YouTube Channel: "The Diary Of A CEO Clips" Video Title: "Ex-Pentagon Official Reveals What an "Alien" Might Actually Look Like… | Luis Elizondo" Ex-Pentagon Official Reveals What an “Alien” Might Actually Look Like… | Luis Elizondo 27,094 views Nov 1, 2024 From: Transcript: how much do you think the average person on the street knows about what goes on in the Pentagon and behind the scenes of the government brother it's forget the government in Pentagon how many parents they can tell you who's a quarterback of their favorite football team and it can tell you their stats but how many parents know who their kid s sits next to during lunch or in second period math class it government is I mean that's basic facts man we as humans most of us we suck we don't know anything and we're so used to being force-fed information by whatever Outlet dour we want to tune into you know if I'm a liberal I'll watch this if I'm a conservative I'll watch that I I'll I'll go straight to my echo chamber and you know just hear what I want to hear and have people tell me not only information that I that they think I need to know but even my opinion of what what it should be about th this is a much much bigger issue than just UFOs and UAP we as as as people have become extremely lazy and we we no longer are willing to ask the hard questions we're not you were part of one program but you also referenced this second program called The Legacy program what is the Legacy program it is the traditional LGH held effort by the US government to study UAP people think ATP was the only program in ASAP before that there was there was Blue Book and before that other the Legacy program is the collaborative effort of individuals over the course of several decades that I've been looking into this topic for the US government and by the US government and okay just doing similar things to what atip did yes and and more robust and much more well funded I wonder why they don't fund it as well these days uh there's a reason for that too that I I I I I would need permission to talk about um there were some distractions in the early 2000s that lifted and shifted resources away from from efforts to something else um you know probably can figure out what those what that was but um there was an enormous resource drain and refocusing um in the early 2000s to focus on something else and so I I heard you talk as well about this sort of different types of aliens per se because when we think of aliens we we reflect on movies that we've seen and they have like the big heads and things like that and maybe they're like like white tall skinny with like the big arms and the big leg legs and stuff like that is that what people at in the Pentagon consider aliens to be what we see in movies uh I I can't speak on behalf of other people I can only speak on behalf of me um I've been very very careful not to to stereotype anybody or anything I think it's important we have to keep an open mind because when you say the word aliens you are automatically presuming that these things are from outer space mhm they might not be there's lots of different options it doesn't have to be from outer space what do you believe do you believe they're amongst us well let's can I can I explore this with you this question okay so it's it's not a either or so in the beginning of our conversation I told you I went to the University of Miami and I studied microbiology immunology and the study of parasites now if you go to some anthropologists they will suggest to you that modern human beings homo sapien sapien has been around roughly between 100 to possibly 200,000 years so on a 24-hour clock right it it's only the last 2,000 years and it was the Greeks that proposed there were two fundamental life forms on this planet and you were either a plant or you were an animal and human beings were an animal and so the 24hour oock you're talk talk maybe I don't know 10 minutes ago before midnight well it was 3 00 years ago during the Renaissance or the days of Enlightenment uh that we discovered an entire new life form on this planet that's been here all along and that that was that was neither plant nor animal it was the world of fungus and we Pat ourselves on the shoulder say hey we found a new life form in this 24-hour clock it's been probably the last maybe 10 seconds last 120 years only that we discovered for the first time the true dominant Alpha life form on this planet and in fact if you take all the biomass of every plant and all the biomass of every animal and all the biomass of every fungus and added it all up together it still will not equal the biomass of this hidden yet dominant life form that's been on this planet all along and it wasn't until we could have the technology to curve glass and look through a little tube and famously shout the words little beasties little beasties did we discover the world of microorgan isms okay the true dominant life form on this planet that's been here all along in fact it's inside of us it makes us up it's pervasive everywhere and we just discovered it so when I say to people you know my people oh you think from outer space they can be from outer space Inner Space or frankly the space in between these things could be just as natural to our environment as we are maybe we're at the point now where technologically we can start interacting maybe they're from under the ocean look less than 10% of the ocean floor has been mapped we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do of our own oceans is it possible these things are just as natural to this planet as we are possibly or is it possible the things are from somewhere else yes that's possible too so we have to keep all options on the table until they're no longer on the table we live in an infinitely infinitely complex Universe let see if I can and I've I've often used this before to try to help People wrap their heads around around this we perceive life through five fundamental five fundamental senses and if we can't touch it taste it hear it smell it Etc we can't interact with it we have no idea it's there where I live out in Wyoming we have these beautiful night skies unoccluded night skies and you can see all the heavens beautiful Milky Way in front of you if you were to look through that at that same night sky through a radio telescope you would see something different you would see nebula you would see things that you can't normally perceive and the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums an x-ray right it's there you just can't perceive it it's just like if you had cell phone Vision all of a sudden now you can see in Wi-Fi and 5G you would see an entirely different reality around you so we perceive light we perceive life through a very narrow spectrum of visible light the visible light spectrum when reality is most everything else kind of Lies beyond that and then you have a scale issue you have a scalability issue what are mean by scaleability We Are a Human Being you and I are having a lovely conversation here somewhere in some someplace uh on this planet uh revolving around an obscure star and an obscure part of the Milky Way galaxy amongst a super cluster of other galaxies the visible Horizon from any direction we look at of light the size of the universe has been estimated to be between 13.6 to 13.9 billion Lighty years B billion what is a lightyear a lightyear is the distance that a photon of light can travel in the course of a year and how fast is that well light travels at roughly 186,000 miles per second or S and a half times around our planet in one second right really fast imagine how far that goes in a year and now imagine how far that goes 13.9 billion years right so we're in the middle of the universe here our Universal Horizon in any direction is 13.9 billion light years and in that direction another 13.9 tell you roughly 27 billion Lighty years across and we're in the middle now scientists are estimating that's that's less than 10% of the actual size of the universe the universe is actually much much bigger than that this is just the univer Universal Horizon because the expansion of the universe light this far will never reach Earth so now you're talking about a size 100 billion Lighty years and as small as we are right in the middle this infinately small spec keep in mind in our visible Universe alone visible there are more stars than there are grains of sand in all the beaches in all the world think about that incomprehensible number and as small as we are now humor me with this take one atom one hydrogen atom avagadro's number 1 * 10 23 okay that's roughly the same order of magnitude as we are to the universe so we have this entire huge Universe outside and this entire little Universe inside every single human being and we as human beings can only interact with one or two orders of magnitude up or down otherwise the universe is simply too big or too small we just will never be able to know and that is reality that's where most of everything lies that's where most of reality is it's either up there or inside or everything in between so I guess my point is every time when people say well you know aliens what does that mean what does that mean because most people say aliens and Hollywood and little Eggheads running around there's so much more to it it doesn't this is this is us imposing a Hollywood idea of what an alien should look like and by the way let's not forget their anthropomorphic values right they they look like us they have arms like us and heads like us and eyes like us um because we view everything through anthropomorphic eyes it's the reason why we we call our dogs human names and we treat them like humans because we treat everything as if they have human values human motivation human intent when we may be dealing with something completely different this could be like artificial intelligence it's just binary input in input out we don't know and so these are some of the questions we have to you know really as we moving down this this pathway this is why I always tell people look all options have to be on the table until they're no longer on the table because we simply don't know we also don't know what their intentions are and why they might be here that's right why they might be VIs visiting here that's right do you have a any theories as to what their intentions might be brother there's a whole range of theories I mean it could be simply as like when we're on the African serengetti and we see the wilderbeast and we're in a helicopter and you know not to make fun of it but you sit there and say oh that one we Dart it boom what do we do we land the helicopter we come out we draw blood we do tests we want to see its diet and its migratory patterns its health and then what happens the wilder beast wakes up kind of groggy disoriented stumbles over to the watering hoing he's like hey Bill you're not going to believe this and this thing came out of the sky all some weird stuff happened I was being touched I woke up and now my butt hurts right it could be something as simple as that do you believe any of those reports because people do say that they were abducted by aliens well this is my point right so so that's that's one option the other option could be simply to monitor us um it could be that we are getting very close to being able to replicate what they can do um and if that's the case you know maybe technologically we're only 100 200 years behind and if that's the case now all of a sudden we're going to be new neighbors right and that could be problematic because our species very violent we do a lot of bad things to each other are we really ready to go out and meet our potential friends from out of town I don't know I mean we're pretty horrible to each other so maybe not certainly if I was them and we were I knew we were getting close I would probably be pretty interested in what we're doing too um as far as the abductions you know I don't know what to tell you because I've never been abducted um I've had some some people that swear by it but you know you can't have a conversation about abduction and then say oh they're here for peaceful reasons doesn't work that way do you believe them the people that swear by it I believe that I believe that they are being truthful that they that experience they feel is real I don't think they're lying um but the question is you know did it happen is the question yeah and I I and I I can't say because I wasn't there but I can tell you that we definitely have people that have had experiences where they are now on US Government full medical disability in writing because they got too close to a UAP now was it deliberate that they got injured or was it just a a byproduct of the technology they got too close to it what does that mean they got too close to it and you mentioned that there's some people that are on us disability allowance so they're being paid by the US government and writing because they they had a UAP en they were they were involved in a UAP encounter and what does that mean UAP encounter in that definition well so let's look at it this way um now here's about everyone you go to the airport right and I'm going to hop on a 737 and go fly to Fort Lauderdale there's no real threat there I'm getting on a plane it's safe sit on the seat have a cocktail you know watch a movie read a magazine now if I were to walk out onto the tarmac onto the runway of that same where that same airplane is and that airplane decides to spool up its jet engine Chan are I'm going to be injured I'm going to get burned I'm going to lose my hearing and possibly a lot worse right there are individuals US Government servicemen and women and there's also intelligence officials who have been injured by getting too close to a UAP whether incidentally or or it was deliberate or not the question is was that injury sustained because it was deliberate or was that injury sustained because it was just a matter of being too close to the technology for example it's like putting your head near a microwave oven when it's on it's probably not very good for you right and are those people spoken out absolutely what's like a good example um there's an individual right now named John burough who uh who had his medical files um classified and the US government thankfully because of Senator late Senator John McCain from Arizona forced the Air Force to release his files and as a result he was able to get full medical disability because of an incident that involved uh him and another individual in the UK uh known as a rosam forest incident or bentwaters incident where there was a US joint us uh in UK base and there was a UFO incident where this thing had landed in the in the forest and they went out to go see this thing and they were injured and they were in the military at the time yeah Air Force Special police or police officers they were injured they were injured and that's not all there's a lot of people that have been injured right now that are under Medical Care by government doctors that is a fact when they give their account of what happened what do they say it depends who you ask I mean there's some consistency without within some of the stories and then there's some Divergence you know it's like somebody who says they've been in a car accident depending what kind of car you're in and was it a multiple car pileup and where were you sitting in the car you're going to have a slightly different experience so it's not one shoe fits all if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremend tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests