YouTube Channel: "CBS News" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo on CBS Mornings! Lue's Media Onslaught Begins!" Luis Elizondo on CBS Mornings! Lue's Media Onslaught Begins! 3,715 views Aug 19, 2024 From: Transcript: [Music] Lando's media Onslaught begins guys this is awesome so get in here let's talk about it this is Jack with Cosmic Ro I'll talk about UFOs in the Paranormal please hit like And subscribe and let me know what you guys think in the comments below but yeah with L book imminent coming out this week uh he begins his media campaign to promote the book and get out the Truth for UFO disclosure uh here's an article from The Daily Mail the former head of a secret government UFO program has spoken out in an interview with the Daily Mail uh before revealing in a new book why he is certain the Pentagon has material from Crash non-human spacecraft and I'll let you read the rest of the article at your leisure uh here's another article from an Australian uh publication um former Pentagon UFO investigator makes claims of non-human craft biological implants in Memoir uh and it goes on to talk about uh that very subject uh and here he is most importantly most significantly today uh on CBS mornings so let's just give a watch to Lou's appearance uh on CBS you talk about this idea of these crafts being created to quote be friends from out of town what makes you so certain that they're not made by humans and also if I could early in your book you said when governments lie to their people all of democracy is at risk do you think the government is lying well we know that the the government never lies right uh Iran Contra Pentagon Papers uh Afghanistan withdrawal no unfortunately the government is not this if this huge colossal machine if you will it's it's segregated into these D Thoms if you will and unfortunately they don't always coordinate and talk with one another as far as these vehicles not being made by by humans if you will that's not me saying that we have scientists some of the top scientists that your tax paying payer dollars have paid for for them to conduct This research and at the end of the day when you're studying the material and you're studying the the capabilities of these vehicles and frankly there's nothing that we have that compares to what these capab these vehicles can do the capabilities that they're demonstrating in front of us then one has to ask well where are they from and if it's not our technology and it's not some sort of adversarial technology it's someone's technology and it's definitely somebody's technology I would love for him to talk about you know human operated UFOs because obviously that's a thing as well but the important thing is for him to get across the idea that there are indeed nonhumans here and they've probably been here for a long time they're interacting with us they're flying around in UFOs um you if he started talking about humans flying around in their own UFOs that would kind of muddy the waters the important thing right now is UFO disclosure and getting the truth out to the people of the world that we are not alone and then later down the line can come uh the deeper Revelations about what is really going on at the deepest levels of the control group uh so as much as I would love the full truth the full monty of UFO disclosure with L's book I know we're not going to get that and I I don't expect that and also I don't know how much of that Lou is actually aware of or part of I'm sure he's heard rumors and stuff like that but I don't know how much access he actually has to that deeper stuff I suspect not that much uh but let's let's continue with the interview in a statement to CBS News the Pentagon spokesperson said that the department will follow the data wherever it leads however to date we have not found any credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity are there other explanations that should be considered is there hard evidence that this is um a non-human technology that's that's a great point and so I think we need to look at this from a temporal aspect a Time aspect I think if you were to look at it now and say well there's no evidenc see things are are if you will not human the reality is we've been dealing with this topic as a government for decades so it's not like there's some sort of adversarial technology that just popped on the proverbial radar that's ahead of us this this is something we've been dealing with as a nation for 60 years so let's put that into perspective this would be like going into King tutt's tomb for the very first time and finding a fully assembled 747 inside the tomb it it it doesn't make sense right from a Time perspective we're talking the 1950s the late 1940s where this technology has been demonstrated over controlled us airspace over some of our most sensitive military installations and by the way there's Us official US documentation that substanti this you know yeah I think that's really interesting because you said that thing about King tutt's tomb before and at the time that really you know got me excited you know Finding high technology in an ancient tomb or you know some you know drawing a parallel or or an analogy to something like that potentially but here he seems to be uh you know expanding on that or clarifying that and saying that no what he's talking about is simply that back in the day uh back in the the 50s when you know they certainly wouldn't have been able to have anything anal analogous to a UFO uh not that we do now in conventional levels but you know certainly not back then uh then they're faced with this high technology and obviously it's not coming from them right so uh so I think that's really interesting this clarification on this uh this idea that he's he's he's mentioned before I really enjoyed your book I thought it was really eye openening about the secrets that people keep you make a point of saying you believe Secrets have an expiration date and seems you and your family really went through hell as part of your job both physically and mentally and at one point you ended up quitting your job and your wife said to you who quits a job without a job and you said to her what well I said to her a lot of things I'm sure uh at the end of the day I made the decision to to leave my job and pursue this topic because it was a right thing to do and I don't think my family would have respected me uh if I didn't you said a man who can't live with himself that's that's the line that's stood out to me but why do they want to keep this a secret and what do you mean that Secrets have expiration dates and less than 90 seconds sure less than 90 seconds well um secrets are are made to protect two things sources and methods they're not designed to stop if you will the American people from learning the truth about embarrassing things or trying to hide things um this is a topic where I believe America can handle the truth and I think America deserves to know the truth about this topic about your taxpayer money that's been spent over the decades to try to figure out just what the heck is going on look you have former directors of National Intelligence former directors of CIA and even former presidents all coming out saying yeah this is a valid and real topic and a national security issue yeah and I think there's so much information so yeah there you go uh again talking about the National Security implications of this which I think is uh important but very unfortunate you know clearly um control group is shooting at UF they very likely legitimately see some of this as a national security uh threat you know we have people like Jim semivan who have talked about going into a CIA meeting uh you know where behind closed doors they were expressing great fear of the phenomenon uh and you know possibly preparing against it and you know we have similar you know expressions of fear from Tom Delong you know George the Dara whistleblower also has uh similar take on things these are evil aliens and we have to prepare against them and I hope Lou doesn't lean too heavily into that into the book I'm afraid that he's going to um you know he's talked about this many times before all that the phenomenon itself may not be a threat uh but we have to treat it like it might be there is the potential for a threat you know you go you lock your house up and you find you know muddy Footprints uh in your house and you have to treat that as a Potential Threat even if you don't know if that is you know if the Intruder is actually threatening you or not and I think that's a really unfortunate way to frame the phenomenon it's it's an important way and a totally valid way and I get it uh but a lot of this does seem to have to do with Consciousness and uh you know that we are interacting with something uh with our Consciousness and many of these UFO events are co-created with us with our own Consciousness something's interacting with us and we are interacting with it and we want those interaction to be as positive as possible and for our relationship with the phenomenon to be as positive as possible I think it's very important to get positive messages about the phenomenon out there to counter these national security threat messages which again are important and perfectly valid but it's a very unfortunate framing especially going forward with UFO disclosure if this is going to if this is how they are framing UFO disclosure I think it's a really unfortunate way to frame it um you know again there's valid reasons for it and I can understand why the dod uh would be framing it in that way but clearly there's a lot more to it as well I mean my main UFO event was very mystical and very positive and many others have had very positive experiences as well according to the Edgar Mitchell Foundation eight out of 10 long-term abductees or conduct conducte contactees have a positive View on the phenomenon and their own experiences with it even if there were some negative elements thrown in there which there often are uh sometimes very negative Whitley streer will openly use the RW to describe his first um encounter so um you know that that is part of it but Willie ster has gone on to have a very profound and deep and positive relationship with the phenomenon as have many others so I think this framing of uh the the National Security threat is unfortunate I hope that's not you know uh reinforced too heavily in the book so we'll we'll have to see how that plays out and where the conversation goes from there uh but yeah uh you know it is it is unfortunate that this may be the uh you know way the conversation starts with the public I think we are starting off on the wrong foot there and because we don't know what the UFO control group is doing and who they're working with and who they're shooting at we don't know if the UFOs they are shooting it actually represent in any way a national security threat I don't think they do because obviously if they wanted to they could just wipe us all out anytime they wanted to they haven't done that in fact uh you know quite the opposite in many cases you know Preston denett has a full hourlong video describing the various instances where UFOs have actually healed people uh yeah so you know it's it's very complex however you know as much as I say that we co-create many of these experiences I do have to add that we don't cocreate a lot of these experiences so you know the people in colaris Brazil who were being attacked by UFOs uh they were shooting beams at them and draining them of blood or at least causing anemia in them um and there were deaths associated with with that event those events um you know they weren't co-creating that so there is definitely an independent element of the phenomenon outside of anything to do with our Consciousness that is interacting with us sometimes in very negative ways and I can totally see us wanting to prepare against that and working against that if at all possible uh but you know the it's strange because uh so because this has been hidden from us for so long we don't know exactly what's what we don't know what percentage is positive what percent is negative we don't know how much of it is associated with our Consciousness and how much of it is acting completely independently of us this is important information that has been kept from us so we don't know if the you know uh you know the camp that is on this national security threat you know Mission uh if they are more right or more wrong uh and the phenomenon hasn't been super helpful either uh you as far as addressing this in a public and open way in ways that we can corroborate so you know it be if if the phenomenon wants to step up and say hey we're not a threat they definitely have that opportunity so you know U we we'll see what shakes out guys uh let me know your thoughts about this either way I remain very excited about lose book and very excited about uh the efforts of the pro- disclosure group to you know that are organizing all this and orchestrating this got lose book James Fox's documentary got UFO hearings you know all within the same time frame and I imagine there's some orchestration uh and coordination among them to to get that done to make the biggest possible impact and probably to you know stimulate Congress to Greater action I imagine that's kind of the goal here uh so I really support all of that but I do worry about this whole you know framing it as a threat idea uh I think that's really unfortunate and I would love uh your takes on that uh in the comments below so let me know what you think uh like And subscribe become a channel member buy some merch in the merch store uh there's coffee mugs there t-shirts uh there's plenty other videos on the channel and I'll see you guys next time this is Jack with Cosmic Road signing out