YouTube Channel: "Cosmic Road" Video Title: "Luis Elizondo Reveals Shocking Information About Skinwalker Ranch! This is Wild! Parsing Lue #8" Luis Elizondo Reveals Shocking Information About Skinwalker Ranch! This is Wild! Parsing Lue #8 2,518 views Jun 23, 2021 Luis Elizondo Reveals Shocking Information About Skinwalker Ranch! This is Wild! Parsing Lue #8 From: Transcript: [Music] okay lou elizondo just talked about skin walker ranch i'm very excited to bring this to you today because luis elizondo and skinwalker ranch are two of the subjects i am most interested in regarding the paranormal and when lou was asked about skinwalker ranch in a recent interview he had a surprising amount to say about it and he goes into some pretty deep stuff okay before i get into it please hit like please subscribe and share in social media and as i'm going through it please comment below and let me know what you think this is part of the series that i call parsing lou where i take little snippets that luis elizondo has said in various interviews and examine them in greater detail let's see what lou has to say about skinwalker ranch in the recent interview this is a longer answer than he normally gives and he goes into some pretty interesting stuff so be patient and let's hear what lou has to say about the real life twilight zone as for skinwalker in general you just think your statement is there is something that's going bump in the night or you think there is nothing more can be said about that i'm hugely interested in skinwalker you know uh current at some point more is to be revealed yeah you know i it's i don't want to go down any rabbit holes prematurely i'll do that you know this this is a very this is a very complex universe we live and it's a system and we're learning more and more about the reality of life and the transition of what birth means and the transition of what death means and you know human consciousness and human spirit and whatnot and you know suffice it to say we probably really don't have a very good handle right now on on understanding um what lies beyond our five senses i've said this before we have five fundamental senses for which we we judge our environment if you can't touch it taste it here smell it or you know feel whatever it doesn't exist and yet the reality is 99.9 of the universe lies well beyond our our ability to sense these things we have wi-fi signals coursing through your body every moment of every day we have cosmic radiation coming from the cosmos we've got neutrinos that are flooding your body from the sun we've got cellular signals and radar signatures the local airport and all these are real and i tell people if you want to know the reality of the universe look at a night sky one night look how pretty it is now take a radio telescope and look at that same night sky look at it through infrared look at it through ultraviolet and you're going to see things you've never seen before and so by definition 99 of our our knowable universe we can't even proceed and then when you look at the scale of the universe i've said this before if you look at you know the group i was corrected recently that the visible galaxy known universe is about 90 some uh billion light years across even though it's only been around 13.7 billion light years we think uh that the actual for the the seeable universe right now around us is about 97 billion light years and as big as that is in terms of us being this little tiny thing stuck in the middle of it there is equally that amount of space relative space inside every one of us if you look at an atom which is 1 times 10 to the minus 26 inside the mole compare that to to the human body we have that same that same amount of space inside every one of us there's a whole universe inside of us and so so the scale in which we live unless something is 50 feet in front of our face we'll never be able to interact with anything that is an order of magnitude above us or below us we can't even see the cells in our bodies without a microscope so so there are these realities all around us that constantly that exists that we are part of and yet we cannot interact with and by that definition 99.9 of the universe falls outside of the realm of our perception so who's to say that that all of reality needs to fit neatly within the very narrow spectrum of the electro-optical electro-optical frequency that we call visible light when we know that that's not true same thing with acoustics same thing with electromagnetics anything with everything and i think it's foolhardy for science to presume that that everything can be explained through the fundamental five senses of the scale in which we live because we know that's not true look at dark energy and dark matter most of the universe can't even be seen it's right it's even the fundamental forces right right strong force weak force electromagnetism right so so you know i i think we need to remember if you are truly a scientist we must remain open to the fact that that we are judging our environment through a very very narrow lens uh it's like watching a sitting up on the bleachers watching a football game at the very very highest part of bleachers and watching the whole game through a soda straw you're gonna miss most of it so that would be my that'd be my uh my two cents okay interesting lou lou seems to get very metaphysical and very spiritual in this answer to what is going on at skinwalker ranch he talks about the transition of human birth and the transition of human death now it's interesting that he brings up the transition of human birth which makes me think of reincarnation if you've studied near-death experiences you will have come across reincarnation not in a particularly religious context but simply as a way that things seem to work i have never believed in reincarnation and i do not like the idea of reincarnation i want to be me i don't want to be somebody else but having studied near-death experiences extensively reincarnation seems to be a fact that doesn't mean everybody gets reincarnated necessarily but it is a very common thing seemingly i'm not trying to tell anybody what to believe about anything this is just according to the research that i have done on near-death experiences i highly recommend diving into that subject and finding out what there is to learn because i do think it has a lot to do with what we're seeing in the phenomenon near-death experiences get very trippy and very weird but when you study them the experiencers of these near-death experiences sometimes they will go to other worlds and they will encounter what they believe are alien beings or even recalled being alien beings and past lives there is a big alien e.t visitor crossover with the spiritual i know that's really weird and that's going to be off-putting for some people uh man you know again i'm not telling you what to believe i encourage you to dive into that subject and explore it for yourself and come to your own conclusions but according to my research there is a big crossover between what we call the alien and what we call the spiritual it gets very strange very metaphysical very hard to wrap your head around one of my favorite voices on this subject is whitley striver is it streeper or striver i'm going with strieber although that'll probably be wrong i'm going with striver anyway whitley's wife tragically passed away a few years ago and since then she has spoken to him and they have actually co-authored one or more books together i know i know and yet a lot of the experiences whitley has had have been corroborated and i tend to trust whitley that doesn't mean everything he says is the gospel truth but i think that he is not intentionally misleading us on anything he is reporting things as he believes them to be his wife ann streiber told him that this reality that we exist in our realm our plane of existence is only on the skin of reality and that the visitors come from somewhere deeper within that corresponds to what a lot of alien abductee say such as the famous quantum computer guru deep prasad who is an alien contactee and abductee i think he prefers to be called a contactee although i don't think he was given much of a choice in the contact he says that when he was taken aboard the aliens or the visitors ship that it felt like he was going to a deeper level of reality and he is not the only one that has said this all of which is to say there's a lot of metaphysical spiritual stuff to the phenomenon or there seems to be and that is very much what lou is getting at here he is talking about the transition of birth and death and how we cannot perceive the most of the reality around us he gives a long answer but that is basically the gist of it he is diving into more spiritual metaphysical matters and that is his answer to what is going on at skinwalker ranch so he seems to believe this is more if you want to call it supernatural than scientific supernatural aka paranormal to me paranormal just means science we don't understand yet but science i include in that the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of all of this anyway a fascinating answer from luis elizondo about skinwalker ranch of course he doesn't come to any definitive conclusions but then who can't but from what he's seen apparently he believes skinwalker ranch has something to do with the human soul or the spiritual aspects of all of this what that could be is anybody's guess but i thought that was an incredibly interesting response and i would love to know what he knows about this of course he might be privy to some of the osap information atip was an outgrowth or spur of offset as i understand it that story has changed a couple of times so i'm not entirely sure what the real version of events are but for now i'm going to go with atip being an outgrowth of awesap at any rate the two are connected and some of the people that were part of all set became part of atip and now some of those same people are part of the uap task force so lou might have some inside knowledge on what the ned's team with the bass team what all sap studied at the ranch and what some of those results may or may not have been and it does not look like his takeaway was a scientific answer he's not saying there's an alien base under the ranch so what is under the ranch what's above the ranch what is the ranch the mystery has just deepened and i love it i can't wait until the day when we find out more about what is really going on if you've enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up i would really appreciate it hit the subscribe button and please hit the bell next to it to be notified of future videos and don't forget to comment below what do you think about luis elizondo's incredible comments on skinwalker ranch until next time cosmic road out [Music] you