YouTube Channel: "det pekande fingret" Video Title: "Interview: Luis Elizondo on the Pentagon UFO report" Interview: Luis Elizondo on the Pentagon UFO report 46,363 views Jul 14, 2021 Luis Elizondo, former chief of Pentagon's UFO-unit AATIP, discusses the recently released Pentagon report on unidentified aerial phenomenon: "Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". This is an excerpt of the English speaking part from the danish podcast "Flying Saucers" (Flyvende tallerken), from 2021-07-12, with Frederik Dirks Gottlieb, and co-host Anja C. Andersen, astrophysicist from Niels Bohr Institute, (full show is recommended for fellow Scandinavians). From: Transcript: [Music] hi lou can you hear us hi sir i can hear you hold on yes i can hear you loud and clear can you hear me we hear you're loud and clear and we even see you that's great well unfortunately i can't uh i can't help the image um i certainly know brad pitt or tom cruise so what you see is what you get you have a very uh charismatic look and you have a great background oh thank you actually part of my my little office here yeah yeah thank you so much for the opportunity lou first question has it gotten any easier to speak about this topic well first of all uh i'm john frederick thank you very much for having me on your show it is truly my honor and privilege to be here speaking with you today uh and and i sincerely appreciate your your time and your patience with me as far as uh your question whether or not this is easier now than it was before i think in certain terms yes but also in certain terms no and if i may allow me to elaborate a little bit on that we are now at a point where in my country most people can have the conversation about this topic without whispering we are at a point where our elected officials are are publicly stating for the record that this topic is a real topic and and may potentially concern u.s national security we are at a point where our senior officials in our executive branch department heads and secretary level are having an open discussion or making decisions to actually further look into and explore this incredible enigma we are at a point where our media our mainstream media is looking into this topic and they are not afraid to report about this topic and this is a truly non-partisan issue so we are seeing both the liberal and conservative sides of our media both reporting and dedicating equal amount of time to this topic um and last but not least we see internationally outreach from some of our closest allies wanting to to collaborate with our country with the united states on this topic so so i think in the last three years it has become much more acceptable to have this conversation now is it easier well the problem is we still don't know a lot of things involving this topic and there's a lot of unknowns and that doesn't that's not easy conversation to have furthermore there still is a lot of stigma and taboo that is associated with this topic that still stifles a lot of conversation which is a shame this is a topic that i have said affects all of us equally and yet differently it depends upon someone's personal theological and philosophical and sociological belief systems and so therefore how you interpret this information may be different than let's say the way anja interprets or it interprets its information which may be different than members of your audience which may be different from me and so therefore it is there is still some some some challenges associated with this because when you have a topic like this it is going to automatically and necessarily challenge some people's preconceived narratives narratives in which they have established through the course of a lifetime of experience and now you are asking them to reconsider some of those conclusions um that is that is a very difficult task as a species we don't like to do that we we tend to to own our narrative and when faced with the decision to change our narrative based upon new facts more times than not we rather conform the facts to comport to our our own opinions and preconceived narratives and that's human nature that's that's nothing it's not necessarily good or bad it's just kind of it's kind of the way we are as a species and so it takes time and and so therefore i think um to to answer a rather long-windedly the question that you're asking uh it is both it is easier and more difficult uh because now that we realize this this is a valid topic a valid discussion topic now now the hard questions start exactly yeah exactly and um well good we we may as well get into that but first i wanted to i wanted to hear you because you're always um very professional you're a former employee at the the government um but and yet now you're using your own sort of image and and personality to get this message across is it is it getting personal because there's also been some people you know gunning for your head because if if you can debunk lou you can debunk a lot of other stuff so they're coming a little bit for you more than maybe they did back in 2017. yeah it seems that some of the debate is going you know for for you as a person and not staying on the topic right and it's it's it's not a good good debate where people are not discussing the issue yeah anja and frederick i don't disagree with you um but it is something that is as old as mankind uh himself or herself we have been when people don't like a particular narrative uh and they can't attack the issues they attack those who deliver the message and it's something that that uh i've been i've been victim to for the last three years let's not forget that there's a lot of people that have these narratives and in some cases you have on one hand the believers that no matter what they're always going to believe the conspiracies and this is and on the other hand you have the opposite extreme which are the debunkers but in reality they're one and the same they're just on opposite ends of the spectrum both are so married to their narrative they're not they are unwilling to to approach this objectively and as a result they whatever i say if it doesn't comport to their preconceived narrative or worse it challenges a perhaps a little cottage industry that they have established for themselves selling a narrative for money then then i'm going to be perceived as the enemy and they will do everything they can to preserve their equity and that includes attacking me um i'm okay with that i think people are smarter they see through that uh in one case recently uh there was a a video of an amateur uh production that was put out by somebody who doesn't like me very much and they very cleverly took my attorney's words and the way they edited the interview it came across as if myself and one of my colleagues chris mellon uh believed in a certain thing when in reality they they edited the video and the actual discussion was involving uh the military industrial base but the way it was added it was edited very cleverly to for for the audience to think that this is this is a discussion that chris mellon and i had when we did not so these are the these are the games that come with the territory um fortunately the people that that make these small productions don't really have any real influence anywhere uh most people i think look at that and realize there there are charlatans out there there are people out there that that are trying to take advantage of a situation um i'm the first one to tell you that we don't have all the answers and and that's that's uncomfortable for some people because people expect if you ran a program for 10 years or eight years that that i'm expected to have answers and well i i do have some answers but but we have more questions and answers and i'm okay with that i think this is a conversation that involves all of us the personal attacks have been very difficult on my family and myself that that is true um but if the cost of this conversation and and and getting humanity involved are are our continued personal attacks on me then i'm willing to accept that um our species uh has never really treated well those who try to to rush history and that's just the the that's just the way it goes and so i recognize that i wish that wasn't the case but yeah but it is [Music] but i'm super curious what did you think of the report because personally i was i was positively surprised because i had my hopes very far down i must say and i expected to get like 200 pages of words words words you know academic not so much content and actually what we got was something very short relatively terse but more clear than i had expected and what i was most exciting about was the fact that the way i interpret it is there is now an opening up for actually getting data and recording data and systematically collecting data and i think that's what we need we need more information in order to answer some of all the the questions that we have that's and yeah i wanted i wanted all the sci-fi stuff i wanted the pictures and the videos well andrea i agree with you the report was historic and not only the report but what followed the report which was within hours a memorandum coming down from the deputy secretary of defense establishing a new strategic plan to tackle this topic so it was historic but people forget it that this was an unclassified report based upon a much more comprehensive classified report about 10 times in in in length and uh let's let's let's let's do a little bit of uh scientific dissection shall we of this report uh this was a report that was roughly eight or so pages the very very first words within i think number word number two or number three on the very first paragraph in the very first sentence says this is a preliminary report so what does that mean well this is the first of many reports to follow so we have now established a precedence for the first time secondly when you look at the report it said well this report only looked at at incidents beginning in 2004 but when you read it a little more carefully you realize it was only one incident in 2004 which was the well-known uss nimitz incident in reality we only began when you read that probably the third page we started collecting information most of these of the incidents for the last year and a half since 2019 and mostly from the navy right so you now have 144 incidents only one only one was able to have a an answer or a solution and all these incidents occurred in the last year and a half alone only involving navy equities and furthermore it says in there that the majority of reports go on unreported because of stigma and taboo so if we were to make a just a rough assessment let's say only 10 which i think is very optimistic only 10 of the reports were actually reported in this report well if you do the math that's over a thousand almost 1500 incidents in the last year and a half alone only involving the navy not the army not the air force not nasa i noticed i mean i was so surprised yeah not not the faa not our international friends and colleagues not nato so i i think it's it's very easy to be dismissive of the report but i look at things with my background being a former intelligence officer to me words are very important words are very deliberate and if that is in the unclassified report imagine the reality of what the classified report says furthermore i know through my experience there are very very very compelling incidents um some that the report and the task force never even even were able to to um have access to um i'm not going to go into details how i know that but the bottom line is that there's a lot of data that is occurring and it's occurring routinely and regularly i think your audience would be absolutely blown away if they knew how recent some of these incidents are occurring and they were not even included into the report and they are extremely compelling so um that's that's what i have to say about the report it's historic it's significant and and words mean something we we had uh we did a complete breakdown of the report with the former fighter pilot uh sean sanchez and uh the head of air warfare center at the at the the royal danish defense college cast mao commander cast map and they were also very compelled by by the report and they've actually been very public about it here in denmark um and cast mob he he kind of asks in the same vein here um that from a number of other interviews it appears you have knowledge of uaps moving in ways that are unpredict predictable and quite frankly very different from any known technology i.e rapid descent from very high altitudes abrupt flight patterns and sudden change of direction do you know if any of these incidents are documented by two or more sensor sensors at the same time ruling out systems failures absolutely 100 that is correct we have we have information that substantiates validates and verifies the information collected by another another sensor unit that is correct yeah so i i i think for him it's just to be completely clear about that because for a guy like that that is the that's the main uh the main issue sure yeah because another thing we were discussing is that the instrument that the navy has they're somehow designed to pick up certain things right because you have an idea what you want to measure you want to measure the russians or the chinese or whoever you think your enemy is so so we're thinking if also if you have completely unpredicted movement the instruments might actually in many occasions not pick it up just because they assume that it's actually not real because they're programmed to only see what we expect to see so so i'm thinking if if they're going to start measuring they're going to put up more instruments and they're actually prepared to measure my expectation is they'll measure things that we haven't seen yet that because the instruments were designed for certain things and then you only see what what they were designed for that's correct there is legacy data that exists that remains uh hidden because for example a radar system is designed to look at a a very narrow uh boundary of performance also within a very narrow boundary of the sky and so it uses electromagnetic radiation and the reflection of that back to a point and then you can you can tell what something is there is radar data out there that if something is moving too fast it automatically presumes it's a glitch in the system and so it ignores the data and so you could have multiple radar arrays all picking up the same object that is traversing the sky but because it's moving too fast or it's performing in a way that is not acceptable by our definition of aerodynamics the radar is trained to ignore the data and so the radar operators may not even be aware of that data right and so now the key is how do we go back to that archived information pull that data that exists that is resident on some of these systems and then begin to you know look at this and say oh actually you know what there was an object there uh and that object was picked up by five different radars across two different states uh in rapid succession but because each radar wasn't talking to the other it just it just uh it rejected the data another question that the carsten has is the interesting paragraph that's a lot but there is one that caught his attention it's the uap apparently being able to change their signature whatever that sort of means is that something that you can elaborate on well sure um look signature data is is very important you can learn a lot of things by not necessarily observing the object directly but its effects on the environment a signature is very much like a fingerprint and and a fingerprint is very specific to all human beings well signatures are the same way there are very key subtleties with even for example ships at sea that if you have the right equipment because of a particular signature from a particular type boat you can actually track that boat around the world that very boat because there's a specific fingerprint associated with that boat maybe it's an acoustic signature maybe it's a visual signature maybe it's electromagnetic signatures so so signatures are very important and when you have an object that is there are no let me give you an example so here's an aircraft and anja i'm sure you can appreciate this um if this is an aircraft flying in the sky the faster i go the more the friction coefficient becomes something uh that i have to contend with so you have you have recognized signatures first one might be heat ablation and friction off the nose and off the leading edges of the aircraft another one might be um atmospheric ionization the stripping of the electrons from the atmosphere uh and you can you can measure that another one might be an acoustic signature such as a sonic boom as you're you're breaking the sound barrier and then another signature maybe a contrail a visual contrail coming out of the back as the superheated air begins to condense and form a cloud right that's really what a contrail is um so you can tell it's something if you see two contrails in the sky chances are that aircraft has two engines right chances are if you hear a sonic boom that aircraft is now breaking the sound barrier so the things that you can deduce by signature and i gotta be careful what i say because i can't get too sensitive here because countries invest a lot of money into signature collection um but what i can say at the unclassified level is that a lot of these things we're seeing don't have the normal signatures that we would typically associate with technology that is something that we would build i want to be very very careful not to discuss uh the business of the us government um it's it's important because um they need as i've said before they need the latitude to to perform their duties without outside interference um i i don't want to do anything that can compromise uh their current efforts so i'm gonna politely sidestep that question um you know at some time in the future maybe i i can i can be a little bit more forthcoming feel free to sidestep all you want it's uh completely understandable so can i ask you another question you can probably sidestep you've seen the classified report i'm going to politely sights [Laughter] [Music] i've said this before but i think it's important we have as a species five fundamental ways in which we judge the universe and if we can't touch it taste it hear it smell it feel it it doesn't exist and yet we realize that right now we're having this conversation i have wi-fi signals going through my body cellular signals am fm signals i have cosmic radiation coming in through the cosmos i have neutrinos coming in from the sun bombarding and coursing through my body and yet i can't interact with it so i don't see it in fact if i look at a night sky with a radio telescope i may see with my naked eye some beautiful stars but if i look at that same spot with the radio telescope and i look look in the infrared and the ultraviolet now i see nebula now i see things that that are very real and right in front of me but i can't perceive it and so by that definition 99 of the universe is beyond my reach i'll never be able to see it without the aid of something technical and furthermore if you look at just the scale of the universe if i if i look in that direction 13.9 billion light years and look in that direction 13.9 billion light years that's 27 billion light years and in fact the universe anja you probably have i've i've been told now is by scientists as reputable like you that the visible known universe is about 90 something billion light years uh from end to end yeah um and we are this infinitesimally small speck in the known universe and however if you were to look at the scale the extreme scale of the universe and then look at the human being by scale there is that level of size in each and every one of us if you look at a mole one one atom one times ten to the minus twenty six that is in relative the same level of scale of the unit we are the universe to that atom and so therefore we sit at this very middle part if you will scale of the universe and we can only perceive things one order of magnitude either above or below us otherwise we we have no idea it's there no and so by that by that understanding again 99.9999 of the universe will never be able to interact with and so for us to think that all of what there is known in the universe fits neatly within this very narrow band of our five senses which we know isn't real there's a lot more out there uh isn't reality and of course the size in which we live in i think it's foolhardy for science to presume it it has it has all the answers that's i come from a scientific background as a microbiologist immunologist and parasitologist and i would never presume to to have to have have those answers you've been talking about the five observables of course i've been hearing talk about a sixth observable that it's something with to do with the with the with the mental with the actually physically with the brain uh to be able to kind of see stuff that other people may not see it may sound a little spacey um i understand yeah so there is a sixth observable but we call it biological effects what you are referring to is is the what some people have speculated the human consciousness yeah and i think we need to understand before we uh so the real six observable is biological effects whether it's a blade of grass or a cow or a human being if you get next to something uh technologically advanced and you don't know how it works you could inadvertently and be hurt by it okay um and by the way there's a difference between a threat and intentional harm there's you know if i go to an airport and i get on an airplane there's no threat but if i get to that same airplane i'm on the runway or the tarmac and i stand behind the jet engine there's a biological consequence i'm probably going to lose hearing i'm going to get burned it's the jet engine isn't trying to hurt me it's just a consequence of the technology being used um so there lies the question about biological effects what you're referring to frederick is the the observation by some that human consciousness or as you say telepathy or psychic whatever has some sort of role in this and my answer to that is look if you want to talk about human consciousness let's let's all first agree what it means i think we all agree that human consciousness if we take the the esoteric out of it and we look at it scientifically a lot of neural scientists now propose that human consciousness is really a quantum process occurring in the brain probably related to some sort of quantum entanglement perhaps but there are quantum processes occurring in every one of the biological brains and and that that may be what what consciousness is and if that is the case then then uh human consciousness is is part of every decision we make as a species when i want to go to the grocery store and buy some vegetables i am making a deliberate decision there is a quantum process occurring in my brain that says i want to do something and therefore controls my body i get into my automobile i drive down the road and every moment every second of every every minute there is a quantum process that is that is telling me my body what to do that's human consciousness um so you know i i i think we have to be careful because i think a lot of people think they know what consciousness is when in reality very few people really have a good understanding of it in fact none of us may have an understanding of it science is still trying to figure out what consciousness even is let alone what it means um so you know i think there therein lies the challenge because if you ask anybody on the street what consciousness is most people can't really tell you or explain it very well and those that can will probably that definition will will be a little bit different than than somebody else's definition so um it's it's it's a little bit like trying to explain what god is everybody's going to have a little bit different explanation to what that means so i i anyways i i don't want to i'm not trying to avoid your question it's just i'm not sure if i have a good enough basis of an understanding of consciousness to even even speculate if that makes sense well first of all i think healthy skepticism is important i think it is part of the scientific process and i'm okay with that i think dialogue needs to be be open and we need to be truthful and we need to be honest of the data that we don't know and it's okay not to have answers i am for one in support of public hearings here in my country through congress uh let the american people know what they paid for they paid 22 million dollars to have answers you know we have answers we have some answers we have some observations why not let why not provide that to the people ultimately here it is incumbent upon our government in this country to serve the people not the other way around and if that is truly the ethos by which we live here in the united states then then we we need to live by that and we need to to to force our government to be open and honest and have the courage to to pursue this topic because we now know you're right there's no putting the genie back in the bottle we know it's real yeah it is there whatever it is so maybe we should have the conversation i do think i do think we have reached a precipice i think we have reached a threshold to which there is no going back the question is how fast will we move forward but i don't think we're going to go backwards but but i do think you know the speed in which we move forward that is yet to be determined if you if you had complete control uh over this situation would you how would you go about it would you tell the people everything that you know would you dose it would you keep it back and what would happen well first of all i would never want to be completely in charge of this because it would undermine everything that i'm trying to achieve um i don't think anybody should control the narrative that's that's my concern uh that includes me i'm i'm very cautious to ever uh put myself in a situation where where i'm controlling the narrative that's been the problem for the last 70 years in my country there's been people controlling the narrative so that's why we're in this situation to begin with what i would do though if i had an ability to help influence this would be to have uh open and honest dialogue with with the american people and the world i would i would open up the aperture i would remove this topic away from just national defense and intelligence and bring in our best and brightest academics and scientific scientific community i would go with the national science foundation nsf i would bring this to whole of government approach i would bring in our friends and our allies who may have their own observations that's what i would do and then i would have our elected officials briefed on this information so they can go ahead then and inform their constituency on what this topic means and and what it's about um i i would approach this a little bit differently than we've been approaching it before but what i would not do is ever assume nor would i accept unilateral decision authority to to to do it quote unquote my way or lose weight because because that's precisely the problem that we we have today is that we have we have allowed people to dictate the narrative for us even if whether it was good intentions or not uh and i i think this is a this is a topic that involves all of humanity and i would want you as part of that conversation i would want skeptics as part of that conversation i want everybody that we can get and fit into the boat to be in the boat and have this conversation because i think that's the only way we're going to really start to have answers are these nation talking do you know anything um we have the of course we had the the french report back in the day the comedia report and um i know in denmark we've been collecting data for a lot of years as well i'm not sure it's as streamlined as atip or comeda or whatever um is there any sharing of information well you know historically there was historically there there was uh frederick and and japan has recently come online and expressed a desire to to enter into a bilateral information sharing arrangement with the united states on this topic there are other countries i would certainly never want to speak on behalf of those countries i am aware of some countries reaching out but it's really not my place to say to speak on behalf of those countries i i it's very important that we allow those processes internal to those countries we respect those uh those countries to to handle this topic the way that they want to handle it so i'm not going to provide any specific details as to specific countries just because i don't think it's my place to share that information just like denmark i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want to speak for the government of denmark that's not that's not my place to do so it's it's a government of denmark's responsibility to speak for the government of denmark not not luis elizondo yeah and and hopefully we can talk to some people higher up in the system at some point but uh we haven't been contacted yet even though we talked to a lot of scientific people um i know you have some somewhere to be right now right lou yeah you had a yeah you said you had a hot deadline so i i think we reached your heart deadline yeah so i was wondering is there anything that you wish we had asked you and that you think is important to share with us you know i i it would be my honor and privilege and i'm sure that of my wife if we we come out to see you folks have uh spend some time and get some coffee together i would love a chance to meet you in person it would be it would be an honor great honor yeah we and uh i will i will clean this the schedule on the calendar if if you ever do arrive and uh let us know beforehand and we'll make sure to to show you around yeah that would be awesome we would love that yeah oh yeah we got a date a double date you got it yeah yeah whatever you call it i can show you the nils boy institute and i can show you nilspor's office and uh and uh because it's still standing the way that it was it's uh yeah yeah i mean such a privilege it doesn't get any better than than and yeah so so if you wanna show you the office uh i mean i'll come along great anya and frederick thank you so much again wonderful to to see you again uh anytime you want you know you know how to get in contact with me happy to help any way again sure and thank you for everything you do thank you it's so gracious of you and uh yeah take care lou absolutely take care guys thank you so much bye you