FSSCC Releases Automated Cybersecurity Tool

Created on 2015-11-09 23:58

Published on 2015-11-10 00:09

From the ABA Banking Journal, November 9, 2015:

"To assist financial institutions in collecting and scoring responses to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Cybersecurity Assessment Tool, the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council has released an Automated Cybersecurity Assessment Tool.

"Developed with the collaboration of industry trade associations and members — including from ABA — the FSSCC tool uses language specific to the inherent risk profile categories and cyber maturity levels articulated in the FFIEC tool and incorporates it into a user-friendly Excel spreadsheet that indicates risk criteria and cyber maturity levels. The spreadsheet can then automatically calculate these results into a series of graphs and charts to illustrate where users may need to improve their preparedness efforts.

ABA staff and members were involved in the development of this industry tool. For more information, contact ABA’s Heather Wyson-Constantine."

ABA members can get a copy of the tool here (requires login).  You can also get a copy of the tool as of today on the FSSCC's webpage (www.fsscc.org) or direct link here.

It was great working with the FSSCC members, to include the ABA and FS-ISAC, on this utility which will help financial institutions to work with the new FFIEC Cybersecurity Self-Assessment Tool.

See full article here: http://bankingjournal.aba.com/2015/11/fsscc-releases-automated-cybersecurity-tool/