YouTube Channel: "8 News Now — Las Vegas" Video Title: "Web Extra: Full interview with Lue Elizondo" Web Extra: Full interview with Lue Elizondo 89,972 views Dec 14, 2018 Web Extra: Full interview with Lue Elizondo From: Transcript: does anybody at the organization to you or your colleagues there pay any attention to the chatter well I think as human beings we it's natural you know that that that you pay attention to some degree what people are saying it's good for many perspectives also good you know frankly it's it's good common common common sense if you're trying to run a business from a business perspective right I think it's important you need to you know need to know what customers and consumers are saying but at the same time you cannot allow yourself to be detracted from your mission by by these voices right so if there's a legitimate concern of course you want to address it but in the same respect there's a lot of people who are who are impatient for information and rightfully so I get it we're human beings we want our information we want it now and why are you holding back but but sometimes you have to let the right people in the right positions digest information right sometimes you can't expect a ten-course meal to be digested all in one bite it just can't happen and for some people this this UAP issue they're really learning about it for the first time despite what they may have seen on popular TV or something like that or you know maybe on a movie this is really the first time they're being told hey listen Jack or Jane this is a serious topic this is something that your Department of Defense has been tracking you probably want to learn a little bit more about what's going on on what they're seeing can you say much how what can you say about what comes next you've dropped hints that big stuff is coming next year at 2019 give me some areas where people might hear some news sure so well you know when you say something big is coming what does that mean what can mean a whole bunch of things from my perspective my goal has always been being able to get the right information to the right people in the right places that's really what what it is about for me and informing those individuals so decisions can be made so we can really take a look at this issue from from a holistic a collective perspective and then have that information get to a point where now the government's doing its job and informing people right so it shouldn't it shouldn't be world according to Louisa Lizardo shouldn't be loo informing everybody it should be those in those positions that have that authority to inform the American people and my job is to facilitate that process but I think in the course of doing that we've made significant progress in certain key areas I think we have a a much better understanding of the breadth and scope that the Department of Defense has played in recent times not not historical back to talk 40s and 50s I'm talking very recent regarding the UFO phenomena I think people would be surprised to know just how frequent and and the volume in which these things are apparently recorded and observed by active-duty military people on missions around the world by the way there's also some very interesting I think congruence some some interesting relationships that are just now really coming into light for the very first time new information that I think if people found out would be very very surprised I think some people might be a little bit apprehensive and scratch their head and say wow what does that mean for the rest of us other people might say aha I told you so right so it depends on on who in the audience will be relisting but i think i think there's something for everybody i think at the end of the day information is information and you're gonna do with that information whatever it is you want to do with it that's not up for me to decide that's not for you to decide that's up for the audience to decide ultimately I think it's about informing informing the people informing informing individuals about what we have had discovered is there a form of physical evidence as indisputable that we're going to know about I think there's a lot of things out there that we're looking into to include tangibles tangibles in a real sense that will hopefully allow us to have a more comprehensive conversation I don't want to lead the cart before the horse there's a lot of analysis there's a lot of homework that needs to be done and the the probably the most irresponsible thing that I could do right now is say one thing one way and it turns out to be some something else so so we remain you know cautiously optimistic right and we're gonna leave no stone unturned and so far the stones that we have turned over some have yielded some really pretty fantastic results but we still have a lot more stones to to turn over your first year you've taken a lot of lumps from some crowds including some of your former colleagues has that turned around a little bit are there now doors that have opened terms of interest in this if you can and address that at all without giving something away yes that there there is definitely I can say as a matter of fact there seems to be finally a a slight turning of the tide there are now individuals that are more receptive to having the conversation than they were even just a year ago and and data is is is forthcoming so that's a good thing I mean data is beginning to flow in the direction it's supposed to flow in and and decisions can now finally be made that need to be made so that's that's that's a in fact from my perspective that's that's a huge accomplishment but at the same time we also have to respect these individuals privacy we have to respect their their their their professional positions and allow them to collect as much data as they can before they may really do anything with it keep in mind there's a lot of data out there right and it would be almost a dereliction of duty for anybody to make a decision preemptively without having all the the necessary data in front of them