YouTube Channel: "The Disclosure Process" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo | Under Oath Testimony to Congress 11/13/2024" Luis Elizondo | Under Oath Testimony to Congress 11/13/2024 863 views Nov 13, 2024 From: Transcript: welcome everyone we are pleased to have you today pursuant to committee rule 9g the witnesses will please stand and raise your right hands this is where it gets real do you solemnly swear to affirm that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God let the record show that the witnesses all answered in the affirmative we appreciate all of you being here today and look forward to your testimony thank you I will now recognize Mr Elizondo for his opening statement greetings chairwoman mace chairman gothman ranking members conell and Garcia and members of the committee it is my honor and privilege to testify before you on the issue of unidentified anomalous phenomenon formerly known as UFOs on behalf of our brave men and women in uniform and across the intelligence Community as well as my fellow Americans who have awaited this day thank you for your leadership on this important matter let me be clear UAP are real advanc Technologies not made by our government or any other government are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe furthermore the US is in possession of UAP Technologies as are some of our adversaries I believe we are in the midst of a multi-decade secretive arms race one funded by misallocated taxpayer dollars and hidden from our elected representatives and oversight bodies for many years I was entrusted with protecting some of our nation's most sensitive programs in my last position I managed a special access program on behalf of the White House and the National Security Council as such I appreciate the need to protect certain sensitive intelligence and Military information I consider my oath to protect Secrets as sacred and I will always put the safety of the American people first with that said I also understand the consequences of excessive secrecy and stovepiping nowhere was this more apparent than in the aftermath of 9/11 which many of us remember all too well I believe that America's greatness depends on three elements a a watchful Congress B A responsive executive branch and C an informed public over the last decade and a half I learned that certain UAP programs were and are operating without any of these elements although much of my government work on the UAP subject Still Remains classified excessive secrecy has led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants military personnel and the public all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos a small Cadre within our own government involved in the UAP topic has created a culture of suppression and intimidation that I've personally been victim to along with many of my former colleagues this includes unwarranted criminal investigations harassment and efforts to destroy one's credibility most Americans would be shocked to learn that the pentagon's very own public affairs office openly emplo employs a professional psychological operations officer as the singular point of contact for any us U AP related inquiries from citizens and the media this is unacceptable many of my former colleagues and I have provided classified testimony to both the Department of Defense and the intelligence Community Inspector General and many of us have subsequently been targeted by this cabal with threats to our careers our security clearances and even our lives this is not hyperbole but a genuine fact and this is wrong to fix these problems I propos three principal actions first Congress and the president President should create a single point of contact responsible for a whole of government approach to the UAP issue currently the White House CIA NASA the Pentagon Department of energy and others play a role but no one seems to be in charge leading to unchecked power and Corruption second we need a national UAP strategy that will promote transparency and help restore the American public's trust at a time when the Public's trust is at an all-time low this strategy should include a whole of government approach including the academic and scientific communities the private sector and our International partners and allies third Congress should create a protected environment so whistleblowers desperate to do the right thing can come forward without fear as it currently stands these whistleblowers suffer because of stigma a Code of Silence and concerns about retaliation these whistleblowers should be encouraged to come forward in ways that protect them against any forms of retaliation policies and procedures should ensure that protection and for those who refuse to cooperate is up to the members of this committee and the other lawmakers to wield their subpoena power against hostile Witnesses and prevent additional Government funding to those UAP efforts that remain hidden from congressional oversight in closing We As Americans have never been afraid of a challenge in fact we thrive on them whether it's eradicating polio or going to the Moon we don't run from a challenge we take it headon to the incoming Administration and Congress I say to you we need immediate public transparency and this hearing is an important step on that Journey if we approach the UAP iic in the same way as we of As Americans have met other challenges we can restore our faith in our government institutions together we can Usher in a new era of accountable government and scientific discovery I believe that we as Americans can handle the truth and I also believe the world deserves the truth thank you esteemed members of Congress for your time today it is profoundly appreciated by many thank you I ask unanimous consent for representatives ogles of Tennessee and bobbert of Colorado to be waved onto the subcommittee for today's joint subcommittee hearing for the purpose of asking questions without objection so ordered I will now recognize myself for five minutes of questioning I have a lot of questions and I have a lot of witnesses so I would just ask if it's yes or no to please just tell me yes or no um if it requires more than that um be very succinct because I would like to go down the line and ask as many questions as possible so um all right okay Mr Al alzando you stay in your testimony that quote Advanced Technologies not by our government or any other government are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe end quote if these Technologies are not made by any government who's making them private companies or are you implying they are crafted by a non-human intelligence Well ma'am that's precisely why we're here uh the problem is that temporally speaking over decades not just the last 10 years before to put this in perspective when are these private companies you're implying or is this uh non-human intelligence it may be both uh when it comes to Blue Force Technologies I would not be able to discuss are you read into secret UAP crash retrieval programs um we would have to have a conversation in a Clos session ma'am I signed documentation three years ago that restricts my ability to discuss specifically crash retrievals um I submitted for my book through the doser process which took a year for it to be reviewed and what is in the book is what I was told I'm allowed to talk about has the government conducted secret UAP crash retrieval programs yes or no yes okay were they designed to identify and reverse engineer alien craft yes or no yes does the US government have any reverse uh okay we that question about retrieval programs um do any US contractors have the same um I would prefer to address a close session ma'am okay in your book you mentioned government employees who've been injured by uaps placed on leave and receiving government compensation for their injuries is that correct that is correct how can the government deny we have recovered craft if they're paying people people because they've been injured by recovered craft ma'am that's a great question that's why I think we're here again because I've seen the documentation by the US government for several of these individuals who have sustain sustained injuries as a result of a UAP incident it's a crazy idea right the hypocrisy and the logic uh Mr elzando did I have that correct sir I'm going to put my I'm a recovering lawyer so I'm going to put my hat on for a second you said you signed a document love that who gave that to you the US govern sir okay you have a copy of it um it is stored in the skiff right now uh I do not have possession of it the US government does what department of the US government gave you this document I will say the Department of Defense unfortunately I can't say in this forum much more than that you specifically said the document said you can't talk about Crash retrieval well you know you can't talk about Fight Club if there's no Fight Club correct okay I'm just making an observation yes sir so that document that you signed that you said exists specifically said you can't talk about Crash retrieval correct sir it was a limitation on what I because already i' had been speaking publicly about the topic and so the document said you can continue saying XYZ but you cannot discuss the topic give me give me the atmosphere of signing this document you're in a room by yourself I'm in a skiff with a security officer sir just one-on-one anybody else uh there may have been an assistant as well um it was in a skiff within a Department of Defense facility give me your background real quick uh my background is um I went to school to study microbiology and Immunology uh entered into the US Army and after a very short stint in Military Intelligence um I became a Counter Intelligence special agent as a civilian later on I became a special agent in charge uh running investigations in counterterrorism and counter Espionage primarily uh with some experience in counterinsurgency and counternarcotics and then in 2009 time frame when I came back to the P Pentagon after a tour with the Director of National Intelligence um I quickly became part of a program that was originally called assap that evolved into the program now called a tip which is where those videos that we now see the go fast the gimbal the Fleer um that was part of our effort sir right so you don't you're not some conspiracy theorist you actually have a legitimate background well sir I'm certainly not a conspiracy theorist uh I'm I'm fact-based just say fact so when you're in this room I want to paint the picture of everybody you're in this room you're by yourself you're in a ski you're handed a document how long's document uh it's about a page front and back so basically you have some things they call trigraphs which I cannot again uh talk to how long were you given to sign the document as long as I need it sir I what if you didn't sign it well the I suspect there'd be repercussions I wouldn't have access to certain information was a law were you allowed to conduct ask a lawyer or weren't allowed to talk weren't allowed to ask for a lawyer to review the document it wasn't an option but they may probably wouldn't have have allowed me to because the document itself is pretty explicit about you have to be putting me in an interest let me try to thread the needle here um there are certain documents that we have in the US government that allow people to have access to certain programs whether it's a special I'm going to be very generic here whether it's a special Access program or controlled Access program sap cap whatnot how many people have to sign that document it depends how many people are going to get access to the information sir okay okay uh we'll go to m Mr elando hope I got that right or not at least not that um you're familiar with the recent drone incursion Over langing The Air Force Base yes sir the owners of these drones remain unclear the US military has not been able to give us in Congress an answer given your experience with the Department of Defense and the intelligence Community how frequently are UAP sightings over military installations and secondly I suppose hypothetically you could have incursions over just say regular airports is it obvious these incursions are more likely over military facilities than just a random airport out there yes sir there's definitely enough data to suggest that there is certainly some sort of uh relationship between sensitive US military installations also some of our nuclear equities and also some of our department of energy sites there is a long uh historical record that um some of your colleagues may may have documentation uh that demonstrates this this is not uh a a new trend this has been going on for for decades and it's that information's been OB fiscated uh unfortunately from from folks like you uh in in this committee and I think that's problematic because ultimately at the end of the day um we have a significant situation here we have something that can enter into US airspace completely with no attribution and how long has this been going on Sir decades and there's information that will hopefully be entered into can you think of any possible reason why they can't release any information they have on something say 15 or 20 years old sir if I could Echo uh my colleague here Admiral G Deb um I think one of the big issues that we have in the intelligence Community Department of Defense is we don't want to broadcast any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in our National Defense systems or on intelligence collection platforms therefore when you have a conversation where you address a problem for which there is no solution um it makes that a very uncomfortable conversation to have okay I will now recognize uh Mr berett for five minutes of questions thank chair lady I requesting am cassan to enter into the record documents provided to us regarding Legacy UAP programs and psychological operations um Lou aland so ordered I also wanted to thank my buddy Jeremy corbel for writing us documents and access to some whistleblowers Mr alzando what is the last position your last position with the federal government sir I was the director of national program special management staff managing a White House special access program on behalf of the National Security Council how would you characterize UAP p uh an enigma sir and a frustration um we are talking about technologies that can outperform anything we have in our inventory and if this was an adversarial technology um this would be an intelligent failure eclipsing that of 911 by an order of magnitude are there classified Department of Defense materials related uaps that you believe could be safely disclosed to the public without compromising National Security yes sir I do um I would never uh ever tried to endorse providing some sort of information that could compromise what we call a blue Force technology or capability uh but I do believe there's a lot of information regarding this topic and I've been very vocal about it that should be shared not only with the public but most importantly with members of Congress are you familiar with my friend David G absolutely sir I had the priv privilege and honor of working with him myself several years ago at us space force last year as you know he testified that the US has run a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program would you agree with that yes sir are there UAP programs operating without without proper Congressional oversight 100% what are they unfortunately sir I would have to have that conversation in a closed session I know you said that a lot of people are frustrated with those kind of answers but we're asking those kind of questions so you all know what the heck we're up against um you also mentioned in your opening statement that the pentagon's public affairs office employs a psychological operations officer a singular point of contact for UAP related inquiries why the heck would they do that sir that's a great question uh I would ask the Pentagon there's a long history here of this that individual providing misleading and false information to the public through various uh news outlets and media outlets in order to discredit this topic um I have personally been victim to it we have the docum documentation to substantiate where this information has been absolutely inaccurate that has been provided time and time again and it turns out that that individual was also working with former leadership of Arrow at the time as well and we punish them by giving them multi-million dollars more than they ask for every year in this report Mr elzando for for reference uh several types of of allegedly alien craft or possibly alien craft or or unknown aerial phenomena what we used should call UFOs or describe spheres and orbs um disc and saucers oval or Tic Tac triangular shape Boomerang and Arrowhead and irregular or organic Mr alesandro does that summarized to you the types of craft that we're discussing today sir that is a general morphology historically speaking of U so so those descriptions very different craft would is it your is it your assessment that they would come of different of different Origins uh it's possible but it's also could be sense a matter of utility and let me just stay for the record I never read the report that uh or the article that Mr shellenberger put out um the reason that's a good point we're just referencing it yes sir for descriptive purposes for the American people uh Mr alzando to your knowledge can you name the country and around time frame that the first back back engineered uh UAP program started ma'am uh unfortunately I would not be able to have that conversation in public um Can anyone on the panel name that I canot none of you okay uh Mr alzando in regards to these aircraft being piloted by whatever they might be non-human biologics are you would you agree that it's likely that they are being piloted by some Mind Body Connection ma'am I think it is safe to presume here that they are being intelligently controlled because they some cases seem to anticipate uh our Maneuvers and in other cases they seem to um and I I came across an email where the word stocked was used in a uh in a very secure email between Navy officers discussing their ships uh being pursued by a UAP in our previous panel we had grush and he had testified to say that some of these were interdimensional beings can you speak on that at all ma'am I'm not qualified certainly as a scientist or otherwise to speculate points of origin um I looked at everything from a scientific perspective so if you look at for example instantaneous acceleration which was one of the observables of the program that I belong to a tip um the human body can withstand about 9g forces for a short period of time before you suffer negative biological consequences blackouts and ultimately red outs and even death comparison our best technology the F-16 which is one of it's older platform but one of our most highly maneuverable aircraft man aircraft made by General Dynamics can perform about 17 or 18 G forces before you start having struct ual failure meaning that the airframe begins to disintegrate while you're flying the vehicles we're we're talking about are performing in excess of 1,000 2,000 3,000 GS so are you I guess would it be safe to infer that they're living Craft um you know I'm not prepared at this point to State for the record um is something alive or not because even that definition is s there was a time in science we we thought that um like required oxygen and we now know that's not true there are anerobic bacteria that thrive in oxygen uh environments that lack oxygen um and also same with photosynthesis when I was in in college I was told every everything is derived from photosynthesis uh as a form of energy um in reality that's not true there are things that live off of chemosynthesis so we're constantly have uh having to reevaluate our understanding of what what the definition of life is MHM um do any of you ever come across reports from people that claim to have firsthand experiences with these entities whatever they might be or these aircraft and then as a result whether or not they're religious find that these things will automatically disappear anyone and this is open to any of you on the panel so just real quick because I'm running out of time blue uh ma'am um I've always been a nuts and bolts kind of guy when I was at atip um I was focusing more on the performance Char characteristics and less on the the potential occupants okay um the reason I ask is because it seems like just based on our conversations that we've had people that say that there are good and bad of whatever these things are and so my concern from a national security perspective is is a that true B are you guys hearing the reports of that and C um I want to I want to just start by um just asking everyone on the panel or Witnesses and I had a chance to read all the testimony uh uh before but just to set the agenda just if we can go down real briefly do you believe just for the record that um the federal government any part of the federal government is knowingly concealing evidence about uaps from the public yes sir 100% yes yes thank you I also want to just go down the line and I know you've many of you have already said this but I just for the record again just briefly um what do you believe uaps could be or are strong evidence that they are non-human higher intelligence I Echo uh my colleague's comment sir genuinely do not not know don't know but we must find out okay thank you I I appreciate those answers um uh gentlemen I think this is obviously another uh remarkable hearing with just really important information so I thank all of you for for answering the questions so um and you uh Mr alzando you said in your report and and and your your testimony today um a government work on the UAP subject Still Remains classified excessive CES led to grave misdeeds against loyal civil servants military personnel and the public all to hide the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos Fair yes sir all right and and all of you and and and Mr shellenberger by the way I've read several of your books Mr shellenberg excellent stuff thank you uh what I would say too is um you were asked about the veracity of the author of this report you comfortable with veracity yes okay and then uh and I'll get to you a second Mr Gold we'll talk about kunan and laosan uh scientific uh advancement and how we're obviating that through these processes but we'll get to that in a sec because what I want to really get to is um the ultimate question Al really becomes this for what purpose is the federal government over classifying because that's what they're doing they're over classifying and forbidding the public for getting access to this and and if you know if you have an explanation I'm I'm curious because um I I know what I've been told I just want to know from your perspective why do they over classify Mr alexand you look like you're finger on the butt and ready to go yes sir forgive me um I think there's several reasons um I think at the time when this first this this reality became evident to the US government we were um in the middle of the cold war with then Soviet Union and we did not want to tip our hands to what um our knowledge base was on this topic uh we did not want to broadcast that to uh Cold War cold war is long over it is her it is her um there's also then the philosophical argument that um the Department of Defense and the intelligence Community is solution oriented and when you don't have answers it's it's a really tough spot to be in it's easier to be quiet and suppressed then if you don't have the answer indeed sir in fact there's a there's a very real example uh when we built the U2 spy plane and flew it over then um Russia and we're taking reconnaissance and when we first started flying the aircraft it flew so high and so fast we thought they weren't tracking Us in reality they were tracking every flight it wasn't until the Russians Russians could develop the sa2 surface air missile and successfully shoot I would suggest to you also along with Latos and and you also have a problem with Kenneth Arrow's um path dependence or increasing returns that's one reason why they won't disclose it it's too painful to admit thank you madam chair uh Mr alzando um I um does the any branch of the United States government or defense contractors possess technology sir there's documentation um that I believe was submitted for the record that it was rele approved for release by the US Pentagon by the uh Department of Defense office of pre-publication Security review and it is uh it states one of the reasons why my predecessor program assap uh was trying to collect material uh of uh Unknown Origin did you Su was it successfully collected um it was not what happened is that there was an aerospace contract company that requested to divest itself of the material that was collected in 1950s um unfortunately that that didn't actually occur so let's dive into that that's the um Bigalow airspace correct so um there was a journalist Christopher sharp who who said that lock there was a transfer between lockie Martin Bigalow airspace and the CIA allegedly blocked this can you describe that um what I can say is that it was blocked um why it was blocked I can I can only summize um I was part of some conversations later on with some of those contract Personnel where they they had told all of us that is accurate um what we required was a memo from the secretary of the Air Force in order to make that complete and that never occurred and so when secretary Mattis became Secretary of Defense um I decided it would be appropriate for me to try to receive a memo from him as SEF as secretary defense if we could not get a memo from the secretary of the Air Force to transfer that material so if that material exist today who's in possession sorry I wouldn't be able to have that conversation uh in an open hearing we'd probably have to have that okay my my question to you then is if we were in a secure setting if we were in a skiff would you be able to provide or get access to something whether it's a visuals or material that we could put our hands on or biologics that would convince me that would show me um that that we have non-human Origins sir that decision would not be mine that would be to the gatekeeper still in the US government and who would we so if you were in our shoes where would you go from here how would you get that information how would where you know a lot of times we just don't know who to ask because we don't know um where to go next so if you were in our shoes where would you go well I I prefer to answer that question in a Clos session however we we established arrow for that very purpose and unfortunately under its previous leadership it failed um so one would hope that they would have the authorities necessary to do that um let's hope that this new iteration of leadership uh will be successful um in in the discussions it's it's simply about material or is there discussion about biolog it was previously testified that there was biologics that were collected are you aware of any of that I am sure aware of the reporting that biologics have been recovered again my focus was more nuts and bolts um looking at the the physical aspects of these phenomenon how they interacted around uh military equities and nuclear equities so I'm certainly not a medical expert um I would not be able to probably provide you a whole lot of value in that simply because I don't have the expertise to was anything described as that we have possession of bodies yes yes we have POS is it multiple types of creatures or sir I I couldn't answer that um I can tell you anecdotally that it was it was um discussed quite a bit when I was at the Pentagon the problem is the colle supposed collection of these biological samples occurred before my time in fact before I was even born and was this part of the locked Martin discussion or was this complet the biologics is a completely separate um separate yet related okay um has has anyone made contact sir I'm sorry could you specify has there been any to your knowledge any communication with a non-human life form so the term communication is a bit of a trick word because um there's verbal communication like we're having now the problem is you also have non-verbal communication and so I would say definitively yes but from a non-verbal meaning when a Russian reconnaissance aircraft comes into US airspace we scramble two f-22s and we are certainly communicating intent and capability um I think the same goes with this we have these things that are being observed over controlled us airspace um and they're not really doing a good job hiding themselves they're making it pretty obvious they have the ability to even interfere with our our nuclear equities and our nuclear Readiness is is um the United States government or and our contractors are they pulling you know technology from this are they're they're reverse engineering this sir as I previously stated please forgive me um I am not authorized to discuss specifics about Crash retrievals um I again I signed documentation with the US government um what I can say was after a very thorough review process by the Pentagon what I wrote about and that was my limit unfortunately that it was given thank you yes sir thank you I would like to recognize Mr Timmons for five minutes of questioning thank you madam chair uh Mr Alando you just said something interesting you said they don't seem to be hiding they don't seem to be hiding the UAP sightings are becoming increasingly um Brash if you will and you know we've been hearing about these for years but they've generally been isolated and not um as consistent and overcritical military installations um would you say that's fair is is this becoming increasingly uh of is it happening more and more great question sir um let me see if I can answer this for you um certainly there seems to be some some indication that they're being provocative meaning that they're in some cases literally splitting aircraft formations right down the middle um so that's an air safety issue the question is it is it is it the frequency increasing and the the really the response is it depends yes it's possible that there is an increase in frequency but it's also possible that there's heightened awareness now and there's also more pervasiveness of Technology out there that's collecting this information and that can record this information so we're not quite sure yet if it's actually an increase in in numbers of of these events or is it that we have better equipment now that to record these things and we can we have a better ability if you will to to analyze these things and that's my next question do you it seems that a lot of these sightings occur near mil military installations do you think that these um uaps are intentionally targeting military installations or do you think that we have increased abilities to monitor surrounding the military installations sir maybe both um part of my concern is we have something in the Department of Defense and the intelligence uh Community called ipb uh initial preparations of the battle space and we use equities like ISR intelligence surveillance Recon and other type of equities and Technologies to prep the battle space um and certainly you know if I was wearing my National Security hat even if there was a 2% chance that there was some sort of of hostile intent here um that's 2% higher than we really can accept and so we must figure out there's a calculus capabilities versus intent in order to identify if something is a national security threat we've seen some of the capabilities yet we have no idea in the intent and so this is why this discussion is is somewhat I think problematic from a governmental perspective because we have no idea sure thank you um um Mr alzando were you right into the immaculate constellation program and I would not be authorized to confirm nor deny the existence of any ongoing or past program especially as it relates to a special Access program either by name or trigraph okay and then are there does the US government or private contractors they work with other foreign countries China for example to exchange data quote from a source uh that intelligence data about UAP um let me see if I can answer that a little bit more generally ma'am if I may u we do have foreign material exploitation uh programs um that is something that is widely known and that term itself is unclassified how exactly that works becomes a bit sensitive uh a discussion we could certainly have in a in a Clos session if you like we do work with International partners and allies quite often not just in military exercises and workups but in intelligence um effort as well in terms of material that's given to private contractors is certain material given to certain contractors because of their experience so for example uh if it's um related to submerged and undersea propulsion would it go to a general contractor like General Dynamics yes ma'am absolutely correct um different contractors have different levels of expertise what's lockheed's expertise Aerospace ma'am in in the UAP space that's all that uh they would do submerged no I didn't say that ma'am okay loed Martin and others do quite a bit of work both um in our atmosphere in space and and even underwater there are there are certain um efforts to it's a tough question you're asking put me on the spot here I'm ask I'm looking for the answer yes ma'am no they they are involved in a lot um I would rather let loie Martin explain um the different domains that they are involved with um probably not authorized to discuss that but they are involved in a lot of lot of different areas domains adal flight safety risks for our Pilots yes sir okay my last question the first hearing we had on this um I've never been briefed on UAP or what they were biologics non-human Etc how would you define each of you my last question how would you define non-human biologics non-human intelligence what are we actually talking about Admiral and we'll go down the line I don't think it's a stretch when you look at the diversity of Life on this planet and the size of this universe to think that there would be more diverse higher order non-human intelligences throughout the Universe and that's probably what visiting us um I would take the scientific approach the ab the the definition would be the ability to react to a stimulus um in a manner that uh requires an intellectual thought process I just don't know I think we must be modest in our assumptions that we're looking for intelligence that could be biological it might not well thank you all for being here and Madam chairwoman I out of breath because I sprinted to get here but uh this is an important hearing um I think we all know that there's something going on Mr uh alzando based on your knowledge of UAP sightings do you believe it's fair to say that they are especially common near nuclear sites yes sir uh Mr Congressman I absolutely uh am convinced of that as are my colleagues uh inside the government and the reason why I POS that question and this has been one of my talking points from the beginning is you know Oak Ridge is in Tennessee the so-called weather balloon that drifted that we now know was controlled it it passed near Oak Ridge it obviously is a sensitive site both uh of interest to our adversaries and to whatever else this is because we know that at military installations at sensitive locations such as nuclear facilities that we're seeing this take place so the question is what is it do you believe they've caused an irregular activity in why might they be interested in those sites sir um in some cases it's actually regular activity uh you'd be surprised there's actually document documentation right now that's been submitted uh it's not just oakd it's Savannah River Site SRS it's also Los Alamos um a lot of our uh sensitive R&D locations appear to be under some sort of surveillance and monitoring um why well because a lot of innovation comes out of those areas a lot of new technologies a lot of uh if you will disruptive technologies that we use for our National Defense um is originates out of out of those locations and advanced concepts and physics as well so if I was doing any type of reconnaissance um even on a foreign adversary that's a great Target uh to start with sure and and again this has been one of my talking points I do have questions um what role might the department of energy or it subsidiaries or Affiliates have in this type of Technology uh or possessing this type of Technology whether it's ours or others