YouTube Channel: "Cristina Gomez" Video Title: "LUIS ELIZONDO (UFO Pilots) BEYOND HUMAN INTELLIGENCE" LUIS ELIZONDO (UFO Pilots) BEYOND HUMAN INTELLIGENCE 29,992 views Streamed live on Aug 27, 2021 How can we begin to understand the intelligence behind the UFO / UAP mystery if they are not Human..? Is this something the United States Government and Military looked into..? Is there going to be a new UFO News Embargo or will the floodgates of UFO truths finally be opened..? Cristina Gomez catches up with Lue Elizondo to ask questions and find out about what he has been busy with since the drop of the DoD's UAP Report. Other topics discussed include the sudden silence in mainstream media in regards to UFOs / UAPs reports and discussions, as well as the origin of the source of the UFO / UAP intelligence and what the future holds for disclosure efforts and UFO truth and transparency. Lue Elizondo is the former Senior Counterintelligence Officer for the Department of Defense, and ex-Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Being primarily focused on secretive investigations of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ( UAPs ) more commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects ( UFOs ) the classified program first garnered the attention of the public on December 16, 2017, when the world was stunned by an article published by the NY Times publication entitled "Glowing Auras and 'Black Money'. The program was initiated in 2007, with an approved budget of $22 million to be used until 2012 when the program would either cease, or request further budget appropriations. The Department of Defense reported that the program indeed ended in 2012 after a working period of 5 years. Since leaving the AATIP program, Mr. Elizondo has made it a personal crusade to get over many obstacles and hurdles in order to pursue continued research and investigations into the mystery of the UFOs that have buzzed US Navy Carrier Strike groups around the world, flown with impunity into restricted air space, interacted with sensitive National Defense assets, and traversed trans-medium environments such as Space, the Oceans, and the Skies around the globe. From: Transcript: [Music] three two one so [Music] hello and welcome to episode 18 of shifting the paradigm i'm christina gomez your host des for this next hour of ufo shenanigans where we look and think outside the proverbial box jump down rabbit holes and wear the red pill is actually a red tic tac if you haven't had your paradigm shifted get ready i've been looking forward to having mr lou elizondo as my guest on shifting the paradigm for many months now if ever there is someone who's really shifted the paradigm for so many it is lou a lot has happened since our last interview for the debrief the dod uap report was released on june 25th with a tremendous amount of mainstream media attention and fanfare and then within a week it was old news not just the report but the entire topic we went from daily news coverage speculation special reports and features to practically zero coverage in the space of a week and it was back to the old news headlines here we are two months later and it seems like kind of nothing has changed i mean what gives did a lid come down on the entire topic preventing any more coverage or is it just the same old news cycle recycling itself what's going on behind the scenes and what are we not hearing about these questions and more we'll be covering here today on shifting the paradigm with lou elizondo lou welcome to the show and for joining us here today so exciting christina thank you so much for having me thank you to your wonderful audience you know it's it's always such it's such a blast always always talking with you i'm wondering i mean can i can i just move into your studio and we have a chat every week let me tell you i live in a really really tiny dorm room so you might just be like a little cramped i'm really short for the record so i've always told people one of the advantages in the military that if you know you're in combat usually because i'm so short the bullet just goes right over my head and hits the the guy behind me now if they're if they're like aiming for the knees i'm done i'm going to take it right between the eyes and i'm i'm done but uh thank you so much for having me christina this is great again apologies for not making last week i was stuck in the denver airport i guess there was a a storm and it backed up all the aircraft and uh i was stuck there for about two days straight and no i didn't get a a hotel i i just toughed it out and uh yeah it wasn't um by the time i got home i i i hadn't shaved i i was stinky um i was grumpy and just you know all sorts of miserable but thank you for for rescheduling me oh absolutely i mean we get it life happens you know and you can't always plan for it i did want to mention that my last guest on the show was harvard professor avi lope and he told me here he appeared on over 1100 interviews over the course of six months but i've gotta believe you have them beat because months before months running to the 180 day report you were either on tv or in a podcast or being interviewed by like by someone several times a day and then the report dropped and everything has gone quiet but i quickly want to ask you how many appearances do you think you've done in general oh well you know christina it's not so much a question of how many i've done it's how many i've really enjoyed and i really enjoy yours so your yours is one of my favorite the rest don't really matter i don't even really keep count uh and uh and i i certainly appreciate the compliment um yeah it was it was a lot of uh media exposure now you know something really interesting and i i've been dying to address this and i'm gonna address it on on your show people say you know it's crickets out there no one's saying anything there's no new news coverage yes precisely because real work is being done right now um i'm i'm in the middle of writing a a thought piece you know and and i compare disclosure to to three things nuclear submarines uh i compare it to dark energy and i compare it to earthquakes um why is that because all of these things occur uh and exist and you can't see it you can't see it you can't really it's hard to detect but just because you can't see something doesn't mean that there's not something happening uh beyond beyond what you can observe you know earthquakes the same same thing right you you have all this energy and movement occurring right beneath your feet in the earth's crust and it's only when there's a sudden release of energy does everybody now feel the effects right well it's the same thing with disclosure there's a lot of things happening behind the curtain right now a lot of exciting things that are really taking this conversation to the next level um unfortunately the general public doesn't see it because some of these things haven't yet come quite to fruition but make no mistake christina we we are absolutely 110 engaged and i think i think your audience is going to be absolutely thrilled when when some of this stuff comes to light because you know what it is going to have a big media splash um there is 60 minutes it's going to be replaying their their uh their their episode on this topic again this sunday uh and they're doing that because they tend to do repeats they're the best best shows they do repeats when on during off season uh but there's a reason why they're doing it and i think um i think there's a lot happening i i don't think actually i know because we're we're part of some of that that that those efforts um but again there's a lot going on just like i talked about earthquakes you know a nuclear submarine this is this is a a if you will a submarine is a boat basically that goes underwater that's the size of a skyscraper right and yet it's completely invisible it's all under the surface and you only know it's there when it breaks the surface or you know bad things happen [Music] but that's very much again like what we're doing now there's a lot happening subsurface i'll discuss with you if you want some of those things and also if i may do a real quick mia culpa the last two months i've been a little bit uh missing in action and uh i will share with you um i had a pretty significant health scare i think i mentioned maybe on twitter once that i was dealing with some some health issues uh it was a little more serious than that um i was told by by my doctor when they were diagnosing a hiatal hernia um that that i have and um they they they found what they thought was cancer uh on my on my kidney and they were trying to figure out uh do we remove the kidney do we try uh localized uh surgical debridement do we do chemo do we do radiation and so for for a month uh and a half or so it was a pretty pretty intense ride in the in the el zondo house and so um i kept quiet about that for several reasons um a what i don't want is uh you know a bunch of people on twitter to feel sorry for me or start worrying about me uh you know i'm i'm but i can handle myself um and then two we didn't have the full diagnosis yet um it turns out as of just a few days ago a few days ago i was informed that um what that made this this this mass they call large mass on my kidney my left kidney uh may in fact be um just a a large uh benign cyst which is it's it's not super common um basically when they did the test all the tests were saying no this is cancer but then the last test they did they were very surprised they said actually you know what this this may not look like cancer this may just be something um that that's quite benign so i'm still undergoing tests right now right now things are looking much much better than they did just uh just a few days ago but i wanted to share that with you and your audience and apologize for being a little bit missing in action um i wasn't trying to be neglectful or ignore anybody uh it just i you know i had to take care of some some health issues for sure oh my gosh my my heart's my heart's racing life life can really suck and that's really awful to hear regardless if it's cancer or assist and you know i'll be praying for you and i'm sure everyone else will be as well because you're a hero to us to the ufo community you know what people have gone through a hell of a lot more than i have and had had to go through a lot more so uh the good news is you know please please don't feel sorry for me i'm doing great uh the best news that i could have heard was was given to me uh so you know prognosis is is actually quite good worse comes to more surgery right you know yeah your worst comes to worse slow take the kidney don't care i got another one you know i mean at this point they've taken so many organs out of me you know what the hell's a kidney right so uh you know again it could be worse but anyways just wanted to share that with you and say thank you for for everyone's patience and uh lou what what other organs do you not have oh my goodness gallbladder i've got my my fake knees i've got uh i've had um inguinal hernia uh hiatal hernia um i had when i came back from i can't remember if it was afghanistan or iraq one of these wonderful uh garden spots that i was i went to a couple times um when i came back i i was really suffering internally man there's something not right with me they went in and when they were they were repairing the uh the inguinal hernia the the surgeon she said to me uh when i woke up she said look i don't know what happened but it look forgive me for being kind of colorful here but she said look like a rat had chewed inside of you and i said what she said yeah but you know we saw some scar tissue so we're presuming that whatever you had some sort of parasitic infection that was really doing some damage in there but it appears that that whatever it was you beat it but it's caused you know quite a bit of havoc in inside so um i was dealing with that i had tuberculosis for years on medication we had uh we got exposed to anthrax so then we had to go young cipro and so i think over time that kind of takes an effect on the body yeah absolutely that's insane it um yeah a lot of our brave men and women in uniform uh you know come back now and and it's not just it's not just the the ptsd there really is you know some some physical uh challenges that that are or our folks in uniform are coming back with so um again i had it a lot better than most so for the love of god please don't feel sorry for me i'm doing great i feel great uh nothing that uh that a cup of cuban coffee won't fix there you go it's always the coffee it always helps out i quickly want to say to everyone in the chat that i have received over 200 questions we're ready to answer every one of them in an hour or less than an hour now 45 minutes we're gonna answer all 200 no no we're not but i got them on reddit twitter facebook email instagram in the last two weeks and of course you know i will not be able to ask all of them i picked a few of the ones that i found the most intriguing and original to ask along with my own i also want to say that i can't follow the live chat accurately while we are streaming here live so if you have a burning hot original question to ask then please help out this channel by doing a super chat which will of course grab my attention from the rest of the chat and will be asked so believe it or not we had a super chat question already given to given to us by so willow r at around 1 p.m right so like five hours ago uh for twenty dollars supporting the channel thank you so much so elo and the question is i'm condensing this question into one here so it says can we understand the psychology of those operating the uap through a through observation giving us signs that they enjoy toying with their pilots even mischievously therefore showing that their evolution could possibly be similar to ours what are your thoughts on that wow uh first of all i've never been asked that question before thank you very much very insightful good question you know the problem with with this topic is we tend because we're human beings we tend to assign anthropomorphic characteristics to to everything in nature um every time i play with my dog what i do oh you're such a good little boy right and and you know there's i i'm connecting with a sentient being and as such i ascribe to it human characteristics now maybe i'm right maybe i'm wrong but i think we tend to do that the same thing when we're talking about the uap topic we tend to ascribe human motivations human intent human psychology sociology as well to to this thing because what we see are observations there that defy our current understanding and in order for us to better rationalize what we are experiencing and seeing it's easier for us to put it in a nice neat little box that we understand um but you know christina you said it in the beginning of the show here about thinking outside the box by the way i i love that part of your show at the beginning that that intro but we we have to force ourselves to to think outside of the box in fact we have to we have to presume there's no box at all and and that's that's hard to do because it goes against uh everything we are as a human species whether or not there is an intent to toy with the human race um it's certainly possible but then you have to presume that whatever it is is more human more similar to us uh than than than perhaps we we we realize uh and you know that that in itself is kind of a scary notion are we dealing with it with something else that's very similar to human beings and as far as thought process and motivation i certainly hope not because we tend to be a pretty unpredictable violent species i'm not sure i would want another human-like species having access to that type of technology because they may do human type things right they may react in ways that we as humans do and and it's it's not that's not always a good thing so i guess my question is is your question is is it possible yeah it's absolutely possible uh and they they could be toying with us but um it's also possible that they're not and that we are looking at these observations of performance and the way they they're maneuvering and we are ascribing it attributes that may not necessarily be there but it is the only point of reference that we have and so therefore we ascribe these these human type attributes john has a question thank you so much john for the 50 wow um he says lou uh will there definitely be anything definitively definitively non-human enough to shut down all debunkers coming anytime soon to put on the front page of the new york times the 23-minute high-def video um anything we haven't heard about yet we can't lose momentum no i think you're right we can't lose momentum and and i don't i don't think we are um i've mentioned this before we are in a marathon relay race we're not in a sprint um let's just reflect very quickly on the last three years just the last three years okay let me let me if i may remind your audience just how much we collectively all of us your audience included have been able to accomplish in just three years first of all you have the acknowledgement that the ufo program called at existed and was real you also have the acknowledgment that those three videos were absolutely real and they were taken from dod weapon systems you also have the acknowledgement that we have no idea what they are that they are truly unidentified aerial phenomena you have the establishment of a uap task force not unidentified aerial balloons or drones but unidentified aerial phenomena you have classified briefings being provided to congress then you on top of that you have briefings being provided to the president of the united states and the president admitting that he received briefings on this topic then on top of that you have a 180 day report which i suspect we're going to talk about a little bit today and and what that means and on top of that you have a a signed document by the depth section that came out and said hey look at kathy hicks saying we need to develop a strategy a long-term strategy not just something to answer this 180-day report but long-term going into the future we need to provide resources assets and talent behind it then you have recently in the new latest legislation language saying that not only do we now 180 day report but we want to report every 90 days and oh by the way that includes anything that you haven't reported to us before so get ready because there's a lot of information coming out and then oh on top of that you have an ig evaluation and an ig investigation on the handling of this topic within the department of defense and the intelligence community so that has all happened in the last three years in the last three years you have countries like japan coming out and establishing a bilateral relationship with the united states government for the sole purpose of sharing uap related information um you know that ain't a bad track record folks and you all made that happen so yeah i get it we're itching for the we're we're waiting for that next dopamine hit but let's not lose lose sight of of how far we really have come and and where we need to go the last thing we want to do is prematurely do something that uh is not quite ready for prime time and uh it winds up working counter to what we're trying to do so uh the good news is there's a lot happening and there's going to be a lot more happening uh you know i said we're we're firmly into third gear right now and we are uh there are some things in the next two and three months that i'm personally involved with and my colleagues like chris mellon uh that i think you know if if the public were to find out they'd be pretty surprised um and extremely excited um you know we're we're we're moving right along oh my gosh uh i also i quickly just want to tell people that are listening because we have quite an audience today and i want to say some chip super chats are actually falling off my list so if your question gets skipped uh please just paste it again as a reminder without the super chat and a copy in the moderator name just because we're getting a lot of things happening right now so russell has a question and before i get to russell charles says tell lou i love him stay strong and stay somber thank you charles and also a big thank you to someone i guess who put on twitter an artist rendition of of me far too kind thank you so much uh you you certainly drew me better than i really look in real life so i thank you for that um i couldn't really pronounce the handle is uh it had some some characters in there didn't recognize but a little alien head as an icon and uh anyways just wanted to say thanks oh that's that's cute um you have some really big fans you have people rooting for you john russell asks also thank you so much for the 50 that's amazing what has been your most memorable or dramatic ufo uap paranormal experience wow just lay it on us lou i have to be careful um you know uh great question um should i pass some drinks over to you you know i yeah i think i think that's a that's a that's a question that needs to be answered probably on its own um it is its own uh podcast where we're going to dedicate the entire time to it um look i've i've lived uh an extraordinary life i've told people i'm an unextraordinary man living through extraordinary times uh i've been privy to things that um i i don't understand um i'll just put as simple as that um this is a strange universe we live in it's a wondrous universe we live in it's a huge universe we live in uh both at the grand scale of things and even at the micro nano levels uh it's it's it's you know there there are when you say what's the greatest experience i've had or most wondrous experience involving uap and or paranormal um that's a loaded question uh and again that's a question that i at some point i'll i'll probably share uh it wasn't one incident uh you know for those who know who i am and my involvement with folks like hal put off and kick green um you know those those ties go way back and um you know there's things i've i've been exposed to that i that i can't explain as a scientist you know with my background you know microbiology and immunology uh and i you know i i'm careful not to to really talk about it publicly because it's really easy to go down that rabbit hole of the woo and as as interesting and intriguing as it may be it can also serve as a distraction because at the end of the day they're just my observations and my own experiences and i wouldn't want that to to taint the collection of information and analysis that needs to be done uh in in the uap topic you know a lot of the best reporters you have no idea what political affiliation they are you don't know if they're they're conservative or liberal you don't know what religion they are because they they try to remain objective and even though they do have personal beliefs um you know it's it's it's less relevant to to the pursuit of truth um for me ultimately this is about truth and you know there's there's a lot of truth out there and uh you know one just has to talk to to to indigenous people here in our country that have been here for millennia uh they have incredible fascinating stories um you know i i think i think there's a lot a lot to be said and i hope one day i can share some of my experiences in a way that people aren't going to judge me or judge anybody else i was with um the problem is we're too early in the conversation right now it's too much of a distraction too many people need to come out of the shadows to continue this conversation and by me going into my own personal experiences um could could could hinder that process and uh so with all due respect love the question uh very sincere and and i'm really struggling because i really want to have this conversation um but probably now is not the time unfortunately well we will all be waiting when you do tell the story we'll all be there like biting our nails being like oh my gosh she's gonna tell it so we're excited for the future when it comes to you and uh 3d sunglasses oh absolutely my next question is is obviously the mainstream media has shifted its focus since the report dropped but to me you know i've been shocked at how quiet they are on the topic of ufos now in your opinion do you think this is because an official lid of silence has been dropped or is it just a natural curve of disinterest no it's it's neither we we've turned the dial down we had that we had the oven cooking and we had to get it up to operating temperature of 500 degrees i don't need to continue that gas right now to go up to 800 degrees 800 degrees we need to keep it at 500 and sometimes you have to turn back the gas a little bit to to keep the oven temperature constant uh remember this is this is a long game um you you don't want to waste all your your your magic bullets your rounds uh prematurely everything has to be very strategic this is this is a long-term campaign um and this isn't just um you know this isn't the super bowl where we you know have a half-time show and you have pyrotechnics and whatnot um you know this this is real life and what we're trying to do is is keep this conversation going and and letting people catch their breath um there's a lot of things happening in the world right now that demand our attention there's things like afghanistan you know there's things like covet and the new delta variant um you know we have to let people catch their breath and we can't we can't be selfish and just dominate and consume the narrative 24 hours a day because people will get fatigued and eventually they'll get annoyed so so you know again this this is something that that comes in waves um i've i've said this before for the last three years uh we're not in the business of satisfying idle curiosity we're in the business of disclosure and and and to do disclosure right you know you have to you have to be very methodical about it very strategic about it but know that there's a lot happening right now um we we have some of us have deliberately made the decision to throttle back a little bit and let every everybody else everything else catch up and then continue to move forward if that makes sense and by the way you know i'm going to be upsetting some people out there saying you know you don't have the right to do that well it's not just me i mean anybody can get up here and champion the cause if they want to but it's it's a strategy we collectively uh have chosen to take um because because quality matters right who who in the media is is presenting the information what is the evidence after presenting the last thing you want to do is make some proclamation and not have the evidence to back it up because that that will hurt disclosure oh yeah and all of us definitely want quality over quantity do you want to have a mcdonald's burger or do you want to have a really good burger yeah you want ruth chris or you know do you want not do you want something else you know john has another question and he says lou your thoughts on sam harris saying he and his science colleagues are getting classified better videos from the cia that show it's non-human and he says they need his advice for how to break the truth to the public uh who's sam harris if i may ask that's a serious question uh hopefully john can clarify that well because i also don't know if you're receiving briefing from the cia then clearly you're obviously in the scattered castles and jaywicks database right so i should be able to pull you up and see if you have a top secret clearance and where your tickets are being held and see that you're having these meetings with these individuals that you claim you have if you do great welcome to the party it's about time um but if you're just talking crap and full of crap and just uh you know making nonsensical nonsensical claims without evidence and uh you know i don't know what to tell you um i i don't know who mr harris is but that doesn't mean necessarily that that he's not telling the truth i just personally don't know him but i can certainly find out if he's if this person's having briefings you know with the cia i can't imagine that they're going to be asking somebody who's not connected to the national security council uh or a think tank um on on you know how to have this conversation with the american people when you let us know or when when you find out please let us know senzu bean has a question and i'm sorry we're going through these so quickly there's people are just like they will have let they want to ask you a lot of things so they say hi christina perhaps you could ask him if he thinks these uaps travel using some sort of warp drive and that way probably avoid the massive g-force wow uh senzu bean is that how you pronounce that um i'm gonna i'm gonna guess so i like the name i like it yeah i do too yeah i love it um you know that's certainly one of the hypothesis uh i'd say probably at this point more of a theory than even a hypothesis there's a lot of mathematical equations in fact you know give me a second i'm going to show you something hold on all right guys i want to say thank you for everyone that is watching that has questions that even sent in questions through the emails reddit twitter through everything he's a great guy to ask questions too one of the books um that we had an a-tip that i looked at a lot of this book here okay and it's frontiers of propulsion science and you can see in there that uh it's uh some names you might recognize there and when you open this book up it's uh really just a huge amount of mathematical equations uh and there you go mathematical equations and what not um this is important because this this is exactly how we look at the potential of what what advanced propulsion might look like um and what those signatures might look like and so is it possible that these things are warping space-time that certainly seems you know to be a really really good theory um certainly the mathematical equations and scientific models suggest that uh gd has a question thank you so much for the 20 and they say one does the a does the iaa parentheses fy2022 require the uaptf slash nasic to report to congress on uap events pre-fy22 yes it does that's the key every 90 days and whatever you haven't reported in the past since the 1940s is supposed to be reported to commerce okay second question they have is did the usg discover the exotic matter pure usg custody that's a good question i have to be very careful how i answer any questions about exotic material uh or or anything like that i have said for the record it is my belief that the us government is in possession of it i am not at liberty to elaborate any more than that unfortunately um of course at least not now but when that does happen i'll have to ask you again the the last thing is what are your thoughts on the uk con conding report you know plasma on radar etc yeah condy report well look you know there's a lot of prosaic explanations for a lot of things and at the end of the day uh the the report that we had to congress 180 day report there were 144 incidents and only one of them was solved one and i think more importantly that of the 144 incidents um 142 of them were in the last year and a half alone and by the navy only so uh that's important because in a year and a half in just involving the navy you had 142 incidents and oh by the way we only figured one of those out and then furthermore in the report it says specifically that uh most of the reporting never went never went reported because of a fierce stigma and and and some sort of retribution professional retribution which by the way asked me how i know um it is real and so uh i if you look at that just do the simple math and let's just say 10 of these incidents that were reported that means that the u.s navy experienced over 1 400 incidents in the last year and a half alone uh and most of them went unreported we have no idea what they are and that's just the navy so what about the air force what about the army right what about everybody else and not just the last year and a half but what about the last decade what about the last three decades what about the last 70 years um so great great question chuck has a question thank you so much also your profile pic makes me smile um he says christina jimmy had a guest on wednesday on jolly excuse me she is ex-military and recently did a press conference in dc announcing her intentions to revisit an alien base in the mojave desert can you ask lou about this sounds amazing you know great you know extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence um you know uh all i gotta say is good luck you know i hope i hope she's right uh but um you know i i probably wouldn't quit my day job just right now to go you know run in the desert and try to find an alien base um somewhere in the mojave desert uh you know i i think um i think there's a lot of people who who want to um be part of a narrative i don't know anjali just like i don't know uh you know the other individual from uh from area 51 you know bob lazar everybody asked me what do you think about bazaar i don't i can't i never met the gentleman you know um i i don't i don't have an opinion um i don't know you know i i think it's very careful when you look at someone's career um you have to look at the nuances um as a government employee you have a rank and you have authority as a contractor uh you you provide services to to the government and the customer um you know it's important that people like if you were to see my my my resume which i think is public i don't know but but at some point it sure will be um you can see precisely where i was assigned what i did what my roles and responsibilities were and what what what the type of duties i performed um yeah we are going to go actually on a quick break and then come right back into some more questions so everyone hang tight and let's play the clip hi i'm micah hanks and let me tell you something i support christina gomez as a patreon subscriber and here's why you should too she brings all of her unique insights to a whole new generation and all while she's also going through college listen support christina become a patreon subscriber today you won't regret it all righty uh hey for the record i agree with that christina i know books are expensive putting my kids through college uh you know and i know you do a lot of this on your own so let me let me if i can second that motion um for those of you out of the audience know i don't get a penny for this i don't ever charge for for these type of things but christina has been working her ass off and has done by the way a fantastic job in carrying the torch forward um you know i i think that's a pretty simple ask if you'd like to have access to this type of information and this type of material you know it takes time and it takes her away from doing things that she could otherwise be doing to put you know food on the table and pay the rent you know she could be working somewhere and not doing this um for us so i i agree with that you know if you can help out any way you can you know you're helping the team thank you and i have so much more planned for this channel i have so many projects planned so if you become a patreon you'll become a partner and a partner with me and you'll be able to have access with so many behind the scene videos and pictures and so many extra goodies like the graphics i make for my channel i can do that for you as well for those that are watching so um it's gonna go a long way it's gonna go an absolutely long way now let's jump back into the questions so um let me let me find it because i know i'm getting lost but cj says thank you so much by the way says i'm a huge huge fan of lou same and you were my introduction to ufos and i still can't get enough thanks do you have any ufo books you recommend oh boy that's a loaded question a good question you know i i hate making recommendations because different people are going to read different books and and take the information differently there was a book that was given to me by a gentleman named dean johnson in washington dc when i was i was there with chris my colleague chris mellon and uh you know we've had the the privilege of speaking with him a few times and he shared with me a book and you know people share with me a lot of books all the time if you got to read this you got to read this and i do um but he suggested one and it's uh it's a little science fiction novella it says about three stories in this little tiny book and it's called chains of the sea uh not chains in the sea chains of the sea and it is the second story in that book it's a short story maybe 30 40 50 pages long um but it is a wonderful little story because it provides a completely different potentiality of of what this means now i don't necessarily subscribe to it let me just say that but what i'm saying is it forces you to think remember we talk about the box right this forces you to think outside of the box a completely different paradigm of what something might be what the phenomenon might be what parent normal might be what our interaction might be and i i found it really original and it really forced me to to to think and and and reconsider and recalibrate my my own position on on the topic of uap and so if there was a book i would recommend it would be that again i don't make a penny from it um i i couldn't tell you probably probably not very much money you can probably download it for free i imagine um but it's um again it's it's it's it i think it's a unique perspective that's certainly worth at least just reading because it forces you to think about things in a slightly different way and m uap has a question thank you so much for the 50 that's amazing it says aliens don't scare me the chinese and the russians do unfortunately should i be nervous that some of this may be these adversaries well there's certainly a potential it's it appears to be exceedingly unlikely because we've been seeing this technology since since the late 1940s and it's not by the way documented in official us government documentation so so we've been dealing with these things and of course everybody knows about the tic tac in in 2004 but they might be surprised to know that there are other tic tac sightings going back to the 60s and the 50s where where they were described as white flying butane tanks right 40 feet long or white flying throat lozenges um you know we were describing these things based upon the genre at the time um but they were still performing exactly the same way that commander fravor and alex dietrich uh witnessed in 2004. so if there is a country that has this beyond next generation technology and they had it since the late 1940s we're in real trouble right and so i think the likelihood of that is exceedingly small if you look at where the world was let's just take the united states which was probably the most technologically advanced at the time where were we in the late 40s well we were just unlocking the secrets of the atom uh we were just entering the jet age and we were still decades away from from going into space um you know that's that's that's that's a pretty big pill to swallow uh if you want to consider that some country at the time that you know had the technology of horse and ox uh pulling pulling buggies um it's it's really unlikely um the signature and the amount of money and resources it would take to develop that technology and then keep it secret uh for this long i think is highly improbable we have another question and it says and i don't know if i'm showing it but it'll i'll end up showing it but the question is the de-visitation effects of climate change seem to be upon us as a species and if not dealt with may lead to mass extinction events in the near future has the connection between the uap and climate change been discussed or considered at all great question you know yeah that's really interesting um you know no not in in an official sense it's been bantered about by some people who have kind of kind of quietly expressed that that uh opinion that hey maybe the two are related but there's never been any earnest study into that um not that i'm aware of certainly not with ate it but you know it's it's interesting it really is an interesting question and maybe that's something that maybe we we we should consider i i think why not and that was somewhat of a popular question when i had posted it online i did get a few questions on something in between those lines john has another question thank you and says lou some high-level people have said that the public should not know the truth can't handle it but they're already but they they're already been way more than enough to admit by higher-ups to admit it's non-human what are your thoughts well you know well this is going to get me in trouble too i i hate i i hate going back and forth on this and i do i'm the worst offender at this because i i think that that the american people in the world deserve to know the truth i think you know whether you can handle it or not is it relevant we can handle a lot of things we handle the fact that there's countries that want to nuke us as countries out there that you know involve themselves in terrorism want to end our way of life you know we can handle a lot we're about to handle a hurricane that's barreling down right now uh on on new orleans as terrible as it is so we can handle the truth but then of course i turn to social media and i see sometimes the the the comments i get against me and you know i scratch my head say well you know what maybe maybe they can't handle the truth maybe maybe you know here they're shooting the messenger just trying to give them what they wanted and and you know now i'm the bad guy in the enemy and i can't tell you how many times i i slain the computer shut and say you know what screw them they can't handle the truth they don't deserve the truth let them live in darkness and you know maybe in a hundred years i'll be ready i i'm being honest with you but then of course you know i'll i'll i'll have a chance to kind of sit down for a second take a breath and you know collect my thoughts and say okay you know enough enough for the pity party let's let's let's get back to work roll our sleeves up and and let's continue to to have this conversation so um i get it i do think that that people can can handle the truth um i'm committed to the truth in fact i don't think you can have freedom uh without truth the two go hand in hand you can't claim to be a free society if you don't if you don't pursue the truth and you don't provide the truth to to to your citizens um you're just at that point it's just propaganda and tyranny uap has a question and it says did lou ever visit skinwalker ranch and if he did did he experience anything unusual uh you know i'm gonna let somebody else you know skinwalker ranch uh is a fascinating place and uh you know i will tell you there's definitely things in my opinion that go bump in the night uh i know it's probably not very pleasant to think about but but i've seen enough evidence to suggest that you know there's there's something going on there um i would recommend talking to to brandon fuegle only because he's the new owner of that facility i am certainly not qualified a lot of that work was done under the auspices of ossap and under bob biglow and and the former director before me they're certainly more qualified to to tell you what they think about skinwalker ranch am i aware of some pretty weird things happening there absolutely am i aware of some of these things happening to my own people yeah i i am um but what are you going to write a book lou when are you going to write a book i don't want to read my book it would already be like a new york bestseller um preston has a question says lou grateful for your dedication to this topic can you assure us this is a true unknown and not related to nemesis slash palliative type programs yeah palladium so he's talking about he or she is uh preston is talking about electronic warfare um the problem with electronic warfare it works off the electromagnetic spectrum and i can't go into too much detail so you know we get into some sensitive stuff but the bottom line is you can spoof a radar but you can't spoof the human eye that's just the bottom line so any type of electronic warfare yes you can you can you can fool a radar into thinking an object is either there or it's not there there's a bunch of them but you can't fool the human eye and you can't full gun camera footage um you know so so therein lies the problem um the problem is that our pilots are encountering these things the problem is that our sailors are encountering these things and our soldiers um and our airmen so it's it's um it it it's it's it's simply not it's not a viable option to say this is nemesis or palladium because um because it doesn't explain the other aspects of this phenomenon doesn't it it doesn't explain the eyewitness testimony in accounts and and the actual footage that that we've been privy privy to absolutely um another question is hi lou if you were a civilian scientist and could place a limited amount of sensory systems around the globe where would you focus on placing them in order to capture data on uap thanks so i will share something with you i'm not gonna uh uh i won't go into too much too much detail but we're looking at that right now and you'd be surprised it's a lot easier than you might think um you might not even need a whole bunch of sensors you might just need one and you might need to know where to put it and then how to cooperate that data with other data i'm going to do a very polite pass on that because my hope is that in the not too distant future i can share the pr the precise answer to that and uh i think i think uh you know i use this i don't use this term very often but i think it's going to blow your mind i think you guys are going to go oh my god it's been there all along it's it's so cute when you have like a good question but you can't answer it you'll do like this really cute little smirk and you're like i know and i want to say it but i can't which is really why i wasn't a good intelligence officer because my poker face is terrible i just you know i get really excited because some of these questions are so wonderful i'm like i just want to tell you uh but um you know again we gotta we gotta make sure we do this right rich says and thank you everyone for the super chat i know i'm not saying thank you but thank you all so so much rich says has lou ever been in the presence of some washing uh sorry sorry i said washing uh some machine i try to avoid it as much as possible but yes i've been in front of washing machines before because another question was playing in my hand that someone else asked but uh some machine slash craft of non-human origin let me go back to the question that i answered before in my opinion isn't the us government in possession of of exotic material i answered yes to that i i can't go as i said before i cannot elaborate any more than that i there's very specific reasons why i can't and i have to i have to honor and acknowledge those those reasons and those requests so for the time being i'm gonna do a polite pass on that question very good question and one question that i hope to to be able to to discuss a little further at some point i want to mention to everyone where i have about 10 minutes for the show there is going to be an extra 15 minutes for all my patreon supporters so this question here by red panda koala is going to be our last question for the day but um i also want to mention you know if if you had one that you want to ask um what's gonna like what's the answer to that so here we go i don't think what i said made sense but it'll make more sense if we go on red panda koala says lou do you think havana syndrome is related to uap sounds like a tip slide 9 first of all a profoundly relevant question um one that i'm not prepared to answer right now um i'm thinking in my mind right now the number of individuals that would be breathing down my neck if i could go into that um you know there are some very interesting peculiarities i am not qualified to discuss the nuances of havana syndrome i think we are still trying to figure that out um that's all i can say okay well here we go we do have a few extra minutes so we have eight more minutes and i'm sorry i misread the time so we are going to go over a few more and the last one is like my favorite question of all time but here we go another question is 94 there was a sighting at a school in africa where many school children claimed to have seen beings exit a craft and some were given a message telepathically the message was that we are destroying our planet what are your thoughts on that thank you yeah quite possible uh it's it's it you can't disprove it it's it's interesting anecdotal data uh but at the end of the day you can't quantify and qualify it um it is personal perception and that's based on human psychology um i'm not saying it's it's not it's not relevant the problem is there's there's no way to objectively take that data and and and and employ the scientific method to determine the veracity of that information and so as a result of that um we didn't really include that type of data into our a-tip efforts um later on certainly when i was part of the when i was in charge of the effort because from a dod perspective a department of defense perspective there was no way i could go to a leader in in the government and say hey sir hey ma'am um you know these kids claim to have telepathic communication with these beings whatever they may be um that that doesn't that doesn't do anything for the conversation it doesn't doesn't help the leader make a decision one way or the other so we kept everything that we could you know that kept the conversation to that data that can be measured and can be tabulated and can be you know if you will compared to other data that we had and other signatures signature data is very important um you know everything has a signature this pen if i throw it in the air will have a signature there will be small discrete changes in in the air around it um that can that can be measured and when you talk about potential telepathic communication you know between species there's there's no there's no real signature there that you can you can grab a hold of or or if there is a signature it's beyond our technology to to to really do anything with um so it's certainly interesting but it wasn't the focus of of us so therefore i can't i can't really elaborate um is it possible sure is it true could be uh is it uh uh just human interpretation of something yeah that could be that too uh you know i i don't know and therefore i it's probably best that i don't provide my opinion because it's at the end of the day it's unqualified it's an unqualified opinion that i have another another question is christopher mellon has mentioned in several past interviews that uap activity has been increasing and getting bolder is this something you can cooperate and if so are you able to share any examples with us today it does appear certainly that there are that the uap activity seems more provocative um it seems less afraid less elusive more in our face um you know more willing to to to defy our controlled airspace um that i agree with wholeheartedly that's that's a concern for us um but the question with metrics you always have to be careful because now we have more people you know with with these little devices in their hands uh that have you know better technology in them than our best gun camera footage did 15 years ago right the best gun cameras and pod flear pods so we have to be careful to because you know there's more people now looking into it's like saying in a for example a big city you know has crime rates have have have gone up five percent well what does that mean is it really that there's more criminals on the street or does it mean that we have more cops on the street that are catching criminals or does it mean that we have now a more aggressive da that's prosecuting criminals right so you have to be careful with numbers because numbers can mean a lot of things to a lot of people and so that's why you know i'm always careful to to to make a definitive statement that you know that uap activity is increasing what we can say is that that technology is more proliferated uh so more people have these devices in their hands and are able to collect more people are aware of things in our skies and more people are looking to the skies which by the way means more people are going to misidentify things so you know before we all rush to the conclusion and say hey this is great you know we're more ufo activity and we're going to see more things well yeah but we're also going to see a lot of have a lot more more uh misses as well because we're going to have a lot more opportunity to misidentify things look starlink is up there i was sitting not too long ago uh on an early evening and watched 52 satellites in a line the cross over the horizon um you know just five years ago that would have been shocking and yet here it is it's just startling so and and it's i think it's very it's very normal that people are misidentifying these things especially now more than ever and i quickly want to say gene thank you so much they say no question just a thank you for a great show that i'll enjoy listening to a couple a few a few couple more times sorry about that but i agree um for people that have watched the loose interviews he always drops little things here and there and you you have to listen to it a few times to really catch it so i agree with you gene my next question is given everything you've learned in your opinion has the intelligence behind the uap phenomenon already been designated behind closed doors as an act like as an external threat an ex an existing threat you know i think there's two schools of thought i think definitely from a from a national security perspective it's viewed as a potential threat but let's not confuse potential threat with hostile intent right so i've said this before if i go to an airport to jump on a 737 you know southwest flight to denver there's not much of a threat there but if i go on to the runway the tarmac of that same airport and get behind that same airplane and put my head behind the engine while it's throttling up well now there's a threat there's a threat to my hearing there's a threat to my i'm gonna get burned uh there's an environmental threat uh is it intentional not necessarily it's just a product of the technology um you know so i i think there's two schools of thoughts on it um i you know when i was in the government my my focus had to be that this is a potential national security threat but now that i'm outside the government i'm free to express my own opinion a little bit more and you know i think with every with every challenge comes opportunity one only has to look at the at the apollo mission in the 1960s in the space race against the soviet union then soviet union over 6 200 life-changing technologies in industry came out of the result of that little space race uh you know that decade in time where now we have things like the led light bulb we have a cat scan things that are improving humanity's uh well-being on this planet and have long outlived their original intent and purpose so you know i i tend to be a little bit more optimistic i i don't think everything that's necessarily a threat is is an intentional threat and i think there's always opportunity you just need to to know how to how to look for it and right now everyone's asking about the 23 minute video can you talk about that uh i i can't what i can say is that i was privy to it many videos i i have to i have to let the government try to do its due diligence um and and you know let's not forget that the pagoda pentagon claimed to erase and destroy all my emails um despite there being a court protective order uh that that uh restricted that um so they've got some some some questions they have to answer uh and i want to give the the us government the pentagon uh the time necessary to to figure that out um you know the uh there's videos that are very compelling i've said before that the three videos that came out are probably the least compelling um as compelling as they may be they're the least compelling there's some that are pretty extraordinary uh but i they haven't been released it's not up to me to release them and i really can't talk about them until at some point the government decides it wants to first of all locate them and then second of all uh provide them rg has a question and they say does dhs red cell ever used uap simulation events to test u.s military responses which may have been confused as real events and this is going to be the last super chat for today guys we are running out of time but please answer that lou you know i gotta tell you i've never been asked that before uh it that's a that's a fascinating question one that i'm gonna talk to to my colleagues about chris and some other people back in dc um you know that's certainly a possibility i've i've personally never never considered that before that's why i love doing these because your audience is so sophisticated they're always coming up with these great questions and i can't tell you how many times that these questions will come up and i'll go run right back to dc be like you know hey guys we got to talk you know um that's that's great that's great i i i'm not avoiding the question i just i simply don't know but i can tell you this i promise you this i will ask the question and i will report back what i find and here is our last question for the show what is one question you haven't been asked but wish you had been what is it and what's the answer because you've done thousands of interviews i have and there's so many questions that still need to be asked um there isn't one that's better than the other because we're putting together a jigsaw puzzle right it's it's no one piece of that jigsaw puzzle is going to put the whole puzzle together and give you that aha moment ah there it is now that now the whole puzzle comes together um that's not the way it works all pieces are critical all pieces are important i personally don't have the patience to put together a jigsaw puzzle because it drives me crazy because every single piece is important what i do is i do what most people do i kind of categorize them according to shapes i have straight edges okay these are going to be on the perimeter and color okay this is probably part of that scene and and whatnot but at the end of the day um there is no peace more important there is no question there is no golden question out there that people should say okay how do we you know if we only ask this question to lou then we would have all the answers that's sadly not the case all questions are important and all questions should be asked um is there a question that people should have asked me you know i think i think we're on a great role i think the questions that are being asked here tonight were some of the most insightful i've had a chance to answer in a very long time in fact i'm kind of surprised because every single one of your questions are great questions from your audience you know usually when it first came out people were asking me you know all sorts of stuff you know and some of the questions were you know probably a little bit a little bit more basic than others so then let's give an applause to everyone that's watching and put in their questions thank you everyone you i mean you were able to answer a lot of them and like you said these were questions that haven't been asked people that were writing these questions have senior interviews and they were getting frustrated they're like why aren't people asking these questions that i want to ask so i think i was very lucky to be able to host this today and actually have people ask their questions along with the ones that were sent to me prior and overall it's it's been such a blessing for you to be here with me today and to have this conversation i don't know i'd assure you to the way around it is look we are only success i've said this before i'm gonna say it again because you know i i don't know if people don't believe me or what but look we're only where we are today because we can collectively have this conversation the only reason why you can do what you do is because you have an audience that's listening that's interested and that's the only reason why i can come out and i can have the conversation i'm having so at the end of the day we're only here because of your audience it's it's it's incredible it's not it's not me and i don't know how to emphasize that enough um you know a lot of people kind of look up to me in a way that uh i frankly i don't deserve i really don't deserve it it's it's the credit goes to to your audience and folks like you and i footstomped that a thousand times and now people say oh he's just being you know gracious he's you know he's being humble but it's true it's absolutely true we achieved this collectively over the last three years because of the hard efforts of everyone right now that's listening and and i can't i can't overstate that enough when i have conversations in dc they're watching twitter they're watching your show they they're dialing in in a pseudo because they don't want to expose themselves but make no mistake they're watching your videos i can't say who it was but very recently i got an email from a very very very senior person and and i said very three times because they are very senior and they say hey i saw that interview on this podcast and you know what the podcast was yours it was it wasn't cnn or fox news or bbc it was your podcast and he said hey man that was that was that was great so um you know you guys are making a difference this this is it this is the future this is this is how we have this conversation with with with everyone um and and it's not going to be done by a politician i assure you disclosure is is only going to happen because of because of you and your audience so by the people and i want to say again thank you for you lou for being here for all the super chats for everyone participating for all of my patreon supporters i do want to let you know that we are going to have an extra 15 minute segment just for the patreon supporters that will be uploaded later today so keep an eye out for those that are or if you want to be one it really supports my channel and you get to see all the guests or i think almost all of them getting like an exclusive 15 minutes as well and i also want to say don't forget to like this video to share it with people that have the same interest because it wouldn't be possible if this conversation wouldn't be possible if we had a collective mind and lastly don't forget to keep your eyes on the skies [Music] [Music] you