uh it's part of a a no kidding uh data collected driven effort to try to um add some some fidelity to to this topic um i don't want to speak more than that because i although i i work with the individuals i'm not an employee i don't get paid by them i don't i don't want to endorse anything um but you know at some point in the future my hope is that maybe that people will now will know what that is and see and say oh wow that's really interesting it looks like i like the logo i look cool so what do you think is going to advance this topic i mean we've come a long way it's incredible it's almost hard to believe it almost feels too good to be true and like oh my god i don't want this to stop kind of thing right it seems like we're finally moving but uh what is it what is it going to take to push this even further james you're doing it right now this is exactly this this is crea this is now we're now critical mass and it's it's beginning to gain momentum on its own i'm becoming less and less relevant which is exactly what what should be i should not be the spokesperson for disclosure uh that was never my intent uh my intent was simply to to run down the field a couple of yards and then pass the baton to to somebody who was faster than i was um i i think uh i think it's happening um i've told people from day one it's a process not an event and if you don't have the patience for this and don't even get involved because this is going to take a while and hopefully people are now beginning to see that i meant what i said you know i wasn't i wasn't just speaking because i wanted to speak i in fact i prefer to speak less than more but i think you're seeing what that success looks like you're seeing it being taken serious across all sectors of society and not just here in the united states but but but really internationally and around the world and that's a testament in large part to to you and your audience you know you can be a leader leader on the combat field but if you have no troops you know you know stars on your shoulder don't mean anything you know so this is only working because we have people in the trenches that are willing to take up the good fight and have this conversation around the dinner table and around the water cooler and let the media know it's okay to report on this and letting your elected officials know that you want them to to look into this all this is because of you and your listeners not me you know i i again back to the swiss army knife you know um everybody has everybody has a purpose in in this little multi you know capable tool i happen to be the funny little screwdriver on the back side of the knife that nobody ever uses very often um but we're all we all have a purpose uh in this in this effort and uh we're all part of that swiss army knife so to speak and everybody everybody even even those who are the scissors and even the toothpick that comes in it uh all have a purpose in this and and note and what makes it so effective is that no no tool in the in the in the swiss army knife can do uh what other other other tools in the swiss army knife can do we're all very specialized and that's what makes it so effective yeah now and i don't want to get um you know too out there in the sense of like woo uh but you know i've heard you talk about um you know you know use the word quantum and stuff like that so what what role do you think the idea of non-locality and consciousness and um even you know quantum mechanics plays in the in the ufo story well it's it's it's it's it's all of it but but but consciousness plays a role in everything when i want to go to the grocery store it is there are there are processes occurring that i that i'm literally going to the store using consciousness what's happening is i'm making a decision i need to go pick up milk and then my brain tells my body through electrical signals to move my body to an automobile then i make a conscious decision to put the key in i turn it on and then i have to the entire time while i'm trying to coordinate driving a vehicle know that my end destination is going to the store for for getting milk and all that is is driven on human consciousness it is consciousness because i'm making a deliberate decision to do something that i'm executing that decision my brain is communicating through electrical impulses a desire that desire is is a is a quantum process it is human consciousness it's not my brain saying hey i want to go to the store there's something deeper more innate saying hey you need to go to the store for something then the brain says okay great i'm going to go ahead and tell the body how to get there so in a very real sense everything we do is a quantum process it's is consciousness it doesn't have to be woo it's not woo it's only woo when we start filling in the blanks uh with with speculation in the new windows and we make it woo but but the universe is woo enough or we don't have to make it any more woo than it is that's that's reality we have the ability now to put a helmet on a fighter pilot and from a thousand miles away he can fly an f-16 or she can fly an f-16 using brain waves that's that i mean that's that's that is the the epitome of of mind over matter that is that is using a technical interface a device to interpret human brainwave activity and then creating an output right so you whether you know you want to call that uh psychotronics or whatever you want to call that that that's a reality we're doing it now darpa's working on that every time you see an artificial limb where somebody can control it with their brain don't look now but that's consciousness you're looking at it you're looking at the epitome of what what that is and yes we can manipulate things in a material world with consciousness we just use technology to do it and enhance that for us but that's that's not woo that's real that's reality we do it every day yeah and um you know i've i've had um like i said my experience i've had positive contact experiences so in some ways i look at you know contact or even if you want to extrapolate the ufo reality um as an opportunity right uh for for human growth and and that kind of thing um so how what do you think that presents to us well there's always opportunity i mean i've i've lived through wars and even through wars there's always opportunity i have the opportunity always as terrible as war is i've had the opportunity to meet some of the finest human beings i've i've ever had the privilege to serve with and and not just on my side of the fence too but on the other side you know i've i have seen the best and worst in mankind in five within five five minutes of each other and i i always think there's there's opportunity even in the least likely places so i am optimistic you know people i'm also realistic you know people learn that about me but i'm not all doom and gloom in fact i think there's a potential here for for incredible opportunities i've said this for the record before imagine a thousand years of human technological evolution occurring in one generation and by the way that's not woo either we did it with the space race when we were going against toe to toe with the soviets who was going to put the first person on the moon you know we invented 6 000 industries that wound up helping humanity things like cat scans right and cts and things like like the led light bulb you know these are things that are that have far surpassed and exceeded their their initial intended use and purpose so i i always see opportunity look the fact that you and i can sit here and even have this conversation this is an opportunity where we can we can hopefully at the end of this conversation bridge bridge gaps and and and bring people together that otherwise wouldn't come together so this is this is making a difference a very positive difference right now we're you're seeing it so it's not wait oh well maybe one day this will work out good for humanity it's happening now you have an international conversation occurring right now where maybe people can put aside their differences for just a little bit and come together for the mutual good yeah and uh you know one more thing you met you brought up the idea before of human kinds uh you know i thought i this was a few years ago and it was over some kind of video conference for uh an event and i i was really [Music] i was i was pretty blown away by that that was a profound statement so um what do you mean when you say human kinds you know i'm uh probably gonna let your imagine take that because it means something different for different people um you know this is a this is a tremendously complex universe we live in and as my friend christopher mellon said uh so eloquently you know the earth has been here for four and a half billion years we've just been really looking for some sort of life outside of our planet for the last 100 years is it possible that intelligent life has found us first and i think i've often used the analogy of standing on a sandy beach looking at the horizon and in doing so one wonders what's it like over the horizon and although as a as a individual these these paradigm moments don't happen all the time as a species they do and and we've seen it time and time again whether it's the first time we crawled out of the out of the cave and looked at the sun or we invented fire for the first time and we can harness it or we we stood on the sandy beach and looked at the horizon and and someone had the courage to say i'm going to sail over that horizon despite everybody saying no you're going to fall off the earth and it's flat and and there's sea monsters out there and lo and behold someone took a chance and here we are as a species we we did it and turns out there are sea monsters there are things called great white sharks and and blue whales and great great squid in the pacific uh but they're not really monsters they're just part of nature they're just part of our reality our current paradigm and uh they're they're they're normal and so perhaps this topic is yet just another horizon that we're looking at and we're on the precipice of sailing over the horizon for the first time um i think it's it's in our genetics to continue to search and strive to look for answers um i don't think this topic is is any different and it may turn out that what we find over the horizon may be a reflection of us maybe maybe we're maybe we're not not so unique after all maybe maybe we're part of a a much more beautiful cosmic neighborhood where where life is is abundant um and and then we have to redefine what it means to be human because maybe being human isn't quite so so unique after all maybe what makes us unique is is something inside not outside and so maybe we have to redefine what it means to be a human being and maybe there's there's more you know we refer to yourself as mankind but could quite possibly be the case that it is mankind's that that there's a there's a whole new definition now of what we have to we have to ascribe as being a sentient life form an intelligent sentient life life form um that that may very well be the case well that that's beautiful lou that that needs to be like a segment in a book i swear to god um brother um just if you had a message for for the viewers or the listeners uh to leave them with um what would that be don't stop and think for yourself don't let other people tell you what to think think for yourself that includes me don't don't don't you my job is to give you the tools so you know how to think not what to think because if if someone's telling you what to think then then they don't have your best interest at heart teaching someone how to think is a little bit different but teaching somebody what to think i i have i have concern with that so please think for yourself don't let anybody tell you what to think and again that includes me um you know you need to think you need to think for yourself you need to collect the facts and the data and then process that data and asking one's opinion is fine but for the love of god please don't ever give anybody the authority to make decisions on your behalf um especially decisions that involve topics like this um you know it's it's too important to just let somebody else decide that for you definitely uh well lou i really want to thank you for coming on i i don't think people um necessarily realize not even on purpose just people are caught up in their own lives and uh they don't realize what everything you've sacrificed and and put into this and and you know i'm i'm i'm really honored uh you know to be here speaking with you uh with somebody who's who sacrificed so much and and in a sense put the world first to do the right thing and uh that kind of integrity is um it's not common so you know god bless you and um you know thank you so much for coming on doing everything that you do and you always have people that support you and i'm not going to let people uh blindly uh smash you in public and and let people get away with that because that's just nonsense that's not right to do well i i appreciate that very much but at the end of the day you know people people are entitled to to to to take those swipes if that's what makes them feel better uh you know i i yes it frustrates me um but at the end of the day you know i i went to war so people have the right to think i'm a bad guy and and that's okay because ultimately that's that's that's that's what this is about allowing people to formulate their own opinions and i do appreciate you you offering to defend me um but this is part of the process um i i we have to allow people to express themselves and even when that expression is is in contravention to to to what we believe and what we stand for um that i i i can't pick and choose and say you know i'm only going to do this for people who are grateful i i'm doing this for even the people who are ungrateful and the people who who want to see me you know fail on a daily basis and uh that's okay that's okay i i i do it anyways because i feel it's the right thing to do and i do by the way appreciate your time today and i also want to say a special thank you to your audience i've always told people i don't care if you have one listener or 10 million listeners this is a conversation that i'm happy to have because i think it's one that involves all of us absolutely thank well thank you so much and uh we look forward to all the all the work you keep on doing man and thank you very much very thoughtful appreciate it you know